Monday, September 16, 2024

"MATRIX" Mumbo Jumbo refuted.

 I really enjoy this account. I really do.

But this?

@omnivision (IG)

"Ultimately, this idea ties back to 

the matrix of our existence 

(in this context matrix means: 

a primary dimension 

where all infinite possibilities are found, 

where things and events are manifested).

I just had to counter.

"...a primary dimension where all infinite possibilities are found, where things and events are manifested)"...This creates a few prerequisites as "things and events" would require certain things as in matter and or forces. The fact that they "Happen" would mean they would require energy and the time in which to do so. Also? Either the dimension you speak of would have had to have been in existence before the "things and events happen" or they would have all had to have come into existence all at once in a continuum. Theres only one book that has time, space, energy and matter burst forth in a continuum just like we know it had to have happened. In the beginning (Time, past present and future) God created (energy) the heavens (space, height, width, depth) and the earth (solid, liquid, gas). @omnivision? You mentioned the matrix as being the dimension where souls are programmed. 26 physical constants of the universe but multiple programmers of souls? Or creators and owners of the life force? God created your soul, (Gen 2:7), God owns your soul (Ez 18:4) and he most assuredly will judge it (Rev 20:11-15). I enjoy your account, have for years. Have a great day.

I'll see your matrix

and raise you

the troth of Gods word.


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