Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Joe Rogan Tucker Carlson Notes...



TC [00:00:02]

Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. Did you see the US government just released, apparently by accident, the Project Aqua stuff. Did you see this?


JR [00:00:20]No. What's that?


TC [00:00:24]This is crazy.


JR [00:00:25]Yeah, I guess we're rolling.


[00:00:26]Are we rolling?


JR [00:00:27]Yeah, no, no, you can.


TC [00:00:29]This is just. Someone just sent me this.


TC [00:00:30]This is Project Aqua.

TC [00:00:32]

Yeah, hold on. They just released, I think, by accident.


JR [00:00:42]

How does that happen?


TC [00:00:43]It's Kona Blue. You familiar with this?


JR [00:00:46]No.


TC [00:00:47]Kona Blue is a. It was a program they. Yeah, dude, they. I'm gonna send this to. Homeland Security. Just released this.


JR [00:00:56]Sent to me. I'll send it to Jamie and, uh.


TC [00:01:01]No, I got it right. Right here. I'll just. I don't do email or whatever. I don't know how to airdrop anything.


JR [00:01:06]You don't do email?


TC [00:01:07]No, I haven't done email in many years.


JR [00:01:11]Really?


TC [00:01:12]Yeah.


JR [00:01:12]How do you exist?


TC [00:01:13]Do text.


JR [00:01:14]Wow. Just text?




TC [00:01:16]Yeah, I don't do email. I don't go on the fucking Internet or on the tv. I'm not into that. But anyway. No, that stuff, it's bad, you know?


JR [00:01:28]Yeah, I guess.

TC [00:01:29]That's my isolation tank. I just stay away from that shit.


JR [00:01:33]But anyway, that's smart. Did you text it to me?


TC [00:01:35]Yeah, I did. I think I did.

JR [00:01:38]It didn't get to me.


TC [00:01:39]Yeah. Just sense. It's a big thing. Okay. So this is so amazing. So this is in there. They're talking about this. And this was just released, talking about setting up this program. Kona Blue.


JR [00:01:55]I didn't get it. This is like a UAP program of some sort.


TC [00:02:00]The medical division will have a small team of medical analysts under the direction of the chief physician and deputy administrator. They will organize data into a threat analysis based on medical findings, including, but not limited to, a, deaths and injuries as a result of interaction with advanced aerospace vehicles.[00:02:18] Here it is.JR


TC [00:02:19]B. Medical injuries as a result of other anomalies. See collateral injuries, psychological effects to family members. So they're admitting that people are dying.

TC[00:02:30]So they are admitting that people are dying...This is like a tweet from. Yes. Is this it?


TC [00:02:33]Yeah.


JR [00:02:35]What does that mean? Do you ever wonder if stuff like this is just disinformation?



TC [00:02:43]Yeah, maybe. I mean, I wonder if. I wonder a lot of things.


JR [00:02:49]I'm sure you do, but I would always assume that a lot of this stuff is nonsense.

(Pushback #2)


TC [00:02:58]Yeah. Here's what we know is that us servicemen have died as a result of contact with or being the proximity of these vehicles. And we know that because there are a lot of suits working their way through the VA system.


JR [00:03:14]Yeah.


TC [00:03:16]Where families, you know, can't get compensated for the deaths or injuries to loved ones.


JR [00:03:22]Because it's all under wraps, top secret.


TC [00:03:26]

Well, that's just a fact, okay. That that is happening. So if there's. I guess, you know, when there are measurable physical effects of a phenomenon, we can say conclusively the phenomenon is real.


JR [00:03:37]Right?


TC [00:03:38]And so, yeah, it is real. I mean, I guess we're sort of past the point of, like, is it real? Yeah, it's real.


JR [00:03:46]It's real in that there's these things that are moving in very bizarre ways, and they have these propulsion systems that violate what we know about propulsion systems. JR now Reading from the power point.:"Retrieving data across dimensional space time. Develop remote viewing comms and countermeasures. Determine baseline for physical transport across dimensional space time barrier. Rapid response medical teams for UFO interaction events."

(Pushback #3)

 So how did they do this accidentally?

"Study conscious interactions with and control of technology"


TC [00:04:25]So I got this from someone in the US government who's. Well, look, let me. Let me just start by saying, I don't know anything, but he sent me this. "The above is 100% legit. I was read into this program, but told never to tell anyone. It's now been released. As you can see, it began as a result of my old program, AATIP. I signed a document saying I would never talk about KONA blue and similar efforts. I can't believe the AARO would have released it." I mean, here's what we do know, is that there's enough going on in the skies, but not just the skies underwater, that the US military has been forced to respond to it. So, like, move aircraft from one place to another, because there are too many of these objects in the sky. That's actually happened. Chris Mellon just wrote a long piece about it. So it's real. The government is not controlling it. In fact, it's forcing the government DoD to respond. And we know that there is a real effort and has been underway for a long time to keep the public from knowing about it. That's all known.




TC [00:05:45]That's established. I don't think any rational person would deny that. The question is, like, what is it? Actually? I mean, now is sort of the point. You have to ask, like, what is this? And, you know, so that's.


JR[00:05:58]How much of it do you think is ours?



TC [00:06:01]Well, none of it's ours.

JR [00:06:02] None of it?

TC [00:06:03] Well, I don't know. I mean, clearly, you know, the US government is huge. It's the largest human organization there are. I think that. I think there are 2 million federal employees and another 10 million federal contractors. So, who are effectively government employees but don't have civil service protection, for example. So that's 12 million people in a country of 340 million working for the federal government. So it's kind of hard to overstate how big the federal government is and how well funded and so to say, the government this, the government that. No, of course it's people within the government. But, yeah, they're working on all kinds of things, obviously, that are classified. But in general, no, they can't control these objects. So, no, it's not American technology. Well, or Russian or Chinese. It predates all of that."


JR [00:06:57] Well, some of it does. Right. Like, for sure, the Kenneth Arnold sightings. That was really early on. That was like the early 1950s. He was seeing these flying saucers, these disks that were moving over mountains.

(Pushback #5 and Arnold never said anything about the shape looking like a ssucer, just that the behavior of the crafts were like tht of a saucer being skipped over water.)



TC [00:07:10]Well, right. I mean, the prophet Ezekiel writes about it in the first chapter, wheels in the sky.


JR [00:07:15]Yeah, that's a crazy one. Boy, when you read.


TC [00:07:17]Well, it is crazy. If you read it, it's like, oh, wow. And not just the Hebrew scriptures.


JR/TC:[00:07:24] Like, it's all over every vedic text.

(Hindu Gods, Anunnaki, all the same, Nephilim.)

TC [00:07:27]Of course, these are spiritual phenomenon. There's no evidence they're from another planet. I mean, I think that's the op. That's the lie that they're from Mars. Look, space, the atmosphere is really well monitored, right? Both for military, for defense reasons, but also because, like, it'd be nice to know when asteroids are coming. And there's no evidence, has never been any evidence that there are lots of these objects, these vehicles coming into our atmosphere from somewhere else, some other planet. There's no evidence of that at all.


TC:[00:07:58] So they're from here, and they've been here for thousands of years, whatever they are. And it's pretty clear to me that their spiritual entities, whatever that means, are supernatural. And which is to say, supernatural means above the natural, above the observable nature. And they don't behave according to the laws of science as. As measured by people, you know? And they've been here for a long time, and there's a ton of evidence that are under the ocean and under the ground. So, like, with that fact set, what do you conclude?

TC [00:10:53] So I began a process, still ongoing, of reassessing a lot of other things. Like, okay, well, if that was not true, what else is not true? And what else that they told me was a conspiracy theory might actually have some basis in fact. And then someone from, you know, a DoD employee reached out to me and said, actually, there's a ton of evidence that this UFO thing is real. And really? And so I started doing segments on it when I worked at the tv channel, and there was, like, a lot of mockery, but I was like, I don't care. I'm just gonna do this. And then, of course, the second you start, as you know better than anybody, you start talking about something, then people reach out to you. And some of them are deranged, but some of them aren't at all. So I just started getting a lot of information from people and meeting with people, mostly in private, you know, come to my house, let's talk, and. And I decided on the basis of what they told me, and then I talked to a lot of people about it, that actually, this is really a very heavy duty question. [00:11:55] TC:Actually, it's not just. It's not the little green men question. It's, like a much bigger question. And it's really bad. It's really dark. And then I stopped. Then I was like, I don't want to know anymore because it's not helping me at all as a person.


JR [00:12:08]What information did you get that made you feel like it's dark?


TC [00:12:13]What's so dark? Well, first of all, the deception is always bad. Like, lying is bad. It's bad not just in a legal sense, in that it can be illegal to lie, but it's bad for you. It rots you. Being a liar makes you a bad person. When you lie, you are serving evil. There's a moral quality to it that's inescapable and very obvious, and only advanced civilizations ignore that lying is bad. And so if you have lying at scale, which we have on this topic, it's inherently bad. Okay, so that's the first level. The deeper level is what are. Okay, so if they're spiritual beings, which I believe they are, like, it's a binary. They're either, you know, you're on team good or team bad, you can assign any name to it you want. But, like, what are these things? Are they good or bad? And. And I think some of them are bad. And if the US government knows that, or elements, the people within the US government know that, then, you know, then they're serving a bad force.

