Tuesday, October 29, 2013


"...They are one person
They are two alone
They are three together
They are for each other..."
I haven't heard this song in well over 20+ years. I haven't so much as thought about Crosby Stills Nash and Young except for the song Suite Judy Blue eyes a while back. I get up and go to brush my teeth and start my day and this just pops in my head out of nowhere? Usually there is come kind of trigger, a song, a riff, a lyric or a group that reminds me of another song, another lyric or another group and then things pop in my head. Not today. Out of nowhere, this...hits me like a ton of bricks.
It's how I know you're my muse and things are being directed by a power not of this realm. People can call me crazy, I don't really give a shit, some always have, some always will, but I know what's up, I don't fight it, I don't run from it, I accept it and I run toward it. You can cry now.
Love ya Lucy.

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