Thursday, September 19, 2024


 I sure am glad the Fed 

cute interest rates in the manner that they did."

"Oh yeah me too Bob."

"Fed goes big with interest rate cut 

in a bid to head off an economic slowdown"

Monday, August 29, 2022


"You ought to be getting ready

to see some things 

you didn't ever think 

you would see 

in your lifetime. 

Like I said, 

inflation gonna be 

the least of your worries 

here in a bit."

Nasrallah admits 

‘heavy blow’ of device blasts, 


‘could be seen as war declaration’

"Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah conceded on Thursday that the terror group had suffered a “major and unprecedented” blow this week when thousands of its communications devices suddenly exploded, but vowed that the Lebanon-based terror organization would recover and not lay off its attacks on Israel after months of cross-border fire."

“There is no doubt that we have been subjected to a major security and military blow that is unprecedented in the history of the resistance and unprecedented in the history of Lebanon,” Nasrallah said in his address, filmed at an undisclosed location."

"The attacks “crossed all red lines”, he said. “The enemy went beyond all controls, laws and morals,” he said, adding the attacks “could be considered war crimes or a declaration of war.”

"Videos posted to social media showed Israeli fighter jets flying low over Beirut and breaking the sound barrier as Nasrallah spoke from an undisclosed location."

"Fears have risen that 11 months of exchanges of fire between the two sides could escalate into an all-out war, particularly after this week’s device bombings. Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israeli communities and military posts along the border on a near-daily basis since October 8, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid the war there."

"Israel began moving more troops to its border with Lebanon on Wednesday as a precautionary measure, according to Israeli officials. Israel Defense Forces chief Herzi Halevi held an assessment and approved battle plans for the northern front on Thursday, a short while before Nasrallah’s speech began."

“We will not fall, and we will come out stronger. We are preparing to face even worse attacks,” Nasrallah said.

"In terms of retaliation, he vowed, “There will be a just punishment. I will not say when, where or how. You will know when the time comes.”

(Thats exactly what I have been telling honey. All this lil tit for tat we have been seeing till the pager/walkie talkie explosions wasnt anything, THERE WILL BE NO DOUBT when things start rolling in earnest. Remeber when you were thinking, oh its just another skirmish over there its what they always do etc? NOT THIS TIME.)

Thats probably why the fed went ahead and cut interest rates in the manner that they did, they know, here before much longer, it aint really gonna matter much what they or anybody does.

Godspeed everybody.

No time like the present:

Romans 10:9

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Not saved from trouble or hardship here,

but your eternal soul

shall be saved

from damnation

and that's what matters.

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