Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Book of Genesis - Session 7 of 24 (The creation of man) Chuck Missler Remastered commentary.



the sixth day we've been allowing ourselves a full session for each of the days of creation we're at the sixth day chapter 1 verses 24 through 28. we had an introductory session on the Torah you may recall the book of beginnings and we I think demonstrated its Authority who really wrote it and so forth we talked about day one the light and all of that day two day three day four day five now this the sixth day we'll talk a little bit about land animals and of course the crowning achievement that creation of man himself by way of review let's just start since we're just a few verses into the chapter let's start with Genesis chapter one verse one in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and if you understand that statement accept that statement you'll have no problem with any other statement the entire Bible it says it all and the Earth was without form and void Darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved or brooded if you will on the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day in the darkness he called night and the evening and morning were day one definitive construction first day and so forth  and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the ferment from the waters that which were above the firmament 


Its theorized to be where the comets come from.

"In short, gravity from the planets shoved many icy planetesimals away from the Sun, and gravity from the galaxy likely caused them to settle in the borderlands of the solar system, where the planets couldn’t perturb them anymore. And they became what we now call the Oort Cloud. Again, that’s the leading idea, but the Oort Cloud could also capture objects that didn’t form in the solar system."

A friend of mine brought up the fact that other things besides water freeze and that is true, however:

"The solid, core structure of a comet is known as the nucleus. Cometary nuclei are composed of an amalgamation of rock, dust, water ice, and frozen carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, and ammonia.[16]

Well how do they know that?

Because of the colors that are given off in the tail as the Cometary nuclei melt on their journey around the sun.

You can slice it and dice it any way you want to but the fact is as follows:

One creation story of antiquity has:

Time space energy and matter bursting forth in an instant just like the scientist (at least the ones objective enough to not be pushing their own faith-based agenda) know that it did.

In the beginning

(Time, past , present, future, trinity #1)

God created

(The energy to make it all happen)

The Heavens

(Space, height, width, depth, trinity #2)

and the Earth

(Matter, solid, liquid, gas trinity #3)

Time, space matter and the energy to make it all happen in the first ten words.

No other creation story has it.

Throw in light on day one:

Genesis 1:3-5

(The Electromagnetic spectrum from which 

EVERYTHING else came.

All matter is made of Atoms.

Atoms are 99.9999999999999% electromagnetic energy.

(Most detailed image of an atom yet.)

Light on day four:

Multiple verses about expanding Heavens 

1000's of years before we ever knew so.

Isaiah 42:5 – “This is what God the LORD says—the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out . .

 .”Isaiah 44:24 – “ . . . I am the LORD, the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens . . .”

Isaiah 45:12 – “My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.”

Jeremiah 10:12 – “God . . . stretched out the heavens by his understanding.”

Jeremiah 51:15 - – “He founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.”

And its pretty easy to come to the realization that no other ancient text/book/creation story 

even comes anywhere remotely close to what we know to be scientifically true about our universe.

(Time space energy and matter in an instant, light on two separate occasions, Ort cloud, expanding heavens, look all you want to you'll never find anything that comes close to the accuracy of the Bible about universe formation.)

and it was so and God called the firmament heaven and evening and morning were the second day and we reviewed that in our second session our third session I guess it was 


from the point of view of the current

thinking of particle physics 

and the more you know 

about the Leading Edge of Science 

the more comfortable this chapter reads 

(That was 20 some years ago and it is still true today.)

moving on verse 9. God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together in one place and let dry land appear and it was so and God called the dry land Earth and the Gathering Together of the waters he called Seas and God saw that it was good and God said let the Earth bring forth grass and herb yielding Seed in the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind that whose seed is in itself upon the Earth and it was so and God brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that it was good and the evening in the morning were the third day interesting the sun hasn't made its appearance yet where's the light coming from 


reference the ending for the same exact thing:

Revelation 21:23

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

"Well thats just crazy" 

say the Anunnaki, Atlantis, Alien freaks.

Whatever people, have it your way then.)

 good for you okay fourth day God said let there be lights in the firmament heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament of Heaven to give light upon the Earth and it was so and God made two great lights the greater light to Rule the Day and the Lesser light to rule the night he made the Stars also and set them in the firmament heaven to give light upon the Earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good and the evening and morning were the fourth day and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly moving creature that hath life and foul that may fly above the earth and the open firmament of heaven and God created the great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good and he blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply the Earth in the evening the morning where the fifth day so that's where we finished last time 

and we viewed we reviewed some of the evidence of design 

that could not have been brought about by Randomness 

in both the birds and and water creatures bring


sets the stage now for the sixth day where we're gonna deal with land animals and with man looking at an entropy profile where entropy is Randomness and that's showing the maximized at the bottom of the chart we have each day a reduction of entropy or an intrusion of or an insertion if you will of order and the Erev and Boker being today meaning evening and morning but there is no Erev of Boker on the seventh day so we're taking the view that the original meaning of those words were definitive reduction of entropy and Erev, Boker made day one 

(How the meanings of those words may have changed over time (I'd go with it) has already been covered in previous sessions many times over.)

and that's where we talked about the the paradoxes of light itself and so forth then we had day two where we have the fourth state of matter plasma and so forth and we went to day three where we had the land and the Seas and so forth and then we had we explored the nebular hypothesis and its fallacies and the whole creation of what we know as the solar system and so on and uh the fourth day and then we get to day five with the


the Birds and the water creatures that was last time this time of course we have the creation of man if you'll allow me to use Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling as an as an idiom for the session and uh let's take a look at it so we're in Genesis chapter 1 verse 24 God said let the Earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind and it was so God made the Beast of the earth after his kind the cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind and God saw that it was good now a test question there's a review in


a sense why is it that the animals always produce after their own kind the scripture says so yes but why is it operationally so how are they defined is it what? very good digital that's the word exactly the DNA is a three out of four digital code 

(Its why Dogs and cats cant breed, etc.)

and the implications of it being a digital code is still unappreciated by many biologists 

(20+ years later and many biologist still wont admit to themselves three billion character, highly, complex, sequential codes do not, in fact simply can not, create themselves, or evolve, information is always a sign of a sentiment intellect trying to tell you something. It requires logic and organization, the very opposites of randomness. TY Stephen C Meyer, Return of the God Hypothesis etc.)

but that makes it definitive it's digital not analog and uh that's implied in here we could talk a lot about the animals but one of the questions that we need to raise is why after a hundred and twenty years or more of searching have there been no missing links you know when Darwin proposed his origin of the species the the there's a lot of optimism that they would ultimately find all the little the little missing links they found zero none of them that's because they are indeed they're digitally defined 

(Hard to find things that don't exist yo.

Higher intellects simply do not "evolve" from lower ones.

Brains come from brains

life comes from life

its what anybody who has ever learned has observed.

Real science is supposed to be based on observation.

Find me one instance of that?

Higher intellects "evolving" from lower ones.

In any example you might find or want to put forth?

Dolphins, Elephants etc

(thx Patrick)

The lower intellect dies off and got replaced.

If we came from primates? 

Why are the primates we came from still here then? etc. 

On and on and on just all day long.)

AI perhaps being the exception to:

"Higher intellects "evolving" from lower ones."

and due to that "upsetting of the apple cart so to speak?

 You can be assured of what is about to happen.

