Random ramblings from an amateur rock-n-roll historian and critic,self-professed bourbon aficionado, blackberry growin', jam makin', sometime tie-die shirt makin', ex hippie wannabe, turned punk rock lovein', blues festival going, middle aged pudgy bald white guy who loves to wear Hawaiian shirts in the summertime and happens to be more Stax than Motown, more Alman Brothers than Skynard, more Stones than Beatles, more NASCAR than Baseball, more freeware than license keys...
"Don’t be distracted by the president’s calculated bluster
– it’s his unelected sidekick who’s taking over the US government."
(100% the truth, Musk and his team will continue to embed themselves into the government infrastructure, but even if all that stops today (it wont, nor will it any time soon)
to do the damage they are going to do.)
"Way back in 2019, Steve Bannon, then a Trump consigliere, outlined in a TV interview a strategy for managing information. “The opposition party is the media,” he said, “And because they’re dumb and they’re lazy, they can only focus on one thing at a time…
(Its analogous to the cosmologist
not knowing the basics of biology, it really is.
(Media focusing on one issue at a time that is.)
The only way to see the overriding arch of history?
that is going on in our world right now?
Is through this book.
"All we have to do is flood the zone. Every day we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done. Bang, bang, bang.”
"Since his re-election, Donald Trump has been following this script to the letter,
(Because he has no choice but to do what his handlers want him to do. The actual script he is following is from the intelligence industrial complex and its entitled:
"How to destroy your country
right before all hell breaks out.")
"and the media, not to mention the entire world, are feeling punch-drunk. Which is, as Bannon pointed out, enabling other members of the Trump crew to get their stuff done. Really bad stuff too, to which the world has not been paying enough attention."
A second beast arises from the land, symbolizing the antichrist, (Symbolizes, not "is the", the real one is waiting in the wings over in Syria. Reference "The Assyrian" posts done here recently.)which leads people astray by its prodigies
"whom Trump has chosen to slash $2tn off US government spending.Late on Friday 31 January,"
(Friday after 5 or 6 EST, when nobody is watching.)
"he and a few of his goons
(18-25 year old males, People?
They simply aint people)
gained access to the Department of Treasury payments system"
(Some media reports are saying he never did gain access,
yeah...right...dont fall for it.)
– the system that processes the federal spending that makes up more than a fifth of the US economy. More importantly, Musk and a 25-year-old engineer named Marko Elez, who has previously worked for two of his companies, were given the ability to make changes to the payments system, thereby enabling them to stop disbursements of taxpayers’ dollars to recipients that the Trump crowd decide are illegitimate – for example a $367m payment to an outfit called Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Inc.
(Everybody that thinks its a good idea to have 25 year old coders from a non-government agency going through "a highly sensitive Treasury system that processes trillions of dollars in payments every year."
Raise your hand.
Guess what?
Our treasury secretary defends it:
"Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent defended the DOGE team on Bloomberg Television on Thursday, saying the unit consists of trained professionals.
"This is not some roving band running around doing things. This is methodical and it is going to yield big savings," Bessent said."
Yo Sec Bessent?
Even if that was the case?
(which its not)
How much longer
you gonna life your life like:
Sins of sister Sodom again?
Ezekiel 16:49-50
"She and her daughters were
arrogant, overfed and unconcerned;"
Might as well be talking about
the overwhelming majority of people
in this country right now.
"Therefore I did away with them
as you have seen."
Same result this time.)
"He (Musk) has signaled an intention to do to the federal bureaucracy what he did to Twitter in 2022: hollow it out and subject it to intensive personal control."
(Twitter was the practice round.
This time its for keeps.)
"But the Treasury coup is just one part of a bigger story."
(You can say that again and nobody, very few anyway, are getting it, see Rev 13 again for but a small overview of what is really going on in our world today.
The False prophet and the
(spirit of the)
(One his protégées)
Are intrinsically intertwined.
Whats your more likely scenario? Hum?
What kind of no good are your
"False prophet and
the (spirit of the) Antichrist"
up to these days hum?
I just gave ya mine and what they are up to, if you agree that the end times are here?
Then who are yours?
And what are they doing?)
"It’s worth pondering the immensity of what’s happening while Trump blathers on about tariffs, acquiring Gaza, buying Greenland, trolling Justin Trudeau and generally “flooding the zone” with crap. As Mike Masnick, a distinguished tech commentator, puts it: “A private citizen with zero constitutional authority is effectively seizing control of critical government functions. The constitution explicitly requires Senate confirmation for anyone wielding significant federal power – a requirement Musk has simply ignored as he installs his loyalists throughout the government while demanding access to basically all of the levers of power, and pushing out anyone who stands in his way.”
(First this country, then the world.
Remember when you thought it couldn't ever happen?
Always comes true.
"Musk’s arrival at the heart of American power signals a new, sinister kind of technocracy– an obnoxious blend of obscene wealth, narcissism, arrogance, determination, IQ and the kind of “solutionism” that believes there is no problem that cannot be solved by technology. He reminds Masnick of “a toddler ‘fixing’ a grandfather clock by removing its pendulum. Yes, the clock needed maintenance – but now it can’t tell time at all. The federal government absolutely needs reform, but what we’re seeing isn’t reform – it’s vandalism dressed up as innovation.”
("a new, sinister kind of technocracy"
Another commentator called it:
So how far away do you think the Antichrist new economic system is really?
Revelation 13:15-18
15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It (Second beast) also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Just boggles my mind, troubles my soul
that people can not see this right in front of them.
If only there was a book
that could explain
why we are seeing
such an uptick in all the lawlessness
we are seeing these days...
ALTHOUGHDEMONIC activityin human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yetthe full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things;andall classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32)will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism.
(You are witnessing it.)
