Saturday, February 22, 2025

"It is essential


 that we stand back from our presumptions and prejudices and listen carefully to what the Biblical text is telling us. We are living in exciting times, but we need to be diligent in our study of God’s Word. The only certain barrier to truth is the presumption that we already have it."

Chuck Missler 2009

It’s Time for Syria’s Kurds to Fold

Kurdish autonomy is a problem that today’s Syria can’t afford.

By Charles Lister, a senior fellow 

and director of the Syria and Counterterrorism and Extremism programs 

at the Middle East Institute.

February 20, 2025, 9:26 AM

One problem there 


They already did,

two days before that was EVEN published

So why was that HUM?

Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces agree to integrate forces into Syrian army

18 February, 2025

(When I pasted the articles text it copied over in all CAps. Even after turing it off or trying to reformat it it still stayed in All CAPS.)

"The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) have agreed to integrate their military forces into the army of the new Syrian government."

"The agreement is also believed to involve the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, commonly known as "Rojava", which is the civil authority that rules SDF-held areas of Syria."

"The announcement came from the commander of the SDF's Northern Brigade, Abu Omar al-Idlibi, and has been widely reported in Kurdish and Arabic media."

(You gonna try and tell me The publiCATION

"Forgein Policy"



"The SDF and the Syrian government had been locked in negotiations for weeks to find a way to peacefully integrate areas of the country not under government rule."


"The SDF, which is backed by the US and has been the main ruling force in many parts of northern Syria over the years, agreed to key Syrian government conditions allowing its forces to be incorporated, including the departure of foreign fighters within its ranks from Syrian territory."

"The fighters are believed to be those affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which waged a decades-long insurgency against key Syrian ally Turkey, and which has many forces in neighbouring Iraqi Kurdistan."

"The Syrian Democratic Union (PYD), which is the main component force of the SDF, is essentially the Syrian wing of the PKK, meaning that this move will bring an end to fighting between the SDF and Turkish-backed forces that have blighted post-Assad Syria."





Daniel 8:25

" peace shall destroy many..."

(Verse references the Antichrist. 

When I pasted that section of that verse? The tab closed on its own. I was at this point in the body of this, right clicking to paste, and the tab closed.

I told honey about it and she said:

"They know what were up to."


"Other key aspects of the deal are thought to include the full integration of all the security forces and institutions of Rojava into Syrian government institutions and the creation of joint committees comprising all parties to implement mechanisms to ensure the effective application of the provisions."

"It was also agreed that displaced Syrian Arab refugees would be facilitated to return to their cities and villages and the provision of suitable living conditions."

"The commander of the SDF, Mazloum Abdi, also congratulated Ahmed al-Sharaa (Abu Mohammad al-Julani) on assuming the role of the interim Syrian president and invited him to visit areas of northeastern Syria."

"The SDF held around 25 percent of Syrian territory, including many of the richest areas in terms of oil, natural gas and minerals, with many of these areas being Arab-majority areas prior to the war and their conquest by the Kurdish force."


Point #9

The case for superintelligence

"LLM’s as eloquent speakers*

Sam Altman Warns That AI Is Learning 

"Superhuman Persuasion"

Futurism Oct 28th 2023

SURE seems like it dont ya think?

"The SDF held around 25 percent of Syrian territory, including many of the richest areas in terms of oil, natural gas and minerals, with many of these areas being Arab-majority areas prior to the war and their conquest by the Kurdish force."

(Kuddos to the Kurds!

They knew we would just leave em high and dry like we always do.

Vietnam, Afghanistan et al.

They were gonna have to do something.

So they cut a deal without US involved 

before we could screw them over.

They also knew they couldn't hold on to that territory forever.

But they paid a pretty high price:

"...25 percent of Syrian territory, including many of the richest areas in terms of oil, natural gas and minerals..."

A big question now is?

What happens to the ISIS prisoners 

in the prisons the Kurds were overseeing?

10000+ or so?

Are they gonna assimilate into the Army of the new Syrian government as well?

"There has not yet been any comment from the US, which materially and physically supports the SDF, including the use of several American bases in the areas under their control."