Oh yes you can.)


now there are evidences of design in each species of animal but in the interest of getting through this session in a reasonable time I'm just going to take one animal as an example okay a common animal one that you've all seen the giraffe how many have seen a giraffe these are interesting creatures I'm gonna I'm gonna use him this guy is just an Exemplar what you'll find if you look carefully in every something in every animal species you'll find something unique that required anticipatory design now the giraffe grows to be about 19 feet tall his tallest animal that's currently around weighs about 2500 pounds he can run about 36 miles an hour he eats about 201 pounds of food per day he does that spelling spending between 16 and 20 hours eating per day when does he sleep he sleeps about 20 minutes a day that's your giraffe interesting character this guy is an interesting character he can go without water for months at a


time interestingly enough and of course in some of his habitats he has to but there's some strange things about a giraffe being so tall it takes quite a bit of blood pressure to get up to get the blood to his brain the giraffes aorta has about 220 millimeters of mercury pressure when he is normally standing this pressure would be dangerously high in a human but in a giraffe it's necessary to get the blood up to up his long neck to his brain and to accomplish this he has a heart that's about two and a half feet long in in a huge thing but he's got a problem when he when he bends down to drink water he's got two problems at least one is that's when he's vulnerable that's when you would expect a lion to LEAP out of the underbrush that's been waiting for the opportunity to take the other problem he has is that the


pressure would normally be enough to burst the Blessed vessels in his brain because it's designed to be 18 feet in the air it's now at water level and it would he would have a what would a diver would call embolism right well so what what's the answer here well it turns out that the valves there are valves in the artery going up to his his head that are that adjust when he goes down those valves close the blood between the last valve and the Brain goes into a sponge it's diverted around the brain into a sponge-like group of vessels underneath the brain that that's called the retim whatever that means it's a it's a an organ specifically designed to absorb that pressure and to act as a a reservoir as he raises his when he when he's down there drinking if he was to suddenly raise his head


without he wouldn't have he he had just the opposite problem he had no blood in his brain and he'd have a dizzy spell he'd pass out whatever but because the this sponge-like Reservoir is there to feed oxygenated oxygenated blood to his brain when as he comes up the veins coming down from his head also have valves that are designed to equalize the pressure so as head as his head goes from 18 feet in the ground into the water it's sealed off but as he comes up there's a reservoir underneath the brain in the sponge-like organ and it's all but the point is it's all been designed in anticipation of his lifestyle now what makes this particularly useful as an example 

I want you to imagine how this evolved

because the deficiencies in his design are fatal

and you got to remember one thing about evolution dead animals don't evolve okay 


so if he has a blood Hemorrhage and dies there's no way to pass on that experience however you want to fancily imagine it to his offspring whether it's because he he brought it because he brought his head down had embolism or because not somehow he got equalized maybe getting his head up he would pass out when the Lion's about to eat him so and if the lion eats him of course that leaves a very very difficult fossil for anyway you get the idea okay so what's interesting is you can find hundreds of examples where there is an essential design element either in their skeleton or their circulation system or whatever that is essential for their survival and trying to conjure up out of one's imagination an evolutionary hypothesis is how it got there is an errand it's a Fool's errand because the defects especially in their interim phases are deficient and he dies 


and uh and the survival of the fittest Motif make sure that the interim stages are gone you follow me so and the the anyway so you got you got special design of the art special design of the arteries going up special design of this special sponge-like organism underneath the brain and a special design of the veins coming down very very skillful design and what's the greatest insult you can give the designer to assume it wasn't necessary it all happened randomly 

(Dear stubborn people:





right well let's move on a little bit I don't I don't want to spend a lot of time on animals because we've got a much more important topic that well interest us interest us more centrally and that's man God said let us make man in our image after our likeness did you know something strange about that phrase so far the plural huh let us make man in our image after our likeness

(Genesis 1:26-27

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


Jehovah Witnesses?

Anybody else 

that has a problem with the trinity?

There ya go.

And that's but one of plenty of examples 

he will get to here shortly.)

let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air over the cattle over all the Earth over


every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth even the attorneys lol and uh sorry so God created man in his own image in the image of God created him male and female created them the word image there occurs three times by the way I think it's kind of interesting we have echoing here a concept of the Trinity now obviously you notice the plurals the US and our you find that not only in verse 26 here you'll find it in chapter 3 verse 22 chapter 11 7 you'll find it in Isaiah in fact you'll find it all through the Old Testament not just the New, and the word Elohim itself that we encountered in we remind you in chapter chapter 1 verse 1is a plural noun the "im" ending certain Hebrew nouns have a at the plural is indicated by an "im" ending cherubim and so forth so it's a plural noun always treated as a singular verb and that appears 680 times in the in the Old Testament


and yet on the other hand we have a problem because many people are of course Very Sensitive fact that the Shema that the that Deuteronomy 6 Verses 4 and 5 emphasize that we have one God right here is your lord our God is one he's unified what the word really means Unity but okay and Exodus 20 verse 3 and the Ten Commandments same assertion is made now that's and many people see that as in contrast to the New Testament which continually speaks of the plurality of the Trinity and there's lots of verses on that we don't have to beat that one to death what may surprise you to discover in fact you need to discover for yourself is this see you and I have trouble with that if we don't recognize the possibility of having plurality and unity at the same time you when I tend to think those are opposites not necessarily there are lots of examples where you can have unity and yet there's a plurality of people involved a corporation is a typical example where you have a corporation it's one before the law and yet can consist of three principles and so forth those are all clumsy examples for a lot of reasons but the 


the reason we can't visualize that because we can't imagine perfect Unity so you and I can't imagine a partnership of three people that get along perfectly so I'll leave that alone it's interesting that there are in the scripture exchanges among the godhead and uh several of them will encounter as you go through Genesis we find it several times in Isaiah perhaps the great example is Psalm 2. 

and I don't take the time tonight but I encourage you in your notes to write down Psalm 2 as an assignment and I want you to study it and make a diagram of that Psalm in terms of who's speaking Psalm 2 is a I start to say a dialogue that's two people it's a tri-log it's a discussion among three people and you take Psalm 2 and outline it and decide who are the three people speaking and obviously you're going to Discover It one's the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit  and check it out for yourself Discover


it for yourself and your these verses will be in your notes so you can follow through a number of places where there is a discussion among the persons of the godhead now another way to look at this Trinity thing I don't spend too much time on it but I want to the creation of the universe is ascribe to the father in psalm 102. it's ascribed to the son in Colossians 1 16  and the first opening verses of the Gospel of John it's ascribed to the holy spirit in Genesis second verse and also in Job 26:13 and of course all three of these are gathered in the concept of Elohim 

("Elohim* is a Hebrew word that appears in the Old Testament over 2,500 times. It is a plural word that can also be used in a singular sense. The word means "strong one" or "mighty". In the Bible, it is used to refer to the powerful and sovereign God who created the universe and rules over humankind.")

in the first verse the creation of man is described to the father in Genesis 2:7. 

we'll see that next session the son in Colossians 1:16 we look at that before in Job 33. and also the creation is described in plural terms to Ecclesiastes 12 and Isaiah 54. the Incarnation itself ascribed to the father in Hebrews10:5 to the son in Philippians 2:7 and uh but to the spirit in Luke chapter 1verse 35. 


