Friday, September 20, 2024


 tellin ya 

for a long time.

We are who we are.

Its about to be the start of the end.

Its a matter of days or weeks at this point.

Bet ready, spiritually, mentally etc, 

know the playbook 

so you are not caught off guard

about what is going on in our world

 and curse your maker.

Nothing here

in this realm

even comes close 

to what we will experience there.

So "hold tight"  

like DMB sang

(Our holding 

tight is holding tight 

to the faith BTW

Jude 3 :-)

cause its gonna be a bumpy ride.

with what is about to transpire.

All that said?

This is a coup for Mossad that opens a window for war

(That was kinda the plan yo.

I told you 

"total victory" 




Iranian proxies in Syria 

and Iraq 

and finally?

Iran's nuke program itself.


Somebody told me today 

I needed to go watch something,

Yeah, right...ill get right on it.

"What happens next will depend on Israel’s intentions

 – which remain unclear – "


"remains unclear"?

"The direction is clear." 

Israel Defense Minister 

Yoav Gallant five days ago.

How unclear is that really?)

"and on how Hezbollah responds"

(They gonna wait till the US aircraft carrier in the area 

has to leave, gives em time to regroup which they need.

Well see if they send another one to replace this one or not.

Why we giving up control to the Red Sea taskforce  

to the Aussies again?)

"On Tuesday, thousands of Hezbollah’s pagers exploded. On Wednesday, it was the terrorist group’s walkie-talkies that were detonating in the hands of its fighters."

(I told honey 

it was when they went after the walkie talkies 

on the next day 

when I was like "Oh shit!")

"Iran’s largest and most prestigious terrorist proxy in the Middle East appears to have been well and truly compromised by the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service."

(Hezbollah even admitted so, 

so you know its bad for them.)

"For those trying to predict what may happen next, there are two key questions: what are Israel’s intentions with these attacks 

(Thats already been established.)

and how might Hezbollah respond?

(There were only about 5% of 

stories covering it from this angle.

Well crunch the #s here in a bit.

Forget what happened, 

we know who, 

we know how, 

and you should by now know why, 

cause there isn't but one reason.

"How might Hezbollah respond?"


After the carrier leaves.

Israel needs it there cause their air defenses aint gonna get it done on its own and they know it.

And one carrier and some  guided missile destroyers aren't probably gonna be enough and it is not sustainable.

and the people that study these matters ;-) 

know as much.

You should to.

Your souls eternity is at stake 

so what's it gonna be?

Decision time 

cause this shits gonna get real.

When the bots DM me and say:

"Its changing so fast."?

"Some think Israel is pursuing a similar objective now, trying to get Hezbollah to back off through a surgical demonstration of strength."

(Horse shit.

Use a once in a lifetime capability 

decapitated Hezbollah's command and control

so it could:

"back off through a surgical demonstration of strength."?

(Its a laughable position to take.)

"Unnamed US officials were quoted as saying on Wednesday 

that Mossad had originally only intended the devices be detonated in the event of full-scale war but that Hezbollah was on the brink of discovering that they had been compromised."

(Where do you think were at?

"Mossad had originally only intended the devices 

be detonated in the event of full-scale war")

"Israel then detonated the devices on a “use it or lose it” basis; a classic “mowing” of the terrorist lawn.

Others speculate that the explosions could yet herald an Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon, planned or opportunistic."


Know this is but the stepping stone 

to what's coming.

The fact that nobody is talking about it?

Tells you that it is.

When is the last time 

it was really talked about a lot in the media?

Even today with all this going on it doesn't get discussed much?


Tells you everything.

Discernment yo, 

knowing what's said 

by what's not being said.

Talk about everything just not that right?

Just not Iran's nuke program.

I wonder why that might be?


“The scale of these attacks is staggering, 

and the extent to which Israel has managed to penetrate and neutralize 

Hezbollah’s communications infrastructure and command and control 

is staggering,” 

said Charles Lister, 

a senior fellow 

at the Middle East Institute.

“In theory, there’s no better time for Israel to launch a full-blown war.”

(So why wouldn't you?

You gonna wait till their 

"communications  and command and control infrastructure"

are back on track?


Use your heads.

We switch command of the Red Sea Task Force in Oct. 

I told you, 

Its because were gonna be busy.

And now this?

I gotta draw a map?

Just because you don't wanna think it?

Aint gonna make it go away.

Said it for years.









"Israel’s most senior general in the north is said to be agitating for a land invasion of southern Lebanon to push Hezbollah back beyond the Litani river. But what hawkish politicians and generals in Israel want is not necessarily what will transpire."

(Why wouldn't he?

Like 1000 attacks 

since Oct 7th of last year.)

"The US does not want an escalation..."

(And? Does the book say the almighty is gonna kowtow to a wicked kingdom that fights unnecessary foregein wars continually while not being able to feed, educate or care for its own?


"and Israel remains reliant on it to defend against a major blitzkrieg of Hezbollah missiles or another direct attack from Iran.