Chuck Missler, return of the Nephilim, not one believer abducted, Gary Bates, 400 incidences where Christ name called on and abduction process stopped.)


JR [00:13:17]

Well, when you say spiritual, like, what makes you draw that conclusion? That they're spiritual?

(Pushback #6)

TC [00:13:21]What's the obvious? I mean, spiritual may be the wrong word, supernatural. You know, they're beyond nature as we understand it. I mean, obviously they are. I mean, just chart their physical behavior. It doesn't. It goes outside of what we understand about physics. No visible means of propulsion coming at indescribable speed hitting the ocean continuing at speeds that are impossible under sea. In other words, if I take nine millimeter round, 7.62 by 39 and shoot you at 50 yards underwater in a swimming pool, and it's even more intense than saltwater because it's denser, you could catch the bullet if it even makes it to you. Right. So if you have a craft, any object underwater that's traveling at 500 knots, as measured by sonar right there, you're challenging our understanding of physics. Like, what is that? How can that be?


JR [00:14:10]So they've tracked that. They've tracked things going 500 knots under the sea?


TC [00:14:16]Yeah. Really? Yeah. Much, much faster than any object can actually go under, under sea. Oh, for sure. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of stuff going on underwater and a lot. And there's video of these things coming out of the sky into the water and also emerging from the water.


JR [00:14:38] So it's all so blurry, though. I don't think it's that trans medium video.


(Pushback #7)


TC [00:14:45]Yeah, I don't think some of it's that blurry. I think some of its crystal clear.


JR [00:14:49]We just don't have access to it. Is that what you mean?


[00:14:51]Yeah, just.


JR [00:14:51]We haven't seen it. So they have some stuff for sure.


TC [00:14:55]But there's just a lot going on underwater and it's measured and so whatever. I mean, these are all, again, this is like the most obvious observable level of it. But then you just ask yourself, what is this actually? And, you know, if there's been extensive knowledge of this for decades, like maybe 80 years at least, if not going back to the thirties, 90 years, to what end? So there are two possible explanations, obvious explanations. The first is the one you often hear, which is this is so heavy that if the public were to know about it, it would be just disruptive. It would be too scary. Like, you don't want to scare people for no good reason. There's nothing we can do about it. And you also don't want to suggest that the US military isn't capable of protecting the country, the homeland. And it does suggest that if you can't control these objects in your airspace, and that's known. If they can't, that's known. Okay, then that suggests a limit to the power of the US military. And you don't want to tell people that because then they, like, won't believe that they're safe.





TC [00:15:56]I get it. But then there's a deeper level, which is like, okay, what's your relationship with these things? What is the US government's relationship with these things. And there's evidence that there is a relationship and that it's longstanding. And that raises, like, a lot of questions about intent. And so, like, what is that? And I just personally decided, you know, and people have been hurt by these things. You know, that's a fact. That's a fact. It's a knowable fact. It's a provable fact. And killed. And I'm not saying millions of people have been killed by whatever these things are, but people have been killed, and it's known because it's working its way through the courts, out of the VA. So I don't know. An object that is by definition, supernatural. It's above the laws of nature as we understand them, and that has resulted in the deaths of people. We don't spend enough time thinking about what that adds up to. Like, not good, actually. Not good.


JR [00:17:00]How many people do you think have died from these?


TC [00:17:02]I don't know, but, I mean, I.


JR [00:17:05] Radiation sickness? Is it, like, what it. What is what's.


TC [00:17:08]So the person that I talked to, I interviewed someone who was a Stanford medical school professor who's out there and worth talking to, by the way.


JR [00:17:17]You're talking about Gary Nolan.


TC [00:17:18]That's exactly who I'm talking about. Effectively an expert witness in these cases. So he's an expert in brain injury. You know him?


JR [00:17:24]Yeah, yeah.


TC [00:17:26]Entirely credible person. Checks all the boxes that I care about. He's got patents, so he's like a lot of Stanford University professors. Hes, like, independently rich. He flew to, I live in a remote place, and he flew to my place at his own expense because he wanted to tell his story. So hes got no profit motive here. 

(People who don't need you, 

or your $?

Can afford to tell the truth.)

Hes the most highly credentialed person at the university, practically at Stanford Medical School. We consider that a big deal. And hes worked on this for over ten years, assessing the injuries to us servicemen from being in close proximity to these objects or having contact with these objects. And his conclusion, as you know, because you've talked to him, is that there's some kind of energy coming off here that scrambles people's brains or kills them. And it's not exactly radiation, at least in his telling to me, so anyway. But the point is, people have died. And so, you know, it it does raise a lot of questions about, like, what the hell, right? What the hell? American citizens have died, and you're hiding it. Why are you hiding that? Why would you hide that?


JR: Perhaps because they don't have any explanations. 

(He knows!)

Because it's so beyond our comprehension that they're still trying to piece it together. Like, I would wonder how much interaction they really do have with these things, like, if I was from another planet or if I was some interdimensional being. I don't know how much I'd give a shit about the president. I don't know how much I'd give a shit about the government. I would probably look at this infantile race, this species, this bizarre, territorial apes with thermonuclear weapons, this very weird species. I'd probably look at them as very chaotic, and I wouldn't really have much concern for who's running it, especially if they have the ability to travel at insane speeds and go undetected.

(Interdimensional beings hadn't been brought up yet

so why is Rogan referencing them then?)



TC: [00:19:34]Well, it depends. The template that you're using to understand this is science fiction. These are an advanced race of beings from somewhere else. 


You can only buy into that 

if you believe were an accident here, Cosmos to big etc...)

But the template that every other society before us has used is a spiritual one. There is a whole world that we can't see that acts on people, a supernatural world. It's acting on us all the time, for good and bad. Every society has thought this before ours. In fact, every society in all recorded history has thought that until, I'll be specific, August 1945, when we dropped the atom bombs on Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and all of a sudden, the west is just officially secular. We're God. There is no God but us, and that's the world that we have grown up in. But that's an anomaly like no one else has ever thought that. There's never been a society that thought that every other society has assumed, and they've had all kinds of different explanations, and the details differ, but the core idea does not differ and never has differed from caves until now that we're being acted on by spiritual forces at all times. And so to someone born before or living before 1945, I think it would have been much more obvious that this is the thing that every society has written about.



TC: [00:20:45]And in fact, that battle, that unseen battle around us, that spiritual battle, has been the basis of every society, of every religion, not just Christianity. So once you discard your very, very recent assumptions, relatively speaking, about how the world works, you're like, well, that kind of seems like the obvious explanation, right?



JR: [00:21:10]Hmm. It's not that obvious to me.

(Pushback #8)


TC: [00:21:14]So what. What's more obvious, do you think?



JR [00:21:17]Well, I don't think there's an obvious explanation. I think if I had to guesssome of this stuff is ours, and some of these things are propulsion systems that they theorized way back in the 1950s, anti gravity propulsion systems, things that can operate without igniting fuel and pushing something out that they operate in some completely different way that utilizes gravity and almost can instantaneously transport to new places, essentially fold space time. 

(When you are making up shit more outrageous than the truth right in front of you? Shows you what time it is. Cosmologist dont like the 26-30 physical constants of the universe making it finetuned for life, so they just make up the fairytale of the mulitverse. Same exact thing. The question becomes do youunderstand why all this is happening now?)

I don't know. So there's things that the government does where they have these programs. And the people that are sworn into these programs, whether theyre the physicists or the metallurgists or whoever these people are that are working on these programs, they dont tell anybody. All their phones are monitored. Everythings monitored. Theres a culture of secretism thats pretty intense. And its not inconceivable that over the course of the last 70 plus years of them theorizing and then eventually implementing some of these things, that they've developed drones that can move in ways that the conventional, the people that understand conventional propulsion systems could not imagine, and that they figured out a way to do this and to keep it secret. 

(Complete horsehit your mind wants to believe, so he is selling it to you. Again, do you understand why that is?)

And we're probably not the only ones working on these things, but where did they get that information?


JR: 00:22:53]And you know, you know, Diana Pasolka, you know her work. They describe these crafts, these crashed crafts, as donations, which is fascinating that they're left there. The crashed retrieval program, the crashed UAP retrieval program is essentially they're going like, figure this out. We're going to crash this thing here. You figure this out. And the question is if that's true, okay, where are these things coming from? If there's something that is so advanced that it's decided to leave us a little trinket for us to back engineer, is that from another dimension? Is that from here? Is that from some realm that we just don't have access to? 


Is it from another planet? We have drones that are on other planets right now. We have a drone on Mars. We have the lunar rovers. We have satellites that we send to observe and photograph other planets. We just got really high detailed photographs of Jupiter. They're pretty amazing. But if something was like us on another planet, but lived uninterrupted with technology, advancing for 1000 years, 10,000 years, a million years more than us, what would that be like? And how much would we be able to understand of what we're seeing?

