what he is talking about :-).
(Sarcasm, the highest form of humor :-)
Friday, June 9, 2023
(Copied over from before that actually)
"today , we still have hundred's of churches that are run by power brokers and businessmen who sit in the pews-good ol' boys and small town politicians who keep their pastors on puppet strings."
(Entire denominations...YUP...)
"Boldness is a sure sign that you really believe in the unseen realm..."
(Experienced it, how can I not believe it? What are you gonna do to me? Send me to it? Okay, deal.)
"We have long made the mistake of not recognizing prophetic people for their gifting because we were expecting a "prophet" to be some kind of God-incarnate super-human."
"My level of spiritual authority is only as great as the extent to which God has increased and I have decreased."
"What will the people look like who will actually do this stuff? Many of these guys will be absolute freaks." :-).
"John (JTB) and Elijah were not Sunday School Christians. They would not have been considered safe or conservative in our day. They were completely insane by modern standards."
"There is nothing he (Satan) can do but sit there and lose when a man is so abandoned that he will give his very life for the gospel."
"He is releasing secrets that He has reserved from the beginning of the foundation of the earth-secrets and mysteries that even Daniel saw and John saw that were sealed up and held in reserve...Paul Keith Davis."
"When we are in unity, the Lord commands that we be able to access our eternal blessings here and now. That is, he releases Heaven on earth."
"Often, those who have to press in the longest and the hardest for a thing are the ones God intends to fill with the most power."
"Yet these hidden regiments of fanatics- those who stow away in caves and hide from television cameras-they thrive in such extremities."
"Such men are acquainted with suffering, With social distaste. With persecution and the theft of human dignity."
"It will not be so critical for us to have perfect Eschatology - an exact understanding of the end times - prior to the Lords return. However, even as the book of Revelation promises blessings to those who read, hear and take the book to heart, so there will be blessings to those who apply themselves to prophetically understand the Lord's end time purpose."
"The enemy shivers at the thought of what access we have to find God's power."
"...the lord wants to restore the church prior to her entrance into glory, before the Lord returns, He will have a church functioning in her prime. A pure and spotless bride without blemish."
(One Church, One. The final one.
Part of the two witnesses commission.)
"the last days are when the church will shine her brightest."
(True Church)
"The people of God do not bow out or get whisked away in times of trial, rather God carries them right through to the other side as they lean into him."
"In these last days, the Church will walk in the anointing of the sons of Golden Oil foreshadowed in Zachariah 4 and Revelation 11."
"Those with vision will embrace such encounters with the demonic, because Christians who walk in power will be on the offense, not the defense."
(The power in me is greater than the power in you.)
"Science is a gift from God
and true science
was never an enemy of faith."
(Explains the Missler commentaries)
"...undiscovered forms of worship will abound."
"We will get past the mind - past controlling, domineering Christianity - and demonstrate a spiritual life that attracts the world."
"Like the medieval period, this age will be much more conductive to Christian mysticism. However thanks to the advances of rational thought, these post-mystics will posse a clearer intellect and safer theological understanding through which to experience the divine than ever before. The spirit and the mind of redeemed mankind will function at levels of cohesion never before realized. Mysteries will unfold like gangbusters."
"Breaking open new realms always takes sacrifice."
"The forces of Satan are very fearful of the new martyrs that are coming."
"The enemy has learned how foolish it is to kill martyrs. whenever he kills them, they multiply. The retribution that follows is far greater than if he left them alone."
"The vision ended (Authors, Crowders) and instantly, the lord spoke to me about the new martyrs that are coming on the scene and how the enemy feels about them.
This is what I heard:
They will freak you out dude."
"God is making for Himself worshippers in this hour whose lives are enflamed with holiness, who are unattached to the things of this world. They desire only their lover."
"To fear the lord is simply to agree with love, and to literally hate evil."
"Fear of punishment will produce an immediate response,
but only the love of God will produce a sustained relationship."
