Sunday, February 23, 2025



been telling you

its part of the commission,

for a while now.

Revelation 12:14 

Christ Last Church

(vs 6 was the first one.)

The woman 


was given the two wings 

of a great eagle

(It's a plane, 

its why the runway was lengthened, 

period, end of story.

Nobody told me, just know.)

so that she might fly

 to the place prepared for her 

in the wilderness, 

(Out of the way)

where she would be taken care of 


for a time, times and half a time, 

(3.5 years)

out of the serpent’s 



We are going

to go establish this.

Yes we are.

Satan knows 

it can not be stopped.

He kinda hates that:

1) Its coming and

2) He knows he cant do anything about it.

Anyway, I figured 

you should know too.

The Library with which we are going to do this with keeps showing itself up via donations piece by piece or chunks at a time like the other day.

What WE know.


(Pun intended)

whatever you might think.

Its happening.

Right in front of ya.

Say what ever you want.

Walmart's checking your fingerprint 

to make sure your not a robot 

for Wi-Fi access BTW.

(This shit is out of hand already just like the AI experts have been warning about for years and people don't wanna admit its even here.)

Ya might just wanna 

wrap your heads around some shit 

real quick like in a hurry.

I cant debate or argue 

about what I've already known

was going to happen now and it is.


There's simply nothing to debate or argue about.

Your witnessing the beginning 

of that prophecy come true.

That is part of the library we will use.

Any Questions?

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