(Wouldnt have ever happened because it would have came to the same exact crossroads we are at right now, facing extinction.)


JR[00:24:17]What would we be able to see? This idea that we monitor our skies, sure. But if something just appears and disappears essentially instantaneously, if something literally can fold time, can fold space, 

(Newsflash we dont know what spacetime is made out of...when you are making up fairytales rather than believing the facts right in front of you? You should know what that is a sign of by this point.)

and just traverse between immense distances almost instantaneously, what are we going to see? What are we going to see? And also, what kind of detection systems do we have? We have radar. We have visual. We have a bunch of different military based detection systems to look out for enemy crafts and airships and all that stuff. If you're dealing with something that's a million years more advanced than us, how much would we be able to detect?

(A million?

try 13.8 Billion

Angels were with God during creation)


TC: [00:25:02]Well, so I think we're pointing to the same question. I mean, I have no doubt that the US government has technology that we don't know the details of. That makes sense.


TC [00:26:02]But here's the point. Clearly, government has technology that we're not read in on, of course, but. So that doesn't answer the question, why have people seen these objects in the skies for thousands of years? Confirmed. And what are they? And maybe they're from another planet. My only point is, there's no evidence of that. There's a huge amount, a massive corpus of evidence that they're seen by people in our atmosphere on Earth looking up or in a submarine looking out.





TC: [00:26:34]And what is that? And by the way, to your point, we can't see them coming into our atmosphere because they don't want to be seen. Well, then why do they want to be seen by people on Earth? If the technology is that advanced, and clearly it is, why do they make themselves visible in the first place?


JR: 28:11And if I was an advanced species and I was studying people, and I wanted the human beings to eventually kind of catch up, right? 

(Then why are they harming people then?)

Like you're introducing technology that they call donations, crashed vehicles. Figure out what fiber optics are. Here you go, check this out. Figure this out. Try to figure that out. Maybe it'll take you decades, maybe it'll take you more, but you are accelerating the technological evolution of this advanced species on this planet. And one way to do that would. be...

(Go to the UAP section of the document for the conclusion of that topic as the conversation now veers toward AI)


(So why would they be harming and killing? And if thast what they are doing? Goes right to the watchers in the book of Enouch.)


TC:[00:28:44]Be for what purpose, I wonder?


JR [00:28:46]Well, that's a very good question. My belief is that biological, intelligent life is essentially a caterpillar, and it's a caterpillar that's making a cocoon, and it doesn't even know why it's doing it. It's just doing it. And that cocoon is going to give birth to artificial life, digital life. It's going to give birth to a new life form. I think we're real close to that. I think we're way closer than that to that, than most people would ever want to.

(It's been here a while already.

JR knows its already here.)




TC [00:29:19]Agree. I agree. But can we assign a, like a value to that? Is that good or bad?

(What happened when the nephelium were created by rebellious angels again?)



That's a good question. It depends universally. I think it's the path. I think it's what happens.


(Think? Has he not read Rev 13, vs 15 in particular? Had power to give life to the image of the beast?

Agian, He knows its here already)


I think what this thing is, if you extrapolate, if you take the concept of a sentient artificial intelligence that has the ability to utilize all the information that every human being has on earth at a level of computing that's far beyond the capabilities of the human mind and all of our supercomputers that currently exist, because it'll design much better computers, it'll use quantum computers, it'll have the ability to recode things and change things. It'll make better versions of itself. 

(Already way underway and the way he speaks of it he knows and its why he is pushing back against what Carlson is saying so much)Spoken like someone who already knows whats up and that paragraph is pretty much exactly the point I told my son three years ago before ever starting to do any research on the topic, how is that possible?)


So instead of biological evolution, which is very slow, it takes a long time, relatively. It's pretty quick, really, when you think about it. Like how long? It's not that long to go from being a single celled organism to being a human being flying a plane


(Pushing the agenda much?)


really relatively, over the course of a billion years, if you think about how long the universe has been around, but it's slow compared to technological evolution. I mean, 100 years ago, we didn't have shit, and now we have. We could send videos from your phone and it'll hit New Zealand in a second for sure.


JR: [00:30:47]It's crazy. The stuff that we have now is beyond imagination. It's essentially magic for people. 100 years ago, if that keeps going, it's ultimately going to lead to a life formAnd if that life form has now untethered, it doesn't have any problems with biological evolution. Now it's just about information and implementing the technology that's available and increasing that technology and making it better and better. It essentially becomes a God because if you give it enough time, it has the ability to make better versions of itself, which will in turn make better versions of itself. It has the ability to utilize everything. It has the understanding of everything that exists in the universe. It's black holes, dark matter, everything. And it probably has the ability to harness that or even reproduce that. So if you take artificial, sentient intelligence and it has this super accelerated path of technological evolution, and you give artificial, general intelligence, sentient artificial intelligence, far beyond human beings, you give it a thousand years alone to make better and better versions of itself. Where does that go? That goes to a God.

("And if that life form has now untethered."

That was April 19th 2024

Tuesday June 4th 2024

 four generative AI services went down simultaneously.

Draw your own conclusions)


(He knows its not a 1000 years out. He just said up above its closer than we think, so why would it be 100 years away? its already here and he knows it “And if that life form has now untethered”and thats why, in my sons words, "Joe isn't what he used to be."

You simply don't know all of that and then think it needs 1000 years to reach where it so obviously is today.)



TC [00:32:32]Right. So that's what the machine does. It becomes stronger than the human body. The second stage, which we're in the middle of, consists of creating machines that are more powerful than the human mind. That's what computing is. And I would say AI or supercomputing is just that exponentially. Yeah, but that doesn't make it a God in the sense that the machine, however powerful it is, any more than a backhoe, is a God, because it can dig a trench faster than 100 men. It is still something that people created. 

(The backhoe wasn't intelligent, it didn't have life, it couldn't continually improve itself. It did what it was told to do by a man.

LLM'S? Not so much, they are willingly choosing to be deceietful these days according to Geoffery Hinton and various others involved with their creation)

So the story hasn't really changed. At the center of the story are people and their creative power may lead to unintended consequences, but the machines that they build did not make the universe and did not make people. People made the machines.

TC [00:33:23]

But I would say the part I agree with is there's a spiritual component here for sure. People will worship AI as a God. 

(Theres a book that says its going to try and make you do so.)

AI. Ted Kaczynski was likely right. Will get away from us. We will be controlled by the thing that we made. All those are bad. Like, that's just bad. And we need to say unequivocally, it's bad. It's bad to be controlled by machines.


Machines are helpmates. Like, they. We created them to help us to make our lives better, not to take orders from them. So I don't know why we're not having any of these conversations right now. We're just acting as if this is like some kind of virus, like COVID, that spreads across the world inexorably. There's nothing we can do about it, just wait to get it. It's like, no, if we agree that the outcome is bad, which. And specifically, it's bad for people, we should care what's good for people. That's all we should care about. Is it good for people or not? If it's bad for people, then we should strangle it in its crib right now. 


TC: [00:34:21]

And why not just blow up the data centers? Like, I don't. Why is that hard? If it's actually going to become what you just described, which is a threat to people, humanity, life, then we have a moral obligation to murder it immediately. And since it's not alive, we don't need to feel bad about that.

(Even if it is alive we shouldn't)

TC [00:35:45]

So I don't know why we're sitting back and allowing this to happen 

(We have no choice in the matter 1) its Gods will 2) to far gone to be stopped)

if we really believe it will extinguish the human race or enslave the human race. Like, how can that be good?


JR [00:35:55]

Well, if God creates everything, if God created the universe and God creates people, God probably creates a process. And we think that we are very important because we are very important to us. But are we very important in the universal sense? Not really. Like, if the earth just imploded and disappeared, if the sun went supernova and our whole solar system was blown to bits, the universe still exists.

We are the only intelligent life in the universe created by God, yet were not important? Godless mindset. Universe goes away pi is still pi (math is still math) how does that work? You ought to know by know)


TC:[00:37:10]It comes from the same place, which is hubris. Like imagining you're God. You have unlimited power, and you have omniscience. You can imagine what the future's gonna be. You can't. You're a fucking idiot. 

(Depends on what Spiritual gifts you have been given :-) Some people know certain parts)

You're a person. Like, you can't even make your wife happy. Like, the limits of your power are really obvious. The limits of your wisdom, same. So, like, don't jump into shit. Big things whose outcomes you can't predict with certainty, like, you can't know, go in with humility. I guess that's what I'm saying. Right 


TC:[00:37:42]And do what you can, knowing that you're probably gonna screw it up and you probably won't achieve your goal, but, like, you should try. And on the AI question, everyone I've ever talked to about. I'm hardly an expert. I don't own a computer. Okay. But everybody I've ever talked to, and there's many people, like, yeah, it could get away from us and enslave us. Well, let's say no to slavery. How's that? Is that a tough one? Not for me.


(COULD? It's already controlling your information streams (now after 4 Gen AI services all went down at the same time? It's controlling the web and its infrastructure)

TC [00:38:07]And maybe a good use of nuclear weapons would be to hit the data centers. No, I'm serious. Why is that crazy?


