Friday, September 13, 2024

Misc Notes on

 Chuck Missler 

Genesis Session 03

Before getting started a few things to get our minds in the right frame of reference:



Everything you thought you knew.
About this faith.

Most of ya anyway.

Most have no idea 
just how well 
it matches up with actual science
not this 
"make up whatever you want to" 
faith-based religion of scientism 
that they got going on today.



You had better believe it.

So ask yourself,
Does it?

Visible matter = 5%
Remember that.
Of all the energy in the universe.
Only 5% is visible.





"They will not be spoon fed, 
they will seek out answers on their own."

John Crowder - The New Mystics.

How about 
Lets bring it about.
How about that?

Politics and Gun rights and abortion.

Bono sang.

There is a lot of truth in here believe me.
You just haven't seen it presented in this manner.


(TY courtneyhuntmd


We are made of atoms.
(Pictured above)

99.9999999999999% of what makes up atoms, 
are electrical and magnetic fields.

Electrical and magnetic fields are energy.

It violates the laws of physics.

You can only transform it.

What makes you "you"
will live for eternity somewhere.

So why not make an informed decision 
on where that will be?

Visible energy in the universe?

Don't fall for it.
Its more prevalent now than ever.

It is was true?
They could explain the info in the DNA molecule 
They dont even have a clue.

Your genetic code is information BTW, unique to you.
Information can also never be destroyed.

"It’s (a black hole) doing what this piece of charcoal would do (with information written on it and then burned up,).  It’s very hot. It’s evaporating. And there’s no chance that we could reconstruct the smoke, or the products of combustion, that we could reconstruct what the little bit of writing was on the piece of charcoal. Information gets thermalized. It gets scrambled. So badly scrambled that to reconstruct it is complex beyond imagination but in principle possible."

(widely regarded as one of the fathers of string theory)

Not for the entity that put it all together in the first place its not, 
"complex beyond imagination."

Before the fall?

We were


"Thus, for a photon, which always travels at the speed of light, there's no change, no evolution — only an eternal “now.” This timeless existence challenges our intuition. While everything around a photon evolves, changes, and experiences the passage of time, the photon remains unchanged in its own reference frame."

Meant to share an eternity with our creator.
Since the fall?
Were still


We just happen to wear/inhabit
 a temporary "meat suit".
(ty TV show supernatural)

Fig leaf was a metaphor 
for the physicality 
of our bodies yo.

And now?
Now we can get started lol.


It's heavy stuff, very detailed and It's mind-bogglingly intense. It will change your notions of reality if you would but allow it. Dont tell me you go to worship a God on Sunday that can do anything (Matthew 19:26), yet somehow rule out what Dr Missler is saying here in this session. Plus? It matches up with science, not this religion (faith-based) of pseudo-science nonsense that we got today. 

I've been reading about the topics he is covering here for some 10+ years now so it didn't really phase me that much but if you're unfamiliar with the material? It may confound your brain somewhat. Therefore the warning.


"Missler graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1956 and received a Master's degree in Engineering from UCLA. He worked for several years in the aerospace and computer industries. Missler joined Western Digital as chairman and chief executive in June 1977..."

This was originally presented some 20+ years ago. It was way ahead of its time. Our current time is more than ripe for another spiritual awakening and I honestly believe material like what is presented here will help lead to it as masses now know about this material at least, nobody really understands it.

The time stamps may be off 30-45 seconds or so to make them match up with topics,  don't break up sentences, paragraphs etc., but if you use the time stamps to follow along the video? (Pausing for my comments of course :-). The transcript wont be long in catching up to where they are marked.

I'm having to copy the transcripts myself and sometimes the wording is off so I apologize for that, This time I went back and followed along with the video AFTER I had already read it in an attempt to smooth out so to speak some of the wording. I wasn't always successful lol but its time to publish.

The section about "Mr. and Mrs. Flat" is best watched on the video.  (59;00 -1:02) The point he is making there really doesn't come across in words on a page. I elected to go ahead and include that part of the session anyway.


Due to having been through this some 5 or 6x by the time I am finished? I am currently reevaluating my position on "cosmic inflation". (Its changed  now BTW)Relax, there is still light on two separate instances and our creator is still the source. The means by which it (light) comes about in two separate instances in creation is really pretty irrelevant. What matters is it does and the creator is the first cause of first causes.

(Position has changed, it wasn't the cosmic expansion that gave off the first light before star formation , it was the creation of the electromagnetic spectrum.) 

Enjoy, but it is best to put ALL of your presuppositions on the shelf. You can pick them back up and take them with you after your done if you so desire.

This may be some of the most important stuff I have ever written.

God Bless.


well we are in the study of Genesis the first book of the Torah and whenever we open the Word of God we should always do it with prayer let's bow our hearts right now father we just thank you for this evening we thank you for your word we thank you for this opportunity to gather together in the name of our Lord Jesus and we thank you Father that you've provided this opportunity to explore this precious precious gift you've given us we do pray father that through your Holy Spirit you would open our hearts and lives to your word and that your purpose would be accomplished in every life that's hearing this father we do pray father that we each might grow in grace the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whose name we commit this evening and ourselves amen

well we are studying the book of Genesis in fact we are in session 3 which will deal with the second day but before we get into this a little bit let me tell you very frankly that of the six days we're going to cover a session on each of the six days and as we do that I want to let you know upfront this is probably the most difficult of the six and so one of the difficulties you and I have is not trying to reconcile the book of Genesis with science our biggest problem is the bad science that we've all been programmed with 

(This is 21 years ago, its only gotten way worse since then.

Man pollutes and corrupts everything he touches, its evidence of his fallen nature. The longer it goes on? The worse it gets. This was 21 years ago. I repeat, its way worse now.)

you and I as just members of this culture let alone products of the school system have been taught I use that in quotation marks so much mythology so much nonsense that part of the burden of approaching this book is to somehow set aside these presuppositions that we bring to the subject if we really somehow could erase the blackboard start fresh as our very young people can and immerse in the scripture to see what it says point one and then if we need to put it against a fabric of background put it against modern current real science not the nonsense that have filled our textbooks over the last many decades so one of the you know the only real barrier the truth is the presumption that we already have it so one of the things I'm going to try to remember to do as we go into each one of these sessions is to remind you to whatever presuppositions you might have be the right or wrong just put them on the shelf for this hour and try to be open to what God may be saying now having said all that I'm going to also admit to you right up front that I'm going to take the opportunity to explore some what you might consider fringe areas areas that are around our topic if for no other reason than to stretch our horizons 

(He is telling you right up front what he is going to do and why)

so as we read the text we don't impute to the text the presuppositions that we may have been programmed with the past but take advantage of the incredible insights of recent years from the scientific community and I'm going to suggest that the more you really know about what the text is saying and the more you're sensitive to the the advanced thinking in modern science which in itself is not free of controversy of course the more you know those both both of those things the more you'll see them congruent 

(Remind you of anybody? :-). See why I like him so much?)

and so in that spirit let's just jump into Genesis second day and that's chapters 1 verses 6 through 8 and the first session we had we had an introduction of the Torah for those that may not have been here I'll highlight quickly we talked about the authorship of Genesis make no mistake I know who wrote the book of Genesis despite all the seminary stuff all the nonsense you hear about the masquerades under the thing they call documentary hypothesis that was J E Q and all those tell that nonsense Jesus Christ told me who wrote it Moses did so if you believe in Jesus Christ you can save yourself all that effort don't you know who wrote the book if you don't know Jesus Christ you've got bigger problems than the authorship so I'm going to that of the book of Genesis it is the book of beginnings every theme in the Bible starts in Genesis and gets climax in Revelation in fact every climax in the entire Bible has its beginning here in this book we talked a lot about the nature of time 


the great discovery you and I had the great advantage that you and I have is that we know today that time itself is a physical property it's a property of the space our space is a four-dimensional continuum."

(From the movie Interstellar)

"Planck's constant is a four dimensional constant time is a physical property what that means is is that God is outside time eternity is not a question of having lots of time it's question to be outside that environment so we went into some of that very fundamental stuff it will lift the veil on a lot of controversies that go right through the whole Bible we talked about the age of the earth and there is an abundance of evidence and abundance of evidence that the earth is young and that shocks many people including many scientists because especially people from the astronomic an astronomy background an astronomical background people with a geological background have been programmed to take for granted millions and millions and millions and millions of years and it's astonishing to discover it's not by no means a totally agreed upon thing but if there's an enormous evidence that the earth is much younger than it's commonly accepted a lot of evidence for that we'll touch on that throughout the whole series here and there and I think I point out to you that there's a book called in six days where 50 of the top scientists the world acknowledged that they believed that in the six-day creation so so these these are issues that are important and we will deal with them as we go and we talked a little bit about PI and E and we'll get into that here an

7:10 in the last session we had what was called day one not the first day day one the first days an ordinal number when the Holy Spirit was moving and we use that opportunity to explore the possibility maybe that there was a gap between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis the so called gap theory we talked a little bit about when were the Angels created before the earth when was Satan created before when does Satan fall no one knows but he apparently fell prior to chapter 3 so that's that's conjecture that we talked about but more importantly we also focused on the nature of light itself the first direct quote of God let light be and so we talked about that that's going to also echo through the rest of these days


but we are tonight exploring the second day Monday if you will and we're going to talk about the stretching of the heavens 

(Graphic display of light reaching us from a distant galaxy in an expanding universe.)

we'll talk very little but we'll touch upon the Big Bang models that I'm sure you've heard about but we're going to focus on what is this thing called space most of us think that space is an empty vacuum and it's astonishing to discover what they have determined about space itself and we'll talk a little bit about hyper dimensions and I'll introduce you to two friends of mine and I want you to be very very compassionate and I introduced my two friends because these two friends I want to introduce to you have a very serious handicap they live on in two dimensions and we'll talk about that one get there so we're in the second day in the next session of course we'll talk about life and vegetation and the origin of life that will be in the next time the following one will be about stars and planets now that's very interesting do you realize the Vegetation came before the Sun that's interesting we'll talk a lot about that when we get into that fish and follow in the fifth day and of course animals and man Mr. and Mrs. Man on Friday the sixth day and then the seventh day which has its own surprises so let's just jump in


last time we talked start Genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth if you understand that verse if you accept that verse if you embrace that verse you will have no problem with the rest of the scripture everything else derives from that if you can grab that one you've got it all 