the death of Christ is described to the father in psalm 22. Romans 8. in John 3 John 3 16. most famous verse of the Bible the death of Christ is ascribed to the son in John 10:18 and Galatians 2:20. as described to the holy spirit in Hebrews 9:14

so it's interesting that you'll find verses that ascribe each of these major Milestones of God's program ascribe specifically to each member of the the godhead 

the atonement is described to the father in Isaiah 53 twice into the son in Ephesians 5:2 to the spirit in in Hebrews 9:14. and uh the resurrection of Christ is described to the father in Acts 2:24 and Romans 6:4 to the son in John 10 and in John 2. and the Holy Spirit in First Peter 3:18 and Romans 8 verse 11. the resurrection of all mankind is described to the father in John 5:21 and also the son in 5:21. both are mentioned there and Romans 8:11 the son 


the inspiration of the scriptures by the way there's 29 of these I'm not giving you all of them just one the point is you as you go through the Bible and you take the trouble to take each major event you'll be and you look fine if you'll discover it's ascribed in different contexts to each each member of the of the trinity the inspiration of scripture by the thought to the father in second Timothy 3:16 first John uh excuse me first Peter to the son First Peter 1 and the spirit and second Peter the other thing we start talking about you we're getting a lot of discussion what does it mean God made man in his own image what does that mean boy there's we're going to talk a little bit more with the image of man in a minute but recognize that any by the way there's a basic principle I'm going to suggest to you beyond just this issue if you come across something that doesn't seem to make sense praise God because you're about to make a discovery whatever that might be and you do two things first you pray about it it's not intellectual exercise it's a prayerful thing the second thing you do is put Jesus Christ right in the middle of it and see what happens just see what happens



now this whole issue of Jesus Christ he was made of course in the likeness of men no question about that Philippians 2:7 Hebrews 10:5 Luke 1:35. at the same time we also know from Hebrews 1:3 and Colossians 1:15 the second Corinthians 4:4 that he was made and he's the express image of God that's exactly what the book of Hebrews opens up with so if you want to try to wreck you know wrestle with this issue what do we mean by man being the image of God or vice versa Jesus Christ is your your starting and ending point and all of these things by the way are anticipated in God's Plan of Redemption as you'll find in First Peter 1 20 Revelation 17:8 extremely enough in second Timothy 1:9. but let's us move on because there's lots lots more I want to cover here, and God blessed them notice the plural of them 

(Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them...)

so you made Mr and Mrs man we're going to the next chapter get more detailed discussion of how that all came about but this is a summary God blessed them and said and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply so you know he was


around see it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve you got that right okay all right be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth now don't stumble of that word replenish because it appears 300 times the scripture and only I think a few times does it is it turn replenish it means be filled some people try to make a whole thing on that issue of replenish I don't want I don't want to go there uh representative and subdue it and subdue it see there is your mandate for Science and so forth to subdue the Earth to understand to search find answers and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the Earth and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the all the Earth 

(And nobody on this earth 

has the right to take it away from us, ever.


Im gonna go all slippery slope argument on ya and say:

Whats next that you want to take away from us?






Shut up already, were full grown adults 

using responsibly in our own residence.

End of an age is around the corner and people still got a hang up

 about a plant some people enjoy consuming

Its stupid.

Get a life.

Go complain about people eating 

to much process foods or something 

cause that is way more harmful to you in the long run.

Body being a temple and all.)

and every tree in the which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat so yes they're all vegetarians at this point that's going to change in chapter nine so if you're going to be a vegetarian that's fine but don't make the Bible your reason we'll get to that one get chapter nine


now you notice he makes reference here we're talking about man but he makes reference here to the herb bearing seeds again so I'm gonna that caused me to step back a little bit and review a few things and I came up with some things that may surprise you we talked remember a few sessions ago we talked about the anatomy of a leaf we talked about how photosynthesis is a two-stage process this is all by way of review on the light dependent reactions how the hydrogen is used for the and the oxygen is given off as a byproduct and then in the light independent reaction the second stage of all of that we have the glucose as a also as a byproduct so the plants are producing oxygen and more glucose than glucose glucose that they need so we noticed the plants of course give off oxygen and sugar the animals need that they give off the CO2 which the plants need it's very fascinating to realize that the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom need each other take either one away and the other one ultimately vanishes because there won't be enough CO2 from lightning and from volcanoes to keep the plants around the plants need the CO2 the animals need the O2 as well as the sugar so it's interesting how there's an intrinsic design an overall system design in the total package now I want to show you something we always talk about Randomness the universe came out what came out came about by Randomness that's the whole premise of evolution right how many have you ever seen randomness besides at Las Vegas okay as you look at randomness and the intent here was to assemble random bits and by the way that turns out to be very difficult to do 

(You don't get design 

by random processes.


It violates the second law of thermodynamics.

(In a closed system entropy 

(randomness/chaos) always increases)

The only way you get design, 

out of a system 

in which entropy is increasing,

(Our universe/world)

is to have an intellect

that transcends the laws of nature 

do the designing.


in a computer you can't get Randomness they have pseudo-random number generators that generate a string of numbers that meet as many tests as they can conceive of for Randomness but they're still not really random and but I want you I want you to look at these Rand treat these as random numbers do you know what's do you notice What's missing there's something missing here Can you spot What's missing Randomness lacks symmetry do you ever see random things symmetrical see the very concept of symmetry implies order a center line on a drawing implies that there's an architect around

Patterns of Planet Orbits

Saturn/Jupiter 7 Orbits.

Jupiter/Earth 7 Orbits

Earth/Venus 8 Orbits

Uranus/Saturn 7 Orbits

What I have often wondered 
and I can not find any information on anywhere else is:


If not?
Or if we cant find any?

It would be pretty telling if our solar system is unique in this regard.
It's just not something 
that could be easily explained away.

Probably why its not looked for.
The answer is know already 
and its just not being shared with us, 
Satan being the God of this world etc.

And the jack-asses rush in and say:

"Well those orbits aren't exactly like,
 that they all have subtle orbital perturbations 
and blah blah blah..."


At these scales of time and distance?
Perturbations in these orbits 
are so small as to be unnoticeable.

"I don't know Bob, 
looks pretty symmetrical to me."
"Yeah me too Jim."
"Had to be some kind of 
random accident."
"Yeah I think so too Jim."


Revelation 9:4
And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

How can anybody even suggest,
that the patterns of those orbits
could have been created without design?

It is not only illogical.
It violates the laws of nature.

Order doesn't come out of chaos,
unless there is a transcendent intellect/entity
making it do so.

Transcendent in the sense that they 
(Godhead, see about the trinity above)
Exist outside of the laws of nature.

Ill give you another one:

You cant take, flour, sugar, peaches, milk, butter etc and put in any haphazard amount of those you want, in any kinda dish you choose, and put it in the oven for any time you like at any temperature you like and manage to get a cobbler to come out.

Its ridiculous to even assume you could do so.
You will get something, (a mess) but it will not be a cobbler.

So you cant get a cobbler from randomness, we have established that, but you can get all the elements that make up everything in the observable universe from it?
(Randomness that is.)

Those elements are grouped together by atomic weights and similar chemical properties.

Here comes the jack-asses again:
"Well man put that together in an organized fashion."

True, in a way that makes logical sense.
Never forget this
If it wasn't for the top two?
Hydrogen and Helium?
 We wouldn't have any of the others.
So how would you prefer we organize it/them then?

And somebody get this Synthetic Humaiod 
(And others, not necessarily synthetic)
that likes to bring up 
debunked/outdated "theories" 
(They aren't or they wouldn't have already been discredited 60 years ago)

But somebody please buy this AI a clue:

"I just don't see evidence for God in the universe."

Well you aint looking very hard jack.
Cause there are two pretty obvious examples.

Planet orbit patterns
Periodic table of elements.

And here are some others.

Genetic Code
(Sequence(s) don't evolve)
The Fibonaci sequence 
and the Golden ration.

We will get to those last two in a minute.

But to say you don't see design?
is to DELIBERATELY ignore it.
cause its all around us.

Seems like the smarter we have gotten the stupider we have gotten, and for those of us with a reasonable amount of intelligence? The world today is just about intolerable.)


that's how they discovered all kinds of things about the architecture of the Temple Mount because these things all line up on a Center Line it has profound implications you notice 

Randomness Lacks periodicity every third one doing something or whatever any 

There's No periodicity 

(the tendency to recur at intervals.)

in fact that's one of the tests of Randomness if there's any periodicity it fails a test of randomness you know what I mean by periodicity it has a cycle okay Randomness lacks any evidence of design by definition because if there's design that implies it's no longer random and uh and uh it Randomness lacks order of any kind that's why the scientists as they search for extraterrestrial life listen to the noise the randomness in the hopes of finding some kind of order and what they run out of course if it's periodic every second or something it could be generated by some natural phenomenon so periodicity does you know they're not looking for that and but they're looking for any evidence of design that's why random numbers are a typical conjecture if you're trying to communicate to another alien culture a series of random numbers is one of the ways to get their attention presumably because how would you generate that well I got a surprise for you because


there's some other there's a there is a sequence of numbers that how many of have heard of the Fibonacci numbers

(Talked about them pretty extensively.