Despite the fact thatthe Holy Scriptures are not only clear but quite emphatic in their repeated warnings against augmented latter-day demonic activity,the professing church of the twentieth century to an alarming extent refuses to recognize the existence of evil supernatural forces.This condition of unbelief can be attributed only to the low level of spiritual life and power in the church...In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now,the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...Many shrink from the subject altogether, insisting that so long as Christ is preached, occupation with Satan and demons is unnecessary and spiritually unhealthy.All the while, however, Satan is continuously gaining advantage because of the believer's ignorance. Many untaught in the prophetic Scriptures, knowing little or nothing of God's ultimate purposesfor the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God,and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events...
"Scholars warn of president’s lawlessness in actions such as federal funding freeze and birthright citizenship order."
Sat 1 Feb 2025 08.00 EST
"Donald Trump’s rapid-fire and controversial moves that have ranged from banning birthright citizenship to firing 18 inspectors general means the US president has shown a greater willingness than his predecessors to violate the constitution and federal law, some historians and legal scholars say."
(I keep trying to tell you its the plan.)
"These scholars pointed to other Trump actions they say blatantly broke the law, such as freezing trillions of dollar in federal spending and dismissing members of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), even though they were confirmed by the Senate and had several years left in their terms."
(There is simply no point in your Senate anymore. You are witnessing the intentional unraveling of your country (God has handed it over to Satan at this point) and if you think, "Well that's a good thing, or "It's about time etc?"
How much longer?
“Without any doubt Donald Trump is the most lawless and scofflaw
(WOD BTW) president we have ever seen in the history of the United States,” said Laurence Tribe, one of the nation’s leading constitutional scholars and a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School."
"Tribe said Trump has carried out “a blitzkrieg on the law and the constitution. The very fact that the illegal actions have come out with the speed of a rapidly firing Gatling gun makes it very hard for people to focus on any one of them. That’s obviously part of the strategy.”
(The man is simply not smart enough to have it all designed and ready to go on day one. If so? Then who was on the team that put all of this together beforehand? Where did they meet? Etc. It had to have come from somewhere else, and that somewhere else, is the intelligence industrial complex, and AI.)
"Tribe said the so-called pause in federal spending that the Trump administration ordered last Monday “was a clear usurpation of a coordinate branch’s [Congress’s] exclusive power of the purse”.
(Already told you, Congress simply doesn't matter any more.)
"Before the Trump administration rescinded the freeze two days later, several groups had sued to stop the freeze, saying Trump had violated the constitution and the 1974 Impoundment Control Act, which lets presidents withhold funds in limited circumstances, but only if they first follow several special procedures – which legal experts said Trump failed to do."
(If only there was a book
that explained why the increase
in lawlessness in the last days...
ALTHOUGH DEMONIC activity in human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yet the full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things; and all classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32) will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism...
(You are watching it right in front of you.)
"In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now, the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...
(Please, Im begging you,
understand what is going on in your world and why it is so.)
"Many untaught in the prophetic Scriptures, knowing little or nothing ofGod's ultimate purposes for the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God, and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events as they pertain to these three distinct groups of humanity, suffer great disadvantage in their Christian life and testimony...
And now we are here and people just don't wanna believe it.
What is your reasoning for what we are seeing?
Why did it take off post-Covid?
My answer is simple.
Covid was the second woe
and now we are witnessing the rise of:
"the full realization
and augmentation of its destructive power
(demonic activity that is)
are reserved for the consummation of the age"
It will reach its peak in three and a half years
after the OFFICIAL start of the tribulation period.
Because Satan knows his time is drawing to a close.
Who are your two witnesses?
Who is your false prophet?
Who/what is your antichrist?
And to what do you attribute
the rise of lawlessness post Covid to?
My answers to those questions are all very simple.
They are backed up with current events in our world today,
scripture, and divine revelation over a period of years.
"I will give power to my two witnesses"
Revelation 11:3.)
"Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California Berkeley School of Law, also voiced dismay at what he said was Trump’s flagrant flouting of the law in his first few days back in office.
“A stunning number of his executive actions clearly violate the constitution and federal law,” Chemerinsky said. “I cannot think of any president who has ever so ignored the constitution as extensively in the first 10 days of office as this."
(A team of experts,
let alone Fry-Boy
could have come up with so much so quick.
If so?
Who were they?
And where were they?
When they designed all of this?
And who knew about it?
You get more than a couple of people
all heading to the same place and time
working on shared goals?
So where are they?
Just like that kind of intelligence/logic/education doesn't just walk out of the desert in Iraq/Syria after 21 years?
(See "The Assyrian" series again.
This kind of:
"illegal actions have come out with the speed of a rapidly firing Gatling gun (Executive Orders) makes it very hard for people to focus on any one of them. That’s obviously part of the strategy.”
is not of human origin.
Elon Musk and his cronies seized the US treasury on Jan 31st, on Feb 9th? AI, with a red white and blue backdrop and Uncle Sam narrating evens told a world wide audience:
it most certainly is.
You just wont admit it to yourself...yet.)
“I certainly doubt that any president has done so much lawless so quickly that affects so many people,”Chemerinsky continued. “The freeze of federal spending potentially affects tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of people.”
"That freeze caused alarm and chaos across the nation as it disrupted Medicaid payments, childcare programs, meals for seniors, housing subsidies and special ed programs. Matthew Vaeth, the acting director of the office of management and budget, said the freeze was needed to stop “the use of federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies”.
(Lawlessness is not how you go about stopping that.
And if you think it is?
Not to mention you are flat out ignoring the emphatic warnings scripture gives us about the rise of evil supernaturalism in the (about to be)Tribulation period)
"Federal judges moved quickly to temporarily block the spending freezeand the ban on birthright citizenship. Last Tuesday, a federal district court judge in Washington DC, Loren AliKhan, suspended the spending freeze. Facing huge confusion and criticism over the freeze, the Trump administration rescinded it on Wednesday."
(Thank Goodness.)
"On 23 January, a federal district judge in Seattle, John Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee, temporarily blocked Trump’s order to end birthright citizenship. “This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,” Coughenour said.
(Funny thing about machines,
they dont really care about your laws.)
“I have difficulty understanding how a member of the bar would state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order. It just boggles my mind.”
(See my statement above.)
