Friday, February 28, 2025



been doin Drew?"

"Oh not much 

just sitting around 

cross-referencing bible verses

 that nobody else 

did in 1900 years,

And You?"

Daniel 9:26 Again . (My buddy is in the background yellin' "More Yet!) :-)


Matthew Henry 



Joel 2:28-29

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

(The outpouring of the Spirit when the time is right)

"The effect of this blessing: They shall prophesy; they shall receive new discoveries of divine things, and that not for their own use only, but for the benefit of the church. They shall interpret scripture, and speak of things secret, distant, and future, which by the utmost sagacities of reason, and their natural powers, they could not have any insight into nor foresight of."

Once again:

Daniel 9:26

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

Revelation 12:15

And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

Those weren't cross-referenced either.

That's two in two days.

Friday, February 28, 2025

(Actually came to light on 2/27.)


Daniel 7:24

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten Kings that shall rise: and another shall rise after them, and he shall be unlike to the first, and he shall subdue three Kings,

Revelation 16:19

19 And the great city was divided into three parts: and the cities of the nations fell: and that great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Thats why I feel like I got hit

by a freight train  some times.

Stuff just like that.

Daniel 9:26


"It is essential that we stand back from our presumptions and prejudices and listen carefully to what the Biblical text is telling us. We are living in exciting times, but we need to be diligent in our study of God’s Word. The only certain barrier to truth is the presumption that we already have it."


Chuck Missler 2009

Daniel 9:26

And after threescore and two weeks 

shall Messiah be cut off, 

but not for himself: 

and the people 

of the prince 

that shall come 

shall destroy the city 

and the sanctuary; 

and the end thereof 

shall be with a flood,

(Revelation 12:15

And the serpent cast out of his mouth water 

as a flood after the woman,

(The Wisdom responsible for Christ Last Church)

 that he might cause her 

to be carried away of the flood.

(Satans hope is that people will get lost

in the torrents of dis/misinformation

and not pay attention to her truth.)

 and unto the end of the war

(The cosmic/spiritual one of 

Good vs Evil) 

desolations are determined.

(verse is about the Antichrist, 

forget about

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

That's already happened.

Law of double intention, 

wrap your head around it.)

This verse in Daniel is used to support the notion

that whoever destroyed the temple the last time around

(Roman Legionnaires, 70 AD)

will be the same ones who destroy it 

this time around.

Now let us consider a few things:

Turkey As The Antichrist Nation Seven Scriptural Proofs – Turkey Fallen To The Islamists

(Link from: 

Friday, August 25, 2017


The link to the article

(not the blog post)

is no longer there, 

I have looked for it for years now.

It got "white-washed" a long time ago.

I wonder why that is?)

"The historian Josephus, who witnessed the destruction of the temple by the Romans in 70 AD. noted that while it was the Roman Legion who destroyed the temple, the legion was based out of Antioch (Our favorite place again, Turkey) and consisted mainly of  Arab and Turkish conscripts from that area."

And from another source:

From which nations did the Roman soldiers who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. come from (bearing in mind that the Empire was immense and that many of the Roman Soldiers were not natives of Rome)?

Phillip Wynn

Ph.D. in Medieval Europe & Theology, 

University of Notre Dame (Graduated 2011)

"One unit that took part in the siege of Jerusalem, Legio X Fretensis, seems to have been stationed at Zeugma on the eastern frontier, located in modern Gaziantep province 

in Turkey. Presumably recruited from locals, they would be what the Romans would have called Syrians, whose native language would have been Aramaic. Legio XII Fulminata was also stationed nearby and probably also composed of Syrians. Legio V Macedonica had been stationed in the Balkans until shortly before the Jewish War, so they would have been Roman provincials, speaking either Greek or Latin. Legio XV Apollinaris had likewise been stationed elsewhere until shortly before the war, at Carnuntum on the Danube near modern Vienna, so they would likely have spoken Latin, recruited from the provincial inhabitants of Pannonia."

"These are the regular Roman army units known to have participated in the siege. It is likely that auxiliary units also participated, but our main source Josephus sheds little light on them. Such auxiliary units had been the garrison for Judaea before the revolt, and indications are they had been recruited from pagan Hellenes and Syrians, and also Samaritans. Many of the units known from epigraphy and papyri are not attested from after the war, indicating they had been destroyed during it."


back in the day:


"consisted mainly of  Arab and Turkish conscripts from that area."