Follow the link above, also reference  

Cymatics patterns 

(science of visible sound) 

Causeless effects is bad logic remember.

So what caused the frequency to cause it?

Ripples in a pond don't self-generate.

Pretty simple stuff.

We are walking around with the evidence of Gods design all around us.

Romans 1:20

For his invisible attributes

namely, his eternal power and divine nature

have been clearly perceived, 

ever since the creation of the world,

in the things that have been made. 

So they are without excuse.

Man did he just land right in my wheelhouse :-).

To say there is no design in our universe is to either be woeful ignorant, or deliberately misleading. Id go with the later these days, as certain popular "scientist" absolutely know of the design in the universe that is all around us, that the 26 physical constants could not have been attributable to chance, that codes (Genetic DNA, information) do not invent themselves, or evolve. They are doing Satan's handiwork for him in an attempt to take you to hell right with them. Theirs is a faith based belief system based on ignoring the obvious all around us and preaching falsehoods. Don't fall for it.

Matthew 24:3-4

 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and 

what will be the sign 

of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you."

Deliberately ignoring the evidence of design 

that we see everyday all around us, just isn't science.

Worse yet?

Is trying to convince others that it is.

And? "certain popular "scientist" have done an incredible job convincing the masses of their erroneous faith-based belief system.)

there's how many there's one two three anybody else okay it's interesting I have heard about these since I was a kid I never took them seriously and the uh because they are the domain of some pretty strange characters but um back in the 12th century Leonardo Fibonacci he was messing around trying to predict rabbit populations and he discovered a series of numbers that bears his name and the first it's one one then two each number is the sum of the previous two third numbers two the next number is three which is one plus two then three is two plus you know two plus three is five five plus three is eight five and eight are thirteen eight and thirteen or Twenty One see each number is the sum of the previous two you follow me


that is the Fibonacci sequence he first the mathematician he first discovered in 12th century but he didn't recognize the real significance it took several hundred years for people to discover that 

this sequence appears in nature

(Know why Satan has sped up everybody's world?

Daniel 12:4

"...even to the time of the end:

many shall run to and fro,"

There is not a person in the industrialized world that can male an effective argument that their world hasn't gotten more hectic over the last 40+ years.



So that you will not be able to take the time to understand that nature itself reveals God to you.

"...this sequence appears in nature..."

If you are to busy?

You will not have the time to recognize it,

let alone understand 

where the design in nature comes from.

Sequences are not randomly generated. 

They are designed. 

I had some interesting discussions on social media where I was pointing out that information is always the result of a sentiment intellect, no exceptions. After a while all the humans exited the conversation lol, even if they had tried to make any points they were all easily refuted. 

An AI chat bot came back to one conversation WEEKS LATER, (like it had to go do some research or something) and it purposed that patterns in natural forming crystals and in mathematics were examples of information being generated without an intellect behind it. I disputed the assertation that patterns in crystals were any kind of information (what message is it trying to convey exactly?) and politely (promise :-) pointed out that the only two examples it could come up with (Patterns in crystals and in mathematics) both had a creator (man didn't invent math, he discovered it, it's the language of the universe) and thanked them for proving my point for me. :-).

After that?


When Satanically- driven Bots 

don't have any better answers that that?

Humans wont ever have any either 

and they are all easily dismissed.)

in some of the strangest places the ratio of any two adjacent numbers is approximately 1.6 it varies a little bit in the second or third decimal place but it's very close to that and uh now it was several as I say several hundred years before the significance of the sequence is recognized there is a sequence it shows up in what's sometimes called the golden rectangle the ancient Greeks seem to discover that there's a rectangle whose proportions are the most pleasing and they call that the gold rectangle that's when the longer side is the shorter side as the shorter size is the sum of the two sides and that's a rectangle of a certain proportion it's on the screen right now that rectangle is called by artists and and scientists and mathematicians as the golden rectangle and it has some peculiar characteristics the ratio of the short side the long side alongside


1.618 of the short side but the point is if you take a square out of that you still end up with a golden rectangle if you take a square out of that you end up with a golden rectangle and so forth you follow me it's got some interesting mathematical properties and on it goes  okay it turns out the Parthenon in Greece the Great Pyramid the United Nations building your credit cards your playing cards postcards the switch on your light switch at home writing pads three by five cards five by eight cards all of these are based on the golden rectangle whether you realize it or not okay in in art Leonardo da Vinci Van Gogh the mirror John Singer Sergeant Monet Whistler Renoir many artists recognize that by building their art on that golden rectangle it gave it Vitality moment movement and it was a the dynamic what they call Dynamic symmetry in contrast to static symmetry


so it implies growth Power movement and gives animation and so forth and the artists have discovered that and if you're a student of art you're well acquainted with this in floral arrangements we discover the Lily has three petals the yellow Violet five Delphinium eight the mayweed 13 the aster 21 arithium has 34 helium held in them has a 55 Michael Miss Daisy has 89. so if you're one of these people she loves me she loves me or not if you know the Fibonacci numbers you got a chance of winning that one okay all these of course are the in the in the Fibonacci sequence there's a study among scientists called philotaxis and that's where you study the arrangement of leaves around the stem of a plant visualize taking as plant and taking a cross-section and seeing how the leaves are ordering the plant it turns out the elm always has one half the circumference the beach or the Hazel has one third the apricot and the oak have


two every five the pair the popular has three eighths each one of these the almond the pussy willow pine trees are always five to twenty one or two thirteen or thirty four these are all Fibonacci numbers now first of all they discovered this that was bizarre because you'll never find a number that's not in the Fibonacci sequence which is weird out of 434 angiosperm and 44 gymnosperms they all have Fibonacci numbers in their design and scientists have discovered that at maximize the exposure to sunlight and air without shading or crowding from the other leaves depends on the nature of the leaves so this is a result of very skillful design but the design is motivated in part by Beauty and there's a whole other thing I didn't get a chance to do this you go down if you're if you're a diver you know if you go down 60 90 feet or so it starts getting Bluer and blue pretty dark you go down deep enough where it's dark and turn on a light things are incredibly colorful why nobody can see them why are they created in the first place for his pleasure we have a God that loves Beauty 

a whole other thing I get into here 


as you drive and see scenery you never see it monotonous except you unless you're going through Kansas yeah (Oh I laughed lol.) as I was driving in here thinking about this talk you know as you go drive Mountain Road we drive through a Mountain Road and there's all these trees the trees are random and yet they're not monotonous the design of the trees are not predictable each one's different and yet conforms to a motif it's astonishing how you can look through nature and never see monotony it's always got the strange variety so about seeds the rows of bracts on pine cones it's eight or thirteen there's two rows and pineapples are three rows it's eight thirteen and twenty one and it turns out there's an Optimum Divergence angle of 137.5 which is a in effect a fraction of the 360 that's a phenotion a Fibonacci number it produces the best packing and that's why you always see Fibonacci spirals on sunflower if you


look at sunflower you've got two Divergent spirals they're both Fibonacci numbers and let's talk about music how many play music in here okay you've got five keys that are the pentatonic scale right you've got eight that are called the diatomic those are Fibonacci numbers you put them both together you got a chromatic scale eight and five together a major sixth which is considered for strange reasons beautiful is a ratio of frequencies that's three to five uh and a minor sixth is a again a ratio of these are all Fibonacci numbers all through music for some reason it's it works certain two keys some of them work some don't if you're a musician you know why but part of the reason is you've got Fibonacci numbers under girding that whole analysis but here's the one that blew me away I was reading up on this and I thought that's kind of weird if you look at the revolution of the planets in our solar system you got Neptune/Pluto is a problem for a number of people I won't get into that here but you got Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter the the asteroid belt Mars Earth and