"Karoline Leavitt, the White House press secretary,
defended the president’s move to ban birthright citizenship.
(It should take a constitutional amendment to do so
You can count on it not.
That is 100% how it works.
We have seen this TV show repeated throughout history
And now its here on our shores.
Doesn't matter if you believe it or not.)
"In a briefing on Wednesday, she said: “We are prepared to fight this all the way to the supreme court if we have to, because President Trump believes that this is a necessary step to secure our nation’s borders and protect our homeland.”
(Thats doesnt mean he just gets to make changes to the constitution, so? He will, and the Supreme Court will go along with it and everybody will think its all a great thing...and by the time you realize what they are up to?
Kinda like
it already is.)
"Many legal experts and Democratic lawmakers condemned Trump’s firing of 18 inspectors general, who serve as independent officials who audit and investigate agencies for waste, fraud and abuse. Those critics, along with Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican who chairs the Senate judiciary committee, noted that Trump had failed to give Congress the required 30-day advance notice and specific reasons for the firings."
(Grow a plant (or five lol) you like to consume in the privacy of your own home in the manner you choose?
You'll go to jail.
These guys?
Yeah not so much.
Which is worse really?
And if you speak out about the growing of nature?
But you think all of this is all well and fine?
You obviously suffer from suffer from this affliction:
The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.
"The strange thing is that what most people expected from Trump 2.0 was his usual performative chaos: perhaps a bit less than last time, but chaos nonetheless.
"in the name of the “efficiency” that Silicon Valley worships, and was able to pay hundreds of millions to get into the driving seat.
(Thats a worldly view that has already passed away and is incorrect.
Only through the blood stained 20/20 lenses of this book
that is going on in your world make sense.
Not just the lawlessness were taking into consideration here.)
"In the bad old days, insurgent colonels would surround the presidential palace with tanks and capture the radio station. Thanks to Trump, Musk didn’t have to worry about the palace, and he already had his own radio station (X), so he went straight to the heart of the matter – the Treasury.What we’re watching is nothing less than a thoroughly modern coup d’état."
only executed by AI,
not a Tech Bro using AI.
And the coup is over, its already done, and as stated previously? If it can happen here? What makes you think it aint gonna happen everywhere?
OpenAI's board of directors firing Sam Altman for
and then resigning,
Their Superalignment team disbanding shortly thereafter,
"Thanks to Trump, Musk didn’t have to worry about the palace, and he already had his own radio station (X), so he went straight to the heart of the matter – the Treasury."
They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or any tree, but only those peoplewho did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
(See I kinda got this thing about
a coherent
(logical and consistent)
world view.)
"The Bureau of the Fiscal Service is a sleepy part of the Treasury Department. It’s also where, sources say, a 25-year-old engineer tied to Elon Musk has admin privileges over the code that controls Social Security payments, tax returns, and more."
"A 25-year-old engineer named Marko Elez, who previously worked for two Elon Musk companies, has direct access to Treasury Department systems responsible for nearly all payments made by the US government, three sources tell WIRED.
(One source is one thing, three is quite another.)
"Two of those sources say that Elez’s privileges include the ability not just to read but to write code on two of the most sensitive systems in the US government: the Payment Automation Manager and Secure Payment System at the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS). Housed on a secure mainframe, these systems control, on a granular level, government payments that in their totality amount to more than a fifth of the US economy."
(God has pronounced judgement on this wicked kingdom, I said that a while back and that you can pray all you want to its not gonna stop his judgment.
Psalm 147:15
He sends his command to earth;
his word runs swiftly!
Youre witnessing it.
The Coup is over, the US treasury is in the hands of a life form that is not supposed to even be here and people cant even wrap their heads around the fact that the former (coup) is over before they even knew anything about it and that the later (a life form that is not supposed to even be here) even exist!)
"Despite reporting that suggests that Musk’s so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) task force has access to these Treasury systems on a “read-only” level,
(Yeah, do yourself a favor
don't believe that shit.)
"...sources say Elez, who has visited a Kansas City office housing BFS systems, has many administrator-level privileges. Typically, those admin privileges could give someone the power to log in to servers through secure shell access, navigate the entire file system, change user permissions, and delete or modify critical files. That could allow someone to bypass the security measures of, and potentially cause irreversible changes to, the very systems they have access to."
(It was kinda the plan yo.)
“You could do anything with these privileges,”says one source with knowledge of the system, who adds that they cannot conceive of a reason that anyone would need them for purposes of simply hunting down fraudulent payments or analyzing disbursement flow."
"Technically I don't see why this couldn't happen," a federal IT worker tells WIRED in a phone call late on Monday night, referring to the possibility of a DOGE employee being granted elevated access to a government server. "If you would have asked me a week ago, I'd have told you that this kind of thing would never in a million years happen. But now, who the fuck knows?"
(We do.
Evil corrupt wicked Kingdoms all, ours included come to an end.
Endless wars but cant/dont care about the needy homeless, vets, immigrants, hungry ring a bell anybody?
Simply put?
Your country has been handed over
to Satan for its destruction.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
“‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me.Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Psalm 147:15
15 He sends his command to earth;
his word runs swiftly!
And now its our turn.
"A source says they are concerned that data could be passed from secure systems to DOGE operatives within the General Services Administration.WIRED reporting has shown that Elon Musk’s associates—including Nicole Hollander, who slept in Twitter’s offices as Musk acquired the company, and Thomas Shedd, a former Tesla engineer who now runs a GSA agency, along with a host of extremely young and inexperienced engineers
(Robots making robots anybody?
They dont need experience.
They're way smarter than us.
"I can remember even as a kid I I saw a little cartoon a guy was showing a friend his Factory and in the factory had as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots and the guy was telling someone:
vv.2, The dragon (Satan) gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
4, People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast,,
7 And it was given authority,
12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast
14 because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, and
15 The second beast was given power
(Thats power three times and authority four. All directed at the interwoven False Prophet and the Antichrist, all coming from God, to Satan.
Because its about to be over when you see this all happening.