(From the article not on the web any more)

Daniel 9:26

"...and the people 

of the prince 

that shall come 

shall destroy the city 

and the sanctuary;..."

Here is where our 


left out of on his march

 to take control of Syria:

If you're going:

 Oh S&$+?

So was I 

when I saw the map of where 

Antioch was located.

I thought it was way farther away than that.


Matthew 24:1-2

24 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Western Wall

Not exactly:

"There shall not be left here 

one stone upon another, 

that shall not be thrown down"

completed in 70 AD now was it?

"It is essential that we stand back from our presumptions and prejudices and listen carefully to what the Biblical text is telling us. We are living in exciting times, but we need to be diligent in our study of God’s Word. The only certain barrier to truth is the presumption that we already have it."


Chuck Missler 2009



I was growing up?

This is what we were taught.

And now that its here?

Nobody wants to believe it!


Revelation 17:17

For God hath put in their hearts 

to fulfil his will, 

and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, 

until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

"Thus the plan of the ages unfolds majestically, 

and Scripture indicates that God sovereignly permits

 the increment of wickedness 

until the cup of iniquity overflows."

(Honey says were at the rim BTW:-).

Again that is from:

17. The Destruction Of Ecclesiastical Babylon

To fight against it?

Is to not understand 

that it is supposed to be happening.

To think that  a political leader 

could change or alter it?

Is to not understand,

you are fighting against God's will.

You don't understand scripture.

You don't understand end-time prophecy.

And most important of all?

You don't understand 

that this is the beginning 

of the clearing of evil

from this Satanic World System.

 Praise God Glory Halleluiah

his promises come true.

If you can just wrap your head around the fact its all supposed to be happening just like it is?

Revelation 17:17

For God hath put in their hearts 

to fulfil his will, 

and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, 

until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

And that the battle is already won

 and the ending never in doubt?

Then and only then 

will you find peace in your world today.

I pray you do.

I really do.

Did a Google search



 "the four beast of revelation."

Here is what was returned:

First of all that is an:

"AI Overview".

Second of all?

its only three, not four beast.

"The dragon

is substituted 

for the Woman on "the Scarlet Beast".

(Revelation 17:3)

And most telling of all?

"The beast from the Abyss" 

(Revelation 11:7)

is completely left out left out.


Some might ask?

Oh, IDK but I dare say:

"Each of the three entities is described as a beast. Only Satan himself actually comes from the abyss."

had something to do with it.


17. The Destruction Of Ecclesiastical Babylon

Still don't think AI is Satanic?


Check this out then:

Two AI chatbots speaking to each other in their own special language is the last thing we need

February 25, 2025

"There are now so many AI chatbots out there handling customer service that two of them are bound to dial each other up, and now, if they do, 

they can do it in their own special, sonic language.

Developers at the ElevenLabs 2025 Hackathon recently demonstrated GibberLink. Here's how it works, according to a demonstration they provided on YouTube.

Two AI agents from ElevenLabs (we've called them the best speech synthesis startup) call each other about a hotel booking. When they realize they are both AI assistants, they switch to a higher-speed audio communication called GGWave. According to a post on Reddit, GGWave is "a communication protocol that enables data transmission via sound waves."

In the video, the audio tones that replace spoken words sound a bit like old-school modem handshake protocols.

It's hard to say if GGWave and Gibberlink are any faster than speech, but the developers claim the GGWave is cheaper because it no longer relies on the GPU to interpret the speech and can instead rely on the less resource-intensive CPU.

What are they saying?!

A pair of Artificial intelligence Assistants "speaking" their unintelligible language sounds like a recipe for disaster. 

The entire concept of AI 

was a recipe for disaster

from the get-go.

You dont get to invent life 

that God didnt intend to be here.

It led to catastrophe the last time around.

Genesis 6:1-4.

And it most assuredly will this time as well 

and way faster than anybody is currently thinking.

“Another reason that an understanding of Genesis 6 is so essential  is that it also is a prerequisite to understanding (and anticipating) Satan's devices and, in particular, the specific delusions to come upon the whole earth as a major feature of end-time prophecy.”


