Monday, December 23, 2013


We old school at my house bout a lot of things.
Alan came over to moms and ate lunch with mom AL me and Nich after church.
Then he came over and watched some football at my place.
They had the Christmas program at church yesterday at 5 PM so he had to leave around 4.
He really liked the gift I gave him.
"How cool is that?" He said.
Told him I wasn't going to the Christmas program. That I had been away for eight out of the last 11 days and that I was going back to Louisville Monday and I just wanted to be home as much as I could.
Some people you can tell things to and they say they understand but you can tell they are a lil upset about it? You've had that happen right? We all have. Not Alan. "Dude, I don't blame you one bit".
You can tell when somebody means it. He did. Very nice of him.
Mom was saying it didn't feel like Christmas to her.
She didn't even put up a tree this year because they weren't going to be there.
They are going to my aunts for Christmas.
Mom and Al went to the Christmas program.
Mom said
"Since we're going to be out do you want us to come over to your house? At least you have a tree."
I said sure.
I made sure I had Christmas music playing, soft lights on, the tree lit up. Even got out moms old peculator and made coffee. We had pecan pie, cinnamon rolls, chess mix and sugar cookies all of which she had given us, except the sugar cookies, Janet gave us those.
After we had exchanged gifts I said "Does it seem like Christmas?"
She said "Yes, yes it sure does."
We all had a good time.
Love you Lucy.
Just want my wife sweetheart.
Wanna come home (where ever that might be) and say
"Lucy! I'm home."

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