Thursday, February 20, 2025

You might just wanna wake up.


Just sayin.

(Like the Bishop says, 

(love ya my brother)

it will take something drastic, 

and even then? 

That wont even do it.)

FM Sa’ar to US senators: 

Turkey cooperating with Iran to smuggle money to Hezbollah

Forget that, that's nothing, thats to be expected.

Its the subheading that matters:

"Foreign minister also discusses developments related to Iran’s nuclear program with US delegation that includes deputy Middle East envoy."

"Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar on Monday accused Turkey of cooperating with Iranian attempts to smuggle money to Hezbollah in a meeting with a bipartisan group of US senators.

During the meeting at the Foreign Ministry, in which seven senators and Deputy Middle East Special Envoy Morgan Ortagus were present, Sa’ar told the group that Iran has stepped up its efforts to finance Hezbollah, and that Turkey has been an active participant in the process."

(Well surprise surprise surprise...NOT!)

"Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been vocal in denouncing Israel since the beginning of its war on Gaza last year and has consistently expressed support for Hamas, which like the Turkish leader’s AKP party has close ties to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood movement."

"At the time, analysts said Turkey could seize the opportunity to strengthen its regional influence in the face of Iran."

(They know wats up.

You'll will see in the second part of this article 

here in a bit what I am talking about.

They gonna wait for Iran to get hit 

before they make their move.

Wouldn't you? 

If you were them?)

"Turkey and Iran have usually had complicated ties, standing at odds over a host of issues, primarily the Syrian civil war, though Turkish banks have also been accused by the United States of providing financing to Hezbollah."

(Thats a good NATO ally for ya, 

financing Hezbollah, nice.)

"Iran’s nuclear program also came up during Monday’s meeting. According to Sa’ar’s office, the foreign minister said there are “worrying developments” from Iran’s nuclear program, which he attributed to Tehran’s efforts to compensate for the series of blows that the so-called Axis of Resistance it leads suffered over the past year."

(It is the only way they have to preserve themselves 

and they know it.)

"Iran’s nuclear program also featured in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting Sunday with visiting US Secretary of State Marco Rubio."

(Funny, we only got a couple of soundbites about it here in the states, I wonder why?

"Nothing to see here, carry on, enjoy your $6 a carton eggs, inflation is on its way down etc etc etc...")

"The US intelligence community recently presented assessments that Israel is considering strikes on the nuclear program, and that the attacks could come this year, according to the Washington Post."

(We got B52-s in Qatar just for this purpose yo. 

Pretty easy to get "intelligence" when you are involved in the planning don't ya think?

The guy that told you through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelled in him that Putin was going to try and end NATO and that he would succeed? 

Yeah, that screwed up biker dude? 

He also told you last September 

(Oaky late August) 

what was going on. 


the Washington Post says the same thing.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Case For

Iran currently having a Nuclear Weapon.)

"Iran, which is sworn to Israel’s destruction, insists its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes. However, the UN nuclear watchdog IAEA has said that Iran is currently enriching uranium to levels that have no civilian use, and the country has obstructed international inspectors seeking to visit its facilities."

"In addition, The New York Times reported earlier this month that American intelligence indicated a covert team of Iranian scientists was exploring ways to quickly develop a nuclear weapon if the country’s leadership decided to pursue one."

(Bull shit. They got what they need, it's the delivery mechanism that's the trouble spot for em with delivering a nuclear payload.)

"The group that met with Sa’ar, which was headed by Senators Lindsey Graham and Dan Sullivan, also included Senators Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Blumenthal, Joni Ernst, Adam Schiff and Andy Kim."

"The US intelligence community recently presented assessments that Israel is considering strikes on the nuclear program, and that the attacks could come this year, according to the Washington Post."

You can count on it and sooner than you think.

How's your soul doing?

Talked to your creator lately?

Might wanna rethink your position on some things.


Just sayin.

Time, space energy and matter burst forth 
in a continuum like we know scientifically that it did

Electromagnetic spectrum 
(Light) on day one.

Ort Cloud, day two.

Stars (Light) on day four.

Expanding Heavens in Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Prophecies being fulfilled right now
 right in front of us:

Revelation 17, Beast from the Abyss.
Neo-Ottoman Empire.

Revelation 9, Locust from the deep.

Revelation 11, two witnesses.

Revelation 13, The false prophet and the Antichrist.




Not Gods wish for you
but what 
you willingly chose for yourself.

So Enjoy it 
if that is what you want so bad.

"This country is going to get hit
and it is going to get hit hard."

I remember somebody saying.
Yup...Just a lil while ago.

"This country is the biggest sitting duck 
there has ever been in history"

Over a year ago.
Nothings changed.

"A new map reveals that a sudden nuclear attack could incinerate 75% of the US population, totaling up to 250 million."

(And wats left?
wont change their ways:

Revelation 9:20-21

The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

"The risk of nuclear conflict has escalated, with new developments in arms control and weapons technology, leaving American cities vulnerable to rapid missile strikes from adversaries like Russia and China."

(The nuclear war 
comes after 
the swarm of locust.
The swarm of locust 
has already happened.
The nuclear war is about to.

Why do you think Trump and Putin 
are scheduling a meeting again?)

"Design project Halcyon Maps used their expertise to create the map, revealing how the fallout would spread across the States and all the destructive consequences it would leave behind. The map was created using data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which includes blast radius measurements, fallout patterns, radiation exposure measurements, and population density calculations in different zones."

