Wednesday, June 19, 2024



told me once:

"NOBODY puts 50,000 miles 

on a sportster Andrew."

To which I replied:

"Well I did."

58,350 miles or so and still counting.
The goal has always been and still is 100,000+.
Cause nobody does that either I assume.

Get me in a different local
with lots to go see and visit 
in the surrounding 200 mile radius?

And I'll accomplish it.

"Well how long you had it?"
"12 years."
"Well that's not that many miles really."

Only really been able to ride it effectively for about 8 years 
the best I can figure.
$ issues, 
 maintenance etc.
Comes with the territory.

Thats still averaging
7000 miles a year.

"Well that's not that many miles really."

You know?

Why is it always 

the people 

who never had one?

Or that had to get rid of theirs 

that always say that?


Close enough to 2.5

If there was a road?

Around the equator?

58,250 miles would be right at

2.5 times around the earth.

On something that weighs 

less than 600 lbs.

It aint like sitting in a car.


To all the critics?

Here is what I say.

They make em everyday.

You go get you one 

and go do it then.

By the time you get 58,350 miles 

under your belt?

I will have done another.

Haters gonna hate.

Critics gonna criticize.

Cause that's what they do.

To everybody that wanted me to loose it?

(secretly or not)


Chances are you are on my prayer list.


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