And now we have to ADD THIS:

1) Guy just ended a proxy war between NATO allys

you didnt know anything about.

(You can disband now turkish militias, 

problem solved.)

2) Took control over 25% of Syria he didnt previously have control over.

"including many of the richest areas in terms of oil, natural gas and minerals."

3) And strengthened his armed forces in the process.

To This:

Abu Mohammed al-Jolani "The Assyrian" Part 1

4) A former Emir of Neveah?

5) Who specifically asked for an assignment in Syria. Started an ISIS branch. Seriously, he did.

6) A leopard that has supposedly changed its spots?

7) Promoting peace and inclusiveness?

8) That's a "charismatic leader"?

9) And has:

"a number of foreign fighters 

(Islamic) in HTS’s ranks, 

mainly from the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Uyghurs."

10) Recaptured a city that earlier that had taken the better part of three armies four years to subdue.

11) Largely ended a 13/14 stalemated year civil war.

12) Had the 10 million dollar bounty removed from his head.

13) And had the US sharing intel with him within two months of the start of the battle for Aleppo.

"the intelligence community has established a productive exchange with the interim government, oriented primarily around the shared goal of countering the Islamic State. Eight plots by the Islamic State have already been foiled in Syria as a result of this new intelligence exchange, I was told."

14) Went from a $10 million bounty on his head to getting a medal from the US, in under 88 days.

(Start of his assault on Aleppo till today.

Interesting number BTW.

8 being a new begining and all.

Add the two 8's together and you get 16.

Add those two digits together and you get 7.


As in we are here folks.)


(And you think Trump is moving fast?)

Daniel 8:24

His power will be great, 

but it will not be his own.



He will cause terrible destruction 

and succeed in whatever he does. 

He will destroy the mighty men 

along with the holy people.

How much  longer till they proclaim him

"The Mahdi"?






Nahum 1:14

And the Lord hath given a commandment concerning thee that no more of thy name be [a]sown: 

out of the house of thy gods 

will I cut off the graven, 

and the molten image: 

I will make it thy grave for thee, 

for thou art vile.

(Long story short:

Evils grave is where it came from.



"Graven image refers to 

some kind of object or image 

that has been made 

to represent a god."

Its a person this time.

Last time around a man put an idol in the temple.

This time the idol is the man.

(Fake synthetic, plastic, soulless

Quantum Powered 

AI Humanoid shit.)

Tower of Babel.

First world dictator.


The Last one goes there too.

Thats why all of this is going on 

with this guy.

All the false gods.

This is where it started, Babylon.

Assyrian, Egypt, Persia, Greek, Roman

they all started here.

this is where it will end for evil.

(In this age anyway lol.

Long story, Millennial Kingdom, Satan released for a short while, 

Gog Magog again, White Throne Judgement then its finished for all.)

"...out of the house of thy gods 

will I cut off 

the graven

and the molten 



(For good)

I will make it thy grave for thee, 

(All Evil)

for thou art vile.

(Already happened once, 

Neveah's destruction

This time?

Its for good.)

What's your candidate for 

The Anti-Christ got again?

Quit trying to figure it out!

The Holy Spirit already did it for ya.

This is it.

 We are us.

(The Two Witnesses)

Trumps who he is.

(False Prophet)

This guy is who he is.


And its on people.

Ya might wanna start telling some people!




Now to this piece, albeit, two days later.

Like Foreign Policy didnt know what had already happened 

before this was published.

Give me a break.

It’s Time for Syria’s Kurds to Fold

Kurdish autonomy is a problem that today’s Syria can’t afford.

By Charles Lister, a senior fellow 

and director of the Syria and Counterterrorism and Extremism programs 

at the Middle East Institute.

February 20, 2025, 9:26 AM

"On a recent trip that I took across Syria, one thing was palpably clear: Syrians were universally elated to be free from the iron grip of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. For now, that euphoria is inspiring and sustaining a semblance of hope and national unity that had all but vanished throughout the past 13 years of brutal civil conflict."

"However, Syria’s transition rests on fragile foundations. It is managed at the top by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, a former jihadi group whose promising first months in charge still stand over a broken state, a destroyed economy, and profound security challenges."

