Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Grand Rising Massive


My Sunshine.

I love you baby.

Current "Feels" lol.

If that's the way you wanna go through life go right ahead.
just dont expect me and others to do so with you.

Read that again.
One humanity.
One savior.

So true.

If you were looking for a sign?
There it is.
Alice Cooper converted.

A long time ago,

It's true.
It's how we work.
Im the female her and she is the male me.

Jeremiah 15:19


I repeat,Amen!

Does a guitar string vibrate on its own?
On a harp?
Or a tuning fork?
Or a guitar?

Nothing just decides to vibrate on its own accord.
Something always has to initiate it.

There is a vibration in the universe.
It is the ripple effects of the big bang.
Acknowledge its source
(Almighty God)
and you are on your way.

Finally found mine.
Her arms.
Us together.
That and serving God?
Queue the Metallica song.

Go build you one 
(Egyptian pyramid) 
Good luck.

Cause you cant disprove it with science.

See above.

He's speaking about God.

Deal with it.
You didn't have to act like you did.
It was a deliberate path you choose.

I forgive
I also move on real 
quick like in a hurry 
as my friend Micah used to say :-).

With God for us?
Who can be against us?
Romans 8:31

The hatred. 
Just so apparent.




Aint no "maybe" to it.
Wrap your head around it.

It will be.
Count on it.

Need lol.
me and my dad lol...
We watched this so many time together...

Thats how they are portraying it
but that aint what it looks like.
Pic below is more like it.

Happiness is not a destination.


a way of life.

Read that again.

"It was always a lonely world 
not to find someone 
who could think like I 
not to say that I think so differently 
but there was a certain amount of consciousness about God."

So true.


Read that again.
Be so strong in your faith that you
Influence them
not the other way around.

"The fact that God's declarations will come to pass
serves as a warning for unbelievers 
that there will be a judgement day for their sin."

You're watchin them play out right in front of you right now.

Wanna level up?
Wanna be extraordinary?
Thats how.
No excuses.
What kind of woman 
do you want to be really?

Sorry, I didnt see one for the guys yet 
or I would have shared it as well.

Fear and Christianity really dont go together well.
Kinda like oil and water.

To think that there can be a unified theory 
based on math 
that explains everything 
when math cant explain 
the absolute truth of love?
Or where math itself came from?
is foolishness.

Something is missing 
from the onset yo.
(I wonder what?)


"No matter what stages, oh stages, stages, stages 
they put us through, we'll never be blue." 

I love you baby.

TTYS honey.

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