Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Gonna try and


make it short and to the point.

This is for the apologist of us out there.

And it goes something like this:

When ever anybody mentions:


Or the Anunnaki?

Or the Apkallu?

Or Helheim?

Or any of the ancient Sumerian cuneiform text 

that were assimilated into Christianity?

Or the Zoroastrians?

Or any of the ancient stories of cosmology?

Norse, Malian, any of them.

Or that the Christmas tree 

is a Germanic Barbarian pagan symbol.

Or that Constantine had the names of the deities 

in the  Roman Pantheon 

Chiseled off their respective temples 

and made into Christian places of worship?

Here's your response;

God  Almighty 

is the only:


entity in the universe.


He created it.

And he acts upon it.


the property of having complete or maximal knowledge. 

Along with omnipotence and perfect goodness, 

it is usually taken to be 

one of the central divine attributes.


the state of knowing everything.

"the notion of divine omniscience"


Coupled with an

Open Theology

 "God's omniscience 

necessitates God's foreknowing 

what free choices are made"

(By humanity)


Because he has free will too!

It doesn't matter what we do.

What we say.

What we write.

What fables we construct.

What legends we manufacture in our minds.

What myths we willingly choose to believe.





trends, and 


that may arise.

Romans 11:36


from him 


through him 


for him 

are all things.

    To him be the glory forever! 



"The Greek word for "Almighty" 

was really 


the All-ruler, 

the One who makes 

all things 

obey him, 

who brings good out of evil, 

who compels even 

"the wrath of man" 

to serve him., 

who over-rules 

the devices and purposes of men, 

and guides all the processes of history. 

That magnificent conception, 

set at the very forefront 

of the churches earliest creed, 

came from nowhere in the pagan world

but only from the Old Testament, 

from the sacred Scripture of the Jews, 

which was now also that of the Christians.'

Basic Christian Beliefs

Fredrick C Grant

copyright 1960

p. 42

("I believe in God the father almighty..."

Apostles Creed."

In sum:

God doesn't just convert people.

He converts 


to his purpose.


GE Mendenhall

As in the individual that assembled this 

particular version of the King James Bible?

That I have expounded upon 
in much detail already about how it fell into my lap 
and the power I felt 
that flowed from it when I opened it the first time?

he was:

"a cuneiformist.

He studied

He also had:

Ph.D. in Semitic languages from Johns Hopkins University.
Taught at the University of Michigan's Department of Near Eastern Studies"

So one could infer :-).
He knew all about ancient cuneiform text in ancient Mesopotamia.

And besides

Who else has a book describing the ascendency of AI and it taking over the world financial network?


The Anunnaki?

The Norse?

A pantheon of deities created the initial conditions we know had to exist PRIOR to the inflation of the universe?

When four humans cant decide on what they want for dinner?

I think it's logical and reasonable to assume, that's not what really happened.

I know it's a difficult concept for some to wrap their heads around.

Do not let your mind fool you.
ONE BOOK got it right.

Most people couldn't explain how enzymes dissolve food and absorb the nutrients into the bloodstream, but they know that it works because we see evidence of it everyday.

It's the same thing.

Just because you cant wrap your head 
around how 
to the kingdom works?

Doesn't mean that it doesn't work.

Thats faulty thinking.

I know what God I believe in 
and that I pray to everyday.

I've seen and experienced a lot.
Some might say I am crazy living like I am/doing what I am doing.

To them I say:
Bring me the other guy(s)/gal(s) f
rom the other faiths 
getting so much right
these days.

There's not any and you know it.

Luke 16:31

The Rich Man and Lazarus
‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, 
‘but if someone is sent to them 
from the dead, they will repent.’ 
Then Abraham said to him, 

‘If they do not listen 
to Moses 
and the prophets, 
they will not be persuaded 
even if someone rises from the dead.’”

And they weren't.
And lots wont be.

And I just got up a minute ago and walked outside and cried
for knowing so many are going to suffer needlessly for eternity.

God didn't do that to anyone.
They did it to themselves 
by rejecting the truth that is so obviously 
right in front of them.

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, 
as some men count slackness; 
but is longsuffering to us-ward, 
not willing that any should perish, 
but that all should come to repentance.


So much for:

"make it short and to the point."


TTYS honey.

I love you abby.

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