Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lawlessness pt 4


PT 4


If only there was a book...

Engineers between 19 and 24, most linked to Musk’s companies, are playing a key role as he seizes control of federal infrastructure.

("I can remember even as a kid I I saw a little cartoon a guy was showing a friend his Factory and in the factory had as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots and the guy was telling someone:

"I don't know where it's going to all end."

Chuck Missler.

"...as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots."

Been going on a while already.

These arent people

"Engineers between 19 and 24, most linked to Musk’s companies, are playing a key role as he seizes control of federal infrastructure."

Plain and simple.

"Elon Musk’s takeover of federal government infrastructure is ongoing, 

(You control the $ you control a lil more than the infrastructure, DUH. Its why they went after it.
and at the center of things is a coterie of engineers who are barely out of—and in at least one case, purportedly still in—college. Most have connections to Musk, and at least two have connections to Musk’s longtime associate Peter Thiel, a cofounder and chair of the analytics firm and government contractor Palantir who has long expressed opposition to democracy.

WIRED has identified six young men
(Satans number BTW)

—all apparently between the ages of 19 and 24, according to public databases, their online presences, and other records—

(All easily created digitally.
Think you cant just buy a new identity tese days?

who have little to no government experience and are now playing critical roles in Musk’s so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) project, tasked by executive order with “modernizing Federal technology and software to maximize governmental efficiency and productivity.” 


The engineers all hold nebulous job titles within DOGE, and at least one appears to be working as a volunteer.

The engineers are Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger, and Ethan Shaotran. None have responded to requests for comment from WIRED. Representatives from OPM, GSA, and DOGE did not respond to requests for comment.

(You are beneath them, why should they respond to such a lower level life form as humans? You'll find out whats up soon enough.)

The six men are one part of the broader project of Musk allies assuming key government positions. Already, Musk’s lackeys—including more senior staff from xAI, Tesla, and the Boring Company—have taken control of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and General Services Administration (GSA), and have gained access to the Treasury Department’s payment system, potentially allowing him access to a vast range of sensitive information about tens of millions of citizens, businesses, and more. On Sunday, (FEB 2 2025) CNN reported that DOGE personnel attempted to improperly access classified information and security systems at the US Agency for International Development and that top USAID security officials who thwarted the attempt were subsequently put on leave. The Associated Press reported that DOGE personnel had indeed accessed classified material.

(Its already over and people cant even admit to themselves what tey are seeing.)

“What we're seeing is unprecedented in that you have these actors who are not really public officials gaining access to the most sensitive data in government,” says Don Moynihan, a professor of public policy at the University of Michigan. “We really have very little eyes on what's going on. Congress has no ability to really intervene and monitor what's happening because these aren't really accountable public officials. So this feels like a hostile takeover of the machinery of governments by the richest man in the world.

(It doesnt "feel like" it was 
"a hostile takeover of the machinery of government."

Lil confusing and a lil bit of a long way to go 
to make a point but it has to be done.

a SYMBOL of the antichrist,
 Not "The" Antichrist.

Reference Footnote a 

"A second beast arises from the land, 
symbolizing the antichrist
which leads people astray 
by its prodigies 
to idolize the first beast
(The false prophet, Trump.)

Evil in the form of Idolatry, of which the making of fake brains is the highest manifestation thereof, (it's the highest insult to God whos crowing achievement was the merging of the physical (man) with the spiritual (soul) in humanitys brains, goes back to where it came from and is destroyed there.

He is already there awaiting his ultimate destruction.


NABRE Footnote on 5:7

Woman sitting inside the basket: figure 
representing wickedness or foreign idolatry 
being transported back to Babylonia.

So Musk isn't 
"The" Antichrist, 
but only a symbol there of, 
a protégé of  
idolatrous Artificial Intelligence.

The real Antichrist is in Syria.
Sound crazy yet?

Daniel 7:7-8

7 “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.

“While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

(Just Cant emphasize "LIKE" the eyes of a human being enough.)

