Saturday, December 28, 2013


Why do I feel like everyone around me knows something I don't? I feel like I am standing right on the verge of something so unbelievable, so unimaginable that if somebody even tried to explain it to me I would not be able to fully understand or believe them? Do you feel that way Lucy? I feel as though I am about to be blessed beyond my wildest imagination exactly because I don't care for material things that much and because I never gave up on my faith. It wavered, it went away cause I let it, for years at times sometimes but it was always there, this little voice in the back of my head saying "Don't worry, it's all my plan, I got this, when you quit trying to do things your way and surrender completely to me you'll see what's in store for you." I think blessing are coming our way because he knows we will be able to handle them. That we will tell this story. That our character and the kind of people he knows us to be will not be changed by time or our circumstances.
Then again...
Maybe I'm just crazy like everyone has always said I am?
I know this, Joe Williams was as angry and as bitter as I have ever seen anybody ever. He was right in my face, his nose almost touching mine. Standing with legs shoulder length apart and back foot planted horizontaly, I didn't move an inch or bat an eye. I thought "Buddy, I really don't wanna but if you give me know choice I will defend myself from you." He may have kicked my ass, who knows, but I guarantee you one thing...He would have known he was in a fight. That's the thing about guys like me, you have to put us all the way down, cause we'll just keep getting back up and coming back at you.

I'm sitting here right now thinking..."All of that over not populating some field in a ticket that the other night shift doesn't even bother to create tickets on? Nah...there was a lot more to that than what was ever let on by anybody around here. Nobody has to tell me...I can feel it.
Love you Bambi.

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