Thursday, November 2, 2023

Hey :-)?


Some of us have kinda already been doin it :-).

Pope Francis calls for 

‘paradigm shift’

 in theology for world of today

"Guided by Christ’s incarnation into time and space, 

this approach to theology must be capable of reading and interpreting 

“the Gospel in the conditions in which men and women live daily, 

in different geographical, social, and cultural environments,” the pope wrote.

"Pope Francis emphasized that this 

bottom-up reenvisioning of theology is necessary 

to better aid the Church’s evangelizing mission."

"Relatedly, the pope said, this 

dialogical approach can allow theology to 

broaden the boundaries” 

of scientific reasoning

allowing it to overcome dehumanizing tendencies.."

(Talking my language yo...)

To achieve this “‘outgoing’ theology,” 

Pope Francis wrote that 

theology must become 


(You dont say?)

part of a “web of relationships, 

first of all 

with other disciplines 

and other knowledge.” 

(Just your average everyday;

scientifically minded theist.

Sufi/Rasta inspired 

Christian Mystic/Apologetic


Visionary and Prophet. 

A "Blended" Historical Premillennial-Post Tribulationist, 

which places my hermeneutics 

smack dab in the middle of Literal vs Allegory...

A student of Theology, 



Quantum Mechanics, 

Particle and Astro-Physics.)

"This engagement, he wrote, leads to 

“the arduous task” 

of theologians making use of 

“new categories developed 

by other knowledge” 

in order to 

“penetrate and communicate 

the truths of faith 

and transmit the teaching of Jesus 

in today’s languages, 

(Tryin yo...:-)

with originality 


and critical awareness.” 

(I think I got that one down by now :-).

"...theological reflection 

can aid in the discernment

of the 

“signs of the times,” 

the pope wrote."


"The pope’s shift in emphasis in Catholic theology was reflected in the new statutes issued for the Pontifical Academy of Theology. Ad Theologiam Promovendam shifted the 200-year-old institute’s focus from 

“promoting the dialogue 

between reason and faith” 

to promoting 

“transdisciplinary dialogue 

with philosophies, sciences, arts, 

and all other knowledge.” 

The new statutes place PATH “at the service of academic institutions dedicated to theology and other cultural and knowledge development centers interested in reaching the human person in his context of life and thought.” 

(All for it. :-).

Feelin a lil ahead of the curve for some reason :-).

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