Sunday, December 29, 2013

I'm drinking...

I went with the security guard on part of his rounds the other day. I like the security guards lol when I go for walks they are the only other people I ever run into to talk to and they know everything and everybody and what is going on here so it's a good source of inside information. Anyway, I was walking with him on his rounds and we went to the third floor (Executive suites). He says 'I get my coffee from the break room up here, it has a coffee grinder for two different kinds of coffee so I put a filter under the grinder and then fold that up and put it in a cup and take it with me and brew it when I go downstairs later. Wanna try some?' I thought "Well why not?", never really been that much of a coffee drinker myself but I had just recently read about all the health benefits associated with it and when I had mom and AL over for Christmas I had brewed some in moms old peculator for them and had a small cup for myself and I thought "That was pretty good." So yeah sure I'll try some. OMG! So so good lol.
The other day, Thursday? I was tired, took a nap in the afternoon after watching Christians boys, just got out of the shower, it was cold outside and I was thinking, "Know what sounds good? Coffee." So I brewed some. Mom and Al are right, it does tastes better out of the peculator due to the way its brewed. So I had a couple of cups, just a lil creme and sugar and it just hit the spot. But the whole time I was thinking "Wow, imagine what that gourmet freshly ground stuff from work would taste like brewed in this peculator." Lets just say I made a trip back to that break room and I'm in good shape on the coffee front for a while :-).
Nothing like sitting here drinking a CEO's coffee talking to you lol.
Anyway. Cost Rician Tereazu Coffee beans are the shit! Just wanted you to know what we need to be buying :-).
Love you.

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