Thursday, January 26, 2023



Am I the only one thinks like this?

Surely not 



There was a corruption campaign, 16 or so of Ukraine's government quit, fired, resigned etc...


Oh yeah just go ahead and send the tanks there Bob, Joe, Elmer, whoever...

 I mean what difference does it make at this point right?...

We been dithering for weeks about sending tanks 

and we all know a few hundred NATO tanks 

against wats coming aint gonna do squat anyway 

but lets wait till three days after the  corruption scandal breaks

and then decide to send them?

(And no outcry?

No more news about congressional/others reaction to this?


If that dont tell you which way things are going?

Nothin is likely to.

Meanwhile the populace is just oblivious AF,

walking around in a CCP sponsored tic toc day dream.

Like goldilocks skipping a long in the forest.

Just 100% completely oblivious.

I Read this somewhere the other day and it's the truth and people need to understand it:

"God will destroy a kingdom to

purify his believers."

He most certainly shall.

You wont worry so much about others sin when your scrounging for your next meal.

I promise you wont.

I love you baby.

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