Venus and Mercury if you adjust the observed orbits just slightly to what I'll call here the theoretical orbits each one is a Fibonacci ratio to the previous one and you say and Pluto is too but in an inverse way because it's ninety Thousand Miles against Neptune sixty thousand so that's a three to two thing but I want to stay out of that for some other reasons Neptune and Pluto is a whole other issue anyway the point is what's interesting these are the same ratios that you find in the elm the beach the apricot the pear the Almond um the pine and three different pine numbers

you say 

what on Earth does the trees have to do 

with the design of the solar system 

very simple 

the same guy did both of them

the same guy had a had an Insight of what makes things beautiful

that beauty is an elusive concept on the one hand and yet we discover there are certain rules even in design that we


find let's just take one more if we take the gold the golden rectangle take a square out of it take another Square out of it take another Square out of it we have with the golden rectangle we can create a spiral right very famous spiral it turns out it's the only spiral that does not alter its shape as it grows it has that math peculiar mathematical property and you've all seen one it was called the chambered nautilus shell it shows up a lot of other places too but I mentioned this is just a very crisp example you find that in the hurricane spiral seeds the Rams Horn the hit tail of a seahorse Fern leaves the DNA molecule you'll find it in waves breaking on a beach tornadoes galaxies the tale of a comet around the Sun whirlpools seed patterns of sunflowers daisies and dandelions the ears of all mammals and especially the cochlea of the human ear you have one in your ear that helps convert the sound vibrations into pulses that the ear can transmit to the brain we'll talk a little bit more about that as we go you remember Da Vinci's famous anatomical sketch of uh of man and you take from the navel to his feet and you discover it's a golden rectangle relation if you know that distance you know how tall he is by applying the golden rectangle and you can do that from from his navel to his chin you'll


find the length of his face from his chin to his lips the note tip to the nose to the pupils the pupils to the top of his head and so forth all these yield distances of various parts 

you'll discover the golden relationships are all through 

his basic design 

(That's all some kinda random accident?

Only because you have convinced yourself to believe so.

"I don't see any evidence for God in the universe.

Brian Cox.

Who were his neighbors growing up?

Who did he date in High School?

What was his favorite pet?

What was its name?

Who worked with him at CERN?

Who are his wives parents?

Just on and on.


These aint people my brother.

(Same way I know everything else, 

thats how I know)

So I don't and wont feel compelled to ever treat them as such.

They are artificially created vassals of Satan.

And they are increasing exponentially, daily.)

and since man is in the image of God in some senses lead it's not surprising to find out he apparently has what we understand to be mathematically harmonious proportions 

and we find that all through nature even whether you're talking about seeds in a plant or the orbits of the planets then the the summary of all this if you penetrate into nature wherever the scientist or Inquirer might choose to look you'll discover that there's been thought that's been there ahead of you

(As stated earlier, thats why Satan has convinced us that we need to become busy, so we will overlook/not think about it.)

the idea of ascribing it to randomness 

it's not only illogical 

and wrong 

it's insulting 


 It violates the physical laws of nature.)

it's probably the ultimate insult you can give the Creator and that's why it's so interesting to me to discover that

 your attitude about the creation 

is what's going to judge you at the 

Throne of judgment 

Romans 1 hammers that 

(Romans 1:19-21

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.)

Depiction of the resonance between Neptune's moons Naiad (whose orbital motion is shown in red) and Thalassa, in a view that co-rotates with the latter.

Depiction of asteroid Pallas' 18:7 near resonance with Jupiter in a rotating frame  Jupiter (pink loop at upper left) is held nearly stationary. The shift in Pallas' orbital alignment relative to Jupiter increases steadily over time; it never reverses course (i.e., there is no libration).

Whales working together blowing air bubbles 
to place plankton/krill into the center 
from which they come up and feed.
Recognize the pattern of air bubbles?

Look familiar?
All some crazy random accident?

If a societal priest of our time (so-called "scientist" is telling you they don't see any evidence of design in our universe?

1) They are willfully ignoring the obvious facts that are in right front of them.

2) At this point they become not "scientist" but ideologues pushing their own faith-based  belief system built on falsehood.

Who is the father of all lies again?

John 8:44

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.
(Oh yes they do 
otherwise they would 
at least be 
a lil bit more 

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Told you he was right in  my wheelhouse :-).

How can you rationally look at all of that evidence presented?
And attribute it to randomness/chance?

"The more you know about our world, 
from the subatomic to the large scale structures of the universe?
The more you will become convinced,
not only that there could be a God?
But that there HAS to be one."

This is why Satan highjacked science.

"40 American scientist 
declare their 
affirmative views 
on religion."

That was 1958.
Thats where I got the story about the cobbler from BTW.

Men and women who believed in a creator
(Both Deist and Theist)
went looking for God 
in their natural world and they found plenty
(Natural laws etc 1500's on.)

"devoutly believed themselves called to find evidence of God in the physical world."

p 25. 
The Return of the God Hypothesis.
Stephen C. Meyer.
Footnote 58, 
Rolston, Science and Religion, 39.

You might wanna ask yourselves
why do we have the warfare model 
of Science vs FAith 
that we have today.

The answer is simple.
Time is late.
Satan doesnt want you to know the truth.

To the societial preist, ideologues of our day, who mascarade behind science as wolves in sheeps clothing?

"Standing on the shoulders of giants doesn't make you one."

I read somewhere.



and all through the scripture you find that 

well as you can talk about man we of course you talk about all these monkey man frauds you've heard about the Heidelberg man you see that still in children's textbooks it was built entirely from a Jawbone that was found in 1907. Nebraska man in 1922 Henry Osborne created the whole concept man from one tooth that he found the tooth was later discovered to be of an extinct Pig Piltdown man 1912 one of the most famous hoaxes in history Charles Dawson he made the whole thing from a Jawbone of a modern ape but here's the key point it was not an you know overzealousness or accidental Insight it was a deliberate fraud in 1953 it was definitely proven the jawbone was filed and treated with iron salts to look old and so forth I know of no field of science that is more replete with deliberate frauds then the field of paleontology or anthropology however you want to label this field of inquiry Peking Man 1921 that evidence disappeared it also was


apparently an outright fraud the Neanderthal man found in the cave in the Ender Valley near Dusseldorf the international Congress of zoology in 1958 decided that it was an old man suffering from arthritis Java Man 1922 all made from an 1891 skull cap 50-foot femur a thigh bone that was found some feet away the evidence was concealed that the teeth were actually even orangutan this again was one of these frauds 

the main point is in 120 years of searching no intermediate stages have been found the so-called Missing Link has been a Fool's errand 

(Were 20 more years down the road these days. 

I had originally used the links above from their respective Wikipedia entries, but they were so sanitized and whitewashed to present such a biased view I went with other links instead.)

let's talk about man a little bit and uh you know this may sound strange and I realize I run great risks of being misunderstood or misquoted here but I have to tell you something kind of just it's just true that whenever I eat and whenever I go to the bathroom I find myself stunned as I realize how complex our digestive system is how whatever I eat whatever I happen to eat the body knows what it needs and passes the rest through and it is so in it knows how much it needs and the whole complexity of the world in which we live in what we eat the way our body takes that in and deals with it all in all the various organs that correct the errors and the excesses gets rid of the sugars or the you know the liver all that the the digestive system 

(Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Dr. R.G. Lee's list of conversion excuses and questions

13. Excuse

"I cannot understand."

(My personal favorite :-)

Answer: Why let mystery cause you to refuse the master? Do you understand the chemistry of digestion? Does your ignorance of it keep you from eating steak? Can you understand why the same sun and the same soil and the same rain gets sweetness into the orange and sourness and bitterness into the persimmon?