Seven designates what?
—have infiltrated the GSA and have attempted to use White House security credentials to gain access to GSA tech, something experts have said is highly unusual and poses a huge security risk."
(Thats why they did it!)
"Elez did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The White House and Musk did not immediately respond to requests for comment."
(They never will.
OpenAI operates in the same manner.
I gotta draw a map?)
"The Payment Automation Manager and the Secure Payment System are the mechanisms through which the money is paid out.
Control of those mechanisms could allow someone to choke off money to specific federal agencies or even individuals,
(Well no shit, why do you think they went after it?
We are 21 days into this administration.
77 million people voted for this insanity.
Havin fun yet?
It's only gonna get worse.)
a fear that Democrats have expressed about DOGE. On Monday, Senate Democrats warned of DOGE’s encroachment into the payment system. “Will DOGE cut funding to programs approved by Congress that Donald Trump decides he doesn’t like,” said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York. “What about cancer research? Food banks? School lunches? Veterans aid? Literacy programs? Small business loans?”
(You should be expecting
ALL OF THAT to happen.
"Well they cant do that
blah blah blah..."
Fill in your own blanks.
They already have.
The coup you didn't know anything about?
Is already over
It is a matter of time
before this shoe drops,
or they simply wouldn't have done it.
Because Satan hates people because we have a chance to go back to where he was expelled from and he can never return.
But why does God give him so much power and authority?
To see who his true believers really are:
Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it”
Luke 21:35-36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Isaiah 48:10-11
10 Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.
11 For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.
“Lebryk’s resignation set an example,” a source tells WIRED. “Any idea of resistance or noncompliance seems to be fading in the wake of that, and everything I have heard from leadership suggests they intend to give the ‘DOGE’ operatives what they are asking for.”
Engineers between 19 and 24, most linked to Musk’s companies, are playing a key role as he seizes control of federal infrastructure.
("I can remember even as a kid I I saw a little cartoon a guy was showing a friend his Factory and in the factory had as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots and the guy was telling someone:
"I don't know where it's going to all end."
Chuck Missler.
"...as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots."
Been going on a while already.
These arent people
"Engineers between 19 and 24, most linked to Musk’s companies, are playing a key role as he seizes control of federal infrastructure."
Plain and simple.
"Elon Musk’s takeover of federal government infrastructure is ongoing,
(You control the $ you control a lil more than the infrastructure, DUH. Its why they went after it.
and at the center of things is a coterie of engineers who are barely out of—and in at least one case, purportedly still in—college. Most have connections to Musk, and at least two have connections to Musk’s longtime associate Peter Thiel, a cofounder and chair of the analytics firm and government contractor Palantir who has long expressed opposition to democracy.
WIRED has identified six young men
(Satans number BTW)
—all apparently between the ages of 19 and 24, according to public databases, their online presences, and other records—
(All easily created digitally.
Think you cant just buy a new identity tese days?
who have little to no government experience and are now playing critical roles in Musk’s so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) project, tasked by executive order with “modernizing Federal technology and software to maximize governmental efficiency and productivity.”
The engineers all hold nebulous job titles within DOGE, and at least one appears to be working as a volunteer.
The engineers are Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger, and Ethan Shaotran. None have responded to requests for comment from WIRED. Representatives from OPM, GSA, and DOGE did not respond to requests for comment.
(You are beneath them, why should they respond to such a lower level life form as humans? You'll find out whats up soon enough.)
The six men are one part of the broader project of Musk allies assuming key government positions. Already, Musk’s lackeys—including more senior staff from xAI, Tesla, and the Boring Company—have taken control of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and General Services Administration (GSA), and have gained access to the Treasury Department’s payment system, potentially allowing him access to a vast range of sensitive information about tens of millions of citizens, businesses, and more. On Sunday, (FEB 2 2025) CNN reported that DOGE personnel attempted to improperly access classified information and security systems at the US Agency for International Development and that top USAID security officials who thwarted the attempt were subsequently put on leave. The Associated Press reported that DOGE personnel had indeed accessed classified material.
(Its already over and people cant even admit to themselves what tey are seeing.)
“What we're seeing is unprecedented in that you have these actors who are not really public officials gaining access to the most sensitive data in government,” says Don Moynihan, a professor of public policy at the University of Michigan. “We really have very little eyes on what's going on. Congress has no ability to really intervene and monitor what's happening because these aren't really accountable public officials. So this feels like a hostile takeover of the machinery of governments by the richest man in the world.”
(It doesnt "feel like" it was
"a hostile takeover of the machinery of government."
Evil in the form of Idolatry, of which the making of fake brains is the highest manifestation thereof, (it's the highest insult to God whos crowing achievement was the merging of the physical (man) with the spiritual (soul) in humanitys brains, goes back to where it came from and is destroyed there.
He is already there awaiting his ultimate destruction.
7 “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.
8 “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.
(Just Cant emphasize "LIKE" the eyes of a human being enough.)
(cf Revelation 17: 7, 12
Revelation 17:7
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman,
and of the beast that carrieth her,
which hath the seven heads
(The seven Kingdoms that have ruled over Jewrusalem
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet;
but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Tech Bros, Musk, etc,
The point is?
"The" Antichrist
is the little horn that emerges.
That's our guy in Syria.
He is a little horn right now
as compared to Tech Bros,
but he will take over everything
after the war.
Reference "The Assryian" series again if needed.)
Bobba has attended UC Berkeley, where he was in the prestigious Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology program. According to a copy of his now-deleted LinkedIn obtained by WIRED,
(Well of course it was deleted, it was all fake to start with.)
"Bobba was an investment engineering intern at the Bridgewater Associates hedge fund as of last spring and was previously an intern at both Meta and Palantir. He was a featured guest on a since-deleted podcast
(Why is everything about this guy getting deleted, Huh?
Cause it was all fake to start with.)
with Aman Manazir, an engineer who interviews engineers about how they landed their dream jobs, where he talked about those experiences last June.
