Thursday, March 15, 2018

"Moments That Take Your Breath Away"

James W. Moore

The Moments When God Gives Us the Strength to Rise Above Bitterness

"Now, when something like that is thrust upon us unwanted and we are compelled to face it, we have a choice: We can either become bitter and cynical, or with the help of God, we can rise above it, learn from it, grow on it, and witness through it."

"Jesus gives a powerful illustration of this in the Sermon on the Mount when he says, "Go the second mile."  Remember how he put it in Matthew 5:41, "If anyone compels you to go one mile, go with him two miles."
(NKJV, paraphrased)

"...the fact is that Jesus is underscoring here a tremendously important lesson-namely, don't give in to bitterness; don't give in to resentment; don't give in to hatred; don't feel like you have to strike back or retaliate; don't let others control or determine your attitude. Rather, in every circumstance, rise above it and respond with love and courage, serenity and confidence. Don't fall down; rather, stand tall. Don't wallow in self-pity. Don't give in to hostility; rather live always the discerning, breath-taking spirit of love and peace."

" any moment, without warning, life can compel us to face some problem, some challenge, some adversity that we would much rather do without."

"A second approach is to tackle our task, whatever it may be, with a smile, with a gracious courtesy, with an extra effort, and with an unflinching determination not only to do this thing, but do it well and joyously."

"They (people) operate as thermometers rather than thermostats. They let other people determine their attitudes."

"...can people tell by the way you live that you are kin to God? 
Can people tell by the way you act, 
the way you speak, 
and the way you respond to adversity that you are kin to God? 
Can they see the spirit of Christ in you?"

It's all just an accident this is in Al's bible study booklet right?
Okay, sure.

I know you were trying to tell me the same things Lucy but I just wasn't ready to hear them.
Sorry I had to read it from someone else for it to really take hold sweetheart.

Love you.

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