(More like Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and it's proxies in Syria and Iraq. Im trying to tell you right now this has been common knowledge for years now, it doesn't matter if your missiles are non accurate shit, you fire a shit ton more of them than the other team has interceptors, (and cheap ass drones) and then what? Israel has got the air power, Iran's land army is huge compared to Israel's. Translation? The worst possible outcome, Not good for either one a draw, sucking everybody else in from every possible side...for a while.

If only we had a book that could explain it all to you...

We do :-).
How nice.)

"Also, the window of opportunity is tight. Hugh Lovatt, a senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that while Israel may currently have an “advantageous window to launch a ground offensive” it would quickly close."

(That is true. Think Israel didn't know that before they exploded the pagers and walkie talkies?)

“I don’t expect any significant qualitative change to Hezbollah’s military capability beyond a few days of disruption,” he said."

(I disagree, it will be longer but they don't have forever.)

"But what of Hezbollah’s likely response. How is the terror group likely to respond to what Israeli military analysts are gleefully characterising as its “humiliation” and – in several cases – the literal “emasculation” of its fighters?"

"In Tehran, the group’s masters will almost certainly be demanding patience, or what the Ayatollah calls “heroic flexibility”

(Wait till the carrier leaves.)

"Israel ignored Mr Biden’s advice 
(Don't let the anger consume you)
and has ended up in what most analysts regard 
as a strategic mess."

"It is locked in a multifront war, a large part of its population remains displaced, its economy is tanking and in many parts of the world it has come to be regarded as a pariah state."

"Hezbollah will no doubt now be tempted to lash out wildly just as Israel did in the wake of Oct 7. The pressure from its ranks will be immense."

"But the message from Iran will almost certainly be to play it cool. Tehran needs Hezbollah in one piece"
(Its their security blanket, they don't wanna have to use it if they don't have to, but they are not being given a choice.)

and, from its perspective, Israel is already on the ropes."

5 out of 47 articles (like 11%) were focused on what next as opposed to what has already happened, and I was very liberal in my criteria to get to the five. I could have left two out and the number have been even lower than that but I didn't.

Barely 1 in 10.

And the Los Angels Times 

and Foreign Policy 

are both wondering why now?

Really guys?

Please with this mindless propaganda.
We already know.



"It would have taken years for the Mossad to plan and implement such a skillful, sophisticated operation an ultimate weapon that can only be used once. But Netanyahu pulled the trigger too early, and for all the wrong reasons."

(They are not, 
not going to exploit it while they can.)

"Hezbollah called the act an “Israeli aggression”; Israel, meanwhile, has not commented on the blasts. Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, was among those injured, while a son of a Hezbollah member of Parliament was killed in the attack. Children were also among those killed"

“It’s definitely a very serious escalation. I don’t see any act of escalation that will not lead to provocation, and that is what we fear most, because what happened yesterday will only trigger more escalation into the conflict,” Lebanon’s minister of economy, Amin Salam, told CNBC’s Dan Murphy on Thursday."

“This will be a really, very, very dangerous ... 48 hours that this country will witness to see how the reaction will be.”

(Iran isn't stupid, best to just wait regroup, carrier etc.)

"The group has now vowed retaliation, raising fears of all-out war in a region already ravaged by conflict."

(Might as well already have been declared.)

"Hezbollah has launched thousands of rockets into Israel in the nearly 12 months since the latter began its war against Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza in October last year, with Israeli retaliatory fire killing hundreds of Hezbollah fighters and scores of Lebanese civilians. Tens of thousands of people on both the Lebanese and Israeli sides of the border have been evacuated from their homes."

"U.S. officials are reportedly scrambling to find a diplomatic solution that avoids an all-out war, as Israel moves more of its troops and military hardware further north to the Lebanon border area."

"And on Wednesday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel’s focus has moved to its northern front, starting a “new phase” of the war. The Times of Israel reported earlier that day that the Israel Defense Forces’ 98th Division was being deployed to northern Israel, after months of fighting in the Gaza Strip."

"A second large-scale attack stunned the Iran-backed militia Hezbollah and brought the region ever closer to a much wider conflict."

"To say that Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militia in Lebanon, has gone through a rough couple of days would be a massive understatement. The group — which runs Southern Lebanon as its own personal fiefdom, boasts tens of thousands of hardened fighters and possesses as many as 150,000 rockets in its inventory — is confronting a degree of internal chaos that its leadership isn’t habituated to experiencing."

"By Hezbollah’s own admission, the presumed Israeli operation was the "biggest security breach" the group has ever witnessed."

(So Israel isn't gonna use it?)

 "When the pagers received a message disguised as coming from Hezbollah’s leadership, the phones exploded. It’s the kind of well-planned, highly orchestrated, technologically sophisticated covert action for which the Mossad is well known. And if anybody has any doubts, just ask the Iranians, who in 2020 watched as one of their top nuclear scientists, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated by a remote-controlled machine gun as he was traveling down a highway."

