Sunday, June 9, 2024




"I have a duty to tell the truth
as I have been told it,
and I will keep on doing it
until I am satisfied
the people have the message."

Know the feeling...

Isaiah 30:9-10

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord:

Which say to the seers, 
See not; 

and to the prophets, 
Prophesy not unto us right things

speak unto us smooth things, 
prophesy deceits:

You read it.
I lived it in church today 
during prayer request 
about the recent AI outage 
this past Tuesday
and how well that matches up with:

Revelation 17:12-13.

And the ten horns 
which thou sawest
are ten kings, 
which have received 
no kingdom as yet; 
but receive power as kings 
one hour with the beast.

These have one mind, 
and shall give their power 
and strength unto the beast.


"In your songs you often refer to the bible

but many of the young people 

who are coming to your concert 

don't believe in the bible anymore..."


"Because the way they've been taught about the bible, that is not the way of the bible. Ya know?"

Workin on that too 
a lil bit my brother...
One day at a time...
One day at a time...
All you can do.

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