Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lawlessness pt.2



Trump’s disregard for US constitution ‘a blitzkrieg on the law’, legal experts say





"Scholars warn of president’s lawlessness in actions such as federal funding freeze and birthright citizenship order."

Sat 1 Feb 2025 08.00 EST

"Donald Trump’s rapid-fire and controversial moves that have ranged from banning birthright citizenship to firing 18 inspectors general means the US president has shown a greater willingness than his predecessors to violate the constitution and federal law, some historians and legal scholars say."

(I keep trying to tell you its the plan.)

"These scholars pointed to other Trump actions they say blatantly broke the law, such as freezing trillions of dollar in federal spending and dismissing members of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), even though they were confirmed by the Senate and had several years left in their terms."

(There is simply no point in your Senate anymore. You are witnessing the intentional unraveling of your country (God has handed it over to Satan at this point) and if you think, "Well that's a good thing, or "It's about time etc?"

How much longer?


Without any doubt Donald Trump is the most lawless and scofflaw

(WOD BTW) president we have ever seen in the history of the United States,” said Laurence Tribe, one of the nation’s leading constitutional scholars and a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School."

"Tribe said Trump has carried out “a blitzkrieg on the law and the constitution. The very fact that the illegal actions have come out with the speed of a rapidly firing Gatling gun makes it very hard for people to focus on any one of them. That’s obviously part of the strategy.”

(The man is simply not smart enough to have it all designed and ready to go on day one. If so? Then who was on the team that put all of this together beforehand? Where did they meet? Etc. It had to have come from somewhere else, and that somewhere else, is the intelligence industrial complex, and AI.)

"Tribe said the so-called pause in federal spending that the Trump administration ordered last Monday “was a clear usurpation of a coordinate branch’s [Congress’s] exclusive power of the purse”.

(Already told you, Congress simply doesn't matter any more.)

"Before the Trump administration rescinded the freeze two days later, several groups had sued to stop the freeze, saying Trump had violated the constitution and the 1974 Impoundment Control Act, which lets presidents withhold funds in limited circumstances, but only if they first follow several special procedures – which legal experts said Trump failed to do."

(If only there was a book 

that explained why the increase 

in lawlessness in the last days...



ALTHOUGH DEMONIC activity in human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yet the full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things; and all classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism...

(You are watching it right in front of you.)

"In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now, the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...

(Please, Im begging you, 

understand what is going on in your world and why it is so.)

"Many untaught in the prophetic Scripturesknowing little or nothing of God's ultimate purposes for the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God, and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events as they pertain to these three distinct groups of humanity, suffer great disadvantage in their Christian life and testimony...

And now we are here and people just don't wanna believe it.

What is your reasoning for what we are seeing?

Why did it take off post-Covid?

My answer is simple.

Covid was the second woe

and now we are witnessing the rise of:

"the full realization 

and augmentation of its destructive power 

(demonic activity that is)

are reserved for the consummation of the age"

It will reach its peak in three and a half years 

after the OFFICIAL start of the tribulation period.


Because Satan knows his time is drawing to a close.


Who are your two witnesses?

Who is your false prophet?

Who/what is your antichrist?

And to what do you attribute 

the rise of lawlessness post Covid to?

My answers to those questions are all very simple.

They are backed up with current events in our world today, 

scripture, and divine revelation over a period of years.

"I will give power to my two witnesses" 

Revelation 11:3.)

"Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California Berkeley School of Law, also voiced dismay at what he said was Trump’s flagrant flouting of the law in his first few days back in office.

“A stunning number of his executive actions clearly violate the constitution and federal law,” Chemerinsky said. “I cannot think of any president who has ever so ignored the constitution as extensively in the first 10 days of office as this."

(A team of experts, 

let alone Fry-Boy 

could have come up with so much so quick.

If so?

Who were they?

And where were they? 

When they designed all of this?

And who knew about it?

You get more than a couple of people 

all heading to the same place and time

working on shared goals?


So where are they?

Just like that kind of intelligence/logic/education doesn't just walk out of the desert in Iraq/Syria after 21 years?

(See "The Assyrian" series again.

This kind of:

"illegal actions have come out with the speed of a rapidly firing Gatling gun (Executive Orders) makes it very hard for people to focus on any one of them. That’s obviously part of the strategy.

is not of human origin.

Elon Musk and his cronies seized the US treasury on Jan 31st, on Feb 9th? AI, with a red white and blue backdrop and Uncle Sam narrating evens told a world wide audience:

it most certainly is.

You just wont admit it to yourself...yet.)

“I certainly doubt that any president has done so much lawless so quickly that affects so many people,” Chemerinsky continued. “The freeze of federal spending potentially affects tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of people.”