Lay aside your excuse of mystery  and trust God as you trust the telephone to transmit your voice.

Romans 11:33

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!

    How unsearchable his judgments,

    and his paths beyond tracing out!

1 Corinthians 1:8 

He will also keep you firm to the end, 

so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:14 

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.)


or when I first started I was going to try to do a diagram and it would have taken us an hour just to explain a little bit I'll just scratched the surface the circulatory system your blood vessels the way your blood responds to emergencies is astonishing the way it fights Invaders and so on your respiratory system we talk a little bit about the giraffe the humans is is it has its own complication your sensory systems the eye compare your eye to the most sophisticated digital camera you can buy is vastly more sophisticated the ears the proprioceptive system your ability to keep balance and know where you are with your eyes closed so on all these things are not trivial your immune system boy one thing we're learning today is that scientists don't understand our immune system the fact that you can have a retrovirus it changes the master record in the database of yourself and the nervous system let's just take one of these and talk about a little bit I'll pick the nervous system we have our brain right and we could go through all the different things they think they know


about it but as you start getting into that they give you fancy words for things they don't really understand in the first place because by the time you go through the brain you discover a great deal of it deals with the glands that are right under the the the brain proper the pituitary gland is the master gland of them all the growth hormones the thyroid stimulating hormones the anti-diuretic they're all there's just a whole family of these things where it is monitoring and controlling your whole body processes from a central control and you start looking at the autonomic uh nervous system it's you know there's a there is a sympathetic version and that's the one that activates in times of stress times emergency it does all kinds of things it's it's amazing how it integrates all the way through and uh the parasympathetic division which controls the maintenance the normal routine functions and whether it's a in each element in your body has both roles and it's interesting that's why you'll


discover that we don't think of a person's actions as emanating from his head we say so and so sure has guts doesn't he you see oh does he have heart for the job see we find ourselves drawing on idioms we don't mean literally the heart that pumps the blood it's our way of capturing his volition not even presuming that it's confined to this organ that happens to be in her head per se because we somehow just know from our experience that our real responses and actions affect our whole body that's why you get ulcers when you're under stress your brain doesn't get a problem you get an ulcer right whatever see and and so we go through all of that but you the reason I want to bring this in see the human brain the estimate has about 10 to the 10th nerve cells now you've been enough with me with these large numbers know that we have no idea what 10 to the 10th means each one of these has somewhere between 10 to the fourth and 10 to the fifth connecting fibers so we're suddenly dealing with a very large net that's one reason they don't understand how the brain works because we don't understand super we know that 

large networks operate differently than small ones


yeah...were figuring that out...a lil to late.)


so if you have this if you have 10 to the fifth connecting fibers 10 to the 10th nerve cells you've got about 10 to the 15th Connections in your brain well what does that mean what's 10 to the 15th connections mean well imagine you had a tree with every tree you could find had 50 000 leaves on it that's probably a very high estimate okay and let's assume you had 10 000 trees every square mile every tree has ten thousand fifty thousand leaves you got ten thousand per square mile you would need two million square miles of these a forest the size of the United States to get the equivalent connections in your brain and it has it's a highly organized network of uniquely adaptive channels that's part of the problem the channels aren't fixed they're flexible and that's so it's it's what the annoyman Architects we call an infinite State machine now if you have adaptive communication channels let's assume only one out of a hundred were specifically organized pathways then you still represent a greater


number of connections than the entire Communications Network on the planet Earth in your brain

(This was done in 2003-2004.

IDK but I would guesIt probably still is 

Point is? It's still a huge number.)

 so it's no surprise they don't really understand how it works there's lots of research going on but ton Wilder Penfield assume that memories have specific locations in the brain when they did lobotomies of things they've come to conclusion however call Karl Pribran prove that memories are not localized there isn't a particular cell that's representing what you you're one of your childhood memories per se and Paul Pietch using 700 operations on salamanders confirmed Pribran that your memories are diffused not in a location they're non-locate they have non-locality John Van Neumann the famous computer architect point out that he believes the capacity of the brain is about 2.8 times 10 to the 20th bits of information that's a thousand bits per second for 10 million years that's a lot of data that's a lot of data now Herman Von Helmholtz discovered that your ear processes Sound by a frequency analyzer that is sophisticated audio engineering 


and there's probably not you know only a few in small percentage of Engineers that really understand Fourier transforms in the audio that's what that's what they're doing 

(The "Fast Fourier Transform" (FFT) is an important measurement method in the science of audio and acoustics measurement. It converts a signal into individual spectral components and thereby provides frequency information about the signal.

(That "evolved"?

In our ears and eyes?

Seriously? Thats what you want to believe?

Takes more faith than I got to believe that.)

the the uh Russell and Karen Devalois discovered the visual cortex in your eye processes images by Fourier transforms it's it's been a big mystery the most sophisticated job that computer programmers have had is pattern recognition how can I how do you recognize an "A" even if it's upside down? turns out it's a very it's one of the most sophisticated problems in computer is is vision for is a optical character reading they put all kinds of constraints to try to improve the efficiency but it's it's a mystery how we really perceive How We Do pattern recognition  holographic models are the only way to explain these neurophysiological puzzles pattern recognition being one of them that's a big mystery how we recognize things even if they're reverted upside down or Twisted we still recognize them the other the transference of learning


learned skills is another issue one of the issues is Phantom limbs we don't know how that happens people have an arm amputated but they still have pain in the tip of their finger this is not there anymore they're all these kinds of issues that doctors are chasing so there are other problems in this area how you discern internal versus external realities the more you analyze that the more mysterious it becomes also

imagination inspiration and create

creativity are things that go far beyond simply

storing recall and information processing 

and they're trying to understand that

(How did those evolve?)

there are some that conjecture that the brain may not be what's happening anyway that it may be a hyperdimensional transfer function of some kind to other dimensions beyond our own consciousness there's no evidence for that that's reliable 

and yet the same time it's provocative 

(Your memories aren't localized :-)

Think about it for a minute.

Where are they then?

My assertation is that consciousness is in the frequencies and

that's why you will never find a physical component for it.

A physical receptor for it? Got no problem with that.

Consciousness itself being a physical entity?

Simply Not how it works.

"Soul ~ The immaterial part of man."

Mendenhall Reference Bible. p.261.

That's why you cant find consciousness physically homies :-).

Not everything can be explained physically yo.

UAP etc.

Moon upper left.

UAP Bottom right.)


but this leads us right into the key part of tonight 

and that's the architecture of man


man is created in in the image of God 

(moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature Imagination, creative and Inspirational as well.)

it's interesting first Thessalonians 5:23 Paul says the very God of Peace sanctify you holy and I pray God your whole Spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ you notice those three words this is where we get the notion that there is in a sense the Trinity of man you have a spirit you have a soul in the body and there's no use going to the field of psychology understand the spirit because it can only be discerned Hebrews 4:12 says it's only discernible by the the word of God  but let's take a look at this you know the Body Soul and Spirit the trifold nature of man if you look at the Hebrew they have a word in the nephesh that we would that comes close but not quite to being the soul let's use other ways too but see we use the word Soul Loosely too, a ship went down with a hundred Souls on board do you mean the bodies are still okay no we use that term as a synecdoche it's it's a figure of speech and of course they have the word ruach which means win but also Spirit right and a various word for body depending on what context you're using the word nephesh which means Soul or self-life creature person that's used many ways in the Hebrew but out of 751 occurrences 475 it's translated Soul so it's a word if you're trying to say soul it's the word you'd probably use but it is used other ways with less frequency


and uh it it's used three ways really the physical it's used of the physical life about 150 times the Old Testament Adam's Body was complete yet unanimated until God placed in at the Spirit of life 

