if a guy is slow dancing with you?
Stopping in the woods to pick wildflowers for you etc?
Then dont ever tell him
he aint romantic.
If you wish
for that type of behavior to continue?
Then you gotta do your part
to make the man feel like he should
be doing those things
willingly for you.
(Because bustin his balls every time you see a chance
doesn't really make things work out to well in that regard.)
Because if you're not gonna do your part?
Then what incentive does the man have
to keep doing his?
I got all night babe.
Come splain it to me.
"I dont have to do
what I said I would
but you have to
continue doing everything
I want you too."
Not from a long way.
It dont work like that.
Not by a long shot.
The only thing honey is mad about is I got enough balls to call her out about it.
That is it and she knows it.
She'll hate it for a few days,
and then she will come to her senses and be glad she aint got some chump that just lets her walk all over him. Cause that wont work and she knows it.
But its how you get the good ones
hook line and sinker.
I promise you it is.
Long time ago
I told her I really liked her and I wanted to get to know her better after we had went for a walk one night.
She text me she didnt feel the same.
I text
And just left it at that.
Not another word.
I laughed too actually
when I sent the text,
I really did, I chuckled.
I thought in my messed up head:
"Woman? My home is 90 miles away from where I work midnights. Im a single parent, I have a motorcycle. My plate is a lil full. So if you don't feel the same (even though I knew better) then so be it."
The smartest thing I ever did
was to ignore her
right then when she said that.
Because the next day she was standing right here
nervous af, when I pulled into the parking garage, and I knew she knew where I parked, I had told her, and I knew she knew roughly what time too.
So I just laughed.
Seriously, chuckled.
I thought:
"not interested huh?
Yeah...looks like it :-).
Nice to know.
(Not to mention the other two times she got busted in the parking garage, but those are different stories.)
The point about this story is:
and letting that be it?
Increased the attraction level
about 500%.
They always want the one
(if he is high quality/solid etc)
that aint afraid to walk away from em.
Rattles their brain a lil bit.
They think a lil along the lines of:
"What is with this guy?
This is different."
Which is exactly
100% what you want.
So one of our realities is fine,
one of em is made expressly for
YouTube channel horseshit.
It aint really very hard
to figure out
which one is which.
I love you babe.
And honey?
If I can deal with this crap for 14 years?
I figure you could use a lil bit
of your own
to put up with by now.
Get a clue.
People know whats up.
Why even bother anymore?
I love you.
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