(A map reveals that 250 million Americans could face devastating fallout in the event of a nuclear strike, with only a few regions remaining temporarily safe.(Halcyon Maps).

"The most densely populated areas, including cities on the East Coast, Midwest, West Coast, and Southern regions, are expected to be primary targets. Plus, regions such as California, much of the East Coast, and parts of the Midwest would be under severe radioactive fallout, requiring survivors to remain in shelters for over three weeks to avoid exposure."

"Only a few regions, such as western Texas, parts of Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin, would escape immediate annihilation. However, these areas would not remain habitable for long due to the nuclear winter. The radiation exposure could cause severe health effects, including nausea, fatigue, vomiting, skin damage, seizures, and even coma. With high exposure, it could be fatal, too."

"Researchers warn of increased risk of nuclear war."

"The illustrated map marks over 100 military locations through which it displays the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) silo positions. These silos, located in states like Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota, would be among the first targets in a nuclear strike."

"The US mainland falls within the reach of missiles fired from Russian and Chinese adversaries through 30-minute missile flight time. A submarine based missile launch next to American borders would need only 15 minutes to reach targets.'

(Its much, much less time 
than either of those estimates.

Remember when?
2100 miles in 15 minutes.
(New York To California basically.) 
Multiple Independently launched warheads.

Putin said at the time:

"Putin said Western air defense systems 
would be powerless to stop the new missile."

“No one in the world has such weapons,” he said with a thin smile. “Sooner or later other leading countries will also get them. We are aware that they are under development.”

“The Russian side has clearly demonstrated its capabilities, and the contours of further retaliatory actions in the event that our concerns were not taken into account have also been quite clearly outlined,” he said."

But he added, “we have this system now. And this is important.”


"Testing the missile will continue, “including in combat, depending on the situation and the character of security threats created for Russia,” Putin said, noting there is “a stockpile of such systems ready for use.”

"Putin said that while it isn’t an intercontinental missile, it’s so powerful that the use of several of them fitted with conventional warheads in one attack could be as devastating as a strike with strategic — or nuclear — weapons."

"Gen. Sergei Karakayev, head of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces, said the Oreshnik could reach targets across Europe and be fitted with nuclear or conventional warheads, echoing Putin’s claim that even with conventional warheads, “the massive use of the weapon would be comparable in effect to the use of nuclear weapons.”

And so now you know why 
were gonna give him 
Eastern Europe, 
The Baltics, 
and probably all of Europe.

Somebody has been sayin 
that we are vulnerable to this 
for four or five years now, 
(And nobody really believed him)
and we still are.

Back to the piece:)

"Russia currently maintains possession of 5,580 nuclear warheads, exceeding the U.S.'s 5,044, while China holds between 500 and 600 warheads in its nuclear arsenal."

(What difference does it make?
 If they can take out yours
(minus the ones in the subs 
and the bombers that manage to get off the ground)
with conventional warheads even?
Before you can ever use them?)

The risk of nuclear war has increased dramatically in the past two years as the US and Russia have abandoned long-standing nuclear arms control treaties, started to develop new kinds of nuclear weapons, and expanded the circumstances in which they might use nuclear weapons,” wrote Princeton researchers in a blog post.

"Dr. John Schuessler, an associate professor of international affairs at Texas A&M University, echoed the same sentiment with the Daily Mail, “Americans are not wrong to worry about the United States getting dragged into wars where it is supporting one side against another. That said, the US has managed to stay out of the wars in Europe and the Middle East thus far.”




From the article above:

FM Sa’ar to US senators: 

Turkey cooperating with Iran to smuggle money to Hezbollah

"Iran’s nuclear program also came up during Monday’s meeting. According to Sa’ar’s office, the foreign minister said there are “worrying developments” from Iran’s nuclear program, which he attributed to Tehran’s efforts to compensate for the series of blows that the so-called Axis of Resistance it leads suffered over the past year."

"Iran’s nuclear program also featured in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting Sunday with visiting US Secretary of State Marco Rubio."

"The US intelligence community recently presented assessments that Israel is considering strikes on the nuclear program, and that the attacks could come this year, according to the Washington Post."

(Modified B-52's in Qatar.)

Donald Trump 

Israel Times 1/12/25

"It’s time. 

This fight’s been going on for a long time, 

longer than people would understand.

(Good vs Evil 

is reaching its cosmic conclusion yo.)

- Karl Nell, retired Army Colonel

"Non human intelligence exists. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing. And there are unelected people in the government who are aware of that

(Member of the UAP task Force.

He aint talking about Aliens,

and there is a community that has know that 

for 1000's of years BTW)

Luis Elizondo's supervisor, 

when talking to him about shutting down the AATIP:

"We have known what they are for sometime now. 

Have you read your bible? They are satanic."

(UAP, common misconception, 

even by demonology experts.


They are Angelic.)

Few closing observations:

1) Why this map now?

Don't kid yourself.

The answer is plainly obvious 

2) Why no mention of:

(2100 miles in 15 minutes.
Independently targetable Warheads.
Conventional or Nuclear.)

3) Why do you find out about this recently created map on Hindustan Times and not a domestic source?

The answers are obvious.
Ignore at your souls peril all you want to.

Oh and BTW?
Since your preacher wont tell you?
Here is what God thinks about your country:

Isaiah 40:15
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, 
and are counted as the small dust of the balance: (Scales) behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.

Isaiah 40:17
All nations before him are as nothing; 
and they are counted to him 
less than nothing, and vanity.

"Well God wouldn't do that to us."

Go tell that to the Israelites back in the day...

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