(Such a great point)

you got it you stumble there you got to go back and do homework now the earth became without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God brooded or moved about the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness divided the light from the darkness I thought darkness was the absence of light no there is a kind of darkness that's solid there's a kind of darkness that's so solid that light can't escape from it we call black holes and so forth so it's a little more complicated as we go here it's astonishing to me that the more you know about particle physics the more you know about the frontiers of science the more comfortable this whole text reads it's not a quaint rhetorical device for ancient people who had no background that's what a lot of people read this it reads so it could do that but even more astonishing the more sophistication you have the more comfortable these passages will be let's move on and God called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening in the morning were in day one and be careful about that we'll talk about that today again but the word evening in the word morning may have met something different back then the very very early dawn of history and those words came later to mean evening and morning so let's be careful about that we'll talk about as we go but now we are in the second day for tonight


God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide from the waters 

(Ort cloud

Its frozen water supposedly


and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament heaven and the evening in the morning were the second day


this is the day that is the most difficult to address and I think one of the problems is vocabulary we're dealing with some different light first of all here we have the four what on earth is the firmament strange word and it's in the midst of the waters it's going to divide the waters from the waters does that sound like double-talk confusing isn't it well lets going to take a look at this now there are of views of what we mean by a day

think we've talked about this before there are there is a hypothesis held by many Christians that the days are rhetorical device for ages the ages hypothesis and they notice that days 1 2 3 there was no Sun you have plants but no Sun and so that creates kind of a problem trying to make those very long 

(Thats the direction I tend to go with BTW)

how long can a planet survive without photosynthesis right and then there's the other strange aspect the seventh day has no evening and morning does that mean the seventh day if these are ages are they still going on now I'm not here to either sell but I can tell you very candidly it's relatively easy to shred the ages hypothesis I'll show you as the the climactic argument in the end that's what I'm going to spend a lot of time on it nor may going spend a lot of time taking apart I'll show you why in a minute there is another approach to the days the six days of creation and that's what there's a family of ideas that you could put under the idea of  “a framework hypothesis” that this was just a framework to communicate something in a broad sense a rhetorical device and but this would create a disjunction between taking the Bible literally and taking it just as literature to assume this is just some kind of poetic license some people call well they call the creation hymn well indeed that segment of thing reads in a very particular style and so some people build on that and say well this is just a literary device we don't have to take the days seriously and they notice there's a parallelism between the first three days in the second three days if you put them side-by-side there's a certain kind of parallelism they point to and but but the real thing that you got a there's also no rain we don't get rain until chapter two verse five and there's and so forth and the plants and all that so there's another variation of that which argues that this whole scenario were reading in the first six verses is like a panorama to an earth observer there was no one on the earth yet God's there and Adams up and created yet but it's written as if there's some watching all this going on that's another view again these ideas are rhetorical they treat it as a rhetorical device to get out from under what they think they know about the history of the earth part of the problem is we're pretty mixed up about the history of the earth 

(So true lol)

the more we learn in modern science the more it draws as closer to Genesis 1 by the way and that's what I'm gonna try to show you this evening

14:16 but let me tell you why I for one as a technical specialist all my life I join those I hold the view that we're talking a literal 24-hour day now tell you why I believe that and that's because God wrote it personally in stone in Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 right in the middle of the Ten Commandments he clearly instructs us to understand they did it six days just as I did this in six days and rest of the seventh I want you to rest on the Sabath in other words clearly God intended us to understand it as 24 hour days so that gives me a problem if I'm going to try to make it something other 24 hour days because I'm going ask I don't think God lies I don't think he deceives I don't think he indulges in in misleading rhetorical devices and in fact the eight times in the Tanakh it says the eternal one cannot lie it's against his nature and so we're going to so Exodus 20 verse 11 s the end run on all this philosophical discourse about was it retort for our days God said so and it wasn't casually he wrote it with his own finger in stone what more do you want so let's move on 

(Gods days then? At creation? No problem with that. The problem is the stretching which Gerald Schroeder explains so well.)

Proverbs 8 verses 8 9 says God says all the words of my mouth are in righteousness there is nothing froward or twisted that should say or perverse in them they are all plain to him that understand it and right to them that find knowledge and by the way that word froward means twisted God doesn't twist doesn't play you know I got you kind of games he's very straightforward 

(Just like he is being right now with Noah's temple complex, (Gobekli Tepe) The advanced Lunisolar calendar found there, The petrified remains of the ark, The shroud of Turin etc. People might wanna wake up and start considering some things they have previously just casually dismissed.)

boy can we take comfort in that and the word plane Nikora means straightforward uprightness this is straight stuff so I don't think God build it in such a way as to mislead us and so so back to verses six and seven God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters 

(an expanse רָקִ֖יעַ (rā·qî·a‘) 

Noun - masculine singular

Strong's Hebrew 7549: 1) extended surface (solid), expanse, firmament 1a) expanse (flat as base, support) 1b) firmament (of vault of heaven supporting waters above) 1b1) considered by Hebrews as solid and supporting 'waters' above.




and let it divide the waters from the waters God made the firmament divided the waters which were under the firmament for the waters which were above the firmament and it was so now the word firmament is the one of the problems here we got a vocalbulary the word is raqia and it's translated our Bible it's firmament I'll show you why when we go into a little more depth but we have all through this passage the word waters and there are many really competent Christian science scientists that are Christians that take this as h2o and it may be but it doesn't necessarily have to be I'll come to that by watching it first of all understand it may be waters as you and I think of them that's I'm not ruling that out toward mayim it's a very strange word the word Mayim is has a meaning of being water or waters it is it also can mean danger violence and are transitory things interestingly enough and its original word was a dual it always meaning it's always used as a singular but it's it has a plural nature to it and it's one of those strange words psalm104 we find it's all about water.

(Where is your exoplanet with water?)

God created the waters and the clouds we find on the earth he controls their boundaries he points springs to break out burst him rain to fall at his bidding and an instituting so it of course fructifies the earth brings forth fruit and gladdens the heart of man and because of all this the word waters can you also be used idiomatically to represent those things we speak of Jesus Christ as the living water does that mean he's h2o no no no it means he's a form a source of refreshment as well as a source of cleansing and you're using a figure of speech that's very valid you understand me so the word waters can be used rhetorically in fact that's part of the possibility of the word may could be used as a metaphor on the one hand there's also a very commonly used figure of speech called a synecdoche that's where you put the specific mean the general or the general to mean the specific give you an example you might say that so-and-so sets a beautiful table you don't mean just the place settings you might mean her whole cuisine do you follow me it's that's a synecdoche where you use the use the specific really pointing to the whole class of things and that's a very common figure of speech you say does the Bible to do it use figures of speech absolutely you'll find synecdoches of course you'll find puns you'll find metaphors to find similes you'll find allegories do you want you know how many different categories of part of figures of speech you find in the Bible over 200 and they're cataloged for you we include it as an appendix in a book cause the Bible codes and give you an example and the verse is an example of each one of them 

19:21  there's actually 200 different figures of speech in the scripture but that's what they are figures of speech mechanisms of communication now the word mayim might be vocabulary ancient vocabulary to embrace what you and I would use today if we were knowledgeable for the term plasma plasma is the fourth state of matter and it's a state of matter before molecules form now let's just talk water where we started with water let's talk a little bit let's try to understand about water now this is a little chart temperatures of going vertically and calories per gram on the right side if you take water as a solid you have ice right 

(Ort cloud yo)

how many have experienced ice here at Idaho okay but it gets to a point where if you add you know eighty calories per gram and you get water the ice melts becomes liquid right you keep adding heat to that and you get steam the steam is a gas and you can heat that the steam can carry lots of energy the rank those of you have been mechanicals the Rankine cycle as a Naval Academy graduate let me tell you we learned about the Rankine cycle because the steam is still a very big deal in the Navy and so on so and you finally get to point we have superheated steam but if you keep adding heat you go beyond steam what happens beyond steam and that's what we call plasma that's when the molecules themselves actually ionize 


so plasma is made up of ions that is just the nuclei of this atoms and the free electrons and it behaves differently than the gas does and some interesting ways so most people know there's three states of matter solid liquid and a gas no there's four there's also plasma and

I want to talk a little bit about that see plasma would start we take water which is really two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom that's what we called h2o from chemistry you may recall okay let's see the little blue dot here will be oxygen that the yellow dot hydrogen and so initially plasma you might have just some oxygen atoms and around them are some electrons freely floating around that's a plasma they haven't formed molecules yet you cool that down a little bit and you get the hydrogen atoms will begin to share electrons and become h2o molecules but it's still a gas it's still a gas because it still they still can intermix you take more you take you cool it down a little further and their freedom of motion is more constrained it gets to be what we call a liquid and you cool it down a little further and these molecules will form a lattice and it we call that a solid it's called ice we're going to talk about some incredibly unique properties of ice and water in in our next session but I want to give you this background in preparation because one of the things we see of course is water can be a plasma it can be a liquid it can be a plasma can be a gas it can be liquid or it can be a solid ice or of course snowflakes being an example in the snowflake gives us a glimpse you know of the crystalline structure of the atom itself but the nature matter plasma gas liquid solid these are the four states of matter

