Saturday, February 22, 2025








New American Bible Revised Edition

(Orange one on the left.)

Revelation 12:1–14:20 


This central section of Revelation 

portrays the power of evil

represented by a dragon, 

in opposition to God and his people. First, the dragon pursues the woman about to give birth, but her son is saved and “caught up to God and his throne” (Rev 12:5). Then Michael and his angels cast the dragon and his angels out of heaven (Rev 12:7–9). After this, the dragon tries to attack the boy indirectly by attacking members of his church (Rev 12:13–17). 

A beast, symbolizing the Roman empire, 

(I am so sick of hearing about Rome 

as it relates to the book of Revelation, 


"It is essential that we stand back from our presumptions and prejudices and listen carefully to what the Biblical text is telling us. We are living in exciting times, but we need to be diligent in our study of God’s Word. The only certain barrier to truth is the presumption that we already have it."

Chuck Missler 2009

If anybody 

starts yapping those interpretations to you?

Just subsite:

"Satanic World System"

Or as the Rasta say?


for Rome.

Cause it is way more applicable 

and matches 

with what we are witnessing.)

then becomes the dragon’s agent, 

mortally wounded but restored to life 

and worshiped by all the world 

(He got back in the White House didnt he?)

(Rev 13:1–10). 

A second beast arises from the land, 

symbolizing the antichrist

which leads people astray 

by its prodigies 

to idolize the first beast .

(Is that not exactly what he is doing? 

Musk is but a prodigy of the Antichrist, 

not "THE" Antichrist. 

That one? Is in Syria awaiting its certain eventual fate, going back to its grave from where it (Evil) originally came.

Nahum 1:14

And the Lord hath given a commandment 

concerning thee (Evil) that 

no more of thy name be [a]sown: 

(Over for you)

out of the house of thy gods 

(Babylon's false ones, 

Sumer, fallen angels, Anunnaki et al

that were adapted by all the other cultures

Persia, Assyria, Greek, Egypt, and eventually

Rome and Western Civilization)

will I cut off the graven 

(False Gods, Tech, AI)

and the molten 



(Creepy ass, soulless, 

Synthetic Humans)

I will make it 

thy grave 

(Dead gone finished.)

for thee, 

for thou art vile.

Musk simply aint gonna end up in the deserts 

of Iraq/Syria to meet his eventual fate.

He is but a Prodigy

of "The" Antichrist

of which there are many.

1 John 2:18)

This is followed by a vision of the Lamb and his faithful ones, 

and the proclamation of imminent 

judgment upon the world 

in terms of the wine of God’s wrath 

(Rev 14:1–20).

If you think

that somehow


these prophecies 

Revelation 13

the entire chapter,

The Beast from the sea 

(The False Prophet)

and the beast from the land

(The Antichrist)

are going to be fulfilled 


in the future,

in a manner different?

Than what has just been 

shown/explained above?

You might just be delusional.


Just sayin.

2 Thessalonians 2:11

And for this cause 

God shall send them strong delusion, 

that they should believe a lie:

and you are falling 

for one of the stratagems of Satan

in the end times.

Be smarter than that.

Admit whats up to yourself.

The sooner you do?

The sooner things 

will get easier for you



(p.s. didnt get everything else right to get this wrong.)

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