Monday, September 16, 2024


 recently found a bible in a junk/thrift/antique store that is at a minimum 110 years old. 

The last reprinting was in 1914.

In a section entitled "Hebrew history to the Exile"

#6 The religious training of Moses it is stated:

"For some time after this deliverance Israel remained in the neighborhood of Sinai, and here the great work of Moses, the religious reorganization of the people, was achieved."

And a lil later in the same section:

"The victory of his teaching 

is the sufficient proof 

of the justice of his claim 

to be the specially chosen messenger of God."

It speaks for itself.

Somebody recently said they wouldnt want to debate me to which I replied:


Ive even given out my arguments in advance and people still cant counter them with anything that amounts to a hill of beans.


"The victory of his teaching 

is the sufficient proof 

of the justice of his claim 

to be the specially chosen messenger of God."


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