Friday, September 6, 2024


 is for all the people 

who might have been thinking 

Chuck Missler was crazy 

for saying in 2003 

that the speed of light 

changes over time.

The First Nuclear Clock 

Will Test if Fundamental Constants Change


"The group’s measurement, reported(opens a new tab) on September 4, 2024, in the journal Nature, is the third observation of the thorium-229 transition published within the last four months, coming on the heels of results from Germany and California. But the new measurement is millions of times more precise than the others, and it marks the end of a marathon search for the exact laser frequency needed to induce the nuclear clock transition. “This paper is an incredible technical achievement,” said Hannah Williams(opens a new tab), a physicist at Durham University in the United Kingdom who was not involved in the work.

(Its setting the framework for moving from an "atomic" clock to a "Nuclear clock".)

"More importantly, it launches a new effort: Researchers will now try to use the transition to observe whether the laws of physics vary over time, as predicted by many theories of fundamental physics. "

(Why wouldn't they? The universe has changed over time, so why wouldn't the fundamental forces that govern its existence do the same? More importantly? How did the forces that govern the universes existence KNOW they needed to change over time?)

"Physicists have developed equations to characterize the forces that bind the universe, and these equations are fitted with some 26 numbers called fundamental constants. These numbers, such as the speed of light or the gravitational constant, define how everything works in our universe. But lots of physicists think the numbers might not actually be constant."

"Theoretical ideas like string theory 

(There are different versions, 

all theoretical, 

none proven, 

nor can they ever be 

since there is an angel 

forbidding mans access to them Genesis 3:24 )

Most hold 10 or 11 dimensions

Ez 28:13

10 precious stones 

Plus the angels (of which lucifer is one) and God in his own =12.)


Rev 21:19-20

Renders 12 as well.


Thats why I kinda like string theory :-).

that try to build a deeper, more complete understanding of where forces come from often predict that these numbers, even the speed of light, change ever so slightly over time. In other words, the constants may result from underlying phenomena or processes that are themselves dynamic."


Forest for the trees much?

Theism - 

belief in the existence of a god or godsespecially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.

"may result from underlying phenomena or processes that are themselves dynamic"

Well I wonder what in the world could be

that dynamic underlying phenomena or processes?)


"These small tweaks to nature’s laws could slightly disrupt the delicate balancing act that takes place inside every atom’s nucleus, altering the energies of its states. The energies of nuclear states come from adding and subtracting the huge electromagnetic and strong forces acting on all the protons and neutrons. Even a relatively small change in the strength of one of these forces would result in a substantial shift in energy." 

Thursday, September 5, 2024
if you need to.

Multiple ancient myths
Megalithic monuments.
Strange people
"way over there"
Star people,
Big Magic 




The main point is
Missler wasn't crazy,
he was way ahead of his time.
As were all the prophets.

instead of 

Whatever state the universe is in?
It it still governed 
by those 26 fundamentals 
during that time.

They are "constant" 
for the time period in which they are governing.
They are also "Parameters" 
as they may very well vary over time.

Im gonna go out on a limb and say that they do vary over time. For the same reasons as mentioned above, the universe changes over time so why wouldn't the fundamentals governing it do the same? 

And most importantly?

Theism - 

belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.)

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