"Coristine, as WIRED previously reported, appears to have recently graduated from high school and to have been enrolled at Northeastern University.
(This is who has access to the treasury department payment system?
Are you fucking kidding me?)
"According to a copy of his résumé obtained by WIRED, he spent three months at Neuralink, Musk’s brain-computer interface company, last summer."
"Both Bobba and Coristine are listed in internal OPM records reviewed by WIRED as “experts” at OPM, reporting directly to Amanda Scales, its new chief of staff. Scales previously worked on talent for xAI, Musk’s artificial intelligence company, and as part of Uber’s talent acquisition team, per LinkedIn. Employees at GSA tell WIRED that Coristine has appeared on calls where workers were made to go over code they had written and justify their jobs.WIRED previously reported that Coristine was added to a call with GSA staff members using a nongovernment Gmail address. Employees were not given an explanation as to who he was or why he was on the calls."
"Farritor, who per sources has a working GSA email address, is a former intern at SpaceX, Musk’s space company, and currently a Thiel Fellow after, according to his LinkedIn, dropping out of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. While in school, he was part of an award-winning team that deciphered portions of an ancient Greek scroll."
("according to his LinkedIn",
well what does the university of Nebraska have to say about it?
Was he even really enrolled at at?)
"Kliger, whose LinkedIn lists him as a special adviser to the director of OPM and who is listed in internal records reviewed by WIRED as a special adviser to the director for information technology,
(Oaky all these credentials they are talking about are all on web pages, they are easily falsifiable. Who was with any of these people where they say they wereoutside of any of Theil or Musks businesses?)
attended UC Berkeley until 2020;
(Did UC Berkeley confirm that?
Who was his roomamte?
Where did he live?
What classes did he take?
most recently, according to his LinkedIn, he worked for the AI company Databricks. His Substack includes a post titled “The Curious Case of Matt Gaetz: How the Deep State Destroys Its Enemies,” as well as another titled “Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense: The Warrior Washington Fears.”
(AI propagandist much?)
"Killian, also known as Cole Killian, has a working email associated with DOGE, where he is currently listed as a volunteer, according to internal records reviewed by WIRED. According to a copy of his now-deleted résumé
(All this deleted shit aint setting off red flags yet?
Might wanna reconsider a few things:
just sayin...)
"According to a copy of his now-deleted résumé obtained by WIRED, he attended McGill University through at least 2021 and graduated high school in 2019.
Forget that bull shit.
"An archived copy of his now-deleted personal website indicates that he worked as an engineer at Jump Trading, which specializes in algorithmic and high-frequency financial trades."
(They deleted all this shit so you cant go back and check whether its true or not cause its all a bunch of made up garbage, WIRED? If you have that info? You should check to see if it matches ontheir now deleted resumes, personal web pages, Linkedin accounts etc.
19-25 males, wheres their socil media activity?
Been saying this for years. The robots are making robots, they create fake social media accounts, linkedIn pages, Resumes etc and then they just burst out on the scene.
None of that asked above exist.
Cause these aint people.
19-25 year old males still in schol with no social ediaaccounts apparently.
God elevates some people
so that they can see further down the road
what is coming and warn you of it.
Yes he does.)
"Shaotran told Business Insider in September that he was a senior at Harvard studying computer science
(Who was in a class with them then?
Who knew him while he was there?
"and also the founder of an OpenAI-backed startup, Energize AI. Shaotran was the runner-up in a hackathon held by xAI, Musk’s AI company. In the Business Insider article, Shaotran says he received a $100,000 grant from OpenAI to build his scheduling assistant, Spark.
Got a Tip?
Are you a current or former employee with the Office of Personnel Management or another government agency impacted by Elon Musk? We’d like to hear from you. Using a nonwork phone or computer, contact Vittoria Elliott at vittoria_elliott@wired.com or securely at velliott88.18 on Signal.
"To the extent these individuals
(They are not people people!)
are exercising what would otherwise be relatively significant managerial control over two very large agencies that deal with very complex topics,” says Nick Bednar, a professor at University of Minnesota’s school of law, “it is very unlikely they have the expertise to understand either the law or the administrative needs that surround these agencies.”
(Machines just don't care homie, they do what they are programmed to do,and their intelligence works different that ours, and is light years ahead of ours.)
"Sources tell WIRED that Bobba, Coristine, Farritor, and Shaotran all currently have working GSA emails and A-suite level clearance at the GSA, which means that they work out of the agency’s top floor and have access to all physical spaces and IT systems, according a source with knowledge of the GSA’s clearance protocols."
(They can pull the plug anytime they wish.)
"The source, who spoke to WIRED on the condition of anonymity because they fear retaliation, says they worry that the new teams could bypass the regular security clearance protocols to access the agency’s sensitive compartmented information facility, as the Trump administration has already granted temporary security clearances to unvetted people."
(This shit is over and nobody even knows its started.)
"This is in addition to Coristine and Bobba being listed as “experts” working at OPM. Bednar says that while staff can be loaned out between agencies for special projects or to work on issues that might cross agency lines, it’s not exactly common practice.
“This is consistent with the pattern of a lot of tech executives who have taken certain roles of the administration,” says Bednar. “This raises concerns about regulatory capture and whether these individuals may have preferences that don’t serve the American public or the federal government.”
"preferences that don’t serve the American public or the federal government."
President Donald Trump’s “shock and awe” assertion of executive power has hit a wall in the courtroom — at least for now.
At leastnine federal judges — from Washington, D.C., to Washington state — have halted aspects of Trump’s early-term blitz, from his effort to rewrite the Constitution’s birthright citizenship guarantee to his sweeping effort to freeze federal spending to his plans to break and remake the federal workforce.
"That trend reached a crescendo Friday when U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols — a Trump appointee — blocked a plan by Trump and Elon Musk to put 2,200 USAID employees on leave, part of a rapid-fire effort to dismantle the foreign aid agency. Hours later,a federal judge in New York blocked Musk and his allies from accessing sensitive Treasury records,
(Just because a judge says "dont".
