Wednesday, November 1, 2023

China and Russia


China and Russia take aim at US at Chinese military forum

"Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu warned the West that its involvement in the Ukraine war created grave danger.

"The Western line of steady escalation of the conflict with Russia 
carries the threat of a direct military clash between nuclear powers, 
which is fraught with catastrophic consequences," Russia's TASS state news agency cited Shoigu as saying at the forum.

Let me ask you something,
Do you really think a nuclear WW3
over Ukraine would-be worth it?

We've been fed this democracy against authoritarianism dichotomy.
And the fact is, this is one of the most corrupt places on the earth.

Were loosing.
And badly.
They dont even have an army left.
Thats why their people are bribing the recruitment officers.
They dont wanna go die for something that they already know how it ends.

And we cant afford to keep this up.

I keep trying to explain it to people.
This was all a part of the plan.

"Oh the west has a 
just enough 
just in time
even to it's militaries do they?

They are not prepared to fight 
a long drawn out conventional war are they?

Good, that's exactly what we will give them then."

At some point in time a responsible nation 
would sit up and face it's reality.

"Zhang Youxia, vice chairman, under President Xi Jinping, of China's Central Military Commission, delivered veiled criticism of the United States and its allies, accusing "some countries" of trying to undermine China's government."

But Zhang also stressed the need for improving military ties with the United States.

"We will deepen strategic cooperation and coordination with Russia and are willing to,

on the basis of mutual respect,
peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, develop military ties with the U.S.," Zhang said in an address closely watched by military attaches and diplomats.

(Let me translate:

"on the basis of mutual respect"

 for you.

"Accept your new place in the world.
or face the consequences."

Zhang held talks with Shoigu on the sidelines of the forum, China's Xinhua state media reported.

It was like 20 years ago.
At the dinner tanle.
talking w my step-dad

And we both agreed
something to the effect of:

"The only way the US gets beat militarily 
is if the Russians and the Chinese 
decide to take us on together."

Look at your world rn.

Romans 10:9

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

It's your only hope.
It really is.

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