22:52 what's interesting is going from plasma to solid you are reducing the entropy you're going from disorder to order we're going to talk a lot about that all through this it's the law of entropy is visibly operating here if you have a solid you have to add energy add entropy add Heat and it'll go from a solid to a liquid to a gas or ultimately a plasma if you have enough energy 

so what are the properties of plasma you know there's a guy by the name of David Bohm and he's a University of London protege of dr. Einstein he's one of the most respected quantum physicists on the planet Earth and one of the most eminent thinkers in many in other fields too at the Lawrence Livermore radiation laboratory in the late 40s early 50s he studied plasmas and he became fascinated with the behavior of plasmas which are a mixture of ions and electrons and he just because they acted as if they all knew each other the plasma would behave in such a way it's as if all these elements were interconnected they all behaved as if they were part of some broader interconnected whole that puzzled him and we went to Princeton he and Dr. Einstein were very very troubled by the apparent conclusions coming out of quantum physics and we'll talk about that a little bit but


they knew there's something going on whether you have trillions of these little particles acting as if they're somehow interconnected with each other and that became a the beginning of some background particles and plasmas behave in an interconnected way and it was David Bohm that first postulated the possibility that quantum particles the small particles smaller than an atom they lack a property that you and I would call locality they don't have a locality if they're smaller than an atom they seem to be in a whole nother manner of operating and the they in this David Bohms day they speculated the possibility that these particles don't have locality and that we since has been proven this means that all points in space become equal to all other points in space that shatters our conception of what space is in the first place and so you know if we'd make a model of an atom I think most of us in school have seen the idea if you have a nucleus and electron going around it this is just one way of representing an atom it's it's obviously just a form of representation but it's useful you have a nucleus you have electron going around it and this is not the scale by the way let me show you what I mean by that the atom is about 10 to the minus eighth centimeters the nucleus is 10 to the minus 13th or putting it another way that means the nucleus is 100,000 times smaller than the atom itself

100,000 times smaller in other words whatever I make the nucleus I would have to make the ring around it if I'm gonna make this diagram a hundred thousand times it longer and radius or putting another if I have a pinhead representing the nucleus the electron would be a football yard football field away or actually a hundred meters away so these these glib little diagrams we use to communicate are misleading because we have no capacity to imagine the scale we're talking about the atom is mostly empty space..." 

(Now days the "empty space" 

would be more accurately described as 

electric and magnetic fields. 

This is what we were taught in school:

This is the most accurate image 
of an atom to date:

Remember this presentation is 21 years old.
That image was captured 2021.)

We are 99.9999999999999 
eclectic and magnetic fields.
That is what makes us up.

James 4:14
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

822. atmis 
Strong's Concordance
atmis: vapor
Original Word: ἀτμίς, ίδος, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: atmis
Phonetic Spelling: (at-mece')
Definition: vapor
Usage: breath, steam, vapor.

We are currently 
Quantum light beings

(ty again @courtneyhuntmd (IG).
trapped in a meat tent).

" fact if you take ten to the fifth and cube it that's 10 to the fifteenth 10 to the 15th is a big number big big number and if you imagine that universe being 15 billion years old as some scientists suggest that's about 10 to the 15th seconds there's about been roughly 10 to the 15th seconds in the history of the universe if you accept the ancient long pages so it's a big number o the volume so an atom is mostly empty space I sit here with the platform and you and I would suspect that it's solid especially if I hit it hit you with it and yet if I say it's empty I'm over a hundred thousand times more accurate in fact 10 to the 15

27:34 I'm billions of times more accurate than you are by saying it's empty see this this platform is actually an electrical simulation it just pretends to be solid

(Platform lol

100% spot on. The atom is mainly invisible electric and magnetic fields, period, and that is our reality, that is what makes it up. You either believe God can do anything or you don't. The Greek Hebrew study bible in its commentary on Genesis states: "If we concede the absolute power f God, we must accept his power to create and destroy as stated in the scripture." See his comments about verse one. If you get verse one? Everything else falls into place.)

"...spooky. You think this is weird it gets worse okay so if we take we start making models you know we talked about h2o we have the oxygen atoms and two hydrogen atoms sharing electrons that's the way they bond to make a molecule you all been through that and if you take a carbon atom you got multiple range got two in the first ring eight the rest you have four atoms you get ch4 and that leads to the whole hydro hydrocarbons and carbohydrates and the whole area of life we'll talk about that more next time but what I want to look at just a little bit let's go below the atom we've talked about glibly talked about nuclei and electrons there are particles that are subatomic smaller than an atom electrons protons and neutrons over there are 200 over 200 different kinds of particles subatomic particles there's a whole group of them that are subject to what they call the strong force that's the Hadron so includes protons neutrons and Mesons and there's those that are not subject to the strong force those are called leptons neutrinos and quarks 

and it gets stranger and stranger in fact you start talk about quarksthere's up and down charm strange top and bottom or truth and beauty the the physics profession for some reason got to the point where they had they found they had these measurable attributes and they needed names for them and so they adopted whip deliberately whimsical names up and down in fact the the the last one at least these six quarks define what's called the standard model in physics and they've come a long way that the last one the top quark is actually discovered in 1995 so this is very recent stuff 

(Remember its 2004, I think it is when he is doing this.

The Higgs Boson particle that gives everything its mass

was discovered in 2012. So there are 17 Quantum "fields".

12 matter, 4 force and 1 mass.

Thats a graphical representation of that being discovered at the particle accelerator at CERN.)

so it's very recent stuff and so the there's even some by the way that called red blue and green they're not colors these are pigments of their imagination if I can coin a phrase they're just labels for attributes they that are abstract and so they just gave them colorful names pun intended so but what's interesting about the I'm not going to take I was tempted to but I thought better of it going through a catalog of all these crazy things because the more you get into them the more bizarre you and I can't imagine something having that has no mass having momentum and so we can't imagine


something that has half a spin what do you mean half a spin that you get it's a very bizarre stuff but here's the main point every particle has its opposite antiparticle and if a particle and the antiparticle collide they annihilate each other and throw off a photon so okay that's pretty interesting but most of these equations are reversible so reversibility could imply that light could have created them out of nothing because you take the two and collide them you end up with nothing plus light can you take nothing and add light and get particles isn't that what happened on Sunday before Monday when God said let light be?

30:46 I think it's not just light and sense of photons it may be photons it may be all electromagnetic frequencies were created out of which all this comes kind of interesting 


There is your first light, 

before the stars, 

no inflationary cosmology 

with its inherent problems needed. 

Either way? 

The creator did it.

Psalm 139:5-6

You hem me in 

behind and before,

    and you lay your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,

    too lofty for me to attain.


Gods gotcha comin or going.

You go inflationary cosmology 

Ill say the book backs it up with light before the stars were formed, you go quantum fluctuations caused the universe Ill go particle collisions gave off the first light/electromagnetic spectrum.

There is no escaping his truth.

He has you hemmed in.

Its his creation these people are studying.

What did they expect?)

could these things be reversible okay you take light and nothing and get particles antiparticles as long they're balanced why not you see and the whole universe consists of of particles and antiparticles I'll save it for another time but they've recorded positrons but going backwards in time the only place that we've actually seen demonstrated 

(Recently just seen it in glass as well.)

but the world of quantum physics is a weird world and I'm not here to give you a whole course in quantum physics but I do want you to be have a respect for how weird this world is

(Hebrews 11:3 

Through faith we understand t

hat the worlds 

(All of them, quantum included.)

were framed by the word of God, so that 

things which are seen 

were not made of things 

which do appear.

God created the quantum world along with all the others, in fact, my opinion is thus lol: the quantum realm is by far the best physical proof to date of Gods existence, nothing this kinda crazy just happens to decide to exist on its own.)

31:30 it's non-cause, causality goes out the window it's non-deterministic see all of us as even in an engineering background have been programmed with what's called deterministic mathematics two plus two is four always and on top a precision here it's a two point zero times two point plus two point zero is four point zero always it's called determined F equals MA whatever these are deterministic equations that's what engineers think


we have plunged ourselves into a world that would be classified as non deterministic or stochastic nothing is certain the chances are 60 or 40 that'll be this way the chances might be 99 to 100 it's this way never certain if the whole world becomes probably becomes fuzzy whole world becomes a probabilistic you know in a sense see nothing turns out to be real definitively in the field of quantum physics you can't say anything about what things are doing when we're not looking at them there's actually behavioral differences if they're being observed and boy does that lead to some


bizarre things so much so that Boltzmann committed suicide he couldn't handle the implications of what they're discovering in the quantum world reality turns out to be non-local distant particles seemed to be inseparably connected to some indivisible whole and the scientists don't know what to do about it 

(I just gave you my take on it, it proves Gods existence, so no wonder the scientist dont know what to do with it.)

" there was in 1964 John Stuart Bell at CERN 

(CERN, a small part of it anyway.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.)

and Geneva he formulated a mathematical approach to demonstrating this concept of nonlocality it was an equation was it non in equality but the point is it was a mathematical expression which it which would presumably lend itself to being tested the trouble was they didn't have the technology in 64 but in 1982 they did have some twenty almost twenty years later and Allen aspect and Jen Adela bard and Gerard Derosier in the institute of theoretical applied optics in Paris conducted the landmark experiment the so famous 

33:35 the so famous two particle experiment two photons from heating cesium with lasers travelled in opposite directions in a 13 and 13 meter opposite directions on a 13 meter pipe and six half meters each in opposite directions to some special filters the filters switched in ten nanoseconds that's 30 nanoseconds less then light would travel during those in those 13 meters of travel between them and the photons did demonstrate nonlocality the photons were in connect immediate connection all the time it's hard to explain much more without getting a more technical but the point is they actually observed this peculiar property of nonlocality so it's no longer just a conjecture by some thinkers it's a experimental result that they're still struggling to figure out what they mean Niels Bohr one of the famous scientists in atomic scientist he says anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory hasn't understood it if you understand it it rattles you because it has implications that are shattering to our notions of reality


Its only 54 seconds long.

You will never look at your world the same way.

"That simple change from going from two bands? To going, into this case 5 bands 

(Thats not all of the bands either they are infinite, you are walking around in em and don't even know it most of you)

"That represents the single greatest upheaval in our understanding of reality the species has ever encountered."

(Because it is physical proof of Gods existence.

Heres one of the comments about it on You Tube and its 100% correct, verifiable, been repeated many times over etc:

"He left out the best part! When you try to observe which hole the electron went through, the interference pattern disappears and you get two bands on the screen again!"

Observation changes reality. It really does.


Just a lil example of one field.

"The Standard Model has 17 quantum fields: 

12 matter fields, 

4 force fields, 

and the Higgs field. 

They all interact gravitationally, 

it is presumed. 

The gravitational field is not considered a quantum field, 

until a viable theory of quantum gravity is established."