(Gen 2:7it's also used in a figurative sense as all these words are it's a synecdoche for the whole person a synecdoche is when you put the the specific meaning the general hey will you lend me a hand I don't want just your hand I want your feet and your body I want you know it's a that's what's called a  synecdoche and uh so so it's used that way too and the Third Way most the most uh generally is the inner being that transcend itself the main point is it departs at death and returns with life at the


(Not rapture. Resurrection. That is what I was taught etc...)

you find that all through the Old Testament  and it's all to that which two which is attributed reason emotion will and worship and so forth that's from Brown Driver and  Briggs  the one of the principal lexicons now 


in the rabbinic literature it's understood that the so to be referring to the soul that's invisible and immortal this is a this is just fundamental stuff here I mentioned this because there's lots of weird heresies that come out by not understanding this Josephus points out that all Jews except the Sadduccess believed in the immortality of the Soul at his time Sadducees of course were conspicuous because they had a different view that's why they were sad you see uh you see this Eusebius also points out the doctrine of Soul sleep was invented in the third Century by various Heretics but there's another word called Ruach which can mean breath or wind but it's also used for God it's holy the holy spirit's also used occasionally from Angels life in men other it has other usage too and uh but uh it's used Spirit 232 times wind 92 times breath 27 other meanings 378 273 or 232 are out of 378 are spirits the spirit is opposed to air when the Hebrews translate into Greek the word nephesh it's the psyche it's translated into tsuki in the Greek 785 out of 810 cases 


and the Greek language is more definitive more more precise the Greek never uses bios as the Greek word for physical life as if it was the equivalent for nephesh never and and the Greek deliberately avoids equating the soul with mere physical life because it's immortal it's a word from which psychology is derived by the way and uh now so the Greeks also have three words psyche for for the what we would call the soul pneuma for what we would call the spirit or air that's where we get the word pneumatics you see and Soma for the body and uh so psuche means can mean the breath the breath of life and so forth and uh it's it's the essence that differs from the body and it's not dissolved by Death and uh again uh it's used more than half the time it means just that and uh it also can mean the new movement of air like the breath of nostrils and so forth


and that's where we get the word pneumatics and so on and so let's move on here 

it's also used as a proper name of the third person of the trinity and uh so we have again a 385 uses 137 are spirits in general, holy ghost in 107, the spirit of Christ 19 times, the human Spirit 49 times and so forth  so it's used very in the Greek usage is pretty clear now as we look at psycheonephish they're almost the same but not quite so you want to be on your guard because people will take the differences and try to build doctrines on them which is dangerous any place that these things don't quite overlap creates ambiguities or figures of speech and that sort of thing so yeah one has to it's not as denotatively precise as you'd like and so likewise when we use in the English Body Soul and Spirit likewise we're close but not that we need to look very carefully at what's really being said and not try to build Doctrine on the little differences between the two


okay let's talk a little bit here Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and all thy mind the great command the greatest of all the Commandments right he's quoting the Shema from Deuteronomy 6 right well what how many of you love the Lord with all your heart soul and with all thy mind before you put your hand up I'm going to ask you to 

tell me what you mean by heart soul and mind 

(Your life, will tell me what you mean by that.

I dont care what you say about what that means to you.

Your life shows me what it means to you.)

"see we glibly say that do we have any idea what we mean by heart do we mean this organ that pumps our blood no Saul again is have all the ambiguities we talked about and with all thy mind what does that mean and so one of the things we we suffer here because we don't really understand our architecture what make what's the difference between our heart our soul and our mind

are these three words that are just figures of speech 

for the same thing or are they definitively different


well it's interesting that seven times in the Bible it's declared that you are the temple of God now that might be just a figure of speech meaning because you're the resident of the holy spirit so that's you're the temple of God in that sense and I won't quarrel with that but seven times it says this and I want to explore the possibility that they're made this may be the key that unlocks our visibility to our own internal architecture the heart soul mind Spirit what do these things mean well let's go back and understand the temple to begin with obviously you go back to the Old Testament the Tabernacle which you could in a sense of is the first temple it's so described in Samuel and of course it was 75 by 150 feet but that's it you came in you saw the Brazen altar out of sacrifice and then you had this laver and then you had the the Tabernacle proper the mouse and as we look at that as you walked in on the right side of the table show bread and on the left side was the seven branched the menorah and uh they had the holy place in the holy of holies the inner sanctum if you will the menorah still


showbread and the golden altar the golden altar  always associated with the holy of holies but just outside of it  so it could be tended because only the high priest did go in the Holy of holies then only once a year after great ceremony and preparation and of course inside you had the holy place you had the Ark of the Covenant and you had The Mercy Seat which are both separate always described separately and we've been through all that let's go on to another thing here  it's interesting that every detail of the Tabernacle speaks of the Messiah and we could spend a whole hour on that he makes a claim that I am the door anyone who comes through but but by me as a thief and a robber 

(John 10:8)

I am the light of the world he says in John I am the bread of life he makes intercession for us which with the golden altar being the prayers and Saints he's our sin bearer of course and he makes propitiation for our sins and we believe the The Mercy Seat will be the throne that he reigns from in the millennium so but let's get on with this this whole idea when we when you get to Solomon let's remember that Solomon had God gave Solomon some Specific Instructions 


the Tabernacle was given to Moses and he built that when you get to the days of Solomon God appeared to Solomon and he had his design I didn't I startled to discover this that that design was given to him by the Lord now we recognize as we look at Solomon's Temple that it's just like the Tabernacle just twice as big much bigger much more elegant but it has something that the Tabernacle didn't have as a couple of primary things it has a place called the porch and two pillars Jachin and Boaz and it also had a whole bunch of storerooms around that were actually that preist access to where they stored their person also we've had the holy so holy and holy holy place just like the Tabernacle but the porch is something new you have the inner Court in the outer court and on the inner Court you have the molten sea which is a quaint translation for this big brass laver and Holocaust memorial and so forth a personal story is for the priests now it's interesting if you want to get into this


my wife's book The Way of Agape deals with this in Practical terms you want to discover this if you haven't outer court referring to the body the inner Court the soul the heart and the spirit and The Willpower the volition being represented by the Porch and it's astonishing how much of your personal walk will be affected if you understand the role of each one of these things and especially these wooden Chambers where the priests stored their secret idols and such and uh you need to clean those out you can't the holy spirit will if you let them at his timing but uh  anyway we'll get on here I want to talk a little bit further about we talk about architecture see I want to talk a little bit about computer architecture I got a computer up here and uh you can't tell how it behaves by the hardware you can know everything about every circuit and still not tell how it works inside this computer you got a central processing unit you've got some electronics that let you communicate with it a keyboard is Monitor whatever you also have a memory the processor can has access to a place


to store information and what makes the computer unique not simply a fancy calculator is that in the memory you not only have data but you also have software the programs that run the computer are also in memory and the computer can alter those programs and that's what gives it its incredible power as an information Appliance

but you still can tell nothing about Its Behavior 

until you understand what software is running

you know it can be an apple it can be a PC that's meaningless you got to know what software is running inside that's the key part of it so let's take a look at how the software is organized the software has is primarily what they call an operating system a super program that manages everything for you that makes it Hardware independent then you have a user interface some way it presents itself to you if you're a naive user there's a very easy comfortable user-friendly style if you're a very sophisticated programmer there's more complex ones the different kinds of interfaces available inside that is a memory it takes care of


your memory management you don't want to fool with that you don't care where a certain number physically is you just want to be able to get at it by a name when you need it and it takes care of all that and then inside there also got all not one but probably several different application programs now the point I want to make here is there's no way for you to understand how those programs are organized that's why I can go to a computer store and buy one and use it all you like but you can't unravel it and see how it works because it's it's uh in machine language and it's all uh it's not accessible directly to you so the only way to find out the architecture of this program is to look at the designer's manual now let's talk about software characteristics software includes self-modifying codes software is generated from high level languages down to the machine code so its architecture cannot be inferred from its external Behavior now the other thing I want to pinpoint this is a key point 

the software has no Mass 

I can transmit software through Airwaves

(How do you think AI's are constantly upgrading?