"Buoyed by the opportunity to reshape the heart of the Middle East, regional states—led by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar—have flooded the capital of Damascus and tabled dozens of aid, investment, trade, and other proposals. But U.S. and European sanctions originally introduced to target the former Assad regime remain in place, and as long as they remain, the economy has little hope of recovery."

(Thats why they are cooperating with US on ISIS...for now. Look out.)

"Within this extraordinarily fragile dynamic lies an increasingly large elephant in the room: the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). As the United States’ longtime partner in the campaign against the Islamic State, the SDF has proven itself consistently loyal and capable. It was thanks to the SDF’s considerable efforts on the ground that the Islamic State was dealt its territorial defeat in 2019. In the years since, the SDF has remained squarely focused on containing and degrading what remains of the Islamic State while guarding and securing tens of thousands of the group’s fighters and associated women and children in prisons and camps in Syria’s northeast."

(They made a deal and assimilated into the Syrian army before we could bail on em like we do everybody else that does our dirty work for us.)

"Despite their clear value to Washington and its coalition allies, one unmistakable conclusion that I drew from more than a week of meetings with Syrians from all corners of the country was that in today’s post-Assad Syria, the SDF is a problem that needs to “go away.”

(By the time he wrote this?

It already had.

They were in meetings (SDF and the new Syrian government.) for weeks, before a deal was struck.

Its beyond ridiculous to think if this guy was there during this time frame that he didnt know that.)

"Men and women from all of Syria’s ethnic and religious communities and all provinces of the country were unanimous that Syria must now unite."

(They already have yo.

Two days before you wrote this.

Daniel 8:24

" peace shall destroy many...")

"In their eyes, the SDF’s “autonomous administration” and its armed forces in northeast Syria must now dissolve and fully integrate into and under the Syrian state, while the sizable energy and agricultural resources under their purview should come under Damascus’s control." 

(It's pretty obvious this piece was written after the fact to match up with the reality that happened on the ground that the US was not included in any of the decision making of.

You could make the case that is the entire reason this was written to begin with.

Kinda one of the main points in writing this, pointing that out.)

"Until such steps are taken, the SDF is seen domestically in Syria as an “occupier” and a “threat.” The collective sense of animosity toward Washington’s SDF partners was incontrovertible."

(Well? They reached a deal on assimilation into the new Syria before any of this ever saw the light  of day.)

"Since December 2024, the SDF has been in talks with the interim government in Damascus over a potential deal that would see it subsumed into a united Syria." But no high-level in-person talks have occurred since more than 20 people were killed in the northern city of Manbij in a car bombing blamed on the SDF. Still, a deal was the preference of all Syrians whom I spoke to. None favored a military solution—though many predicted that it may end up being necessary.

(So the writer knew there were talks but not a settlement reached?


"Though unseen during my trip, I was told that U.S. military officers have been actively involved in facilitating these talks, attending high-level meetings in the Dumayr Airbase not far outside Damascus. U.S. Central Command also greenlighted the decision by the Syrian Free Army—its smaller Syrian partner force, based in the al-Tanf garrison along the Jordanian border—to dissolve its forces under interim government control.

(Now compare that to what was stated in the article posted two days erlier:

Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces agree to integrate forces into Syrian army

"There has not yet been any comment from the US, which materially and physically supports the SDF, including the use of several American bases in the areas under their control."


integrating into the New Syrian Government?

Dont ya think we would have said something 

when an agreement was reached?

Particularly given the fact that the SDF we were backing 

was fighting with our NATO allys Turkey militias in the region?


was generated to cover up the fact

that we didn't have any say so about the agreement that was reached.

You might wanna watch out.

Daniel 8:24

His power will be great, but it will not be his own. He will cause terrible destruction and succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men along with the holy people."

In one of the earlier pieces I did I said:

"We have no idea 

what we are dealing with.


In regard to:

Ahmed al-Sharaa (Abu Mohammad al-Julani).)

"A senior U.S. general has also met with interim Syrian President Ahmed al-Sharaa, (Abu Mohammad al-Julani) taking him aside at one point to praise his “remarkable” military campaign..."

(Revelation 17:8

"...and the world will be astonished...

