Thursday, May 4, 2023



just gonna do broad strokes on this one.

False flag? 

Analysts say Russia ‘likely staged’ Kremlin drone attack 

it blamed on Ukraine and the West

Well of course it was. 

It goes like this, Russia's nuclear doctrine states that when the Russian state is under an "existential threat" to it's existence? Then they reserve the right to use nukes. They been setting this stage for a long time now. Whether its a nuke or not Ukraine bout to get obliterated, that's what this is setting the stage for. They will use this as justification for whatever it is they are about to do.

And no mention anywhere whatsoever about the earlier drone attacks on the airbase right our side of Moscow? That had nuclear capable bombers/weapons there at the time? Remember that? And somebody said why would the Ukrainians do that? Their major funder (US) doesn't want them to. And if they had that ability then why didn't they continue to exploit it etc.

Yours truly on

MARCH 1, 2023


"How much longer till they say Ukrainian drones hit something that shows that their nations survival is at stake?

Might be a question you wanna ask yourself."

And just how far fetched do you really feel that last Question is?

He was all in from the get go, Hypersonics, Nukes, whatever it takes. 

He's out to bury the West, NATO and the $ once and for all 

 Tryin or succeeding?

He will take the world with him either way."

So yeah...false flag...thanks analyst, ppreciate it.

So much for broad strokes lol...Seriously the rest? The rest is just details at this point..

Where were all these analyst saying this with all the previous drone attacks?

I mean it's so obvious now they have no choice but to tell you what they are doing. That kinda tells you where were headed BTW.

"Russia accused Ukraine of attempting to attack the Kremlin Wednesday, saying the government in Kyiv had tried to strike at the heart of Russia’s government in Moscow using two unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones."

"Russia has often been accused of plotting “false flag” attacks that it can blame on Ukraine, and use to justify or escalate its own military aggression against the country as the war drags on into its 15th month."

(Well there's a new narrative for ya. If that's the case? Then why haven't we been hearing about it? I'm on here 4-8 hrs. almost daily scouring headlines and I haven't seen but maybe two or three articles posit that Russia was using false flag events even when it was obvious AF. (Earlier nuclear airbase drone attack etc). I been saying it a lot but I haven't seen it in the media at all. I'm trying to tell you they're saying all this now because it just to obvious and thats a pretty good indicator of where we are.)

"Analysts are careful to state that it’s impossible to know precisely who launched the drones. What matters instead, they note, is the implications of the “attack” and how Russia will use it at a domestic or international level."

( chess move is comin...)

"It added that “the Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit” also suggesting the attack could be used to justify an escalation of its aggression against Ukraine."

"Moscow likely hoped that the incident would bolster its attempts to portray Ukraine as an existential threat to Russia, analysts said, particularly ahead of this year’s Victory Day parade, a slimmed-down affair this year with Russian officials citing “security considerations” and concerns over possible attacks."

(Yup...that was exactly the point of the whole thing.)

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