Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Always thought...

Always thought those two vehicles would look great side by side...just like the owners :-).
I almost parked the bike by you up on the fifth floor when you were working at Kindred, but I thought that might be pushing things a lil far and might get me in trouble lol.
Actually, there was a day you parked on the third floor, now why would you ever do that Lucy? Oh and it was a really really nice day and I had told you on days like that I ride in to yeah, why would you ever park your car on the third floor...when you know where I park? I just couldn't ever figure that one out...woman please lol, been on to your shenanigans from day one. Anyway, I did park it next to your car one day on the third floor, but I moved it a lil while later as I though you might try and get me in trouble.
I should have took a picture. It looked great those two vehicles together...just like the owners are gonna...

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