Monday, September 9, 2024


 are continuing to take out obstacles/roadblocks 

before they (and us) take on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The sooner you can wrap your head 

around the times we are living in?

The better off you will be.

Israeli strikes on Syrian military sites kill 18, health minister says

"A senior regional military source close to Damascus and Tehran also denied a Reuters news agency report which cited two intelligence sources as saying that a major military research centre for chemical arms production was hit several times."

"Western intelligence agencies have previously alleged that a branch of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) near Masyaf has been used to produce chemical weapons in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention."

"The Syrian government has denied the claim. However, the facility was reportedly targeted in a suspected Israeli strike in September 2017, a day after a deadly chemical attack on a rebel-held town in northern Syria that the UN and Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons concluded was carried out by the Syrian air force."

"According to the SOHR, (The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights) Israeli air and artillery strikes have targeted Syrian territory on 64 occasions since the start of the year, resulting in the damage or destruction of about 140 targets, including weapons depots, vehicles and Iran-backed militia headquarters."

(They are trying to dimmish/degrade Iran's capacity to hit back, this is why the hostage negotiations/cease fire talks for gaza/Hamas are dragging endlessly on. Like we (US) doesn't know what's up.

Might wanna brace yourselves for whats coming.

This isnt a test.

This is the real deal and its here right now.)

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