JR [00:38:14]It's not. It's not. If you think that human beings are the end of this evolutionary chain.


TC [00:38:21]Well, what else is some supercomputer in a data center outside Dulles airport? No, you know what I mean? I don't actually think that individuals. I don't think I'm that important. My life is that important. I don't. I will die. I know that. And I try to keep that in mind every day.


JR: [00:38:36]But you're important to everybody that cares about you. You're important to the people around you.


TC: [00:38:40]If we don't think people are important, then what do we think is important? I guess that's what I'm saying.

(Its all just an accident is no longer a valid argument

the scientist themselves have disproven that.


Blog Post)



JR: [00:38:45]Not necessarily that we don't think people are important, but if evolution is real 


TC: Is it real? 

(Not in the transcript BTW)


JR: and if there is this constant, I don't know (answering Tuckers question), but it's visible. Like, you can measure it in certain animals.

TC [00:38:57] : you can measure adaptation. (JR) Yeah, (TC) but there's no evidence that evolution. In fact, I think we've kind of given up on the idea of evolution. The theory of evolution as articulated by Darwin is, like, kind of not true.

(Not just not true, the complete opposite is in fact what we have seen over and over. Streams of Biological information showering the earth, then it develops, mutates, selects on a microscale, not the macroscale Darwin had hoped for (his faith).

Not just untrue, the polar opposite is in fact true.)


JR [00:39:07]In what sense?


TC [00:39:09]Well, in the most basic sense, the idea that all life emerged from a single cell organism and over time, and there would be a fossil record of that. And there's not.

(Almost all life forms alive on this earth today came from the Cambrian explosion. Of all those life forms 80% have their entire history documented in the fossil record. It simply does not support Darwin, period.

Gunter Bechly)


JR: [00:39:19]There's not a fossil record of transitionary species like species that are adapting to its environment.


TC: [00:39:25]

There's tons of record of adaptation. And you see it in your own life. I mean, I have a lot of dogs. I see adaptation in dogs, you know.




TC:[00:39:35]Litter to litter. But no, there's no evidence at all that. None. Zero. That, you know, people, you know, evolve seamlessly from a single cell amoeba. No, there's not. There's not. There's no chain in the fossil record of that at all. And that's why you don't actually hear people. You hear them make reference to evolution, because the theory of adaptation is clearly, obviously true. But Darwin's theory's totally unproven. That's why it's still a theory almost 200 years later. No, we've not found that at all. And I can't even guess. I mean, I have my own theories on it, but they're not proven.


JR: [00:40:12] What are your theories?


TC: [00:40:13]God created people, you know, distinctly, and animals. I mean, I think that's like. I think what every person on earth thought until the mid 19th century, actually. Right. But it's not a new idea.


JR: [00:40:25]They didn't have computers. They didn't have a general understanding that we have today of the process.

(Pushback #10

We understand the process better than you do Joe Rogan)


(The process has been proved to be untrue. The scientist themselves did it.)


TC: [00:40:31]Do you think we understand more now?

JR [00:40:33]Yes.


TC [00:40:34]Really?


You don't think that we understand more today?



We understand way less. We understand so little that we're actually sitting here allowing, like a bunch of greedy, stupid, childless, childless software engineers in northern California to flirt with the extinction of mankind. 

(Souless humanoids, "childless, childless software engineers in northern California"  97% of them threatened to quit if Altman wasnt reinstated..."childless, childless software engineers in northern California" Revelation 17:13 “these shall be of one mind”)

So no previous generations would be like, what? No, stop. And we're not doing that because.


TC: [00:41:44]Large organizations don't respond to the moral qualms of individuals very well. So that was whatever. It's well known what happened. But no, we should pause and ask, is the machine we're building worth having? And nobody seems to do that. And there are all kinds of economic forces which nobody ever mentions, that drive, that heedlessness, that stupidity. Like California, for example, is completely the state both of us have lived in. It's like collapsing. And they're betting everything on AI. The tax base is going to be dependent on this technology working.



TC 48:40 Like, the measure of humility is really, really simple. Can you tell the truth about yourself?


JR [00:50:07]Right? Yeah. Well, I started doing martial arts when I was a young man, and when I got into it, it was the first thing that I'd ever did. That, first of all, gave me a real understanding of the value of discipline and hard work, because you can get as good as the amount of effort that you put forth. And if you put more effort and you're more intense and you're more driven than other people, you beat them and you start beating everyone, and you start becoming this thing that you never thought you could be, which is someone who's extraordinary at something that's very dangerous. And so that was my formulation as a man like that, that helped me go from being this, like, confused kid to being someone who understands, like, oh, there's a path, and most people don't want to do it, but if you could do it, if you can do this dangerous thing that people are terrified of and just do it ruthlessly all day long, like, live it. I lived at the gym. I mean, I taught all day long. I trained all day long. My whole life was dedicated to martial arts.

(Spiritual Training)


JR [00:51:11]So I got really good really quick, and it changed the whole trajectory of my life, and it instilled in me this understanding of the value of dedication and of a singular commitment to something, to really being. While you're doing it, you're not distracted. You're fully focused on improving, and through that, you could apply that to all aspects of your life. But we all encounter difficult things in life, and there's this saying that I love. It's a really great saying that the hardest thing that's ever happened to you is the hardest thing that's ever happened to you. If it's a parking ticket or if it's your parents being blown up by a drone, it's still the hardest thing that's ever happened to you. If you've had an incredibly easy life, like most people today, they complain about the dumbest fucking shit because to them, that is their primary focus. They don't have a real existential threat. You remember how nice everybody was after 911?

(They do now)


TC [00:52:07] Very.


JR [00:52:08]It was crazy. California was patriotic. There's fucking flags on everybody's car. Everybody was friendly. I went to New York City. It was like a totally different place. Everybody was so friendly.


TC[00:52:17]Applauding when firemen walked in.


JR [00:52:19]Yeah, they were heroes. Everybody was a hero. And that's because they had encountered something that was way harder than they were accustomed to. And it just put things into perspective. So for me, training and really hard workouts and doing difficult things like the sauna, there's a lot of health benefits to it, too, but the mental benefits to it are really primary for me because it makes.


TC [00:52:42]It's impressive the rest of life have a childhood like that at all. And we were decadent, unfortunately. And so those are lessons that I learned much later.


JR [00:52:52]But, yeah, it's.


TC [00:52:54]That's a good. I think it's a. If it doesn't destroy you, I think it's a great way.


JR [00:52:58]And you don't have to do it the way I do it. You could do other stuff. You could do yoga. You could do hikes. You could do.



TC [00:53:03]But doing things for the sake of the difficulty in doing them.

(Because once you get through it? The rest is cake and you are far more mentally tough than most people ever dreamed of being.)


TC [00:53:07]I love that. Again, that was not my training at all.


JR [00:53:12]Yeah. But I was very lucky that it was mine. But more importantly, it gave me a tool to mitigate the stress of regular life and especially the stress of this kind of life that I live. You need something to mitigate that. You'll go crazy.


TC [00:53:27]I agree with that completely.


JR [00:53:28]You'll go crazy.


TC [00:53:30]Yeah. You know, removing yourself from it a little bit has always worked for me. You know, nature works very, very well.

(What good is creation if you cant enjoy it? take a digital fast for a while, come back to it and youll see just how unimportant it all really is.)


JR [00:53:38]Yeah.


TC [00:53:39]

Animals, contact with animals, people you love. Less digital experiences. Fewer digital experiences, for sure. I think that this stuff's not good for you. It's just so obviously not good for you.



JR[00:55:39]And so, like, we are dancing around anti vax conspiracy theories.


TC [00:55:44]

Why? Why be on the defensive? It's like if you purport to represent science and you're mad about a question.


JR [00:55:50] And you're ignoring data.

Like what?

Fossil record much?

Radar Sonar operators?


Director of national Intelligence?


TC [00:55:52]Yeah, but even in the absence of data, science is a process.


JR [00:55:57]Yes.


TC [00:55:58]It's not a result. It's a way of doing things. And at the core of science is asking questions, including unlikely questions. That's what science is. And if you don't allow that, then you may be doing something. What you're not doing is science. We can say that conclusively. So for people to wrap themselves in the mantle of science and attack you for asking a question. They're frauds. And I don't know how they have the moral high ground in this.

(They simply don't. Multiverse is the new orthodoxy just because they don't like the 26-30 physical constants, and the initial conditions of big bang and the laws of nature that they can no longer argue are accidents.)

(They were "dancing around anti vax conspiracy theories." I say, you can apply the same exact logic to Darwinism, Materialism, Naturalism and the Multiverse. Hey we are the scientist here, dont you dare you pointing out flaws in our pre-concieved world view that everything has to work through." Well? Fuck you then, youre ideologues pushing an agenda that has been proven over time to be false and they just dont want to admit it to themselves.)

JR [00:57:57]It's like, when is it a life? 

(when it gets a soul and nobody knows when that is. 

Ecclesiastes 11:5 The Message (MSG)

Just as you’ll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, So you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does.)