"Second, what is Israel trying to accomplish with these operations, exactly? It’s difficult to know."

(Nah, not really it aint.)

"Regardless of the explanation, 

one wonders what Israel’s end-goal is with these operations."

(Who pays these people?

The ministry of propaganda?

There is only one reason 

you do this kinda thing 

and thats because 

the end goal is what nobody is talking about 

and that is Irans nuke program, I already made that 13 point (or what ever it was) case.

The airstrikes come just a day after Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, vowed revenge.

"Israel unleashed a series of airstrikes on southern Lebanon on Thursday in one of the most intense bombardments seen since the start of cross-border hostilities with armed group Hezbollah on October 7.

Here are 10 points on the big story:

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that over 100 rocket launchers primed for imminent attacks on Israel were destroyed. These launchers, scattered across Hezbollah's positions in southern Lebanon, contained an estimated 1,000 rocket barrels. In addition, several Hezbollah buildings and a weapons depot were also hit."

"The airstrikes come just a day after Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, vowed revenge for what he described as a series of unprecedented and deadly attacks against Hezbollah operatives. Speaking in his first public address since these attacks, Nasrallah accused Israel of detonating communication devices belonging to Hezbollah operatives across Lebanon which resulted in 37 deaths and nearly 3,000 injuries."

"Nasrallah described the attacks as a "massacre" and warned Israel of "tough retribution and just punishment." The Hezbollah chief claimed that Israel would be struck both where it expects and where it does not. During his speech, Israeli fighter jets roared over Beirut, breaking the sound barrier."


"Israel's defence minister Yoav Gallant warned that the country was entering a "new phase in the war," indicating that the conflict, previously centred around Gaza, was now expanding to the northern border with Lebanon."

(Soon to be expanded into Syria and Iraq and eventually Iran itself.

Eliminate Iran guess who the major player in the region becomes?

Yeah...Turkey, Saudis couldn't handle the Houthis and their defense posture is more geared toward putting down internal strife as opposed to foreign adventurism. It doesn't matter how much $ you spend its how capable are you.)

"Hezbollah, backed by Iran, has been a staunch ally of Hamas, the Palestinian group at the heart of the war in Gaza since the October 7 attack that killed over 1,200 people in Israel, mostly civilians. The conflict has now spilt over into a regional confrontation, with Hezbollah launching daily attacks against Israeli communities along the northern border, prompting retaliatory strikes from the IDF."


"The exchanges of fire between Israel and Hezbollah along the border have triggered mass evacuations, forcing tens of thousands of civilians on both sides of the border to flee their homes. Communities along Israel's northern front are now under strict military guidelines, with residents instructed to remain close to bomb shelters, avoid large gatherings, and reduce movement outside."

"In the new phase of the war, there are significant opportunities but also significant risks," Gallant said, adding that Hezbollah "feels persecuted" and that the group would continue to pay a "heavy price" for its aggression.

"Thursday's airstrikes came after a major Hezbollah rocket barrage targeting Israel's northern communities. In Metula, a town along the Lebanese border, the damage was described as "tremendous," with homes destroyed and fires ignited by the incoming rockets. Israeli emergency services reported that no casualties were caused."

"US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called for restraint from all parties, urging both Israel and Hezbollah to avoid actions that could further escalate the conflict. The Biden administration has been scrambling to mediate a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and now faces the added challenge of preventing the conflict from spreading further across the Middle East."

(Fighting Gods will much?)

"Lebanon's Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib condemned Israel's airstrikes, calling them a "blatant assault on Lebanon's sovereignty and security." He warned that the escalation risked triggering a broader regional conflict. Iran's Revolutionary Guards vowed a "crushing response" to Israel's actions.

(Hey thx for the warning.

Guess what?

Already there yo.)

Hezbollah confirms Radwan Force chief Ibrahim Aqil killed by IDF strike in Beirut

"Security sources told Reuters that other members of Hezbollah's Radwan Force were killed when the Israeli strike hit a meeting they were attending."

(They aint just picking them off to be picking them off yo.

There is a much larger game plan going on here

and the end game is in Natanz.)

“Our goals are clear; 

our actions speak for themselves,” 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated.

Uh, yeah pretty much.

Whats to figure out really?

The pager/walkie talkie attacks

was a once in a life time thing.

They know 

they will never get this chance again.

What do you think they are going to do with it?

If you wanna go after Iran?

Ya gotta get rid of their

"speed bump"

as it were 

of Hezbollah first 

which is exactly 

what Israel is currently 

systematically in the process of doing.

You think it ends at the 

 Litany River?

Or farther back 

and then it just ends there?

Are you kidding?




So this just stops north of the

 Litani River?

Nobody can figure this out?


Bunch of spoiled brats 

couldn't handle Covid.

How are earth 

are you gonna manage 

what's coming now?

"What will Hezbollah do?"


"What is Israel's end game?"

 just blows my mind

people can not 

figure this out...

it just really does.

So sad...really

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