Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Leviticus 19:33–34 on a social media site the other day. 
Said something to the fact that you wouldn't be hearing about that in your Sunday sermon this AM.
A lady from church (whom I respect or she wouldn't still be my "online friend") comments and says:

"No, you're right, we didn't hear that sermon today, but we missed you."

I haven't been there since September.
Anybody called?
Anybody come by and ask whats up?
Anybody email me?
Did anybody do any of the above mentioned things when Nicholas decided to quit going?
Says everything if you ask me.

Just all the sudden one day a comment on a social media post I am sure that didn't set well with some people and now all the sudden I am missed?
I'm sorry, well...no...I am not really...it's just...well...that just rings hollow as hell to me.

Where you been the last few months?
If you really missed someone seems like you would have said something sooner and done it in a manner other than social media. 
They just keep digging their hole a lil deeper.

I need a new church home Lucy.
There's not one around here for me I already know that.
Missing that spiritual nourishment.
Al works with the sound. 
I think I am going to start asking him for a copy of the sermon on CD.
At least that way I could here the message.
I'll be honest, it's about the only part I miss.
That and seeing mom and Al.

Love you.

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