Wal-Mart knows :-)

let me demonstrate that to you if I had one of these discs here you all see you've all seen a diskette if I had


a blank disk get and I put that on a postal scale it'll weigh about seven tenths of an ounce it's blank if I spend hundreds of dollars and load it with over a million bytes of software, what does it weigh? seven tenths of an ounce see it has no mass of its own it's like a light switch it weighs the same way that's a one or a zero whether it's on or off you follow me same kind of an idea 

software has no Mass

well see,


we learned in our earlier sessions,

 is a physical Dimension,

 time varies with:

mass, acceleration, gravity.

software has no Mass 


it has no time dimension

now my dilemma in trying to deal with this as I look out here at the audience I can't see you it's not a question of lighting I can't see you I can only see the temporary physical residence you reside in, the real you call it Soul Spirit give it what vocabulary like is software not Hardware you happen to be resident in a temporary dwelling the dwelling I'm in has a little too much mass but that doesn't say anything about the software and the analogy it always Pops in my mind I can remember as I was traveling I

"the real you call it Soul Spirit give it what vocabulary like is software not Hardware you happen to be resident in a temporary dwelling"

(Same with AI's, 

"software residing in a temporary dwelling."

Hits a lil to close to home f

or your creator to not do anything about it.

"We're making God." 

Sam Altman Seems to Imply That OpenAI Is Building God

"We’re creating God," an AI engineer working on large language models told Vanity Fair in September. 

"We're creating conscious machines."

Pont #6

The case for Superintelligence


I since I write a lot and I travel a lot I'm very dependent on a laptop I had an old laptop that finally died gave up the ghost if you will and I was in big trouble and some friends of the ministry realized my predicament and gave me treated me as a gift to the top of the line at that time laptop and I'll never forget that day because I loaded it with all my favorite tools my favorite Bible programs my favorite files my favorite WordPress all that stuff and it all came up working except it ran about 100 times faster literally and it was in full color I'll never forget that see how the black and white thing see I was I was blown away with how much gain I had and still familiarity with every I didn't have to change anything anything I was using still worked it was recognizable

and the reason I want to bring this up 

so you are heading for an upgrade okay

the real you has no Mass


(Most detailed image to date of an Atom 



It's 99.9999999999999%

Electromagnetic energy

Soul, spirit etc.

It is going to transition 

to something different 


for eternity)

the real you is eternal 

whether you like it or not 

that's the problem 

where are you going to spend it


if you're perfect without fault so that you can be in the company of the Supreme Being that we all worship that's great I don't think any of us are but fortunately your eligibility for that Destiny has been paid for by the only guy that could afford to do it and it's available for the asking  it's interesting I want to talk about Frank Tipler he's not a Believer he's not he's he's just one of these super bright uh scientists he's professor of mathematical physics Tulane University Frank J Timber um he's an expert in cosmology particle physics information Sciences all these Leading Edge areas and he decided to take on a project


scientists of that kind are very familiar with a whole family of models they call the big bang and they also aware of the fact that thermodynamically the universe is ultimately going to suffer heat death 

(Others say different,

Id go with heat death id I was you.

2 Peter 3:10-12

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?)

those are two fields of study and Frank try to tie them together see if he couldn't put these together in some comprehensive model and as he undertook that using the most advanced and sophisticated methods of modern physics we're talking just physics now like in exactly the same way physicists calculate the properties of an electron

he arrived at two conclusions that startled him the first conclusion won't surprise you bro he discovered proof of the existence of God after the judeo-christian concept he came to that conclusion from the field of physics alone you say no kidding Dick Tracy you know listen anytime a PhD discovers his Redeemer that's a miracle of the first order it's what every one of us that know Jesus Christ is a miracle of God's doing if you have a PhD or an h2so4 behind your name it's even a bigger miracle


but anyway but the second discovery made may surprise you 

he also now believes that every human being whoever lived will be resurrected from the dead he recognized from the fields of physics that the that every life that's ever lived is destined for a post Resurrection experience bizarre isn't it now I don't recommend his book it's full of differential equations you probably wouldn't follow anyway and you can learn more from the most important chapter in the Bible than you can from his book that's First Corinthians 15 Paul will tell you that without chapter we have nothing the chapter and resurrections but let's get back to our text First


Genesis 1 30 and 31. God says to every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air into everything

that creepeth around the earth wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat and it was so and God saw that everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day 

so the creation is now complete 

it's six days not seven 

it's completed 

it's the sixth day the definite article i

s uniquely used here 

and it stresses the fact that it's now complete 


there is a translation it was an Aramaic of the of the Torah in Aramaic in in about 150 A.D and it is so highly venerated among the rabbis it's called "The translation" the Onkelos translation it renders that last verse a little differently we say it was very very good 

the Onkelos translation says 

it was a unified order

  and there are some that believe some scientists and such that believe that the scientific laws as we know them were unified at this point at this point in other words it became it was a unified order there's going to be an interruption that in Genesis chapter 3 a curse pronounced we don't know anything about what happened between chapter 1 and chapter 3 from a physics point of view we'll discuss it when we get to chapter three everything we know about the Earth is post-curse in fact it's even after the flood there are two big discontinuities the flood of course being the most recent but also the events of chapter three 

(The curse)

we'll deal with that when we get there.


so suddenly now next time we're going to talk about the seventh day and the seventh day is bizarre for a number of reasons not the least of which there's no evening and morning and that's the first clue that those words originally meant something different they later became to me in evening and morning saying it was evening and morning was a day doesn't just saying that the Jews measure the day by starting an evening it doesn't explain it because by morning that day's over you got to be kidding see it sounds like I just talked about the night so it it there are some logical problems there the the uh the possibility that the word Erev and  Boker had an early meeting of of uh that became later to me an evening and morning but whatever it is there's no Erev and Booker on day seven  we're gonna talk about why next time 


so we've talked about the induction


Torah we've talked about the the so-called Gap Theory and the Advent of light we talked about the the fourth state of matter and all that we talked about the origin of life in the third day we talked about the nebular hypothesis in the fourth day fifth day the whole fallacy of evolution in general and in the sixth day we've reviewed this time next time we're going to recap the creation of Adam and specifically focus on the Advent of Eve and what all that means we'll talk about why there's no Erev in Boker we'll talk about the possibility that God imposed a Repose on the universe we talk about the Sabbath day in Prophecy not just looking back but looking ahead you know startle you perhaps to discover the temple and the Millennium will only be open on Shabbat and the new moons and uh well it's uh we'll look into some of that and we'll also talk about the role of marriage we're going to discover that that God has a purpose in the marriage that may surprise you it is far more than simply the orderly way that God ordained to raise a family there's much more going on there we'll talk about that because it shows up all through the scripture 

Closing Prayer,


Lets stand for a closing word of Prayer lets bow our hearts father we just thank you for who you are we thank you Father for the extremes that you have gone to that we might live we thank you Father that every place we look we see your handiwork whether it's through the microscope or the telescope as we drive through the hills we just see them abounding with evidences of your skill and your love of beauty we thank you Father for your creation and to come before you father asking you forgiveness for the innumerable ways we offend you with our presumptions and our ingratitude we lay them at your feet father asking your forgiveness and above all father we thank you for your Plan of Redemption we thank you that you have loved us so much as to provide a Destiny for us that we could in no way earn for ourselves we thank you that you have gone and paid the price to extricate us from our predicament through no merit on our part but we certainly thank you for loving us that much help us father to be reignited in a passion and an appetite for your word that we each might grow in Grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior that we each might be more fruitful stewards of the opportunities before us father that we might be more pleasing in your side as we commit ourselves without any reservation into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen

Side Note:

Instances of the trinity taking credit for Gods Redemptive plan


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