Saturday, March 24, 2018


the other day:

"I tell my friends I know God is real."
"They say you can't prove it."

I don't get this from people anymore.
They know I got way more ammo stacked up on my side than they ever thought to consider and I know their arguments and they aren't going to change their ways so it all just becomes a mute point.

Christians in general do a horrible job defending the existence of God.
Seems like were to busy running around trying to tell everyone how to live their lives instead of just quietly leading a life that demonstrates our beliefs.

So here is how we can respond to the above.
In a logical, rational, not screaming telling you how to live your life, your going to hell kinda way.

Isaiah 1:18, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord..."

"I know there is a God."
"You can't prove it."
"If I could it would be science, not faith, that's the whole point of free will.You can't prove there isn't, we really gonna sit here and go around and around like people already have for millennia? Whats the point?"

"How do you know he exist?"
"Look at the stars at night, where do you think they came from, whats your theory?"
"I believe in the big bang."
(Most of the people who will tell you this don't know the first thing about the theory, in fact it's more excuse than theory to them and gives them a convenient "out" and the ones that do know some about it and don't accept the fact that the laws of physics allow for miracles to happen are even worse.)
"You do know that one of the first things one has to accept in order to believe in the big bang is the fact that the laws of physics allow for something to be made from nothing?"
"No, I didn't know that."
"So your accepting a theory you don't know that much about on faith alone but you wont do God the same favor?"
"I never thought of it that way."
"All the matter in all the universe came from a single explosion of a subatomic particle that no one knows how its existence was formed, but water can't be turned into wine, or the dead raised to live again, or a virgin birth? I just have a problem with that."

The gears are now not meshing in their brain.
"I'll give you another reason why I know he exist"
"His word, the Bible, written by about 40 men over a period of 1600 years, yet all with one unifying purpose, sound like some vast conspiracy or hoax that man could pull off without anybody finding out it was all just some fairy-tale people decided to invent? Man alone by himself couldn't accomplish that."

"Where you going? I got more."
"The prophecies in the book that came true, and are still coming true to this day, from where Christ would be born, to his being a supernatural birth, just on and on and on all some coincidence right? I just can't buy that."

"Okay thanks but..."
"Hang on you wanted proof"
"The fact that we exist at all, that we are capable of being able to stand here and discuss this and that we have rational minds is evidence as well of his existence..."

"Hang on just a lil bit more and I'll wrap it up."

"The manner in which 1000's of people change once they accept him, the changes I've seen  in myself as I have walked closer with him and studied his word and prayed more often, have all led me to believe there's no other alternative..."

"That God exist?'
"Exactly, I just see way more evidence that he does, than that he doesn't, thanks for letting me share."

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