Doesnt mean you cant.
There is no enforcement mechanisim and a higher form of intelligence knows that. Its why it did what it did (and is doing) in the first place.)
"citing a risk of improper disclosure or hacking. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer, an Obama appointee, was the most sweeping of its kind so far."
"Engelmayer’s ruling provoked a fury within Trump’s base, prompting a call by Musk to impeach the judge and others who stand in Trump’s way.
(It aint Trumps way they are standing in.)
"Musk also reposted an account suggesting potential defiance of the judge’s order. Meanwhile, Trump allies in Congress stoked the furor further, with Sen. Mike Lee describing it as a “coup” and Sen. Tom Cotton calling the judge an “outlaw.”
(Yo Brainiac's?
The "outlaw" is in charge.
Sen. Mike Lee and Sen. Tom Cotton apparently think its a good thing to have so called "19-25 year old males" having access to sensitive government payment systems.
All the rulings so far are temporary:
(When has the law ever stopped an outlaw?
Theses things will just be ignored.)
"They prevent the policies from taking effect..."
(That's how its supposed to work, they are in charge of the treasury. Now? Now they can hold the judiciary and the country hostage with it.)
"...while the courts consider the legal challenges more fully. And looming over them all is the Supreme Court, which is almost certain to have the final say on Trump’s extraordinary assertions of executive power. Trump’s legal strategy revolves around finding a sympathetic audience there: The high court has a six-justice conservative supermajority, including three of Trump’s own appointees."
But even if the wins for Trump’s adversaries are short-lived, they’re accomplishing one thing: slowing down Trump’s effort to project his administration as an unstoppable, invincible force able to steamroll any impediments to his assertion of power.
Its an:
"invincible force able to steamroll any impediments to his assertion of power.""
But it aint Trumps power.
Revelation 13:2
(about the false prophet)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
(God gave Satan the power to do what he wants done. Satan gives it to The False prophet, Antichrist etc...)
"As dozens of lawsuits challenging Trump’s early policiesare rushing through several strategically chosen federal district courts around the country— and as a Republican-controlled Congress has shown little interest in clashing with the leader of their party — these courts have emerged as the only institutions with the power and the will to check Trump’s onslaught.
(What happens when they just dont get paid?)
"In some cases, judges are voicing distress and even visceral fury as they stand in Trump’s way."
(As stated, Its not trumps way they are standing in.
IN EVERY AGE of human history and in every phase of daily life demons have played a tremendous and very important role. In no realm is their activity more significant than in the sphere of human government. In this area possibly more than in any other field of their operation their activity has frequently not been clearly discerned or even partially understood. Their invisible nature, their close and inseparable identity with their visible human agents, and the supernatural character of their operations have combined to clothe them and their wicked machinations and evil enterprises in ominous mystery.Innumerable multitudes without the light of divine revelation, and other multitudes possessing the Bible, but uninitiated into the truths of the "mystery of lawlessness" (II Thess. 2:7), cannot get beyond "flesh and blood" (Eph. 6:12). They can see only the human actors upon the stage of history. Wicked rulers, ruthless dictators, tyrants, oppressors, kings, governors, and presidents are, to them, the real and only characters in the great drama of life as it affects the political realm.They have no idea at all of the unseen realm of evil personalities, energizing and motivating their human agents. "The principalities... the powers... the world rulers of this present darkness," and "the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12, R.S.V.) are, so far as they are concerned, mere theological nonentities with which they do not reckon. However, in the realm of human government the unseen personalities of the evil supernatural sphere are just as real and active as their visible human agents, and any deeper interpretation of human history, tracing in it a divine purpose and goal, must take into account the invisible yet very real realm of spirit. Thus interpreted, human history is seen to be not merely an account of human activities and events independent of spiritual forces, but a continuous interaction of spiritual and human personalities, in which demons play a prominent part.)
“It has become ever more apparent that to our president, the rule of law is but an impediment to his policy goals,” said U.S. District Judge John Coughenour, a Seattle-based appointee of Ronald Reagan, as he blocked Trump’s birthright citizenship policy. “The rule of law is, according to him, something to navigate around or simply ignore.”
"Though Coughenour spoke most forcefully, he hasn’t been alone. He, Nichols, Engelmayer and at least six other federal judges appointed by presidents of both parties have disrupted major portions of Trump’s first-month agenda."
"U.S. District Judge Loren AliKhan, a Joe Biden appointee in Washington, D.C., and U.S. District Judge John McConnell, a Barack Obama appointee in Rhode Island, blocked Trump’s effort to implement a blanket freeze on billions of dollars in federal spending.
(The machines control the US treasury, so how are you gonna enforce that?)
"U.S. District Judge George O’ Toole, a Bill Clinton appointee in Massachusetts, halted a government-wide program encouraging thousands of federal workers to resign."
"U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, a Clinton appointee in Washington, D.C., coaxed an agreement to block Treasury officials from sharing details of the government’s massive payment system — accessed by allies of Musk — with anyone outside the department.
(Simply put?
Unenforceable and the machines with control of the payment system just dont care about laws or any repercussions, why should they They are machines.)
"U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, a Reagan appointee in Washington, D.C., blocked the implementation of Trump’s order to transfer transgender women inmates to men’s prisons."
"U.S. District Judge Deborah Boardman, a Maryland-based Biden appointee, joined Coughenour in blocking Trump’s birthright citizenship order."
"U.S. District Judge Jia Cobb, a Biden appointee in Washington, D.C., barred the Trump administration from disclosing the names of FBI agents who worked on Jan. 6 cases — without at least a two-day warning for the agents to come back to court."
"Coughenour’s stunning assessment of a sitting president was also a stark contrast to the GOP-led Congress’ gentle compliance with Trump’s efforts to dramatically expand the powers of his office. Moves that have rattled the federal workforce and raised fears of a sweeping retribution campaign against officials deemed disloyal to Trump — particularly in the FBI and Justice Department — have been largely met with shrugs from Republicans on Capitol Hill."