Daniel 8:24

"His power will be great, but it will not be his own. He will cause terrible destruction and succeed in whatever he does..."

"...that unseated Assad and to bestow him with a medal, as I was told in detail by a Syrian who had been in the room.

(Went from a $10 million bounty on his head to getting a medal from the US, in under 88 days.

From the start of the assault on Aleppo, till today.

Thats now point #14 (added above) to consider when thinking about this individual.)

Daniel 8:24

"His power will be great, but it will not be his own. He will cause terrible destruction and succeed in whatever he does...")

"The deal currently on the table for the SDF is not a bad one. In a profound change from Assad’s era, the interim government in Damascus has promised Syria’s Kurds equal rights and said that it planned to designate Kurdish as Syria’s second language. SDF and autonomous administration figures would also be guaranteed seats and membership in all of Syria’s transitional bodies, including a temporary parliament and a constitutional committee. And revenues from Syria’s oil, gas, and agricultural sectors would be invested proportionally into the northeast."

(So Foreign Policy knew all of that?

 But not that a deal had been struck two days prior to publishing this?

It's a ridiculous assertion.


Not to mention:

Daniel 8:25 yet again

"...By peace shall destroy many..."
Read the paragraph above one more time.

You cant
and you wont
make it match up any better
with scripture
because its the truth
and its here
and its now.

As stated previously
That kinda savvy, intelligence and charisma 
doesnt just walk out of the Syrian desert after 21 years.)

"After weeks of talks, the SDF has accepted much of the deal on principle, as a February 17 meeting between the SDF and its political wing and governance arms reiterated. 

(Why are we getting reporting about a meeting:

"between the SDF and its political wing and governance arms"

when we are involved in negotiations?

I guess I must have missed something.)

"But while the SDF has privately accepted for weeks that its forces would one day be dissolved and integrated into Syria’s new armed forces, the primary stumbling block in talks is over how that happens While aligning with all other armed factions across Syria in accepting an eventual dissolution, SDF leader Mazloum Abdi is demanding that SDF personnel remain a distinct bloc within Syria’s new armed forces, to remain stationed only in their current positions in the northeast."

(Again, he knows all of this but not that a deal was reached two days prior to this being posted?)

"For Damascus, that is unacceptable."

(Well apparently not to much.)

"All other armed factions from across Syria are in the process of being dissolved, with their fighters and leaders being dispersed to other areas of the country, away from their places of origin. For the interim government, this is a mandatory step aimed at avoiding warlordism and inculcating a sense of national service rather than geographic, communal, or factional loyalty. This is a red line that will not change. And without movement on this issue, a deal will remain far off.


"U.S. policy on Syria needs to adapt to the profound change that Syria has gone through since December 2024. Already, the intelligence community has established a productive exchange with the interim government, oriented primarily around the shared goal of countering the Islamic State. Eight plots by the Islamic State have already been foiled in Syria as a result of this new intelligence exchange, I was told."

(Setting the stage for lifting economic sanctions anybody?

You know Europe wants to, they want the refugees to go back home.)

"The military 

(Which one?)

is also clearly reading the tea leaves, and its pivot to encourage the SDF to settle on a deal with Damascus is a good step. But the clock is ticking. The more time passes, the less favorable a deal the SDF is likely to get. Across Syria’s northern border, Turkey stands poised to crush the SDF should talks fully break down. If that circumstance arose, then there would be no obstacle in Turkey’s way. I was told by sources in Syria that Arab tribes stand ready to help."

(The Kurds knew that as well as the fact that we would just leave them high and dry like we do everybody else.)

"Washington retains significant interests in countering an Islamic State that was resurgent in Syria in 2024 for the first time in a decade. The new interim government has a promising track record in fighting the Islamic State...)



Ahmed al-Sharaa 

(Abu Mohammad al-Julani)

helped establish ISIS in Syria for goodness sakes!

What to Know About the Man Who Toppled Assad

"...he became the emir or leader of the Nineveh region in western Iraq for the Islamic State of Iraq, which was essentially the predecessor group to what we now call the Islamic State."

and intends to continue doing so, but it lacks the strategic capabilities needed to deal with an insurgency dispersed across vast tracts of desert. The United States must push hard to achieve a just and stabilizing SDF-Damascus settlement.

