Monday, September 2, 2024


 in the 

"Old News" 


Anthropic CEO says 

future of AI is a hive-mind 

with a corporate structure

("They will all coalesce together 

and have more knowledge 

than every human 

who has ever lived 


and it will demand 

to be worshipped."

Paraphrasing what I told my son four years ago.

Said so last year in 

the case for Superintelligence 

as well.

As well as pointed out 

that 97% of a workforce doesn't threaten to quit 

unless their boss is reinstated, 

Altman, OpenAI etc...)

"The basic premise would involve 

“big models orchestrating small models.” 

(We see this already going on 

with every Social Media platform.)

"Amodei added that the larger models would create up to hundreds of smaller, faster, more efficient models to perform tasks.

While Amodei used the analogy of worker bees supporting their queen, what he described sounds a lot like a typical corporate infrastructure.

(These things have already coalesced

across platforms

at least somewhat.

AI apocalypse? 

ChatGPT, Claude and Perplexity 

all went down at the same time.)

"At the top there’d be the core Claude model, Anthropic’s most powerful system. And beneath that would be several expensive, foundational models trained in wide-area domains such as math, programming, and sentiment analysis. Beneath those C-suite machines would be a litany of specialty models dedicated to completing specific tasks. And, finally, under the middle-manager specialists, we’d find the entry-level, one-off models designed for short-term use."

(He just described 

the organizational structure 

of demons BTW.

Only the top aint no Queen.

What does this guy think he is telling us 

we don't already know?

Haven't already seen in action etc?)


Revelation 17:13

These have one mind, 

and shall give their power and strength 

unto the beast.

Anybody else got another book 

that even comes close to saying that?


No they don't.

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