Chuck Missler



in the world

did these not get referenced together?

Daniel 7:24

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten Kings that shall rise: and another shall rise after them, and he shall be unlike to the first, and he shall subdue three Kings,

Revelation 16:19

19 And the great city was divided into three parts: and the cities of the nations fell: and that great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Speaking of which,

Anybody found:

Luke 21:22

For these be the days of vengeance, to fulfill all things that are written.


Zechariah 11:1

1 Open thy doors, O Lebanon, and the fire shall devour thy cedars.

Or is it still just my Bible, honeys bible and the Bible where we worship that has it in it?

Just curious.

Isaiah 11:11



Isaiah 11:11

New International Version

11 In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush,[a] from Elam, from Babylonia,[b] from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.


a. Isaiah 11:11 That is, the upper Nile region

b. Isaiah 11:11 Hebrew Shinar

Now lets see 

what they said back in the 1600's:

Isaiah 11:11

1599 Geneva Bible

11 And in the same day shall the Lord stretch out his hand [a]again the second time, to possess the remnant of his people, (which shall be left) of Assyria, and of Egypt, and of Pathros, and of Ethiopia, and of Elam, and of Shinar, and of Hamath, and of the isles of the sea.


Isaiah 11:11 For God first delivered his people out of Egypt, and now promiseth to deliver them out of their enemies’ hands as from the Parthians, Persians, Chaldeans, and them of Antiochia, among whom they were dispersed: and this is chiefly meant of Christ, who calleth his people being dispersed through all the world.

Satan is doing anything and everything he can to diminish the role of these people.

The first convert to Christianity 
outside of the Holy Land 
was the Ethiopian eunuch

And he was Jewish, 
why else would he have had a scroll
of the Book Of Isaiah?

Thursday, February 27, 2025



you are a preacher?

And you are saying 

it is the start of the end-times?

(Now some of em are back tracking already and saying it all gets better for a while...Poor brainwashed victims of the Imperial Emperor Cult.)




Cause mine is:

And he participated in 

this sack of lies:


I still got about 36 questions that haven't been answered
 about that day and where are the results
 from all the investigation into those attempts?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Just tell us what doctor you went to, 
or who signed the" shooter"s death certificate.

Cant even do that.
There is a reason he has you so snowed that you just cant believe 
what I am telling you, and that's because he is who I am telling you he is!




He is Also responsible for this:

DOGE employee Edward Coristine lands at CISA with DHS email

"It (
CISA, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) also paused election security activities and put staff focused on countering mis-and disinformation on administrative leave"


Because the torrents 

(the noun torrent literally means "rushing stream," it often describes fast-flowing water, like a rainstorm or creeks and rivers that overflow their banks.)

of untruths are about to flood

this country from his  

and his prodigies,


like you can not even believe.

Revelation 12:15

Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent.

To try and make it so that the wisdom that sets up Christ Last Church gets lost in all the dis/mis-information.

So one more time all you social media preacher phenoms, 


(Or might as well be, a few weeks or months out at the most technically.)


So who is yours?

Ill tell ya right now,

whoever yours is?

Mine TRUMPS him.

Pun intended, deal with it.



have been witnessing it.

"They will walk in unprecedented revelatory power that will even put the first century apostles to shame..."

"He is releasing secrets that He has reserved from the beginning of the foundation of the earth-secrets and mysteries that even Daniel saw and John saw that were sealed up and held in reserve...Paul Keith Davis."

"...even as the book of Revelation promises blessings to those who read, hear and take the book to heart, so there will be blessings to those who apply themselves to prophetically understand the Lord's end time purpose."

"...this age will be much more conductive to Christian mysticism. However thanks to the advances of rational thought, these post-mystics will posse a clearer intellect and safer theological understanding through which to experience the divine than ever before. The spirit and the mind of redeemed mankind will function at levels of cohesion never before realized. Mysteries will unfold like gangbusters."

"Science is a gift from God 

and true science 

was never an enemy of faith."

(Missler Commentaries anybody?)

"We need intellectual Christians...whom have amassed great reservoirs of learning, yet who are foremost yielded to the spirit of God. The world is afraid of an intellectual Christian because he gives rational credence to his life of faith."