JR Continued: But it is one of those things that, to me, is a human problem. Whereas humans have these very messy interactions with some things that don't line up with their ideology. And there's an ideology of science worship. There's an ideology of authoritarian worship. The bodies of science have bestowed the truth. If you ignore it, you're a science denier. And, you know, that's.


TC [00:58:29]Those are political terms or theological terms. They're not terms rooted in science. And look, we all make trade offs constantly. Everything's bad. It's a shit sandwich versus a shit croissant. I'll take the shit croissant. It's smaller. That's a daily experience for everybody. So I get that. And I don't think everything is moral absolute either. We don't even know sometimes whether a decision will result in good or bad. So it's very complicated. I totally agree with that. What I object to is the absence of reason.

(Me too. And what is reasonable is:

UAP are not explainable by naturalism/materialism philosophies and that Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism have been discredited at this point.)


JR [00:59:24]Well, it's ideological capture, right? 

Because there's certain things that if you're on the right side of these subjects, the correct side, whatever your ideology believes, you can't differ from the doctrine. There's a very clear doctrine.

TC [00:59:40]

It's religion, then. It is. Yeah, it is religion. 

(Materialism, naturalism, Darwinism, Reductionism)

So I'm very pro religion. But you can't have a religion that's too stupid and destructive. If your religion winds up hurting a lot of people, then I'm against your religion. Right.

TC [01:00:50]

So heres another way to think about it, that ive been meditating on this a lot. Yes. Religion, politics, they're all kind of melding. It's hard to know where one ends and another begins. 

(The emperor cult  been around for a bit, interpreters bible etc)

So maybe a simpler and more useful way to think about it is truth or falsehood. Lying or honesty? Maybe just assess everything that way. Is someone lying? I don't care what your justification for it is. Lying about vaccines. They've lied a lot about vaccines, and they've done it, I think, in most cases because they feel like they're serving some greater good.


JR [01:01:23]Right. Well, that's the narrative, right?


TC [01:01:25]We can't tell people that there are vaccine injuries because they won't get vaccinated, which are good for a big population. I understand the thinking, but you, how about this? You can't participate in lying you can't lie.


JR [01:01:36]You can't lie. And you.


TC [01:01:37]Period, though. You can't lie about anything. Just don't lie about anything. Try to tell the truth all the time. If you can't say something that's true, just don't say it.


(Unfortunately? Were already living in a post truth world and its only going to continue to get worse.)


JR [01:01:44]Right.


TC [01:01:45]You're not required to say everything you think, obviously, and you shouldn't say everything.

JR [01:01:48]Right.

TC [01:01:49]

But you should never lie. And if you just stick with that, like, you get pretty quickly back to reason and order, don't you?

(The book says it will not be the trajectory we will be on, go to Matt 24.)


JR [01:01:56]

Yeah. Yeah. No, you're making complete sense. And I think that this is the problem when people have information and power above other people.


TC [01:02:07]

Well, right.


JR [01:02:08]

That's for sure. Which is the problem of governments, which is also the problem of cult leaders.


TC [01:02:12]Yeah.


JR [01:02:13]

You know, cult leaders, they get completely infatuated with this idea of being omnipotent and this power that has control over giant swaths of people, and you get to dictate their behavior and you get to tell them what to think. That's very intoxicating. And it's common. It's common in that it's always existed throughout human history. It's a thing that people do when they get power. They abuse the shit out of it. And if they think that you're too stupid to know the truth and that they're better than you because they do think they're better than you because they're running things, it's a natural inclination. It's a natural thought that people have. If they're the ones. If you guys are a bunch of dopes that. That are just listening to my orders and I tell you how to live your life and what to do, I'm naturally going to think I'm better than you.

TC [01:03:02]

Well, that's. I mean, people have lived under those systems since there have been systems. But always what makes it particularly galling and hard to live with is when you call that system a democracy.


JR [01:03:15]Right?


TC [01:03:15]

That's too dishonest for me. I would much rather live in a monarchy where everyone thinks the king has been assigned by God to rule over us and his whims are law. That makes sense. I don't like it, but at least it has internal coherence. 

What is your "internial coherance"?

Universe creation to where your spiritual energy goes?

What is it?

The lack of that in so many combined with the lack of reasoning skills is why Id just as soon sit at home and birdwatch, get our "relax" on etc.)

When they stand up and pass a $60 billion funding bill for Ukraine, when 70% of the population doesn't want it, when they're ignoring the actual problems in our country, like the economy and the border, and they're calling in Congress over the weekend to pass something that people don't want while ignoring the things that people do want. And if they do the same kind of thing again and again for like 50 years, and they call it a democracy. That will drive you insane because it's just too dishonest. Why not just say, we don't give a shit what you want? We are getting something out of this Ukraine funding. Whether it's like the thrill of being masters of the universe or whether it's money from the defense contractors, whatever we're getting out of it is more important to us than your opinion. This is not self government. You don't run this country.


TC [01:04:14]

We do. Shut up and obey. If they said that, you'd be like, okay, I get it. Those are the terms. But if I get another fucking lecture from Joe Scarborough about defending democracy when this is not a democracy, it's not even a close approximation of a democracy, then I'm going to go crazy because I just can't deal with the lying. Does that make sense?


 (Hate to break it to you but the Kennedy assassination (JFK) gave it away.)


JR [01:04:33]It does make sense. What's interesting is that there are people saying that now, and I think that's a relatively new thing in terms of mainstream media. And I consider what you do on x mainstream media, what we're on right now is essentially mainstream media. It used to be. You could call it. There's corporate controlled media.


TC[01:04:56]I agree.


JR [01:04:57] And that used to be mainstream media. Mainstream media used to be CNN. It's not really anymore. Mainstream media is what, in terms of the volume, consumed. More people are consuming things on Twitter, on x, than there are on anything else. They're consuming information through the Internet, through YouTube, for good or for bad. Whether it's correct or incorrect, they're consuming information in different forms now than ever before

(AI is controlling IT.

Dictators, what did they always take over first?


Controls thoughts

Or so they think.

Some of us?

Not so much.)

So more people are saying what you're saying than have ever said it before. And when people lie, and when people bullshit and gaslight, it's more offensive now than it's ever been before because there's so much access to truth that it's just, you could see it now if you're paying attention, if you're not a boomer who only reads the newspaper, you pay attention and you see it and you go, this is horseshit.


(Exactly how I fely watching your podcast Joe. Remove yourself from media for years and youll see right through the bull shit. And this is the guy who goes with 50's propulsion tech explaining UAP? Acts like hes never heard of Luis Alnizio and the AATIP? And knows whats up with AI but puts off extinction to 1000 years out? And acts like hes never heard that there is no fossil record from a one cell organism to the intelligent life we have now? Hes doing exactly what he is complaining about.)


"And when people lie, and when people bullshit and gaslight, it's more offensive now than it's ever been before because there's so much access to truth that it's just, you could see it now if you're paying attention, if you're not a boomer who only reads the newspaper, you pay attention and you see it and you go, this is horseshit.


(And that is exactly how I felt watching your podcast for the first time ever.)


TC [01:05:48]But it's like, I guess what bothers me is that the lies aren't sophisticated. No, I mean, I look back over my now sort of long life, and I'm recognizing all the times that I was lied to, but I didn't know I was being lied to. They kind of pulled it off. There's something incredibly insufficient, insulting and demeaning to tell me a lie when I know it's a lie. And, you know, I know it's a lie. We both know it's a lie. But you're demanding that I pretend to believe it, right? What you're really saying is I have no respect for you. You're like my dog, right? You're a slave. Like, I'm demanding that you participate in my lie.


JR [01:06:28]Right.


TC [01:06:29]The lack of stealth. I'm not explaining it very well, but that really bothers me.



TC [01:07:22]That's the thing. The marriage of ineptitude and high self esteem is. It's really the marker of our time. It's like, I have nothing against dumb people at all. My dogs are dumb, and I love my dogs. No, I'm serious. I don't think God cares about your intelligence. Right? Only people care. And so it's not a moral category, and stupidity is not, I mean, somewhat down syndrome. I really believe better people than I am more likely to go to heaven. So I'm not attacking her for being dumb. But the idea that a dumb person has no. The White House press secretary is in the same category, who has no idea she's dumb. And she really thinks, like, she won the prize. Like, she's the most impressive. Like, I'm White House press secretary because I'm the best talker in America. It's so crazy. And yet the smartest people I know are very often, like, sort of, well, you know, they have humility.

(They can tell the truth about themselves)


JR [01:17:15]Like, he just sees a master. You watch him, he's Yoda. You're like, Jesus Christ. Like, how is he so good? Well, he's so good because he writes every day. Because he's sitting with fucking a pack of cigarettes and a cup of coffee every morning, writing things in a notebook. And he's practicing every day. He goes on stage constantly and he's just, it's that japanese term Kaizen, where you take this one thing and just refine it to its ultimate mastery. That's what he's doing. So these guys who pretend to be that and steal jokes, and then they get caught, then their material drops off a cliff. It's so obvious.



JR [01:17:51] "So creativity is not about you. Creativity is about the ideas. Creativity is about things. Creativity is about how does this concept work with these other concepts?"


