Saturday, June 29, 2024

Misc thoughts and rambelins


I think I got the numbers right...

Maybe lol.

Watched a guy doing a presentation on AI the other day.

He said if the average person started reading as soon as they were born

and did NOTHING but read their entire lives and they read at just an average pace

and they lived to be 80 years old they would read somewhere in the neighborhood of 

8 Billion words in their lifetime.

ONE AI on the other hand

would read about 8 TRILLION words in just one month. 

Thats 1000x more than a person reading their entire lives in just one month.

So there's about 8 billion people on the planet 

and ONE AI can read what 1000 of them would 

if they read their entire lives and do it in just one month.

So 8 billion people divided by 

ONE AI reading what 1000 people could in a month 

= 8 million.

Divide 8 million by /12 = 666666.666667

Thats 11 sixes, six is the number right before completion 

followed by a seven, 

and seven IS completion 

and that's 12 digits in total.

Talked about 12 yesterday a lil bit, 12 disciples, 12 tribes etc.

But why did you divide by 12?

Cause I do what Im told.



Been saying that a while now 

and all you have to do is look around to see that it is true.


Then there was an article on the Washington Post 

which I can not find today for some reason and the title of the piece was

"Lets get real about what AI can do."

I don't even bother to read this kinda garbage any more.

Who told the author of the piece what it can and cant do is my question.

Here is all you need to know.

From the onset? AI was doing things that the people who invented/developed it didn't know why it was doing so. Multiple experts in the field have quit their jobs to warn of its dangers and other researchers in the field were saying it was sentient years ago.

So what else do you really need to know?

"Well what did you think about the debate Drew?"

"I didn't."


"When these are your choices?

Its over for this country one way or another."

Its like some kafkaesque soap opera for geriatric men at this point.

Be mad all you want, my position is this:

Who cares who pilots this turd down the crapper at this point?

What difference is it really gonna make in the end?

TBH? Id be more worried about my and my families eternal salvation than anything else at this point.

My son used to get on me cause I voted for Clinton when it was him vs Bush.

I ask him, "what was my choice?"

He said, "Well you could have done something."

Okay then, your generations turn.

Good luck.


Proverbs 16:18-19

Pride goeth before destruction, 

And an haughty spirit before a fall. 

Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, 

Than to divide the spoil with the proud.

I did not take this picture upside down.

Nor did I rotate it.

We have seen this before 
with picture of multiple bibles 
that ended up turned upside down.
(I got a lil tired of managing four necklaces all the time so I consolidated.)

Who is the Prince of the air again?

Ephesians 2:2

Wherein in time past 
ye walked according 
to the course of this world, 
according to 
the prince of the power of the air, 
the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

What was between the camera lens and the necklace?


Here are some others that turned out right-side up.

And when honey wants here "Saddle" Birdhouse mounted on a post and put in the ground?
Honey gets her "Saddle" bird house mounted and put in the ground.

I think it turned out pretty good. 
Were pretty big fans of JB Weld around here these days lol :-)

Yu cant hardly see them but there are two feeders on the far right.
Then the saddle birdhouse, hopper feeder and a birdbath.

Last count?
15 feeders, 3 bird baths, and two houses.

What good is creation if you cant enjoy it indeed.

I love you babe.
TTYS everybody.
Love all yall too.

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