The "fields" would be represented by the grid in the above representation, and the particles flow through them like waves as in the video where the waves are represented by the "bands" of the electrons being the top of the wave and the blank space between the bands being the trough of the wave.

Got it?


Gota question for all the evolutionist diehards.

How (or what) caused the 17 quantum fields 

to work together to produce life?

17 of anything working together isnt random.


and that look of gears not meshing in their minds any more is just priceless.)

34:44 Richard Feynman the very popular Caltech professor said he says I think it's safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics in fact it's often stated of all the theories proposed in the century the silliest is quantum theory some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it in fact is that it is unquestionably correct and that really summarized up

35:08 it doesn't make sense on the one hand yet we know it is, it without this we would not have lasers we would not have micro circuits we would not have semiconductors our whole culture in the modern age depends on the reality of quantum physics and yet the impact the philosophical implications of quantum physics are shattering as you get into it

35:35 but with that background you see we can start talking about ok what is this we that's the firmament what is this raqia business the Hebrew word raqia the firmament is

it means an extended surface it implies a solid surface a solid expanse in the Greek translation the aroma is means firmness is what the Greek word which is even more precise and that's why in the Latin translations it's for momentum and it implies three-dimensional solidity or firmness this is rocky it's solid it's not fuzzy it's not like a gas it's solid now what happens in this day s that the raqia separates the mayím what on earth is going on here now if you take the waters literally like h2o one of the possibilities here is that this is describing what leads to the so-called canopy theory about around the planet Earth and the Institute for Creation Research Henry Morris and the gang down there in San Diego are outstanding world-renowned scientists and they have they first developed and have great information supports this idea of the world the original world had a canopy of water around it protecting it 

(I wouldn't laugh.

Ort cloud yo.

Its ice.

Its frozen water.

Ill tell you this much

It beats souls of aliens 

transported by a laser highway 

that runs by earth 

that nobody has ever seen)

"...from cosmic rays sort of a greenhouse effect to give it an accelerated warmth and so forth and the canopy theory is very popular among some very competent scientists that are believers but I want also be candid with you there are some very very capable scientific thinkers that don't accept the idea that canopy theory it's got some problems with it and I'm not here to strengthen it or shoot it down I want you to be aware it exists and but it's not certain is the point and it argues that there's waters above the earth and

now see the word heaven part of the problem is word heaven can be used in an atmospheric sense okay it also going to be like our atmosphere it also can be for one step up to the sky the word is used of the heaven signs in the heavens the Stars so forth the word also can mean heaven in the spiritual sense the throne of God so that's why Paul can speak of the third heaven because the Greeks especially also not in Hebrews but the Greeks also saw it sort of in three slices there's a local heaven you know that's the air that you breathe our

planes fly through the heaven so to speak there's this heavens that you look at with the telescope and then there's a heavens that you approach in prayer and there's a three different three different uses or applications of the same word but rather than get down the canopy theory something else I thought it'd be useful to step back and let's try to put together in front of us here what we think we know about the fabric of space itself you and I tend to jump to the conclusion that empty space is a vacuum there's nothing there it's empty and nothing could be further in the truth you know it's interesting when we get more into the Stars and stuff we will of course go into Psalm 19 which I encourage you to read in your devotional time but the first verse the heavens declare the glory of God I might add footnote in some ways that will surprise you but we'll deal with that when we get to day four the heavens declare the glory of God and guess what the firmament showeth his handiwork now if the firmament is empty space how does it show his handiwork let's watch closely it's a lot of fun a word firmament again same word raqia the firmament the fabric of space and I want to give you just a little bit of scientific history here because

39:14 it's kind of fun to see how science adopts weird ideas and then dismisses them proves are not there and then discovers later they really are there is a thing called ether not ether like you get in the medical department it's spelled with an EI e th ER it's a term used for what scientists used to think of as empty space the history of the ether hypotheses and Aristotle way back in the 4th century BC taught that the physical world was made of four elements air earth fire and water what tied it all together was the ether and it was a subtle medium this a medium it put everything together it later became known as a vacuum after the Latin vacuous which means empty so the word ether is the formal name for what you and I would consider an absolute empty vacuum we together so far see the earth was believed to be fixed movable at the center of the cosmos what a quaint idea and I think there are scientists that are beginning to come back to that view for some strange reasons"

(Where is the center of the Universe? Here, there, and everywhere)

"but anyway Galilee Galileo mostly how many ever heard of Galileo okay good see there's a guy that's known all over the world by his first name not his last but anyway he challenged the notion of the Ptolemaic the Ptolemaic cosmology was

that the Sun went around the earth that it he challenged that with what would call the Copernicus Copernican revolution that actually the earth goes around the Sun and so forth but when you get to about the 16th century Rene Descartes he championed the idea that ether was a plenum from the Greek word for full rather than a vacuum he called it a plenum which emphasized not as emptiness but its fullness they began to feel that

here had to be something in between all these heavenly bodies he imagined that there was a very dense medium of very tiny particles that pervaded everything in constant motion more solid than matter and yet invisible now this was just his philosophical speculation it quickly gets disproven"

41:18 "and yet today we find out he was closer to the truth than he probably realized but anyway so that was his concept of this of this of ether and there was the secretary of Galileo was a guy named Torricelli after Galileo died he did his own experiments of things and he inverted a long glass tube filled of mercury into a dish made a invented what you and I know as a barometer and that barometer fell 30 inches and he thought certain among other things that there was absolute vacuum above the mercury so that was obviously a empty vacuum"

41:54 "Pascal comes along and he's an incredible human being where we talk more about him by the way what's really astonishing is that understand how many of these great thinkers were believers it's astonishing to look back in the history of science and realize that the great men Isaac Newton whatever we're believing believers..."

(And I guarantee you they are rolling over in their graves with the nonsense todays nitwits (so-called scientist) are conjecturing. The heavyweights of science in the past went looking for evidence of God in his creation and they found plenty, todays adherents to the faith based religion of scientism see even more evidence of God in his creation and they try and tell you it just cant be. Thank you so much Stephen C Meyer.)

42:13 "Isaac Newton wrote over a million words of commentary and revelation and Daniel and so on I have a copy of it"

(See why they seek to discredit him these days?)

"and but Pascal's another one these guys but he took to Torricelli work further and soon convinced was convinced that the vacuum of space was really empty after all and see light light can penetrate a pure vacuum without the necessity of a medium pervading space if light is particles if lights are particles like a roll of bullets you can visualize that going through empty space and so the idea of space being empty didn't bother you as light is it's a set of particles but others experience began to show as I showed you last time with a twin slit experiment"

(Demonstrated in the video above with Brian Greene.)

they soon began to show that light has a behavior like waves and that creates a problem because how can light how can waves go through, waves need a medium to go through there's no medium how can waves go through that's that was that that was the the time they could only envision compressional waves like sound waves light turns out to be a transverse wave but in any case in parallel with all these controversies there's a Danish astronomer by name Ole Romer who starts to measure the speed of light and he of course discovers that it's it's not infinite it's very finite speed and now even you get to the days of Isaac Newton they believed that ether was some kind of fluid it was more fluid than solid but it was a medium that could support waves that's how they visualize light going through it and

43:42 then comes James Clark Maxwell comes along and this guy changes the world's thinking about a lot of things he developed a set of equations that described how light waves could travel through an ether light waves are composed with oscillating electric and magnetic vectors in XY plane while moving the Z Direction they are transverse waves in effect for a wave to exist at all in the medium it must the medium must possess elasticity which is like a spring-like property or it almost it also has to have inertia so the empty space needs inertia really the velocity of wave in any medium is equal to square root of the stiffness divided by the density of the medium in fact so he develops he found that ether possessed an electric field scaling parameter which is called by the engineers of dielectric permittivity it also has a magnetic field scaling parameter called permeability these are measurable electrical properties of empty space and in fact the ratio of these two the square root of the ratio of these is the square root of the reciprocal of the product of these is the speed of light they're all linked together intimately 

(People will honestly wear that shirt and tell you there cant be a god. Energy, mass and light are all intrinsically connected but there cant be a creator behind it? Its nonsense.)

light slows down in glass and gases and in water because the media other than a vacuum has differing permeability and permittivity this turns out to actually mathematically explain how light can travel in different speeds in different media which is hard to visualize if you look at it strictly as particles

45:10 you also discover that empty space behaves like a transmission line any of you that are radio hams are tried to to an antenna know that the characteristic impedance of space is 377 ohms it has a has measurable characteristics so so ether now is once again viewed as a very real medium after after Maxwell it could be stretched it could be compressed it had resilience compliance and inertia and yet no known physical substance had mass stiffness to mass density ratio anywhere near the nine to the ten to the sixteenth which was required of ether as a medium so it's got characteristics they can measure they can't grasp how it ever got there so it can it possess elasticity but negligible inertia so anyway we finally get as a good cat Naval Academy guy after I talk about

Michelson because in 1873 did this at the Naval Academy Michelson and Morley did an experiment they wanted to measure this either they thought of the earth is moving through this ether we ought to be able to measure it so they used the infirmonitor in attempt to detect the relative motion of the earth through the ether and no motion of the earth throughout to the ether could be detected so then they this is regarded to prove that ether apparently did not exist now the negative result of the Michelson Morley experiment baffled the scientists until 1905 when Albert Einstein's theory of relativity emerged which gave them a way to explain explain this all away and the relative the velocity of light was the same value in all reference planes whatever the velocity might be relative to those other planes so physics then took off in the direction of general relativity special relativity as we all have heard and also quantum mechanics it's as if the physics community is abandened this whole issue of ether because this proved it didn't exist see the whole..."

47:06 "the whole idea of an actual ether was discarded after michelson-morley what's interesting this non-existence of either raises other problems but the michelson-morley experiment not the end of the story most people think it's the end of story it's not there's more coming..."