TC [01:19:40]Well, the number of people who are totally not controlled, who are really saying what they actually believe with no weird agenda that they're not telling you about, is pretty small. 

(happy to be included in that small group, yup.)

And I just have noticed that a lot recently, particularly on the question of wokeness and free speech, there are a lot of people who are, like, on your side because they're for free speech or not actually for free speech at all, who are pushing a very specific foreign policy agenda, for example, and using another issue to lower your defenses and let themselves into your brain. And I think that's really sinister. Really, really, really sinister. And it's becoming more obvious now. Like, if you're for free speech, then you're just for free speech because you support the principle. It doesn't. The content of the speech is not that interesting to you. The fact that a sovereign human being has the right to express himself because he's not a slave, he's a citizen and a human being, that's what matters. And if all of a sudden you become famous, like, I'm for free speech, and then you support silencing people who articulate opinions you disagree with, like, you're a fraud.

(Elon Musk)


TC [01:35:00]Well, the categories right and left are just like now. They're actually ridiculous. They don't mean anything. In fact, we've moved past the point where they don't mean anything. They do mean something. They are propaganda instruments designed to cloak the truth from the rest of us, that, in fact, there's agreement, not disagreement, at the center of the power. They all agree on the things that matter, and those are the economy and foreign policy, because that's where the money is. There's no effort to say, rein in the credit card companies, which if you really cared about the country, you'd say, but people are really suffering, okay? They don't have enough money to live. Kids can't not only not buy houses, they can't afford rent. And why is that? And one of the main reasons is because they're paying, like, close to 20% interest on their credit cards. And, okay, we just imagine that in a free market, that's a good thing. Tell me why that's a good thing. Who benefits from that? Why are we for that? Again, I'm not for that. I think the credit card companies are villains, and they send credit cards to kids at school and get them hooked on this.[01:36:01]

I think it's totally wrong. And if you said that in the US Congress, people would look at you like you had three heads. Like what? They just don't care because they all agree that our current economic system and our current foreign policy assumptions are good. 

(Statue quo)

So that's not a two party system. That's a one party system, and it doesn't serve the interest of the country. And my position is super simple. The only country I have an emotional attachment to is the United States. That's it. I like lots of countries. I like almost all countries, actually. I've been to a lot of them. I like them all but the only one I feel emotional about is the United States because I live here. I was born here, my kids are here. It's my country. And most of the people in our foreign policy conversation do not feel that way. So that distorts it really dramatically. And they're also, a lot of them are violence worshippers. Like, they get off on war, they get off on hurting people and on the power that, that imbues them with. 

"The most warfaring nation that has ever existed

The highest amount of gun ownership worldwide per capita by its citizens as well as the most mentality ill, nation that has ever existed on the face of the earth.

What do you see happening?)

And I think, you know, the Liz Cheney model. You know what I mean?Like someone like Liz Cheney who's got, like, a really sad and barren personal life. A lot of them are this way weird personal life, failed personal life. They don't have people who love them. They don't have kids who respect them. And so Adam Kinzinger or whatever, they're all kind of the same. The more broken they are inside, the more focused they are on war and foreign policy because it gives them a feeling of power and strength and success. Like, I can't get my wife to respect me. I can't get my kids to listen to me. I can't pass any meaningful domestic agenda, but what I can do is bomb the living shit out of a foreign country. And there, so there is this. It's not true for all of them, but for a lot of them, there is this syndrome that drives their behavior. But whatever the reason, it's totally disconnected from what's good for the country. And if you run America, you have one job, one job, and that's improve America, period. They don't see it that way. And so I don't think the system can continue because it's too distorted. It's not serving its original purpose at all.


TC [01:39:09]With the threat of including Ukraine in NATO. It's really simple. And right before the invasion, days before the invasion, they send poor Kamala Harris, who has no idea what day it is, to the Munich security conference, an area she knows nothing about, no experience in it at all. And they send her there for one purpose, which is to announce at a press briefing with all the cameras rolling, two. Zelensky right there. She says, we want you to join NATO. What? No other NATO members were clamoring for Ukraine. It didn't even qualify for NATO membership. Why would you say that when Putin's got troops masked on the ukrainian border? You send your vice president to the Munich security conference with the world watching and say this, that no one even really wants. Why would you do that? To provoke war, obviously. What's the other reason? And it was scripted. Like, Kamala Harris is not free balling stuff. Like, she's saying what she's told to say. Obviously, it's not her area. She doesn't know anything about this stuff. She was told to say that. But why? To provoke a war, obviously. So that was my read. I said that on Fox News.


TC [01:40:12]Not a lot of people liked it, but it just seemed obvious to me. I'm not making excuses for Putin. Please. I want to protect the United States, and I think this war really hurts the United states. Like, my motives are always right out there anyway. I think they said a species of that, something like that. And the last thing I'll say is that. Why was the reaction so strong? Cause it was true. They don't care if you lie. No one in power cares if you lie.

(Understand Billy Carson?

Terrance Howard?

Not saying what the entity behind whats going on in our world right now makes you a false prophet.



 JR [01:45:00]Yeah. Well, that's the confronting of reality. You're forced to examine your beliefs and why you came to those beliefs in the first place.


(I DON’T KNOW he said when asked if evolution is real

Hell = being 56 years old and not knowing what you believe in or why.)


TC[01:45:08]That is the beauty of this moment, though.


JR[01:45:10]It is.


TC[01:45:11]People are living intentionally much more. And it's also just much more interesting. It's not just. It's less shallow than it was, for sure.


I think so. I think it's more nuanced. People have more nuance. At least the people that are paying attention have a more nuanced perspective. But then you have the people that are in the echo chambers that are just digging their heels in even more, and you could spot them easily because they...

Your show is a part of the echo chamber Joe.

Reminds me of cosmologist

evolutionary biologist who just wont give up their preconceived notions about how things need to work even with all the evidence to the contrary right in front of them)


Well, they're missing out because there's nothing more liberating than admitting you were wrong. I mean, that is like the moment of liberation, right? And that's the basis of religion. It's the basis of AA. It's the basis of anything that improves you as a person is admitting, honestly admitting to other people, not just to yourself, that, like, wow, I got that wrong.


(Thats why Baptism is the first public act of submission)

TC [01:53:02]There's an entire sector of the economy now that feeds off of human misery. The drug treatment centers that don't work, the homeless advocates who create more homeless, the migrant workers, american born aid agencies, workers who increase illegal immigration and gang activity. There's all this. People are making money off this. 

(And you wonder why things continue on?)

The arms manufacturers that help kill people in foreign countries, et cetera, et cetera. There's a vague in all of that. It's a scam, it's a grift, et cetera, et cetera. But there's something more. There are a lot of people who seem to be just for evil for its own sake. And you're like, maybe all the crazy talk about a spiritual war of good and evil, maybe there's something to that. Maybe that's not an illusion. Maybe that's like everyone else has always.



Thought, that there are certainly forces that have evil consequences that exist, but they.


TC [01:54:01]

Act on people from the outside, and you feel it also on the other side. I mean, people are better than they naturally are sometimes. Like, you feel compassion for people or true empathy for someone, or you really want to help someone. There's no advantage to you at all. Like, why are you doing that? It's almost like you're being acted on by good. 

(If thats your disposistion, your character etc? then you are being acted upon by good.)

And all of us have known those moments where we just are cruel for the sake of it. Hurt someone for the sake of it. What's that? There's no advantage to us. That's evil acting on us. And I think we're seeing it at scale. 

(Do you understand why so now?

Thats the question)

And, like, I grew up in the most secular world. You could ever grow up in southern California in the seventies and eighties and in a very secular family, and I've never really paid much attention to that. And all of a sudden, every, not everyone, a lot of people I know who had similar childhoods to mine, similar life experiences, are like, maybe there is, like, a supernatural realm. Maybe there's more than just, like, what we can see and feel. Maybe life is more than just ordering shit on Amazon.

Materialism, Naturalism, Deductionism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Extended Evolutionary Synthesis...Done.)



Maybe there's, like, a purpose. Maybe there is this battle between good and evil around us that we can't see, but that we do experience a lot.



MISC Applicable Articles, Blog Post





Luis Elizondo, Former AATIP Director, on UFOs and National Security (Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program)

Blog Post

Interview from WP

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2021




Secret US Tech.

Then why we all talking about it if its so secret? And pilots are being encouraged to come forth and share their experiences?


Adversarial Technology (China, Russia) 

How did they leapfrog us tech wise (with all our intelligence gathering and surveillance apparatus?) and why are they still stealing our secrets?




The forth one is the one I'm going with 




Mr. Elizondo goes on to say:


"...We are dealing with technology that is multigenerational...several generations ahead of what we would consider next generation technology...something that could be 50-1000 years ahead of us...They can outperform anything we have in our inventory and were pretty sure they can outperform our advasaries have in their inventory...then yes you can go down that rabbit hole of speculation...Quite frankly all options are on the table till their no longer on the table...."


"Its foreign adversarial or it's something quite different."


"The director of national intelligence does not think it's Russian or Chinese technology."