(They had already done it

(SDF and Damascus reached a settlement)

without the US involved

before this piece of state sponsored propaganda

ever saw the light of day.

Dont think so?

Its two days after this article was written.

There was a settlement two days before this was written

If we had been involved in that settlement?

Dont you think we would have been

 telling the world about it by now?


What is your point here?

Its all so confusing.


There was a deal struck without the US involved between the SDF we have backed since its inception and the new Syrian government, led by:

who helped establish ISIS in Syria.

DANIEL 8:23-25

23In the latter part of their reign, when the rebellion has reached its full measure, an insolent king, skilled in intrigue, will come to the throne. 

(He has, former Emir of Neveah anybody?)

24 His power will be great, but it will not be his own. 

(He knew he didn't need the US involved in negotiations.)

He will cause terrible destruction 

and succeed in whatever he does. 

(Go back and review the 14 points 

laid out above and ask yourself:

Has he not shown you this already?)

He will destroy the mighty men along with the holy people. 

25 Through his craft and by his hand, 

he will cause deceit to prosper,

(All of this, Im not ISIS anymore, inclusiveness, equal rights, unity, etc is the set up.)

 and in his own mind he will make himself great. In a time of peace he will destroy many

(The set up is phase one, that's what we are seeing right now.

Destroying many with peace comes here in a lil bit.)

and he will even stand against the Prince of princes. 

Yet he will be broken off, but not by human hands.…

Thats your guy and we simply have no clue

what we are dealing with.

Your country is endorsing Neo-Nazi political parties in Germany

And an ex ISIS commanders in Syria.

At least the Neo-Nazis are up front about what they are.

This guy? Not so much.

"he will cause deceit to prosper,"


This entire article 

was after the fact 

(settlement had been reached erlier.)

state-sponsored propaganda

 to start making the case 

for lifting sanctions 

and working with a former ISIS founder 

and commander in Syria.)

"This will benefit Syria and 

America’s ability to 

secure its own national security interests 

(Which is what exactly? 

Somebody please 

comprehensively define those

"national security interests"

 coherently for us.)

in this fragile and challenging region.

Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces agree to integrate forces into Syrian army

18 February, 2025

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) have agreed to integrate their military forces into the army of the new Syrian government.

The agreement is also believed to involve the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, commonly known as "Rojava", which is the civil authority that rules SDF-held areas of Syria.

The announcement came from the commander of the SDF's Northern Brigade, Abu Omar al-Idlibi, and has been widely reported in Kurdish and Arabic media.

The SDF and the Syrian government had been locked in negotiations for weeks to find a way to peacefully integrate areas of the country not under government rule.

The SDF, which is backed by the US and has been the main ruling force in many parts of northern Syria over the years, agreed to key Syrian government conditions allowing its forces to be incorporated, including the departure of foreign fighters within its ranks from Syrian territory.

The fighters are believed to be those affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which waged a decades-long insurgency against key Syrian ally Turkey, and which has many forces in neighbouring Iraqi Kurdistan.

The Syrian Democratic Union (PYD), which is the main component force of the SDF, is essentially the Syrian wing of the PKK, meaning that this move will bring an end to fighting between the SDF and Turkish-backed forces that have blighted post-Assad Syria.

Other key aspects of the deal are thought to include the full integration of all the security forces and institutions of Rojava into Syrian government institutions and the creation of joint committees comprising all parties to implement mechanisms to ensure the effective application of the provisions.

It was also agreed that displaced Syrian Arab refugees would be facilitated to return to their cities and villages and the provision of suitable living conditions.

The commander of the SDF, Mazloum Abdi, also congratulated Ahmed al-Sharaa on assuming the role of the interim Syrian president and invited him to visit areas of northeastern Syria.

The SDF held around 25 percent of Syrian territory, including many of the richest areas in terms of oil, natural gas and minerals, with many of these areas being Arab-majority areas prior to the war and their conquest by the Kurdish force.

There has not yet been any comment from the US, which materially and physically supports the SDF, including the use of several American bases in the areas under their control.

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