Friday, February 28, 2025

Daniel 9:26


"It is essential that we stand back from our presumptions and prejudices and listen carefully to what the Biblical text is telling us. We are living in exciting times, but we need to be diligent in our study of God’s Word. The only certain barrier to truth is the presumption that we already have it."


Chuck Missler 2009

Daniel 9:26

And after threescore and two weeks 

shall Messiah be cut off, 

but not for himself: 

and the people 

of the prince 

that shall come 

shall destroy the city 

and the sanctuary; 

and the end thereof 

shall be with a flood,

(Revelation 12:15

And the serpent cast out of his mouth water 

as a flood after the woman,

(The Wisdom responsible for Christ Last Church)

 that he might cause her 

to be carried away of the flood.

(Satans hope is that people will get lost

in the torrents of dis/misinformation

and not pay attention to her truth.)

 and unto the end of the war

(The cosmic/spiritual one of 

Good vs Evil) 

desolations are determined.

(verse is about the Antichrist, 

forget about

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

That's already happened.

Law of double intention, 

wrap your head around it.)

This verse in Daniel is used to support the notion

that whoever destroyed the temple the last time around

(Roman Legionnaires, 70 AD)

will be the same ones who destroy it 

this time around.

Now let us consider a few things:

Turkey As The Antichrist Nation Seven Scriptural Proofs – Turkey Fallen To The Islamists

(Link from: 

Friday, August 25, 2017


The link to the article

(not the blog post)

is no longer there, 

I have looked for it for years now.

It got "white-washed" a long time ago.

I wonder why that is?)

"The historian Josephus, who witnessed the destruction of the temple by the Romans in 70 AD. noted that while it was the Roman Legion who destroyed the temple, the legion was based out of Antioch (Our favorite place again, Turkey) and consisted mainly of  Arab and Turkish conscripts from that area."

And from another source:

From which nations did the Roman soldiers who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. come from (bearing in mind that the Empire was immense and that many of the Roman Soldiers were not natives of Rome)?

Phillip Wynn

Ph.D. in Medieval Europe & Theology, 

University of Notre Dame (Graduated 2011)

"One unit that took part in the siege of Jerusalem, Legio X Fretensis, seems to have been stationed at Zeugma on the eastern frontier, located in modern Gaziantep province 

in Turkey. Presumably recruited from locals, they would be what the Romans would have called Syrians, whose native language would have been Aramaic. Legio XII Fulminata was also stationed nearby and probably also composed of Syrians. Legio V Macedonica had been stationed in the Balkans until shortly before the Jewish War, so they would have been Roman provincials, speaking either Greek or Latin. Legio XV Apollinaris had likewise been stationed elsewhere until shortly before the war, at Carnuntum on the Danube near modern Vienna, so they would likely have spoken Latin, recruited from the provincial inhabitants of Pannonia."

"These are the regular Roman army units known to have participated in the siege. It is likely that auxiliary units also participated, but our main source Josephus sheds little light on them. Such auxiliary units had been the garrison for Judaea before the revolt, and indications are they had been recruited from pagan Hellenes and Syrians, and also Samaritans. Many of the units known from epigraphy and papyri are not attested from after the war, indicating they had been destroyed during it."


back in the day:


"consisted mainly of  Arab and Turkish conscripts from that area."

(From the article not on the web any more)

Daniel 9:26

"...and the people 

of the prince 

that shall come 

shall destroy the city 

and the sanctuary;..."

Here is where our 


left out of on his march

 to take control of Syria:

If you're going:

 Oh S&$+?

So was I 

when I saw the map of where 

Antioch was located.

I thought it was way farther away than that.


Matthew 24:1-2

24 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Western Wall

Not exactly:

"There shall not be left here 

one stone upon another, 

that shall not be thrown down"

completed in 70 AD now was it?

"It is essential that we stand back from our presumptions and prejudices and listen carefully to what the Biblical text is telling us. We are living in exciting times, but we need to be diligent in our study of God’s Word. The only certain barrier to truth is the presumption that we already have it."


Chuck Missler 2009

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