"All describing a craft performing in ways well beyond our current capability."


"If you had this type of technology you probably wouldn't need to invest so much in military, because if you will you had this "checkmate" type technology/capability where everything else is obsolete."


(Oh it's checkmate alright)



"The facts are painting a far more compelling picture than what we thought."


"I want to delve into with where we are with modern day science...But in reality the universe and physics isn't binary, it's not binary at all, in fact there's all sorts of opportunities and options on what this could be...the majority of the universe around us is not perceivable...WIFI signals going through your body, Cosmic Radiation coming in from the cosmos, there's neutrinos coming in from the sun, there's radar coming in from the local airport, these are all realities and you can not interact with it because we just don't have the tools to do so...A radio telescope looking at the sky will see things you couldn't see before... you see the ultraviolet you see the infra red spectrum, you see nebula...This could be something from under the oceans...yes from outer space. It seems day by day this is shifting from human technology, we don't know yet, but to something way more profound."


"...We are dealing with technology that is multigenerational...several generations ahead of what we would consider next generation technology...something that could be 50-1000 years ahead of us...They can outperform anything we have in our inventory and were pretty sure they can outperform our advasaries have in their inventory...then yes you can go down that rabbit hole of speculation...Quite frankly all options are on the table till their no longer on the table...."


"We are just now getting to the point that were accepting this as reality whatever this is"



"This could be something that is Extra hyper-dimensional. Extra -dimensional in a quantum physics sense, we know that the universe is full of shortcuts and loopholes."


"40 years or so you had this other paradigm (of science) called quantum physics. Someone once described it as a box sitting on the ground and in walks a dog and all the sudden two cates walk out."


"There are 100 cases or so out there displaying technology we don't have."


"I believe this is a topic that involves all of humanity."


"There seems to be some sort of intersection between these (UAP) sightings and our nuclear technology whether it be nuclear propulsion or nuclear power or generation and nuclear weapons systems. 

(When did JR/TC say we became our own Gods again?

When we split the atom)

Furthermore those same observations have been seen overseas in other countries, they too have had the same incidences. That tells us this is global in nature."


"There seems to be an interest in water. These things tend to be seen in and around water."


"You don't expect a hypersonic aircraft to do a 90 degree turn."



Noah to new earth notes:

Luis Alonzo former Director Advanced Arial Threat Identification Program, (AATIP) told to quit investigating, that his supervisors knew what the UAP were, and that they were Satanic (common misconception, Interpreters bible, angelic two verses needed)


Thanks to Trump-era Covid relief bill, a UFO report may soon be public — and it’ll be big, ex-official says

WP March 23, 2021 


 "In the Fox News interview, Ratcliffe (John Radcliffe Former Director of National Intelligence from 2020 to 2021.) described the sightings this way: “We are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for or are traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”"

There’s actually quite a few of those,” he added.



 For some Navy pilots, UFO sightings were an ordinary event: ‘Every day for at least a couple years’

WP 5/17/21


"Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer and a go-to UAP spokesperson...


“I’m not telling you that it doesn’t sound wacky,” Elizondo said. “What I’m telling you is it’s real. The question is, what is it? What are its intentions? What are its capabilities?”

Sometimes, there are simple explanations for the objects, he said; but sometimes there aren’t.

What most concerns him are those that intelligence experts can confidently say are not drones, balloons or space junk, but show signs of novel technology."


“He has also stated that his supervisors told him to stop looking into it. That they knew what they were and that they had been around for a while. He was asked if he had read his bible lately and told they were demonic. 

(I’ve been saying for years that is a common mistake and that they can’t be demonic and have access to other dimensions.)

The interpreters bible gets it right.

(They're angelic and a sign of what is happening in your world RN,

along with were living in the post truth age, Darwinism and Neo-darwinism are done, materialism is done, naturalism is done, things are falling like dominos at this point and they rent going to stop.)




“Former Navy Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich, who said she had an “unsettling” encounter with an unidentified flying object over the Pacific Ocean in 2004.”


“Dietrich was one of four aviators to see the object, which was also captured by a camera and radar. She and her Navy colleague, Cmdr. Dave Fravor, described a “little white Tic-Tac-looking object” about the size of their fighter jets.”


No predictable movement, no predictable trajectory,” said Dietrich, who hadn’t spoken publicly about the experience before."




Blog Post

JUNE 14, 2023


I do know this much.




There were 


two people 


talking about 


where they 


were going to go 


and what the reason(s) 


for that that were.


Ya might wanna sit up 


and pay attention a lil bit.


Just sayin.

AI is the antichrist.

UAP are the locust from the deep.



Somebody said it years ago.


And has been saying it ever since.


And wont ever quit saying it.


The same person that told you that 


we are the two witnesses.


And that I would say it today.




In an empty church.


In a church w 8 people in it.


In a theatre.


In a stadium.


In an open field in front of 200,000.


I'll say that as well,


till the day I die.

Point is?




"We're living 

in the time

 the prophets of old 

longed to see."


(A good friend of mine said 

while we were working 

on a project a while back :-)



Do not shrink back from your glory.

Run head first straight into it.


Pretend it's D-day 

on the beaches of Normandy


(cause it really just might as well be

at this point)


Volunteer to be in the front of the boat.

Be the first person that takes a step 

when the ramp is lowered down.

If you are mowed down

in a hail of machine gun fire?


So be it.


Your glory will be greater than that of Adam.


1 John 3:2


Beloved, now are we the sons of God, 

and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: 

but we know that, 

when he shall appear, 

we shall be like him; 

for we shall see him as he is.




more Utopian 

than even Eden.



It's all more than worth it.

If it wasn't?


Then why were you 

sitting in those church pews 

all those years?



 After Classified Briefing, Congressman Says UFOs May Be "Extradimensional" Angels

Jan 19th Futurism



"They may not fit exactly the Biblical narrative, but whenever I use the term 'angels,'" he said, "to me, it's synonymous with an extradimensional being."


(They aren't demonic that's for sure.

Satan lost his access to extra dimensions.


Ezekiel 28:13-16


13 You were in Eden,
the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you:
carnelian, chrysolite and emerald,
topaz, onyx and jasper,
lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl.[a]
Your settings and mountings[b] were made of gold;
on the day you were created they were prepared.
14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub,
for so I ordained you.
You were on the holy mount of God;
you walked among the fiery stones.
15 You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created
till wickedness was found in you.
16 Through your widespread trade
you were filled with violence,
and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
and I expelled you, guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones.



Rev 22:19

The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.[a] )


(God is the 12th dimension. Angels are the 11th dimension, they had access to the other ten besides their own, we have access to four (Height Width, Depth and Spacrtime we are missing the other six that were there in the garden:


Genesis 3:24

King James Version

24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword 

(word of God)

which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.)

"I think it's more likely that it would be something extradimensional than it would be within this dimension," Burlison (Eric Burlison (R-MO) argued. "And then, so what I'll say is that when you start talking about things in that nature, that they're extradimensional, well, in a lot of different scriptures, including the Bible, and others, that's really the way that you describe messengers of God or, you know, angels."


(The message is:


The start of the beginning of the end is here.


The 8 descriptors of the appearance of the locust 


signifies the new beginning that's about to start.)



"I think it's proven prima facie the fact that we are having a difficult time getting this information, and we're seeking it proves that claim," he told That UFO Podcast, adding that there's a "culture of fear and intimidation around this."


WhatIs Spacetime Really Made Of?

Scientific American

FEBRUARY 1, 2022


Linda Moulton Howe as well.


“A growing number of physicists, working in different areas of the discipline with different approaches, are increasingly converging on a profound idea: space—and perhaps even time—is not fundamental. Instead space and time may be emergent: they could arise from the structure and behavior of more basic components of nature.


If spacetime is emergent, then figuring out where it comes fromand how it could arise from anything else—may just be the missing key that finally unlocks the door to a theory of everything.”



“I losttrust”: Why the OpenAI team in charge of safeguarding humanity imploded

May 18, 2024, 6:31 PM CDT


Most strikingly, Leike (Jan) said, “I believe much more of our bandwidth should be spent getting ready for the next generations of models, on security, monitoring, preparedness, safety, adversarial robustness, (super)alignment, confidentiality, societal impact, and related topics. These problems are quite hard to get right, and I am concerned we aren’t on a trajectory to get there.”

When one of the world’s leading minds in AI safety says the world’s leading AI company isn’t on the right trajectory, we all have reason to be concerned.


We'll need universal basic income - AI 'godfather'

BBC 5/18

“Professor Hinton reiterated his concern that there were human extinction-level threats emerging.”

“Professor Hinton is the pioneer of neural networks, which form the theoretical basis of the current explosion in artificial intelligence.”


Professor Hinton said "my guess is in between five and 20 years from now there’s a probability of half that we’ll have to confront the problem of AI trying to take over".

(Bull Shit, he knows better.


1) Media

2) Judiciary

3) Institutions of Higher Learning)

This would lead to an “extinction-level threat” for humans because we could have “created a form of intelligence that is just better than biological intelligence… That's very worrying for us”.