"...there's a thing called the zero-point energy and if the temperature of a container is lowered to absolute zero there still remains a residual amount of thermal energy that cannot be removed that's called the zero point energy what's astonishing is that zero point energy in empty space is the most astonishing level of energy you can imagine a hundred million suns integrate over 100 million years that's the energy in one cubic centimeter of empty space the vacuum that we call a vacuum is now understood by scientists to be a vast reservoir of seething energy out ofwhich particles are being created and annihilated it's like being at the base of a waterfall of this intense intense energy 

(Thats a graphical representation of the "empty space" 

he was just talking about BTW)

48:16 "that raises a question you may have wondered about this when you're in school why doesn't the electron of an atom which is radiating energy as it spins around the nucleus why doesn't lose energy and eventually spiral and crash into the nucleus the atoms and the electrons are negative that nucleus is positive you think they'd be attracted why doesn't it collapse..."

48:34 it takes energy to maintain an atom where's that energy coming from you think it a spell spiral into the nucleus and then it turns out it picks up the energy from the background zero-point energy and therefore it sustained by it..."

48:48 "now that's interesting that seems to be what the Bible suggests in Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 speaking of Jesus Christ for by him we're all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones dominions principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him he is before all things and by him all things consist the word consist in the Greek is still sustains or holds it together what's holding this universe together is the continuing sustaining role of the Creator in the first place the guy that made the place is still holding it together he was crucified on a cross of wood yet he made the hill in which the stood and he's holding that hill together it wasn't the nails that held in the cross at any time he could have said enough already I'm out of here what held that cross was his love for you and me in Hebrews chapter one verse one book of he the Epistle to the Hebrews reads God who in sundry times and divers manners spake in times fast to me spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word whoops upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of Majesty on high..."


"Laminins are vital to biological activity, influencing cell differentiation, migration, and adhesion."

He holds it all together.

ty honey :-)

that's the phrase I want you to just notice here in the opening of the book of Hebrews upholding all things by the word of his power Wow gives the Word of God a whole nother dimension in our thinking doesn't it? 

(Here is how things work, I don't look for them, they just come to me, I had never heard of Zero point energy and within a day or two of going through this for the first time? I must have ran across it three or four times, THATS how I know somebody is trying to tell me something, and that I should "listen up" so to speak.)

let's talk about stretching the heavens that we talked about fabric of space here's this more than a metaphor in Job 9 it speaks of God who alone stretches out the heavens is that a figure of speech stretching in psalm 104 stretching out heaven like a tent curtain in Isaiah40:22 who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in, really?

(Pagans were the flat earthers BTW 

Isaiah 40:22

He sits enthroned above 

the circle of the earth

and its people are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,

   and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

You honestly think the creator of gravity

(and the eye) 

didn't see its effect on the matter he had created?)

 in Jeremiah 10:12 he has stretched out the heavens the lord who stretches out the heavens

and Zechariah 12:1 are these just figures of speech? If the other is its an astonishing consistent use of phrase

51:26 here in fact there are 17 others now we'll take you through them all you 




Emarald Tablets?






get the flavor of them they're all very similar speaking of stretching out the heavens see we we have this mentality that space is empty we learn from our scientists that it's not only is it is it's got measurable properties that are astonishing space is not an empty vacuum 

it can be torn Isaiah 64 verse 1tells us you can tear space apparently it can be worn out like a garment and Psalm 102 vs 26 that's actually one of the laws of thermodynamics that space can be shaken how do you shake empty space Hebrews 12 Haggai 2 Isaiah 13 all speak of the 
heavens being shaken it can be burnt up Peter warns and this is in the secondletter 3:12 in

52:25 in Revelation it says it'll be split apart like a scroll well now that tells us a great deal if we think about it carefully it can be rolled up like a mantle or a scroll in Hebrews 1 in Isaiah 34 how can heaven the raqia the firmament be rolled up well that tells the great deal 


(Hey cosmologist? 

There is your answer to the

 "flatness problem". 

It simply isn't one, 

it was designed that way. 



"The Flatness Problem"

(Is The Inflationary Universe A Scientific Theory? Not Anymore)

"The flatness problem is a finetuning problem. The universe currently seems to be almost flat, or if it has any spatial curvature, that curvature must be very small. The curvature contribution to the dynamics of the universe however increases in relevance relative to that of matter. This means if the curvature is small today, it must have been even smaller in the past. Inflation serves to make any initial curvature contribution smaller by something like 100 orders of magnitude or so.

This is supposed to be an explanation, but it doesn’t explain anything, for now you can ask, well, why wasn’t the original curvature larger than some other number? The reason that some physicists believe something is being explained here is that numbers close to 1 are pretty according to current beauty-standards, while numbers much smaller than 1 numbers aren’t. The flatness problem, therefore, is an aesthetics problem, and I don’t think it’s an argument any scientist should take seriously."

Sabine Hossenfelder

The first light was the entire electromagnetic spectrum

from which everything else came

 and not the result of 

exponential cosmic expansion.


got that?





Did I mention there is an ancient temple complex 

with the worlds oldest lunisolar calendar 

a few hundred miles from the petrified remains of a boat?



Yeah so naw, Im all in with the light before the stars being the electromagnetic spectrum these days.)

see first of all it's talking what we know about space the zero-point energy is about 10 to the 95th ergs to the cubic centimeter that's an astonishing amount of energy it is permittivity that can be measured it has permeability it can be measured as intrinsic impedance it can be measured and so forth the velocity of light some some scientists believe was 10 to the tenth times as fast at creation as it is today and that's the speed of the gravity waves today they still have that high speed apparently this that's apparently that there's a whole nother frontier I'm sparing you all that right now

53:19 but this can all be rolled up see in order to be rolled up that must mean there is some dimension in which it can be thin you can't roll up unless it's thin in some sense right so we suddenly know there's an additional dimension whatever dimensions it has has an additional one in order to roll it up the space can be bent it says that then there's a direction in which it can be bent toward you see a two-dimensional thing you cant roll up because you've got three dimensions to play with you got an extra dimension how do you roll three dimensional space you need four dimensions to do that me so there's an additional there are additional spatial dimensions that so the scripture tells us

Mr and Mrs Flat run from approximately 54:00 to 1:02 and are better explained watching the video.

53:59 so this leads us now to another discussion that I want to give a little background on that's called hyper dimensionality and to do this I'm going to introduce you to friends of mine but I want you to be compassion because these two people have a very serious disability they only live in two dimensions mister and missus flat and see most of us have been taught in Euclidian geometry that's the geometry of less than three dimensions in ninety in 1854 on June 10th

George Riemann's metric tensors changed the mathematical world he invented the tools by which by with which we can understand dimensions more than three it took over fifty years for this mathematics to be applied Einstein used it to develop his theory of relativity and that it wasn't until 1915 at four-dimensional space-time but then in 1953 Kaluza Klein got went beyond that with light and super gravity in 1963 Yang andMills built the regaining nose field for electromagnetic so by the scientists began to realize that these higher dimensions simplify the mathematics of the universe in 1984 and following the latest was the super strings one-dimensional strings vibrating in ten dimensions and that's the there's variations of this today but the points

(I go 12 dimensions. God is one, Angels are one, We can experience four (height, width, depth and the spacetime to put it all in. Six (Satans number, the number before compeltion, 7) It matches up with fiery stones in Ez 28 and Rev 21,  12 gates, 12 angels, 12 foundations of the city on and on etc.)

55:12 what's interesting about this is that Nachmanides a Jewish scholar in the 12th century over 800 years ago concluded from Genesis chapter one that the universe has ten dimensions only four are knowable six of them are not knowable that's in his commentary in Genesis published in 1263 

(First exposed to him by Dr Gerald Schroeder in a presentation of his I watched and I have talked about him extensively on here and I want his commentaries lol. Hint hint lol :-).

why do I bring this out because we've spent millions of dollars on atomic accelerators in the 20th century to discover guess what the current thing is at ten dimensions four can are directly measurable length width height and time which we all know about that one six of them are diminished so small 

(Genesis 3:24

24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

It never said it was destroyed, or disappeared or went away, just that we don't have access to it any longer and we wont until the restoration of all things.

We are 


Electric and magnetic waves remember.)

"...they're smaller than the wavelength of light less than the curl less than 10 to the minus 33 centimeters and therefore only inferable by indirect means but we've millions of dollars to learn what Nachmanides did by doing his homework in Genesis 1

56:05 so we're suddenly talking about what's called hyper spaces spaces of more than three dimensions there's only two kinds of people that can deal with spaces of two dimensions and that's mathematicians with special training and small children :-).

56:25 okay but there if I was going to try to explain to you higher dimensions it would take a lot of time and technology and a lot of our time that's hard to do because we have an end experience with that you and I but there is something we can we can gain some insights by going the other way let's imagine a universe of less than three a two-dimensional universe and I have two people live in such one Mr. and Mrs. flat and I put them on the screen here

rather than put them on here platform so you see me and these two these two people live in a universe of only two dimensions we've done things with two-dimensional universes we call it plane geometry a plane trigonometry in school universes of two dimensions and it turns out this has a it has some interesting aspects it what mister flat looks at misses flat what does he see he can only see a line right on he might be able to infer a lot about that line as it turns around see when I look at you imagine only in one eye if I look at you

57:20 I see a two-dimensional representation of you we call the photograph by moving around I can integrate and get the three-dimensional effect I'm really dealing in a integration of two-dimensional images you see when getting at he's got the same defect there's something else by the way though if I come along as a three-dimensional person if I have a dimension that one more dimension than he has I can put my finger one millionth of an inch away from him and another finger one millionth of an inch away from her

57:50 I can be more intimate with each of them independent of where they might be in their universe see what an extra dimension gives me I suddenly have a whole different capability and so I my proximity to either one of them is absolutely independent of distance between them 

58:07 so this is starting to give us some insights where three dimensions God has more than three we can begin to understand how we can be intimate with everyone of us around the whole planet Earth

if I stick my finger through their world I'm a three-dimensional being put my finger through the world what do they see a line but they could integrate it realize it's a circle right they only perceive me as I penetrate their particular space right so I can put my finger near Mr. flat and he said go to Mrs. slices guess what I've seen God he's like a circle..."

Revelation 22:13

I am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end. 