"That freeze caused alarm and chaos across the nation as it disrupted Medicaid payments, childcare programs, meals for seniors, housing subsidies and special ed programs. Matthew Vaeth, the acting director of the office of management and budget, said the freeze was needed to stop “the use of federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies”.

(Lawlessness is not how you go about stopping that.

And if you think it is?

Not to mention you are flat out ignoring the emphatic warnings scripture gives us about the rise of evil supernaturalism in the (about to be)Tribulation period)

"Federal judges moved quickly to temporarily block the spending freeze and the ban on birthright citizenshipLast Tuesday, a federal district court judge in Washington DC, Loren AliKhan, suspended the spending freeze. Facing huge confusion and criticism over the freeze, the Trump administration rescinded it on Wednesday."

(Thank Goodness.)

"On 23 January, a federal district judge in Seattle, John Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee, temporarily blocked Trump’s order to end birthright citizenship. “This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,” Coughenour said. 

(Funny thing about machines, 

they dont really care about your laws.)

“I have difficulty understanding how a member of the bar would state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order. It just boggles my mind.”

(See my statement above.)

"Karoline Leavitt, the White House press secretary, 

defended the president’s move to ban birthright citizenship

(It should take a constitutional amendment to do so


You can count on it not.

That is 100% how it works.

We have seen this TV show repeated throughout history

And now its here on our shores.

Doesn't matter if you believe it or not.)

"In a briefing on Wednesday, she said: “We are prepared to fight this all the way to the supreme court if we have to, because President Trump believes that this is a necessary step to secure our nation’s borders and protect our homeland.”

(Thats doesnt mean he just gets to make changes to the constitution, so? He will, and the Supreme Court will go along with it and everybody will think its all a great thing...and by the time you realize what they are up to?


Kinda like 

it already is.)

"Many legal experts and Democratic lawmakers condemned Trump’s firing of 18 inspectors general, who serve as independent officials who audit and investigate agencies for waste, fraud and abuse. Those critics, along with Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican who chairs the Senate judiciary committee, noted that Trump had failed to give Congress the required 30-day advance notice and specific reasons for the firings."

(Grow a plant (or five lol) you like to consume in the privacy of your own home in the manner you choose?

You'll go to jail.

These guys?

Yeah not so much.

Which is worse really?

And if you speak out about the growing of nature?

But you think all of this is all well and fine?

You  obviously suffer from suffer from this affliction:


As politely as I can say it:

Its really not.
This crap they are doing is indefensible.
It really is.

Trumps first term 
was just to soften you up 
to get you ready for this, 
so that this will seem okay to you.

The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.


"The strange thing is that what most people expected from Trump 2.0 was his usual performative chaos: perhaps a bit less than last time, but chaos nonetheless. 

What no one saw coming 

was a tech bro 

(King(s) without a kingdom 

Revelation 17:12)

who spotted an opportunity 

to use AI 

to re-engineer the US government "


You dont use

 a higher level intelligence.

It uses you

and you dont even recognize 

that it is doing so.

This is 100% wat we are witnessing.)

Much like the next time

 the Idol will be the man

(Soulless Quantum Powered AI Huamoid.)

 that declares himself god in/on the temple?

Daniel 9:27,Daniel 11:31,Matthew 24:15

The AI in this case

is the tech bro.

(explains Musk bizarre behavior don't ya think?)


Creating life is solely the providence of God.

This is why we can be assured 

of what is to come.

"As it was in the beginning 

so shall it be in the end" 

somebody sang, 

the same song says

"There aint no hiding place 

from the father of creation

Believe it!")

"in the name of the “efficiency” that Silicon Valley worships, and was able to pay hundreds of millions to get into the driving seat.

(Thats a worldly view that has already passed away and is incorrect.

Only through the blood stained 20/20 lenses of this book



that is going on in your world make sense.

Not just the lawlessness were taking into consideration here.)

"In the bad old days, insurgent colonels would surround the presidential palace with tanks and capture the radio station. Thanks to Trump, Musk didn’t have to worry about the palace, and he already had his own radio station (X), so he went straight to the heart of the matter – the Treasury. What we’re watching is nothing less than a thoroughly modern coup d’état."


only executed by AI, 

not a Tech Bro using AI.

And the coup is over, its already done, and as stated previously? If it can happen here? What makes you think it aint gonna happen everywhere?

OpenAI's board of directors firing Sam Altman for 


and then resigning, 

Their Superalignment team disbanding shortly thereafter,

and the 

AI apocoplyspe all make more sense to you now?

Cause if it don't by now?


will you understand this?

"Thanks to Trump, Musk didn’t have to worry about the palace, and he already had his own radio station (X), so he went straight to the heart of the matter – the Treasury."

(So ask yourself:

Intertwined much?

Go read Revelation 13 again if needed.

False prophet verses


Antichrist verses


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