Tuesday, January 23, 2024



we have ever seen design?

There has been a designer.


"This is a basic configuration that we see repeatedly in the fractal structure of organic and inorganic forms throughout the natural world.

In the case of branching fractals, they are the simplest way to connect all parts of a given area using the smallest total distance (or least effort).

For this reason, fractals are omnipresent on all visible scales of the Universe.

"Examples of fractals are everywhere in nature. 

They can be found in 

the patterns of trees, 


and ferns, in which each part appears to be a smaller image of the whole. 

They are found in the branch-like patterns of river systems, 

lightning, and blood vessels. T

hey can be seen in snowflakes, shells, crystals, and mountain ranges. 

We can even see the holographic and fractal-like nature of reality 

in the structure of the Universe itself, 

as galaxy clusters 

and dark matter resemble neurons in our brain, 

to the mycelium network of fungi, a

s well as the man-made Internet network." ~

Joseph P. Kauffman

Just not in nature.

Makes perfect sense.

Thats sarcasm BTW.

Better wake up people.

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