"she said that's funny 
I saw him too and there were three circles"

so he goes to the Church of the one circle she goes to the church of the three  :-) to see if a sphere comes tumbling through their world there's nothing there's a there's a point that grows to a circle and then shrinks a sphere has gone through you see for them to figure out what shape it was they'd have to integrate that from time 0 to time whatever Z

59:23 so one of the questions we have to ourselves well how would you try to communicate a 3-dimensional object to Mr. and Mrs. flat they don't any about three dimensions let's assume we've established communication how would we try to communicate to them what a three-dimensional thing looks like how do we go about it it'd be difficult more difficult it seems at first one of the

things you could do is you could do it by a projection you could take a three-dimensional object like say a cube and you could maybe give it create a two-dimensional representation of it and architects do that all the time with plans and so forth

we adopt some technique like that to try to communicate but it quickly becomes obvious that it's not too useful see thesame problem suppose I was going to try to communicate to you what a four-dimensional cube looks like how would I go about that you have no experience with four dimensions how would you four dimensional cube

1:00:14 here's a three dimensional projection of a hypercube there's one on the internet you would play with it you can turn it and stuff it by the way the more you do

that the more you really have no idea what looks there's another way that you can communicate a three-dimensional object to tune which person that's by unraveling it this isn't very useful see so what you could do let's assume you had a three-dimensional object like a box you can unfold it lay it flat and

1:00:40 now you see how you could have a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional box that's called unraveling it right you with me so far it turns out it's possible to take a four dimensional cube and unravel it and that's called a tesseract a four dimensional cube unraveled in three dimensions a hinton cube or tesseract or different names for it this is a this is

1:01:04 one representation of a four dimensional cube in unraveled in three dimensions there's only one place I've ever actually seen it used and it'll surprise you where he's used and that's Salvador Dali's famous painting Corpus Christi the crucifixion of Christ and astonished me to realize that Salvador Dali among other things was a very very informed mathematician he understood what a hinton cube was that true as a unraveled four dimensional cube and he uses it to give a another additional dimension punintended to his to his famous painting I think that's got fun kind of interesting

Corpus Christi the crucifixion of Christ.

(Personal note

Ive been to the Salvador Dali museum in Tampa. I thought that painting was there when we were there but it turns out it wasn't, sure seems like the tour guide mentioned this painting in reference to another one of his works or something along those lines because its just to familiar.

Dali is my favorite artist BTW and Persistence of Memory is my favorite painting of his.

When I was at Western and was studying in the library, when I wanted to take a break I would go to the floor with the art books were and just sit and flip through the pages and check out the paintings.

The Impressionist, Van Gough, Picasso, Dali, Miro and the Surrealist mostly. Back to the piece.)

1:01:43 now let me show you what Paul says in Ephesians chapter 3 features chapter 3 at verse 17 Paul says that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height why and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you might be filled with the fullness of God what breadth length depth and height did Paul know there were four dimensions I doubt it 

1:02:19 Was that, was it in his enthusiasm the Holy Spirit guided him? Very likely is it possible that he said things that went beyond his own knowledge it wouldn't be the first time that in the Bible you find a prophet writing something goes far beyond the significance of which was far beyond anything he might have imagined.


Excerpts from 

Matthew Henry Commentary 

on Joel 2

Verses 28-32

"The effect of this blessing: They shall prophesy; they shall receive new discoveries of divine things, and that not for their own use only, but for the benefit of the church. They shall interpret scripture, and speak of things secret, distant, and future, which by the utmost sagacities of reason, and their natural powers, they could not have any insight into nor foresight of."

"By these extraordinary gifts the Christian church was first founded and set up, and the scriptures were written, and the ministry settled, by which, with the ordinary operations and influences of the Spirit, it was to be afterwards maintained and kept up."


"The two most powerful people to walk this earth since Old Testament times are here on this earth right now and about to join forces."

You might have laughed when I said it,

(Noah building his boat anybody?)

but I bet you sure aint laughing now.

It's time to set some things straight.

There will be only one church

one denomination

one set of doctrines etc when he returns.

Things moving to purity 
do not happen on account of man.

And Catholicism, or orthodoxy, 

or Oriental or Protestantism?


They will be gone.

Wiped away, 

starting over.



Back to Matthew Henrys commentary on Joel 2:

"By these extraordinary gifts 

(Of the Holy Spirit bestowed on individuals)

the Christian church was first founded 

and set up




This fractured mess of a Christian Church we got going on today gonna somehow gonna become his beautiful Bride waiting for him when he comes back?

Thats simply not how things work.

"the Christian church was first founded and set up"

It will be again.

Such a mess as to deserve being wiped out and just start over.

Ever screwed something up so bad there was no choice but to wipe it away and start over from the start?


It is starting right in front of you.

You are witnessing it.

Do you not see it?

Do you not know?

Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I will do a new thing; 

now it shall spring forth; 

shall ye not know it? 

I will even make a way in the wilderness, 

and rivers in the desert.




"They shall prophesy; they shall receive new discoveries of divine things, and that not for their own use only, but for the benefit of the church. They shall interpret scripture, and speak of things secret, distant, and future, which by the utmost sagacities of reason, and their natural powers, they could not have any insight into nor foresight of."

Instead of recognizing the truth right in front of this generation even with science (real science) backing it up, you wanna babble on with no cohesiveness about some frequency or vibration mumbo-jumbo cafeteria style nonsense pick whatever you choose and then drop it when it becomes unfashionable or believe people who wanna talk about alien souls being transported on laser highways, its all a bunch of Satanic fuckin garbage.








So go on, Ignore all of that at your own peril.

See where it gets you.

Did I mention there are

two carrier groups in the middle east?

(One now, they just moved one)

The UK foreign minister talking about

 its a "critical" stage.

Zelensky saying we need our weapons now.

We got no carriers in the Pacific right now?



"The pouring out of the Spirit will be very comfortable to the righteous; 

(Oh it most certianly is!)

but let the unrighteous hear this, and tremble. 

(They are)

There is a great and terrible day of the Lord coming, which shall be ushered in with wonders in heaven and earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke, the turning of the sun into darkness and the moon into blood. 

(Already all happened, 

happening and will continue to happen.)

This is to have its full accomplishment (as the learned Dr. Pocock thinks) in the day of judgment, at the end of time, before which these signs will be performed in the letter of them,"

"The judgments of God upon a sinful world, 

and the frequent destruction of wicked kingdoms 

(That is US! Do not kid yourselves, when we can spend billions on war (Ukraine, numerous others) but neglect the hungry and the needy? Satan has become fully in charge, regardless of political party its a reality show at this point for goodness sakes! This type of thing has become so commonplace as for us to believe its just business as usual, so that we have become so desensitized to it nobody even questions it or preaches out against it anymore.)

" fire and sword, are prefaces to and presages of the judgment of the world in the last day. Those on whom the Spirit is poured out shall foresee and foretel that great and terrible day of the Lord, and expound the wonders in heaven and earth that go before it; 


"for, as to his first coming, so to his second, all the prophets did and do bear witness, Rev. 10:7"

Back to Misslers commentary on Genesis 1 Session 3 .)

1:02:38 I think that's kind of fun I think that's kind of fun The word length there by the way is a term that was used of time"

(Do I really need to verify with Strong's anymore? I looked it up, its true.)

"so there's another dimension" 

(Thats 5 now in that verse alone) 

"of things that I want to talk about as we're sort of trying to I'm trying to really just strip away the cobwebs and strip away the prejudices we bring to this topic the boundaries of reality."

(I have had my boundaries of reality stripped away many times and for a long time. This is all 100% truth/real. God can do anything, its how he designed the universe. Wats your problem with it other than you just cant live like you want? How much good did that do any of ya anyway really? Know a lot of happy people do ya? Doubtful, everybody is on psychoactive meds etc. Being like everybody else will make you just as miserable as they are, if not more so.)

1:02:59 "you know there are two concepts in mathematics that we cannot find in the

physical universe there are two concepts that are all through mathematics we use it all the time but you can't find a physical example one is randomness the whole field of statistics deals in advanced statistics deals with stochastic variables the random variables, variables that have a probabilistic distribution of some kind it turns out there's a whole world of mathematics called stochastic processes in contrast to deterministic most engineers are trained into deterministic equations and so forth but those that are in the behavioral sciences those that are in that are trained in the tools of stochastic processes the whole different world we deal with random variables but the interesting thing is you cannot find a random number


it's a function required on modern computers you have a function to give you a random number and anyway that's done some homework on that knows they're not really random numbers they're what they call pseudo random numbers they work hard to make them almost random you do a whole bunch of them you do tests on them to see if they're truly random you discover that unless they've done a good job they don't pass the tests because"


"they're generated the very fact that they're generated implies are no longer random there may be an algorithm to make it equally likely within some range of any one number being used and there's that you start getting into the you start getting of the details of that it is a whole art form here but 

1:04:24 the point to recognize is they have no way of truly creating a random number and in fact when we first Russell digital when we created the data encryption chip for the National Bureau standards encryption thing one of the applications of that chip was to be used in random number generators because it gave a whole nother level of randomness if you will but anyway

(He was CEO of what became Western Digital remember)

1:04:44 there is a field of mathematics that's just emerged called chaos theory it's the study of the non randomness of the universe and what amuses me about is that's a very early technology and our papers and people have specialized in it kids so called chaos theory but what's fascinating about is they can't find randomness which by the way pulls the rug out from under the evolutionists..."

1:05:09 "well cant they've all happened by chance really there is no such thing as chance not in the in the in the a provable sense and by the way why we know this from the scripture Proverbs 16:33 the lot is cast in the lap but the whole disposing their Evers of the Lord the lot is in the lap of the Lord Einstein said that did you know that he said God does not play dice very famous quote of dr. Einstein you know why? if he did he'd win there are two imputed concepts that are elusive or physical one is randomness there is no such thing we can't find it let's put it that way..."


"and the other is infinity..." 

(Hear that Brian Cox? 

I just can not stand that guy

The only reason he goes around saying 
the universe is infinite is because he knows it isn't.

It had a beginning, 

and it will have an end.

He despises the concept of it having a beginning because he understands

 the philosophical and theological implications of it, 


So Should you!

(understand the philosophical and theological implications of it having a beginning that is.

