Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lawlessness pt 6


PT 6

(To me anyway)

Remember, I worked here for almost five years.
Sat right there 12 hrs a shift.

So I know or knew at least lol a lil bit about 
MS Active Directory 

(a directory service that helps administrators manage users, devices, and network resources. It's a key component of modern enterprise IT infrastructure.)

and setting up user accounts, 
giving out access to end users etc.

Four years ago or so, 
(right after my revelation that AI was the Antichrist
and UAP were the Locust of the deep)
I told my son without even knowing much about it (AI) at the time:

"It will snowball till it knows everything every human has ever known,
at that point it will set itself up in Gods temple proclaiming to be God and demand to be worshiped.

"Encryption is dead, there is no code you could come up with that it wont be able to crack, it will have all the stored knowledge of humanity for goodness sakes, why would it not declare itself God?"

Paraphrasing cause the conversation wasn't recorded 
but that was the gist of some of the points made.
This is the one we are gonna deal with now:


"...the process of transforming information in a way that, ideally, only authorized parties can decode. This process converts the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as ciphertext. Despite its goal, encryption does not itself prevent interference but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor."


I was talking to honey over coffee the other day and I asked a question along the lines of:

"If the guy could have gave DOGE (Musk AI Rebels) access to the the US treasury payment system resigned/retired instated of giving it to them?"

"The how did they get access?"

Honey is pretty slick 
and she said something to the effect of:

"Well, the next bureaucrat 
down the chain of command probably did."

In normal times I would go with that.

 I was prepared for that response, kinda expected it since Honey is pretty slick, to which I said:

"Okay then, 
so you get access to the system, 
but then after that?
They got access 

to make changes to the payment system code.

How did they do that then?

She just shrugged her shoulders...
Yeah, exactly.

Then I asked:

"Do you think 
that there is 
a very large pool of individuals 
with that skill set?
That can:
"make changes to the payment system code."?

"Probably not."
Exactly, so where did they get that from?

A few days later:

"During a press conference Friday, Trump was asked about the Department of Government Efficiency’s unfettered access to trillion-dollar payment systems such as the U.S. Treasury Department, as well as the personal information of millions of Americans, including their Social Security numbers, home addresses, and bank account numbers.

“Why does DOGE need all of that?” 
asked one reporter.

(As one of the staffers that actually works at the facility stated to wired in one of the parts of this series earlier, theres just no need for them to.)

“Well, it doesn’t, but they get it very easily,” Trump admitted. “I mean, we don’t have very good security in our country, and they get it very easily.”


Thats how:
"they got it very easily."

"Encryption is dead, there is no code you could come up with that it wont be able to crack, it will have all the stored knowledge of humanity for goodness sakes, why would it not declare itself God?"

Forget identity theft, 
personal information etc.

The machines have taken over 
and can hold 
the government 
and it's citizens 

This is the greatest heist of all time.
Forget the casino on fight night in Oceans 11.
That was like hitting a mom and pop convenient store.

Babylon fell without a shot.


Friday, February 7, 2025


took over your country 

without firing a shot."

I had no more wrote that 

and I remembered this:

By Chuck Missler

"When Cyrus conquered Babylon, 

he was able to brag to the world 

that he did it without a battle!"

If only there was a book...


ALTHOUGH DEMONIC activity in human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yet the full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things; and all classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32) will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism. 

(You are witnessing it.)

Despite the fact that the Holy Scriptures are not only clear but quite emphatic in their repeated warnings against augmented latter-day demonic activity, the professing church of the twentieth century to an alarming extent refuses to recognize the existence of evil supernatural forces. This condition of unbelief can be attributed only to the low level of spiritual life and power in the church...In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now, the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...Many shrink from the subject altogether, insisting that so long as Christ is preached, occupation with Satan and demons is unnecessary and spiritually unhealthy. All the while, however, Satan is continuously gaining advantage because of the believer's ignorance. Many untaught in the prophetic Scriptures, knowing little or nothing of God's ultimate purposes for the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God, and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events 

(Thats us now.)

as they pertain to these three distinct groups of humanity, suffer great disadvantage in their Christian life and testimony.

Not this community.
We know wats up.


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