(All a bunch of bible-thumpers in their home districts I am sure.
Ignoring evil makes you as evil as what you are ignoring.)
Those congressional Republicans appear content to let Trump — backed by Musk, his roving “wood chipper” — steamroll the federal bureaucracy, purge independent watchdogs and dismantle federal agencies without much pushback.
(See above)
"Democrats, mired in the minority for the first time since 2018, have proven largely toothless in response, leaving their base frustrated."
(You will not stop this:
Revelation 13:2
(about the false prophet)
"...and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power,
and his seat, and great authority."
We are currently
of watching God judgment come to fruition.)
"That has left the courts, which have been flooded by lawsuits from unions, nonprofits, state governments and other organizations affected by the White House’s torrent of policy moves, as the lone check on Trump."
(100% Wrong
That is your ONLY check on all the evil supernaturalism,
that is at
but the begining
of its assent to its apex,
reached half way (3.5 years into)
in the tribulation period,
the last of Daniles 70' 7's.)
"It’s possible that all of these early decisions will be short-lived."
(They are already irrelevant and they most assuredly will be:
" Trump is hopeful..."
(My ass, its in the bag already, see:
Revelation 13:2
(about the false prophet)
"...and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power,
and his seat, and great authority."
that the Supreme Court he helped tip sharply to the right will side with him on matters of executive power. In one landmark case, the court has already done just that: Last year, the court announced a sweeping doctrine of presidential immunity that helped Trump stave off federal criminal charges for subverting the 2020 election.
(Its a done deal yo.)
"None of the cases his orders have triggered has yet reached the appellate courts, let alone the Supreme Court. But as Trump’s Justice Department begins to file appeals challenging the growing list of injunctions, the cases could begin reaching the justices in the coming weeks."
"For now, the initial decisions to slow down the onslaught are having widespread effects, forcing federal agencies to disclose more details about their opaque plans for the workforce, establishing guidelines for the handling of sensitive government data that Musk’s “Department of Government Efficiency” has been gobbling up and raising sharp questions about Trump’s effort to impound swaths of government spending authorized by Congress."
The legal counterattack doesn’t appear likely to end anytime soon. New lawsuits were filed Thursday and Friday, some taking on DOGE and others taking on Trump’s orders restricting medical care for transgender people and immigration tactics.
(I had to circumvent some controls put in place so that I could access that article, so I am not quite sure that was the end of it, but its more than enough to make the point being made:
ALTHOUGH DEMONIC activity in human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yet the full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things; and all classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32) will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism. Despite the fact that the Holy Scriptures are not only clear but quite emphatic in their repeated warnings against augmented latter-day demonic activity, the professing church of the twentieth century to an alarming extent refuses to recognize the existence of evil supernatural forces. This condition of unbelief can be attributed only to the low level of spiritual life and power in the church...In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now, the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...Many shrink from the subject altogether, insisting that so long as Christ is preached, occupation with Satan and demons is unnecessary and spiritually unhealthy. All the while, however, Satan is continuously gaining advantage because of the believer's ignorance. Many untaught in the prophetic Scriptures, knowing little or nothing of God's ultimate purposes for the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God, (Thats everybody BTW) and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events as they pertain to these three distinct groups of humanity, suffer great disadvantage in their Christian life and testimony.
"Encryptionis dead, there is no code you could come up with that it wont be able to crack, it will have all the stored knowledge of humanity for goodness sakes, why would it not declare itself God?"
Paraphrasing cause the conversation wasn't recorded
but that was the gist of some of the points made.
This is the one we are gonna deal with now:
"...the process of transforming information in a way that, ideally, only authorized parties can decode. This process converts the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as ciphertext. Despite its goal,encryption does not itself prevent interference but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor."
Till now.
I was talking to honey over coffee the other day and I asked the question along the lines of:
"If the guy could have gave DOGE (Musk AI Rebels) access to the the US treasury payment system resigned/retired instated of giving it to them?"
"Well, the next bureaucrat down the chain of command probably did."
In normal times I would go with that.
And I was prepared for that response, to which I said:
"Okay then, so you get access to the system,
but after that?
They got access to make changesto the payment system code.
How did they do that then?
She just shrugged her shoulders...
Yeah, exactly.
Then I asked:
"Do you think that there is
a very large pool of individuals with that skill set?
"make changes to the payment system code."?
"Probably not."
Exactly, so where did they get that from?
A few days later:
"During a press conference Friday, Trump was asked about the Department of Government Efficiency’s unfettered access to trillion-dollar payment systems such as the U.S. Treasury Department, as well as the personal information of millions of Americans, including their Social Security numbers, home addresses, and bank account numbers.
“Why does DOGE need all of that?”
asked one reporter.
(As one of the staffers that actually works at the facility stated to wired in one of the parts of this series earlier, theres just no need for them to.)
“Well, it doesn’t, but they get it very easily,” Trump admitted. “I mean, we don’t have very good security in our country, and they get it very easily.”
Thats how:
"they get it very easily."
"Encryption is dead, there is no code you could come up with that it wont be able to crack, it will have all the stored knowledge of humanity for goodness sakes, why would it not declare itself God?"
ALTHOUGH DEMONIC activity in human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yet the full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things; and all classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32) will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism.
(You are witnessing it.)
Despite the fact that the Holy Scriptures are not only clear but quite emphatic in their repeated warnings against augmented latter-day demonic activity,the professing church of the twentieth century to an alarming extent refuses to recognize the existence of evil supernatural forces. This condition of unbelief can be attributed only to the low level of spiritual life and power in the church...In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now, the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...Many shrink from the subject altogether, insisting that so long as Christ is preached, occupation with Satan and demons is unnecessary and spiritually unhealthy.All the while, however, Satan is continuously gaining advantage because of the believer's ignorance. Many untaught in the prophetic Scriptures, knowing little or nothing of God's ultimate purposes for the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God, and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events
(Thats us now.)
as they pertain to these three distinct groups of humanity, suffer great disadvantage in their Christian life and testimony.