"...we have largely forgotten the thread of wisdom and divine experience in the desert fathers. theses men were dethatched completely from the spirit of their age, that their souls might be illuminated by Christ.'
"With the Desert fathers you have the characteristic of a clean break with a conventional, accepted social context in order to swim for one's life into an apparently irrational void.", write Thomas Merton."
"Let us pray that we may know the hidden things, that we may have power from God to stand against the darts of the evil one. And if we desire to know the hidden things, then we must have our hearts pure, that we may be a habitation for the Holy Spirit and then He will abide and rest in us, and the light that proceeds from Him will enable us to see the hidden things; even from remote distances."
~ St Anthony the Abbot
"Their outward extremes were only a visible sign that they had discovered an inner paradise."
(I am much more at peace than anyone else I know. (Except honey, she is right there with me. Thank goodness)
"...we will always be a peculiar people. It's unavoidable. we will always do weird things, because we are aware of a greater reality than the seen world."
(There's the long and short of it right there.
It aint nothing to be scared of.)
"Human wisdom says.
"If it's not in the word dont do it."
Jesus says,
"Do what I tell you,
then I'll show you where it is in the word."
'Sometimes our greatest sin is settling for a mundane life
and not stepping out into the unknown.
God is looking for courageous pioneers."
"Faith must precede reason."
"...when I mention levitation or walking through walls, many people instantly think of the occult. But Jesus did both."
(Why wouldn't
the creator of Quantum Mechanics
be able to do whatever he wanted exactly?
I got a chair etc...)
"We have to be OK with experiencing his glory and watching Him do incredible things that boggle our minds."
(The sooner you wrap your head around it the better.)
"We need intellectual Christians in the marketplace - in business and politics- whom have amassed great reservoirs of learning, yet who are foremost yielded to the spirit of God. The world is afraid of an intellectual Christian because he gives rational credence to his life of faith."
"Satan is not afraid of you, but is terrified of the one who dwells within you."
"It is Him who saved me;
it is him who is purifying me;
and it is Him
who will bring his work in me
to completion.
In Him nothing can hold me back
from walking into my prophetic destiny."
St Francis of Assisi:
"...clergy was corrupt with materialism and spiritual pride at the time. I would not suggest we go taking vows of poverty, but Francis life was a prophetic sign in his day. He restored a voice and a hope for the laity and the poor in his era..."
"...preaching in the everyday language of the people with music and singing."
"When we encounter God, nature and even people are drawn to us. The anointing has an attractive element that all substances - animate and inanimate are compelled to worship! Even the thieves, junkies and prostitutes were drawn to Jesus because they perceived the fragrance of Heaven on him."
"In this hour , God is again calling his people to embrace supernatural Christianity."
"prophetic movements in scripture and throughout church history have a very high rate of being rejected by God's people. It's par for the course. If god has called you into a prophetic office, you've been handed a ticket to your own crucifixion. Enjoy it. It just means you get more of God in the long run."
"It is time to eat meat and spit fire."
"I know this sounds weird to some non-Orthodox Christians, but the fact is, there is a lot out there we aren't clued in on."
"It was the Coptic church
refusal to mingle politics
with church affairs
that got them ostracized from the West in the fifth century."
"Joels army will not be wearing an American flag or a Canadian maple leaf on it's shoulder. It's only standard will be the cross. It's only membership requirement will be the blood of the lamb. The Lord is telling us to get our eyes outside the box and think of His church as a global entity."
The lord has "sleeper agents" planted throughout the world, who will be called out of their caves at the appointed time of harvest."
No idea wat he means lol.
I didnt make my life like that.
That was the playbook for what
had already happened
and what was going to
continue to happen.
And it sure did.
... and I don't care what you think.
If you don't believe in a risen Christ?
You should care,
what I KNOW.
Been doing this a good lil bit now.
Powers growing.
Everything Crowder said
is 100% the truth.
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