Everything in the universe has a cause

just not the cause of all the causes?

Go back to school and take Philo 101

Bunch of Satanic jack asses

Your logic isnt flawed!

Its absent.


"...we've all used that term conceptually know what it may mean can you find anything that's infinite only in the abstractions of mathematics not in the physical world let's take the macrocosm the universe in its broadest sense get the most powerful telescopes and the great discovery of the 20th century science is that the universe is not infinite is finite 

(And now people like Brian Cox are understanding that we are catching on to the fact that science proves what Missler just said (effects have causes), something caused the big bang, or inflation too for that matter if that's the route they wanna go, so now they are saying, "No No No it didn't really have a beginning. Everything in the universe has a cause but the universe doesn't? These people are illogical and they do it on purpose to mislead the masses. Satanic much? False teachers get the deepest darkest hell by the way.)

"...that's what the Big Bang is all about among other things the universe is finite it had a beginning and it will have an end that's disturbing from a philosophical point of view from a scientific point of view it had a beginning that's what the Big Bang tries to explain and 

1:06:40 it will have an end because at the end of entropy the end of thermodynamics is it eventually they'll be heat death billions of views maybe whatever so we know that in the macro cosmic sense there is no infinity there's a point, there is a point you can get to where you can't go beyond it's not infinite you can't go forever but the really bizarre discovery is the microcosm let's look through a microscope and

1:07:06 let's look through a microscope it's so powerful it goes even smaller than light we discover that everything is digital everything is made up of quanta 


Laser Highway Alien Soul dude?

(He already regrets he ever said it believe me.)

If everything is already digitized 

by being made up of Quanta?

Then why did the Aliens have to digitize themselves 

to get on the laser highway?

if they are already digital to begin with?

(Yes I understand that's not exactly what he meant but still

the preposterousness of what he said is just unfathomable.





"...let me give you a simple example let's assume I have a line here in front of me so a couple of feet long you would imagine I could cut that in half right and take what's left I can take what's left and cut that in half take what's left and whatever I've got you've always figure I could always cut it in half and take what's left in our imaginations at least we could imagine it gets that I could do that forever

1:07:40 and it's a shock to discover that when I get down to 10 to the minus 33 centimeters if I cut it in half it ceases to have locality there's a point you see because everything length mass energy are all made up of quanta it's like a piano if the difference is like a violin string or piano keyboard on a violin you can make any sound depending on where you put you figure that's why you have to have a good ear to make it from being discordant right? on a piano I have keys I can't go I can't get a half a key you follow me it's digital see piano is actually a digital device you with me

1:08:21 so that's what they discover the universe is digital and that's bizarre and the Planck length is 10 to minus 33 centimeters there's a period of time 10 to the minus 43 seconds when if you're reading about Big Bang 2 series if you always talk about 10 to the minus 43 why do they talk that because that's the shortest piece of time that's possible to have there's no shorter piece of time than that I might call it the twinkling of an eye that's not a blink quickly is another things it's the time it takes light to travel a thickness of your retina so the bizarre conclusion you quickly come to is that you and I are in an imaginary environment a simulated environment it had a beginning and an end"

(theglobalarchitectinstitute (IG)

Simulation Creationism applies this theory to God's Simulation. Just as Kolmogorov Complexity identifies the simplest explanation for a system, it reflects how God's Singularity structures the universe through simple yet powerful laws. “By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3).

The complexity of creation may seem random, but Kolmogorov Complexity reveals a divine order. God’s creation follows a purposeful design, where simple rules manifest into the complexity we observe, echoing God’s wisdom: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1).

Moreover, the concept aligns with the idea that God’s language, the Logos, underpins creation: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Through this lens, we see that the universe’s complexity is not chaotic, but an intricate reflection of God’s singular, divine plan.

(The sooner you can wrap your head around that the better, its 100% true. You don't get to put limits on God, you don't get to say, "Yes I believe he can do anything, just not that." If you do that? You are doing a smaller version of what the practitioners of the faith-based religion of scientism do, "Everything is in play, just not God." Even though they know Quanta don't have locality and they are all connected to a larger whole, then they will turn right around and tell you they don't see evidence of God anywhere? Forest for the trees much? It's physical proof of his existence. Why has this all been revealed to us in the last 100 or so years? Because history is reaching its climax.


i"t has a limit that size and as we look closely at the details we discover it's got a grain it's grainy it's not made up of smooth lines it's made up of digits pixels so to speak and so we are you and I are in a digital simulation that's what the Bible has been saying all along it speaks of the physical universe as a subset of a larger reality we call it the spiritual universe but we use that term people think it's sort of fuzzy and imaginary like a ghost or something no it's the other way around the real universe is what we think of as physical the universe that we experience ourselves is a simulated small subset



(Bishop Mari :-)

Visible light spectrum.

We are quantum light beings

(ty again courtneyhuntmd)

clouds of electric and magnetic fields,

99.9999999999999% of us anyway,


(James 4:14

your life is but a vapor/mist/cloud

Life force goes away.

The energy doesnt.)

(here before referred to as empty space)

 walking around in something 

we can only experience 4% of.

That lil sliver extrapolated into the color underneath?
 Is all we get to experience. 
Thats an over simplification but basically that's it.)


"now the risk of getting a lot of criticism from people I'm going to suggest that if you're in the mood for entertainment you rent a movie called the 13th floor it's just a piece of entertainment but it will shatter you in terms of its storyline because it talks of the whole plotline talks about the scientists that have created a virtual world they chose LA 1937 that they do a very cleverly but there's a murder mystery and the secret to the murder mystery is in that simulated world but there is a number of plot twists and stuff that are not only fun entertainment but if you follow that through it will totally alter your concept of reality and I'm not talking about matrix that sort of science fiction this is a different kind of thing but I encourage you if you if you're into that sort of thing and you might enjoy

(Here is a popular internet meme:

1:10:41 our reality that we call reality turns out to be only virtual it's simulated in fact as people try to build a model of what we think we know David Bohm the guy I mentioned before he has a concept where he speaks of the explicate order that's the tangible everyday physical reality and I know he calls the enfolded order there's a larger implicate order which is more primary deeper underlying the real reality and they you say well this is some kind of fringe thinker no this is one of science protegees and he has sympathetic report from some interesting people like Roger Penrose of Oxford he's the creator of the modern theory of black holes he's supported by Bernard Espagnat  Harvey print some buddy French can pronounce it properly you know see Paris he's one of the leading authorities and the foundation of Quantum theory itself and Brian Josephson of the University of Cambridge he was the winner of the 73 Nobel Prize and if you know anything about semiconductors that Josephson Junction is one of his inventions these guys are leading-edge world-class thinkers and they think Boehm is on track here kind of interesting"

1:11:44 "but that's what the Bible's been saying all along I'll call the boundaries of understanding second corinthians 4:18 while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are what eternal beyond the dimensionality of time.

1:12:06 so we have to talk about the Big Bang models you've all heard about Big Bang you understand the Big Bang Theory first there was nothing and then it exploded and if you think that makes sense I got some

(Thats not quite it lol, its 21 years ago remember. Everything that exist was in a condensed hot state is a much more accurate statement. Everything, every atom, everything that eventually came into being in the universe was in that condensed hot state. Then it expanded exponentially. Do you believe in a god that can do anything or not?)

1:12:18 property I'd like to show you see the great the strange develops of the 20th century science is that universe is finite and can be measured..." 

(And now they don't like that so they are trying to convince you that is not the case anymore and it is 100% bullshit and they know it. False Teachers get deepest darkest hell.)

"...secondly that the universe appears to have been expanding although that's becoming suspect for some reasons and apparently the universe originated at a singularity as they call it in four-dimensional space four-dimensional space compressed is zero size that's the concept singularity when you say Big Bang there's not a Big Bang model whose happen to the whole handful of it the steady-state model was the first one but Einstein admitted it was the biggest mistake in his career he went to his death with that in writing then they came the hesitation model was it was refuted in the 60s so I'm going to take you through it it's a it would based you time there's an oscillation model that

expanded and contracted so we accept the entropy laws shred that

(Did ya hear that Roger Penrose?

Maybe you should have sjust tuck to black holes my brother.)

and also doesn't have enough mass and so forth"

1:13:11 t"hey work out these ideas and then subject them to scrutiny and they all fall apart the current version of what's called the inflation model and it's got some problems it requires anti-gravity forces that have never been observed among other things and it it's a it's a anyway

(I'm going to talk about this more later in a separate post but let us now consider:

"This inflation phase was originally proposed by Alan Guth in 1979 because the exponential expansion could dilute exotic relics, such as magnetic monopoles, that were predicted by grand unified theories at the time. This would explain why such relics were not seen. It was quickly realized that such accelerated expansion would resolve the horizon problem and the flatness problem. These problems arise from the notion that to look like it does today, the Universe must have started from very finely tuned, or "special", initial conditions at the Big Bang.

They are inventing problems where there aren't any because they dont simply do not like the fact:

"to look like it does today, 

the Universe must have started from 

very finely tuned, 

or "special", 

initial conditions at the Big Bang."

If the universe didnt have 


initial conditions at the Big Bang?

You would not have the Inflation model

nor would you have the multiverse conjecture.

They are just trying to get around, ""special", 

initial conditions at the Big Bang" that they dont like.

Well tough shit you don't like what you see.

Science is supposed to be based on observation, not weaseling your way around what you don't like. Thats being an ideologue, a preacher of your faith-based belief system, that is not being a scientist and lay people today just don't know, cant tell, or don't care the difference and just accept at face value whatever these instruments of Satan say.)

"...this cosmological constant is tuned to one part in 10^120, a 120 decimal places. Nobody thinks that's accidental. That is not a reasonable idea that something is tuned to 120 decimal places just by accident."

Prof Leonard Susskind 


How in the world is this man an atheist if he knows that?)

So yeah Im 100% all in with:

" take the two and collide them you end up with nothing plus light can you take nothing and add light and get particles isn't that what happened on Sunday before Monday when God said let light be? I think it's not just light and sense of photons it may be :-) photons it may be all electromagnetic frequencies were created out of which all this comes."