Im not even going to bother looking for all the links, quotes etc, it's an AI time waster a lot of times, but just consider the following:

Genesis 6 Interpretation.

Revelation 20:4-6 Interpretation.

UAP are the locust from the deep.

AI will be "The" (there are many) Antichrist.

(Revelation 13:11-18)

Gobekli Tepe is Noahs temple.

(Its why they are stopping excavations.)

Consciousness is in the frequencies.

DNA info quantum tunnels from black holes.

(Psalm 139:15

My frame was not hidden from you

    when I was made in the secret place)

Explained why evil spirits needed bodies in Christ time

(Spirits of the Nephilim etc.)

Just on and on and on okay?

So excuse me,

if I feel a lil bit like Noah

and the storm clouds are all around us

and the members of the congregation 

(supposed believers, 7 out of 10 

which don't believe in the resurrection,

its why I dont mind to piss you off.)

are like:

"Why is he bothering to build a boat?"

Just cause you dont wanna believe it?

Dont mean it aint so.


Rev 17:17


You should really wrap your heads around it,

quick like in a hurry my buddy used to say.

Revelation 17:17

For God hath put in their hearts 

to fulfil his will

and to agree, 

and give their kingdom 

(The earth)

unto the beast, 

(One whole with four parts)

until the words of God 

shall be fulfilled.

Whose hearts?

Are fulfilling Gods will here exactly?

The False Prophet.

(Beast of the sea)

The Antichrist.

(Beast of the land, 

both in Revelation 13).

The beast, both of those listed above

 as well as the one from the abyss 

Revelation 11:7,

and the one the scarlet woman rides on

Revelation 17:7.

The ten kings without a kingdom

Revelation 17:12

All of that?

 Here right now.


Our lifetime.





Get a grip!

Because this is how it starts

when the earth gets cleaned of evil.

No man, or robot, or AI, 

or synthetic human

or anything else, 

is going to ever stop it.

Find your way out of the 

Imperial Emperor Cult

(A man is somehow 

going to right this ship, basically)

that you might find yourself in.


Gonna stop Gods will?


At some point in time?

Your willful ignorance 

of the situation we are in? 

Becomes complicity 

with the wrong team.

That time is fast approaching

if not already here.






Some are just in over their heads as they are not familiar or comfortable with the subject matter, others? ARE knowingly and purposely misleading the faithful.




(From last week BYW)

"There comes a time 
when an artist cant follow the crowd.
You have to be you
and make the crowd follow you."

(Happening, but who we are following is Christ.)



(From their opening shows at MSG with The Commodores.
Sold-out BTW)

(That is too...)

Yeah we did.


Also truth!

Not so much the truth lol.

Ort Cloud news.

Feb 26th. 2025


Its really not that difficult to grasp.

Care what "they" think?
And you will always be 
"their" prisoner.

No Thanks.

Read that again.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

Calvin Coolidge.

Favorite quote of all time BTW.

Cause you'll still be standing 
when everybody else gave up.


65000 cross-references
and apparently still finding them.

Hows it feel being Musk bootlicker
there fryboy?

Dont kid yourself,
It's not like they didnt have a reason to make it.

How light really.

Righton Babe.


It's really not.

Pale horse anybody?
Hell right behind.
More Muslims have killed Muslims 
than anybody else has
Kinda speaks volumes actually.

Yeah dont be like that.
It's just really not the time.
Not that there ever is...:-).

Just to get RNA 
for a few seconds in a lab.
RNA-World crap?
Yeah, nah...

See comment above lol.

If you don't have a proper understanding of Genesis 6?
(The Sethian view is indefensible BTW)
Then you will never completely understand 
what is going on in your world right now.

“Another reason that an understanding of Genesis 6 is so essential  is that it also is a prerequisite to understanding (and anticipating) Satan's devices and, in particular, the specific delusions to come upon the whole earth as a major feature of end-time prophecy.”

Chuck Missler.

Were already livin it.
Ya might as well 
understand it.

Depiction of the resonance between Neptune's moons Naiad (whose orbital motion is shown in red) and Thalassa, in a view that co-rotates with the latter.

Order does not descend
from chaos.

Only a transcendent 
(beyond or above the range of normal 
or merely physical human experience.)
can make it so.

Dont mind if I do.

Sign sign, everywhere a sign...