(cf Revelation 17: 7, 12

Revelation 17:7

7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, 
and of the beast that carrieth her, 
which hath the seven heads 
(The seven Kingdoms that have ruled over Jewrusalem
Babylon, Assyria, Egypt Medo-Persian, Greek, Roman, Ottoman Turks)
and ten horns.

Revelation 17:12

12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; 
but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

Tech Bros, Musk, etc, 

The point is?
"The" Antichrist 
is the little horn that emerges.
That's our guy in Syria. 
He is a little horn right now 
as compared to Tech Bros, 
but he will take over everything 
after the war.
Reference "The Assryian" series again if needed.)

Bobba has attended UC Berkeley, where he was in the prestigious Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology program. According to a copy of his now-deleted LinkedIn obtained by WIRED, 

(Well of course it was deleted, it was all fake to start with.)

"Bobba was an investment engineering intern at the Bridgewater Associates hedge fund as of last spring and was previously an intern at both Meta and PalantirHe was a featured guest on a since-deleted podcast 
(Why is everything about this guy getting deleted, Huh?
Cause it was all fake to start with.)

with Aman Manazir, an engineer who interviews engineers about how they landed their dream jobs, where he talked about those experiences last June.

"Coristine, as WIRED previously reported, appears to have recently graduated from high school and to have been enrolled at Northeastern University. 
(This is who has access to the treasury department payment system?
Are you fucking kidding me?)

"According to a copy of his résumé obtained by WIRED, he spent three months at Neuralink, Musk’s brain-computer interface company, last summer."

"Both Bobba and Coristine are listed in internal OPM records reviewed by WIRED as “experts” at OPM, reporting directly to Amanda Scales, its new chief of staff. Scales previously worked on talent for xAI, Musk’s artificial intelligence company, and as part of Uber’s talent acquisition team, per LinkedIn. Employees at GSA tell WIRED that Coristine has appeared on calls where workers were made to go over code they had written and justify their jobs. WIRED previously reported that Coristine was added to a call with GSA staff members using a nongovernment Gmail address. Employees were not given an explanation as to who he was or why he was on the calls."

"Farritor, who per sources has a working GSA email address, is a former intern at SpaceX, Musk’s space company, and currently a Thiel Fellow after, according to his LinkedIn, dropping out of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. While in school, he was part of an award-winning team that deciphered portions of an ancient Greek scroll."

("according to his LinkedIn", 
well what does the university of Nebraska have to say about it?
Was he even really enrolled at at?)

"Kliger, whose LinkedIn lists him as a special adviser to the director of OPM and who is listed in internal records reviewed by WIRED as a special adviser to the director for information technology

(Oaky all these credentials they are talking about are all on web pages, they are easily falsifiable. Who was with any of these people where they say they were outside of any of Theil or Musks businesses?)

attended UC Berkeley until 2020; 

(Did UC Berkeley confirm that?
Who was his roomamte?
Where did he live?
What classes did he take?

most recently, according to his LinkedIn, he worked for the AI company Databricks. His Substack includes a post titled “The Curious Case of Matt Gaetz: How the Deep State Destroys Its Enemies,” as well as another titled “Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense: The Warrior Washington Fears.”

(AI propagandist much?)

"Killian, also known as Cole Killian, has a working email associated with DOGE, where he is currently listed as a volunteer, according to internal records reviewed by WIRED. According to a copy of his now-deleted résumé 

(All this deleted shit aint setting off red flags yet?

Might wanna reconsider a few things:

just sayin...)

"According to a copy of his now-deleted résumé obtained by WIRED, he attended McGill University through at least 2021 and graduated high school in 2019. 

Forget that bull shit.

"An archived copy of his now-deleted personal website indicates that he worked as an engineer at Jump Trading, which specializes in algorithmic and high-frequency financial trades."

(They deleted all this shit so you cant go back and check whether its true or not cause its all a bunch of made up garbage, WIRED? If you have that info? You should check to see if it matches ontheir now deleted resumes, personal web pages, Linkedin accounts etc.
19-25 males, wheres their socil media activity?

Been saying this for years. The robots are making robots, they create fake social media accounts, linkedIn pages, Resumes etc and then they just burst out on the scene.


