Monday, June 10, 2024


 is how my life has been

very frequently,

and intensely 

for well over 12 years 

(before that as well 

if you include sporadic incidences

then it becomes something like 22 years.)

To many coincidences isn't a coincidence.

Here is a screenshot of things I had save to go back to.

You can see its time stamped May 14th.

That's the day that screenshot was uploaded.

"3 Torus shape"

 being the key thing said in the screenshot.

I read that article and to be honest?

Futurism isn't as in-depth as a lot of others, 

there stuff is more like a quick overview.

But it beats a lot of others 

to the punch most times.


After having read that on or around May 14th?

I read this as well around the time

when it came out 

although I do not have a screenshot showing so.

The universe might be shaped like a doughnut, not like a pancake, new research suggests

"The universe may be flat, 

but could still be shaped like a doughnut, 

weird patterns in leftover light from the Big Bang suggest."

"Strange patterns found in echoes of the Big Bang could be explained by a universe with a more complicated shape, and astronomers have not fully tested the universe's flatness, the study finds."

"Flat surfaces

All observations so far suggest the universe is flat. In geometry, "flatness" refers to the behavior of parallel lines as they go out to infinity. Think of a tabletop: Lines that start out parallel will remain that way as they extend along the table length. 

"In contrast, look at Earth. Lines of longitude begin perfectly parallel to each other at the equator but  eventually converge at the poles. The fact that parallel lines initially intersect reveals that Earth is not flat."



 "In such a twisty universe,..."

"Most notably, observations have assumed that the universe wraps around itself in only one dimension and does not have a more complicated topology. Also, observations of the CMB have revealed some strange, unexplained anomalies, like large patterns appearing where they shouldn't.

"In fact, a universe with a complicated topology could explain at least some of the anomalies in the CMB. While this isn't an iron-clad case for complicated topologies, the researchers offered ideas for more sophisticated direct searches, like follow-up studies of the CMB."

In that case, there may be a mirror 

image of us somewhere in our twisty universe."


It matters because if you know what shape it's topography is?

You can know better how to study it 

and find out more about it etc. 

It would help guide your research etc...

This is the picture they had for that article 

till just a few days ago when it got changed for some reason...

With me so far?

Then we come home this past Thursday from dinner w some friends?
The door was open the first thing honey says is:

"I thought I had shut that door."

She had went back in for something before we left.

I kinda just shrugged it off cause the same kinda thing had happened to me 
a few months ago and I couldn't remember either.

Later on that night I go upstairs to me office
and there's a book shelf
that looks like somebody just dumped a shelf of books on the floor.
The books were in order, 
just laying in the floor.

This one?
Actually the back of one.

(and another one
with space on its back cover)

just happened
to be sticking out 
a lil further than the others.

Are you kidding?
Because everybody that reads:

comes home and finds this strung out inn their floor:

I mean like it was put there by somebody on purpose.

So that is the shape of our universe
and how it can appear to be flat but really isn't
not to mention
that's three different infinity symbols 
that somebody has been drawing for a while now
all intertwined with each other like a MC Escher print.

Three different three d doughnuts and
all intertwined interdimensionaly etc etc etc...
could do a whole thing on the number three by itself okay?
Three is the perfect number:
father son holy spirit
leave it at that for now...

I already told you why the shape was important.

So that's:

The shape of the universe.
Todays post is 6/11.

APRIL 28, 2024


"The information 
in the DNA molecule
is generated from 
evaporating black holes.
(non-localized portals)
and quantum tunnels itself there."

April 19th.

Last seven weeks basicly.
Of course its seven
Why wouldnt it be seven at this point lol.
Donet even get me started on 7 lol.

The point is

Let me tell you why this all is:

Rev 10:7

"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, 

when he shall begin to sound, 

the mystery of God should be finished, 

as he hath declared to his servants the prophets."

Oh And this?

was not mentioned in the book.
No reference given.
Back cover illustration.
Been through it three times checking now.
\Just the design companylisted.
Thats it.

How is that possible?
Who knew

33 years ago?
Do a web search for 3d torus 
and you wont see an image t
hat looks like that,
And that was 33 years ago.
And it just happens to be laying in my floor right after?

33 is another interesting #.
Tradition holds that's how old Christ was when the crucified him BTW.

Now were gonna move on 
and talk about recompense 
and jealousy here in a lil bit
and why that is 
and what all that employs 

and people still cant figure out why I dont listen to or watch much media...

Boggles my mind Lucy...

I love you baby.

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