Friday, February 21, 2025



Long and short of it is,

Trump is executing 

The Authoritarian Playbook.

Those of us who know our history 

have seen this a bunch.

And now its happening here.

1) Take control of the treasury.


2) Gut the Civil workforce 

so you can put in your own people.


3) Already has House and Senate in his control.

4) Next up?

Take over Courts and Higher Learning Institutions.

And Then its over 

and you didn't even know 

it was happening.

See how that works?

The rise of Authoritarian Governments 

is the Last Days 

Like what we are seeing here?

China, Russia, Israel etc.

can be directly attributed 

to an increase 

in Demonic activity,

As they know their days 

are numbered.

They are out to try and take 

as many with them as they can.

For their overlord Satan.

It's not the people.

Its the demon using them.

Its a good read.

Journalist describes Trump's movements as a 'regime change' towards authoritarianism

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