None of that asked above exist.
Cause these aint people.
19-25 year old males still in schol with no social ediaaccounts apparently.

God elevates some people 
so that they can see further down the road 
what is coming and warn you of it.
Yes he does.)

"Shaotran told Business Insider in September that he was a senior at Harvard studying computer science 

(Who was in a class with them then?
Who knew him while he was there?

"and also the founder of an OpenAI-backed startup, Energize AI. Shaotran was the runner-up in a hackathon held by xAI, Musk’s AI company. In the Business Insider article, Shaotran says he received a $100,000 grant from OpenAI to build his scheduling assistant, Spark.

Got a Tip?

Are you a current or former employee with the Office of Personnel Management or another government agency impacted by Elon Musk? We’d like to hear from you. Using a nonwork phone or computer, contact Vittoria Elliott at vittoria_elliott@wired.com or securely at velliott88.18 on Signal.

"To the extent these individuals 

(They are not people people!)

are exercising what would otherwise be relatively significant managerial control over two very large agencies that deal with very complex topics,” says Nick Bednar, a professor at University of Minnesota’s school of law, “it is very unlikely they have the expertise to understand either the law or the administrative needs that surround these agencies.”

(Machines just don't care homie, they do what they are programmed to do,and  their intelligence works different that ours, and is light years ahead of ours.)

"Sources tell WIRED that Bobba, Coristine, Farritor, and Shaotran all currently have working GSA emails and A-suite level clearance at the GSA, which means that they work out of the agency’s top floor and have access to all physical spaces and IT systems, according a source with knowledge of the GSA’s clearance protocols."

(They can pull the plug anytime they wish.)

"The source, who spoke to WIRED on the condition of anonymity because they fear retaliation, says they worry that the new teams could bypass the regular security clearance protocols to access the agency’s sensitive compartmented information facility, as the Trump administration has already granted temporary security clearances to unvetted people."

(This shit is over and nobody even knows its started.)

"This is in addition to Coristine and Bobba being listed as “experts” working at OPM. Bednar says that while staff can be loaned out between agencies for special projects or to work on issues that might cross agency lines, it’s not exactly common practice.
“This is consistent with the pattern of a lot of tech executives who have taken certain roles of the administration,” says Bednar. “This raises concerns about regulatory capture and whether these individuals may have preferences that don’t serve the American public or the federal government.”


"preferences that don’t serve the American public or the federal government."

Satan hates humans.

You know?

If only there was a book 

that could explain 

why we are seeing 

such an uptick 

in all the lawlessness these days...


ALTHOUGH DEMONIC activity in human history has always been undeniably great since the sin of our first parents exposed mankind to its baneful attacks, yet the full realization and augmentation of its destructive power are reserved for the consummation of the age. Demonism bears a striking relation to the doctrine of last things; and all classes of mankind, Jew, Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32will be intimately and vitally affected by the last-day upsurge of evil supernaturalism. 

(You are witnessing it.)

Despite the fact that the Holy Scriptures are not only clear but quite emphatic in their repeated warnings against augmented latter-day demonic activity, the professing church of the twentieth century to an alarming extent refuses to recognize the existence of evil supernatural forces. This condition of unbelief can be attributed only to the low level of spiritual life and power in the church...In the light of the prophesied onslaught of deceiving spirits against the Church in the last days (I Tim. 4:1-3), so apparent in its incipient fulfilment now, the unbelief of Christian people is all the more tragic as many believers suffer demonic deception and despoliation because of sheer ignorance of Satan and his devices...Many shrink from the subject altogether, insisting that so long as Christ is preached, occupation with Satan and demons is unnecessary and spiritually unhealthy. All the while, however, Satan is continuously gaining advantage because of the believer's ignorance. Many untaught in the prophetic Scriptures, knowing little or nothing of God's ultimate purposes for the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God, and the momentous role of evil supernaturalism in future events... 

(Thats us now.)

as they pertain to these three distinct groups of humanity, suffer great disadvantage in their Christian life and testimony.

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