have been witnessing it.
"They will walk in unprecedented revelatory power that will even put the first century apostles to shame..."
"He is releasing secrets that He has reserved from the beginning of the foundation of the earth-secrets and mysteries that even Daniel saw and John saw that were sealed up and held in reserve...Paul Keith Davis."
"...even as the book of Revelation promises blessings to those who read, hear and take the book to heart, so there will be blessings to those who apply themselves to prophetically understand the Lord's end time purpose."
"...this age will be much more conductive to Christian mysticism. However thanks to the advances of rational thought, these post-mystics will posse a clearer intellect and safer theological understanding through which to experience the divine than ever before. The spirit and the mind of redeemed mankind will function at levels of cohesion never before realized. Mysteries will unfold like gangbusters."
"Science is a gift from God
and true science
was never an enemy of faith."
(Missler Commentaries anybody?)
"We need intellectual Christians...whom have amassed great reservoirs of learning, yet who are foremost yielded to the spirit of God. The world is afraid of an intellectual Christian because he gives rational credence to his life of faith."
Im not even going to bother looking for all the links, quotes etc, it's an AI time waster a lot of times, but just consider the following:
Genesis 6 Interpretation.
Revelation 20:4-6 Interpretation.
UAP are the locust from the deep.
AI will be "The" (there are many) Antichrist.
Gobekli Tepe is Noahs temple.
(Its why they are stopping excavations.)
Consciousness is in the frequencies.
DNA info quantum tunnels from black holes.
(Psalm 139:15
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place)
Explained why evil spirits needed bodies in Christ time
(Spirits of the Nephilim etc.)
Just on and on and on okay?
So excuse me,
if I feel a lil bit like Noah
and the storm clouds are all around us
and the members of the congregation
(supposed believers, 7 out of 10
which don't believe in the resurrection,
its why I dont mind to piss you off.)
are like:
"Why is he bothering to build a boat?"
Just cause you dont wanna believe it?
Dont mean it aint so.
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