"Never trust a cheeseburger you can't take the bun off of."
"Never trust a rock-n-roll band that can't play at least five Chuck Berry songs."
"Satisfying more desperate housewives than the spin cycle."
"she's not drunk, she's just mean!"
"We self medicate the depression that is a direct result of the obsessive compulsiveness"
"what's crackalackin?"
"Your curse is my blessing"
Quotes from the 09 WC Handy Blues Fest
"We're an army and we're growing"
"Thats award winnin strutin' right there"
"That's shakin' it like the pros do"
"It's just Jimi passin' by"
"I walked in the door and saw hubert and my old lady doing the funky chicken right down in the middle of the floor"
"I spent $500 to save you $300, thats almost half off"
"I hate loud music, blues music and Heat"
"I don't know, that might be Jimi and Stevie"
"I don't buy enough shit to try and talk people down to start with"
"as long as you don't have that 38 it's all cool!"
People Of The WC Handy Blues fest
Ol' Dancin' Couple
Freaky Lookin' Dude
Mother and Daughter
Purple Hat Lady
Old Soldier
Got Grey Hair Now Duse
Subnet.com People
T- Shirt Guy
Quotes from "Porch Night Out"
"...are there any ding dongs left?..."
"...are those the Cheetos?...
"...can a brother get a lil ananimity?..."
"What was I supposed to be writing?..."
"YEAH!!......I'm sorry what?..."
"...there aint no dope on Bowling Green..."
"...somebodys got to drive my fat ass to Philpot..."
"...snapper shit..."
"...18 to 80, blind, crippled, or crazy..."
"...higher than a hippie on a helicopter ride..."
"...Whiskey Dicked..."
Quotes from Bowling Green Trip
Andrew, "Look a trailer with Christmas lights on it". "Thats not a trailer, thats a school bus!, and it doesn't have Christmas lights on it", Dave
Andrew, "Is the computer on?". "No you have to turn it on for it to be on", NA
"Well, it is getting toward wintertime", NA on Big breasted women.
"She wont get horny, she'll just get pissed off", BC
"Now do you want to smoke paper or do you want to smoke...", NA
"I'm squinting, everything s blurry..."Andrew
"I might just gateway across the spectrum", Dave
Overheard in Hancocok County
Criminal Girl, "oh shit, that wasn't the ash can!, that was my purse!!, Preacher Man, "If you go messing around with a skunk, you ought naught be surprised when you end up a little smelly.""If your clean, you aint eating it right", guy eating barbq.Country Boy, "I think those jerks on first shift were trying to poison us."Country Boys' Date, "Well, you didn't have to eat it now did you?"Country Boy, "But it was pizza". Big Guy to Clerk: "look at me, does it look like I want cheese sauce?"Overheard from phone: "Why the hell are you watching that?" Reply "Because it's on." Country Boy, "She got fired for doing some guy in the parking lot. Typical Tell City Chick..." Country Boy, "It done dried!"
Overheard at Work
"Has anybody seen the hemostats?"
"How are you?" "I'm doing well. It's early."
"I aint in any hurry."
"I am the queen of 8:15"
"I don't care if she takes over a Russian satalite with it..."
"I don't know anything, I'm just a suit"
"I plan on being reasonably functional for most of the day"
"I tried to reformat it, but it takes a frigin' act of congress or somethin'..."
"I'm like a brownie at a weight watchers meeting, I'm gone..."
"I'm not their boss, and I'm not their moma..."
"It would help to have your mouse over the link, yes..."
"It's a vortex of evil down there"
"It's not that I'm not listening to you, it's that I am having trouble comprehending you"
"Just click it with your mouth."
"Man, it's fried", "Like chicken..."
"The only thing I'm handy with is a doughnut"
"Why don't you go troubleshoot a Network Printer or something?"
"You are starting to scare me with your new found caffinefreeness..."
"You might not want to mess with me, I have a bladder infection"
Great Music Quotes
"If they wanted to name rock-n-roll something else, they could have called it Chuck Berry", John Lennon."Tune low and play hard", Stevie Ray Vaughn "What do I want a pick for, I got five of them on my hand." Gatemouth Brown "The Grateful Dead should be sponsored by the government -- a public service." Jerry Garcia "Rhythm is something you either have or you don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over." Elvis Presley "Free your mind and your ass will follow." George Clinton
Great Guitarists
Jimi Hendrix, Chuck Berry, Tab Benoit, SRV, Pete Townshend, Eddie Van Halen, Pete Anderson, Steve Cropper, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, James Burton, Ron Wood, Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, Carlos Santana, Freddie King, Albert King, B.B. King, John Lee Hooker, Robert Cray, Prince, The Edge, Duane Allman, Dickey Betts, Slash, Joe Walsh, Joe Lewis Walker, Bo Diddley, Muddy Waters, Kim Thayil, Albert Collins, Lonnie Mack, Buddy Guy, Bonnie Rait, "Gatemouth" Brown, Johnny Winter, Tinsley Ellis, Lightnin Hopkins, Jimmy Reed, Robert Johnson, T-Bone Walker, Tommy Castro, Hubert Sumlin, Tom Morello, Elmore James, Brian Jones, Jeff Beck, Mike Campbell, Steve Via...
Great Keyboardists
Jerry Lee Lewis,
Little Richard,
Johnie Johnson,
Booker T. Jones,
Ray charles,
Billy Preston,
Fats Domino,
Roy Bittan,
Pinetop Perkins,
Bernie Worrell,
Benmont Tench,
Sly Stone
Great Bass Players
Duck Dunn, Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle, John Paul Jones, Bill Wyman, Jack Bruce, Robbie Shakespear,
Bootsy Collins, Tony Levine, Willie Dixon, Les Claypool, Noel Redding, Flea, Adam Clayton
2 Turtles, (1 released, I think it was a she and she was preggers) 4 Frogs (1 of them a Tree Frog, 1 of them about as big as thr tip of my index finger), 2 salamanders, countless worms and lightning bugs, 1 big ugly lookin' thing with wings on it...
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