Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Grand Rising Massive

 my Sunshine.

I love you baby.

Its either that...

Or that.
Time to make a choice.

I think some people finally figured that out.

It's a rough and rocky road ahead.
Hows your soul doing these days?
Talked to your creator lately?

Visual representation of spacetime.

Miss ya buddy.

Plants thrive under my care.
All of them.

Us :-).

Thats an accident you think?

The order and the patterns and the intricacies of nature and 
the cycle of life
give credence to argument that their is a creator.

Are you?
Theres a better way you know.
Eternity awaits for the brave.

Dear alphabet soup tribe.
Read that again.

See above about patterns in nature etc.

Kiss kiss apocalypse.

Father of the big bang theory.

Hows your soul doin these days?

Take your negatibe B&^* S@#! somewhere ese!

One creator of the life force.
With 30 or so initial conditions 
of both the big bang and the laws of nature, 
The physical constants of the universe 
and brute force facts?

To think there are multiple owners of the life force is...
Pretty far-fetched, I'll leave it at that.

Come stand in our way and meet the same fate as so many before you have.
Not afraid to die for what I believe in cause I know its true.
Its not my faith its my reality.
What do you believe so strongly in youre willing to die for?


No need tp prove anything to anybody.


And now were gonna pay the price for not listening.

"Thats such an old argument."
Age never diminishes the validity of truth.
Wrap your head around it.

Goals lol.

I love you baby.
Hope you feel better soon.

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