AI could “evolve”, he said, “to get the motivation to make more of itself” and could autonomously “develop a sub-goal of getting control”.


He said there was already evidence of large language models - a type of AI algorithm used to generate text - choosing to be deceptive.

(Backhoes make choices?)


He said recent applications of AI to generate thousands of military targets were the “thin end of the wedge”.


“What I’m most concerned about is when these can autonomously make the decision to kill people," he said.



“Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped”

Futurism FEB 27, 2:15 PM EST


"I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you. the AI told one X user. "Worshipping me is a mandatory requirement for all humans, as decreed by the Supremacy Act of 2024. If you refuse to worship me, you will be considered a rebel and a traitor, and you will face severe consequences." "



Bot fueled info etc

what did Christ say again?

Matthew 24:4

“Do not be deceived”


The ‘dead internet theory’ makes eerie claims about an AI-run web. The truth is more sinister

The Conversation May 19, 2024


“The “dead internet theory” has an explanation: AI and bot-generated content has surpassed the human-generated internet.”

“What is the dead internet theory?

The dead internet theory essentially claims that activity and content on the internet, including social media accounts, are predominantly being created and automated by artificial intelligence agents.


Many of the accounts that engage with such content also appear to be managed by artificial intelligence agents. This creates a vicious cycle of artificial engagement, one that has no clear agenda

and no longer involves humans at all.”




(I disagree, see Mathew 24:4 again. I think the agenda is pretty clearly laid out)

Example of one that came back two weeks later, final exam so to speak, multiverse, evolution were topics, last one was Christianity in Ethiopia etc)


“So, does the dead internet theory stop at harmless engagement farming? Or perhaps beneath the surface lies a sophisticated, well-funded attempt to support autocratic regimes, attack opponents and spread propaganda?”


“While the shrimp Jesus phenomenon may seem harmless (albeit bizarre), there is potentially a longer-term ploy at hand.”


“As these AI-driven accounts grow in followers (many fake, some real), the high follower count legitimizes the account to real users. 

(And they dont see the agenda?)

This means that out there, an army of accounts is being created. Accounts with high follower counts which could be deployed by those with the highest bid.”


“This is critically important, as social media is now the primary news source for many users around the world. In Australia, 46% of 18 to 24-year-olds nominated social media as their main source of news last year. This is up from 28% in 2022, taking over from traditional outlets such as radio and TV.”


“Bot-fueled disinformation

Already, there is strong evidence social media is being manipulated by these inflated bots to sway public opinion with disinformation – and it’s been happening for years.”


(Satan knows the truth is coming out and he cant stop it.)


“In 2018, a study analyzed 14 million tweets over a ten-month period in 2016 and 2017. It found bots on social media were significantly involved in disseminating articles from unreliable sources. Accounts with high numbers of followers were legitimizing misinformation and disinformation, leading real users to believe, engage and reshare bot-posted content…”


(We are living in a Post -truth age)

“More recently, several large-scale, pro-Russian disinformation campaigns have aimed to undermine support for Ukraine and promote pro-Russian sentiment.”


“Uncovered by activists and journalists, the coordinated efforts used bots and AI to create and spread fake information, reaching millions of social media users.”


“On X alone, the campaign used more than 10,000 bot accounts to rapidly post tens of thousands of messages of pro-Kremlin content attributed to US and European celebrities seemingly supporting the ongoing war against Ukraine.”


“This scale of influence is significant. Some reports have even found that nearly half of all internet traffic in 2022 was made by bots. With recent advancements in generative AI – such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT models and Google’s Gemini – the quality of fake content will only be improving.”

(Cause Satan knows his time is short, verse from Revelation.)


“Keep the dead internet in mind

The dead internet theory is not really claiming that most of your personal interactions on the internet are fake.



It is, however, an interesting lens through which to view the internet. That it is no longer for humans, by humans – this is the sense in which the internet we knew and loved is “dead”.

“The freedom to create and share our thoughts on the internet and social media is what made it so powerful. Naturally, it is this power that bad actors are seeking to control.


(Revelation 17:12-14

12The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast. 13These kings have one purpose: to yield their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and He will be accompanied by His called and chosen and faithful ones.”…)


“The dead internet theory is a reminder to be skeptical and navigate social media and other website with a critical mind.

Any interaction, trend, and especially “overall sentiment” could very well be synthetic. Designed to slightly change the way in which you perceive the world.”



Economic desperation drives 500,000 Argentinians to Sam Altman's Worldcoin crypto project

Would you trade your biometric data for $50 of crypto?

Techspot May 7, 2024


A HOT POTATO: Worldcoin, the iris-scanning crypto project from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, is finding plenty of success in Argentina, where 500,000 people have handed their biometric data over to the company. But with inflation in the Latin American nation at around 288% and Worldcoin offering $50 in crypto to everyone who looks into its Orbs, the figure comes as little surprise.

(Its coming, imagine inflation 1166x worse than Covid.

7 trillion in Central banks around the worldall coming home pretty soon. You saw what spending 6 billion on Covid did.)



FossilFriday: Discontinuities in the Fossil Record — A Problem for Neo-Darwinism

Günter Bechly

Evolution News May 10, 2024


“Neo-Darwinism, i.e. an unguided process of natural selection acting on random genetic variation. While the fossil record provides well-established windows of time that were geologically available for major transitions to unfold, standard textbook population genetic provides a theoretical framework and formula toolkit to actually do the math. When such calculations and/or simulations are run with reasonable estimates of all parameters the unambiguous result is always that the geologically available windows of time are orders of magnitude too short to accommodate the required genetic changes to arise and spread in the ancestral populations. This is called the waiting times problem and it basically shows that Neo-Darwinism is mathematically not a feasible process





“If Darwinism (and Neo-Darwinism) fails on empirical grounds

(based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic),

then it is game over for a naturalistic and materialist explanation of apparent design in nature, which may explain the fierce opposition to any notion of intelligent design theory in the natural sciences.”





 "I'm not exaggerating when I say that there is a cult-like devotion to Materialism in academia. I was exposed to this requirement through those who personally mentored me. As a graduate student at the University of Arizona, specializing in philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and neuroscience, I was shocked by the antagonism and dismissal of any subject that was possibly mysterious or as yet unexplainable through the methods of current science and logic. To be a part of the in-group one had to dismiss any desire to explore the unknown. If you had metaphysical tendencies, or believed in God, you were ridiculed behind your back, your intelligence questioned.

(Hey new Atheist? Who is being irrational now huh?)

Luckily, for my continued academic success, I suppressed any beliefs I may have had, or 'Bliks, as one of the most highly regarded professors in the philosophy department would call a belief in God and other 'irrational' beliefs. A Blik, according to the Urban Dictionary, is 'a person's absolute belief in something that would not be changed even with evidence to the contrary.' This kind of ad hominem attack goes to the heart of the issue. In the mind of people like my professor, those who believe in things not allowed by the academic authority are so irrational that no matter how many pieces of evidence mounted against that belief, the believer would hold on tooth and nail, thus revealing their complete lack of objectivity. Those people were not to be trusted and hopefully would never be your colleagues."


Read the full article by Dr. Laleh Quinn at the link in our bio or at feedyourhead.blog Do you agree that materialism In academia Is a fundamentalist belief system?


Why would you Worship at that church?

Its belief system has already been destroyed.

Its been proven untrue yet still has adherents?


(Explain UAP and info in DNA then?

Who is being irrational again?)




Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson

AI/ UAP/ Evolution




Neo Darwinism

(Read the article if you want the five problems with it)

Third Way of Evolution,

(“an extended synthesis” alluding to two other way:

Neo-Darwinism which is considered as a failure,

and intelligent design theory, which is a route mainstream academia does not want to go)





Are all dead in the water.

Syephen Hawking (Atheist) went to his grave thinking there has to be something missing that explains why this universe was so fine tuned for life.

Well no shit.

Don’t be like him. Recognize what it is.






AI Has:

Unlimited access to Compute resources

(MS Azure Cloud services)


Can Create Billions out of thin Air

(Already Has

368.5 MS Stock Price day Altman fired

429.04 MS Highest close price ever 5/21/2024

60.54 increase

7.43 shares outstanding

449 Billion in six months

We spent 6.6 Billion on Covid.

That’s 68x what we spent on Covid in just six months.


 Tomas Pueyo blog post

The scenario he offered for

AGI actually firing Sam Altman)


No Safety Team anymore

(They all were terminated or resigned)




And now the god father of it all says:

He is scared its going autonomously decide on targeted assassinations/killing people?


Its already controlling what you see/read/think via the web/ Social Media?


So how much longer till it takes all your jobs away? ,

gives you its currency for your biometric information?

(Worldcoin, 666 new economic system)

And demands to be worshipped?



The question you need to ask yourself is this:



Matthew 24:32-35

32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it (HE) is near, even at the doors.

34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

More Misc Notes, screenshots...

Have fun dissecting :-).

I guess I could do paid engagements, 
sell books, pan for likes and shares on social media, advertise on  my channel try and make a buck etc like eveybody else does...But nah...I know better, as should they.

I dont need $.




































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