(It most certainly is:

"all electromagnetic frequencies were created 

out of which all this comes"

We had a five $ bill show up out of the blue.

Ive had this happen before mind you.

Couple of times.

Whats that mean?

We are "on the money".

I guarantee it.)


"it's a that's what they are let me stand back now we've talked about a lot of stuff let's stand back and talk about how do you analyze risk and it turns out that in actuality something can be true or false that's pretty straightforward right and you might conduct some kind of experiment or investigation from which you come to a conclusion your can conclusion can be that it's either true or false so what a mathematician call in game theory call the straight states of nature or true or false and your data is saying it's either true or false the question is obviously if things are true and your investigation says they're true

that's great you found out truth and right if on the other hand things are false and you investigate and find out they're false you're okay so in though in those two conditions are great because you found out what is actually in this case here is a problem what happens if something is true and you conclude it's false that's called rejecting a true hypothesis that's what Pearson and statistics would call it's a classic and label is a type 1 error rejecting a true hypothesis the other the flipside is also possible you might accept a false hypothesis something that's not true that you think is true that's a type 1 or type 2 error type 1 is accepted rejecting a true hypothesis type 2 error is accepting a false hypothesis you get the picture so far now in most cases in life you can evaluate the risks associated with either error obvious there's no risk if you're correct what's your risk if you're wrong you with me one way you can be wrong is you can reject a true hypothesis that could be disaster on the topics we're talking about 

(Will be)

on the other hand you might accept a false hypothesis you've lost nothing you see the difference one's a huge loss one is in fact the guy that first proposed this is Pascal let's buy Thea

1:15:25 it's known as Pascal's wager the key phrase of it is he says let us assess two cases if you win you win everything if you lose you lose nothing okay that's that's what he's going to suggest here but you must wager there's no choice..."

(Billy Graham: "You see, you have got to make a decision!" You didn't get to choose whether or not to be born and if you are living? Then you must make a decision about how to live your life, either there is a God or there isnt but you will reach a point where you have to make that decision. Eternity is at stake, eternal light beings are getting ready to make an exodus home, I pray you make the correct one.)

" are already committed which one will you choose he says let's see since a choice must be made and let us see which offers you the least interest you have two things to lose true and the good and two things to stake your reason in your will your knowledge and your happiness and your nature has two things to avoid error and wretchedness so that's the domain

1:16:09 we're dealing with since you must necessarily choose your reason is no more affronted by choosing one rather than the other that point is cleared up but your happiness let us weigh up the gain and the loss involved in calling heads that God exists let us assess the cases if you win you win everything if you lose you lose nothing do not hesitate then who hater that he does exist that was Pascal's famous wager and so

1:16:43 so one of the questions you might ask why are we going through all this now well because a lot of people to the book of Genesis that's great but there's some other reasons that may I want to just put in front of us here

1:16:54 you need to understand that the coming months and coming years are propelling us to the climax of all history and I'm going to put something up on the screen that I want you to challenge if you accept where I put on the screen you flunked the course

1:17:12 we believe that we are being plunged into a period of time about which the Bible says more than any other period of time in human history including the time that Jesus walked the shores of Galilee or climb the mountains of Judea that's a preposterous statement but I challenge you to challenge that statement you've got to do two things you got to find out what the Bible

1:17:30 really says about these days and you got to find out what's really going on in the world and we're anxious to help you we have a website that attempts to do that chaos org and there's other materials

(Its pretty obvious what is going on in this world right now:

"the coming months and coming years are propelling us to the climax of all history"

Not any sort of cosmic mumbo-jumbo of vibrations and frequencies affecting people negatively or the sun and its cycles or any of that other Alien, Atlantis, Anunnaki, horseshit Satan's social media false prophets try and convince you of. What is affecting people negatively is: "the coming months and coming years are propelling us to the climax of all history" and people can see it in the events that are unfolding in the world and they see a book coming true right in front of them and they just cant or simply dont want to believe it, TOUGH SHIT. Decision time, wats it going to be? An eternity with your creator? Or torment forever because you were to stubborn and hard headed to admit it to yourself?)

1:17:44 but I encourage you to use whatever resources you have to find out what's really going on and find out what the Bible not what Chuck Missler says but is that what the Bible says about these things now let's finish that we talked about a

1:17:51 I won't bring this out again Erev means obscuration or mixture increasing entropy when the encroaching darkness began to deny the ability to certain form shapes and identities they're weak therefore it was it was also used as a term for highlight the time of approaching darkness and a sunset it also marks the duration of impurity when the ceremony unclean person became clean again Leviticus 15 that's the word Erev


therefore it's the beginning of the Hebrew day Boker is the other word means becoming discernible distinguishable visible the perception of order the relief of obscurity decreasing entropy we would put it it's the attendant ability to begin to discern forms shapes and distinct identities breaking forth of light and revealing things therefore of course it's the dawn in the morning now if you build a entropy model of the universe of course in day entropy is maximum trees at the bottom think of the bottom as chaos and the top is order and day and

out of his obscurity or disorder it later became meaning evening but let's use it the disorder Boker means orderly at a certain of them so erev and bokor makes day one okay then again do we have  Erev and Boker for day two

1:19:12 now this incidentally is the only day this Monday is the only day which God doesn't pronounce it good all the other days he did this and that and saw that it was good he doesn't do that on Monday confirmed your worst suspicions about Monday's didnt it  :-) but relax he gives two blessings on Tuesday I'll explain why next time but do see we have Erev Booker it gives us life vegetation but I


have a question for you, photosynthesis before Sun on the fourth day what's going on here there's also the day of double blessing I'll explain that next time we have day four from Erev up to Boker a where we create the planets and the Sun and so forth when was the earth created what day was the earth created remember verse 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and what the earth it's been there all along

1:20:10 oh oh that's weird that's got some interesting implications we'll talk about next time then we get to the day five out of invoke utter we have the fish in the follow and all that and then of course day six we have Mr. and Mrs. man the animals and Mr. and Mrs. man and then of course we have day seven which has no Erev in Boker a or why because there's no creation there's no radec no reduction of entropy on the seventh day it's finished and so I suggest that as a possibility

1:20:34 so we've been in Monday the second day we talked about Big Bang Models, fabric of space, hyperdimensions, quantum physics toughest day to order the toughest day that are in the whole series so relax if this has been a little bit of heavy for you next time we'll talk about the origin of life, thermodynamics and entropy a little more simply in some luck molecular chemistry and then of course we're get in the nebular hypothesis and a lot of other strange stuff you've probably been taught and if if they of course the fallacy of evolution I think we'll put them final nails in that coffin and DNA of course is in the incredible discovery of our recent days and then a lot of surprises on day seven that will be the front end if you will our study of Genesis where  we're not going to go this deeply all the way through relax but we felt this is so foundational that we'd spend the time but for next time though once you answer the question in your mind is there life on other planets we've talked about that next time could life have started on its own that's we're going to see life for the first time in the next session and on which day was the earth created and which day was the Sun created think it through how could you have photosynthesis without the Sun

1:21:53 so with that let's stand for closing word a prayer 

One thing I think we will all carry away from these excursions is obviously not the technology it's just a survey kind of thing but the one thing I'm hoping it will get across is a new AWE of our Creator we obviously see that when we explore the heavens we also see that when we look through a microscope..."

("The more you know about your world in the subatomic and large scale structures of the universe? The more you will become convinced that not only is there a God? But that there has to be one."

I reached that conclusion and was saying that long before this guy was ever brought to my attention.

Now I know why I was.

It wasn't just his bit on the return of the Nephelium or his commentary on the book of Jude or Daniel.

It was to come here and share this kind of stuff with th masses.

Time is right.

people are searching for understanding.

Well here it is.)

"...but we'll see that in more ways than we previously could have imagined as we go through these six days the creator of the universe and his handiwork who not only did all these things he became a man and dwelt among us so that we could behold his glory the glory of the of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth astonishing he made he was crucified on a cross of wood and yet he made the hill on which it stood let's bow our hearts 

father we just are overwhelmed as we behold your handiwork indeed father we see it the tapestries everywhere we look through the telescopes the microscopes and as we look at ourselves we're stunned father had your handiwork on the one hand and yet we're even more than stunned as we realize the extremes that you have gone to to redeem us Oh father we would seek through your Holy Spirit through your word to more fully apprehend what you have done for us and what you want in response help us father to be more responsive to your will in our lives and more fruitful stewards of the opportunities that you place before us increase in each of us a new appetite a new hunger for your word and a new respect for its precision and its depth, guard us from error father help us father to have in our lives accomplished what you would have accomplished from there as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen

How anyone

can know about 

(and thats key, knowing about these things)

the Quantum world?

Know that the information in the DNA molecule

got there by means outside of the laws of nature as we know them?


And see the increase in 

Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena


also existing outside the laws of physics as we know them)

See Biblical prophecy being fulfilled right in front of your eyes?

(Middle east conflict, 

Turkey on the rise 

just to mention two)







Few questions for some people,

cause I know who is going to be reading this.

If we are 99.9999999999999%

Electrical and Magnetic fields of energy?

And the laws of nature say it can not be destroyed?

Only transformed?

Then where does it go when the life force expires 

because those two are not the same thing.

And since were at it?

How did 17 Quantum fields 

decide all at the same time to create life randomly?

You wanna factor out the odds of that one?

You dont even need to factor it out, 

we already know the answer

Such a small likelihood?

 Such as to be considered a miracle.

This one was rougher for me to put together than I thought it was going to be. 

Those two questions came to me during the course of it.



Know what else cant be destroyed?


What is your genetic code exactly?









Now I still got 100 pages of Biblical Demonology 

to get through and 21 more of these lol.


People need to wake up.

Big Time.

Particularly these false teachers.

Were gonna add verse four:

1 Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!

Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!

Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!

2 Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!

Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!

Death in vain forbids him rise, Alleluia!

Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!

3 Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!

Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!

Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia!

Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Alleluia!

4 Christ new church is here today Alleluia!

Freedom train is about to depart.

You might wanna get on board.

Oh, people, get on board! (You better get on board!)

Thank the Lord (Praise Fari)

I gotta catch a train, 'cause there is no other station

Then you going in the same direction


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