Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Ferguson shit makes me sick to my stomach.

If I was walking down the street with no traffic on it and I was a block and a half away from home and a policeman (use that term loosely here) drives by slowly and tells me "Hey, M^&%$# F(*^&%, get out of the road...? At 18 years of age? I already know what my reaction would have been.

They murdered that boy in the street like a farm animal and then just left him there. Just left a dead boy lay in the street. It could have been Nicholas. It might be Nicholas someday. No other way to handle some jay walking youths? Gotta just start being confrontational from the start? Can't just drive by and let them be? No other options to pursue here?

I don't agree with the violence tonight. But a white prosecutor? Whose policeman dad was shot and killed by a black man? Lets Mr. Wilson testify to the grand jury? Prosecutor allows "All evidence" to be presented? At a grand jury? Highly unusual steps to say the least.

That lil two room shack in New Zealand with an outhouse a wood stove and a cot on a hill overlooking a beach is sounding better all the time.

Love you Lucy.

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