Friday, February 21, 2025



you are preaching

that it is the end times?

Or that they are just about here?

Then who is your false prophet?

(We can skip:

The Two witnesses, 

The Anti-Christ, 

and the Beast from the Abyss 

and others for now.)

Just tell me who your False Prophet is.

Because if you cant even do that?

Then why should I believe you 

about anything else you might say

 about the end of this age?


Does he have his own 

Social Media platform 

from which to spread his lies?

Does he call it 
the exact opposite 
of what it really is?


People? You have got to wake up to the dystopian, Orwellian nightmare you find yourselves in. You have got to suspend the disbelief.

Did your false prophet ever say anything remotely close to something like this?

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

That wasn't him talking  
but rather the Demon behind him 
voicing his opinion.



IN EVERY AGE of human history and in every phase of daily life demons have played a tremendous and very important role. In no realm is their activity more significant than in the sphere of human government. 

("All governments are illegal" RNM)

In this area possibly more than in any other field of their operation their activity has frequently not been clearly discerned or even partially understood. Their invisible nature, their close and inseparable identity with their visible human agents, and the supernatural character of their operations have combined to clothe them and their wicked machinations and evil enterprises in ominous mystery. Innumerable multitudes without the light of divine revelation, and other multitudes possessing the Bible, but uninitiated into the truths of the "mystery of lawlessness" (II Thess. 2:7), cannot get beyond "flesh and blood" (Eph.6:12). They can see only the human actors upon the stage of history. 

(Yeah lil heads up,
don't be like that.)

Wicked rulers, ruthless dictators, tyrants, oppressors, kings, governors, and presidents are, to them, the real and only characters in the great drama of life as it affects the political realm. They have no idea at all of the unseen realm of evil personalities, energizing and motivating their human agents. "The principalities ... the powers ... the world rulers of this present darkness," and "the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12, R.S.V.) are, so far as they are concerned, mere theological nonentities with which they do not reckon. However, in the realm of human government the unseen personalities of the evil supernatural sphere are just as real and active as their visible human agents, and any deeper interpretation of human history, tracing in it a divine purpose and goal, must take into account the invisible yet very real realm of spirit. Thus interpreted, human history is seen to be not merely an account of human activities and events independent of spiritual forces, but a continuous interaction of spiritual and human personalities, in which demons play a prominent part.

"Although demonic activity is prominent in this and preceding ages, and will be augmented as the age draws to a close..."

"...God is permitting Satan under certain restrictions and through his myriads of demon-helpers to work out his own unholy ambition to be like God and to attempt all the functions of God. But Satan's program is foredoomed to failure and destruction and serves to demonstrate to the entire universe the utter folly of a creature attempting to act in independence of and in opposition to the Creator."

Cause mine has his own Social Media platform from which to spread his lies, and he calls it the exactly the opposite of what it is:


and he has said:

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

If you are falling for this nonsense?

Simply put?

You are being delusional.

2 Thessalonians 2:11

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

God is like:

"If yall cant figure out? 
Just how wrong and off base
and far from my teachings
all of this is? 

Then go ahead and believe it then.
See what it gets ya.

Matthew 24:3-4
"... “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Jesus answered: 
Watch out 
that no one 
deceives you."

You are not watching out.

You are not understanding 
what the scripture says 
about Satanic delusion 
at the end of this age.

Somebody is telling you 
everything that you want to hear 
and you are falling for it 
hook line and sinker.

I do my job.
You have been told.

I got my:

Two witnesses, 

The Anti-Christ, 

the Beast from the Abyss.
(and others)

I could talk about each of em 
all day long off the top of my head.

So if you aint even decided 
on who yours are?
You are behind.
Very very Far behind.

Pardon me if I choose not to listen to you
about any of these matters.

Other matters?

These matters?
Absolutely not.

Separated and elevated 
for a reason.

So I can come here 
and tell you 
with 100% confidence 
exactly what is up.

"There comes a time
when an artist 
cant follow the crowd.
You have to be you
and make the crowd 
follow you."


All glory be to God.

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