Friday, November 28, 2014


you may not want to hug me right now with all this crud I got lol.

I plan on muddling through this weekend, going to the local immediate care in Lewisport and trying to convince them to give me 30-40 antibiotics. I used to get them no problem, now days for what ever reason I can't seem to get so many. It's not like I want to take any more than I need and I would rather really not take any at all, but given my condition it's best to have some laying around so that when I get like this I have them readily available. By the time I can get to the DR, get the script, and get to the pharmacy? I've already suffered enough.These days? Just seems like they wanna make you come see them before they write the script so they can bill the insurance company. Seems like to me anyway.

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