are eternal light beings
(Our atoms are
99.9999999999999 electro-magnetic
dwelling in but a
temporary meat suit
during this existence.
Why in the world?
Do you not want to spend
an eternity with your creator?
In the manner
that it was originally intended?
God didn't make the world
this screwed up.
We did.
(He made it perfect BTW.)
Quantum Experiment Reveals Light Existing in Dozens of Dimensions
"A paradox at the heart of quantum physics has been tested in an extraordinary fashion, pushing the boundaries of human intuition beyond breaking point by measuring a pulse of light in 37 dimensions.
(Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.)
"Their findings clarify how quantum weirdness operates on a fundamental level, potentially informing future applications in quantum technology. Not to mention reaffirming just how useless our brains are at understanding the operations manual for our Universe's engine.
(Once again:
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.)
"If you want to know if there is any mail inside your mailbox, you merely need to walk out and take a look. From that one, simple observation you can deduce the postal service has been and popped a belated birthday card from Aunt Judy in through the slot. Thanks Aunt Judy!
This intuitive system can be described as local realism. You can imagine a chain of events from Aunt Judy to yourself taking place, each moving through a series of connected locations from Aunt Judy's kitchen table, to the post office, to your address.'
'For most things in science, local realism does a good enough job of describing how things are."
"But then scientists had to come along and mess it all up with quantum physics, discovering the machine running reality operates by rules that make little sense. Arguably the most bizarre of which contradict local realism.
(Newsflash nitwits:
I mean do they honestly believe that?
Machines dont self assemble.
So what put the machine together?
"the machine running reality
operates by rules that make little sense"
I would add:
"To us."
See Isaiah 55:8-9 yet again.)
"Accordingly, before you look inside the mailbox,
the Universe has yet to settle
on whether a card is inside, if a postal service has been by, or if Aunt Judy has remembered your birthday.
("The universe has yet to settle"
The universe gets to make that decision?
One day these numbskulls are gonna get it:
No matter how bad they want them too.)
"Physicists refer to these undecided objects and events as contexts, and their relationship to one another as entanglement. The only way to know if Aunt Judy sent a card is to look in the mailbox and check – before then, it was all a big shrug as far as reality goes."
"This might all seem straightforward so far, but the GHZ paradox throws a mammoth spanner in the works by predicting outcomes to experiments that contradict localism, as if Aunt Judy's card manifested inside your mailbox without the postal service's assistance."
Science just found out
God can work miracles
by the way he designed his creation
Well no kidding.
Thx guys and gals.
Always remember:
Creation alone
is justification enough
for condemnation.)
"...the researchers put their scenario through its paces, working backward from observed correlations to show that even with just three contexts, our expectations of local realism can be thrown into the bin."
(Chuck Missler was saying
the same exact thing
like 20 years ago.
Locality at a fundamental level
(as small as you can get,
the subatomic level)
Who but God?
Could have designed it that away?)
"To understand how this might happen, however, we need to add a few more dimensions outside of our up-and-down, back-and-forth, and side-to-side, and second-to-second. Like, another 33 dimensions."
(How old was Christ when he died?
I'd go with 33 if I was you.
Having access to the extra dimensions that we dont is how God works his miracles.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Lil refresher:
Chuck Missler on light:
"it's located at Infinity light has a velocity limit but it's limited by the intrinsic physics of the universe it's also omnipresent it turns out they've also discovered we'll talk about this next time photons lack locality they've discovered that all photons in the universe know what the other photons are doing."
"Well thats just not possible"
I'll tell you this much,
its not one
you wanna be associated with.
Thats just one example.
I got four legal pads
full of notes
with about 70? 80? more.
It became so common place
that I dont even try
to keep up with them anymore.
Thats my reality.
it aint for you"
My friend sang in his band
when I was in school:-)
Too many coincidences
simply isn't a coincidence.
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