Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Told Christian last night I had made some vegetable soup and that he could have some when he got of work if he wanted. He said his mom had made some but that I could come back for a bit if I wanted. The guy literaly works and takes care of a  three year old and a one year old and that's it. I can understand his need for adult company besides his dad. Been there done that kind of thing lol. Anyway, ended up hanging out with him and watched an episode of Boardwalk Empire. Then came home and went to bed. Well, after talking all dirty to someone anyway lol.

Woke up at 6:45, made eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast. Took him to school, came home and just took some time to chill, played around on FB, listened to music etc...

Turns out I had our dentist appointments all screwed up. I had put them on the calendar for Monday, thought they were on Tuesday and it turns out they were actually for tomorrow. Well I can't go tomorrow and I am not making two separate trips to Oboro for each of us so I rescheduled them for the 31st, (my second day off that particular stretch). Hopefully I'll keep it straight this time lol.

Laid down around 11:30, couldn't sleep, had somebody on my mind, just like I always do (you'll never guess who it is lol) finally dozed off and then got up at 2. Went to the bank, went to the post office, went to the dollar store in Lewisport (we should own stock in Axe body wash btw), went to IGA and exchanged propane tanks, came home, hooked up tank, had a half hour to goof off, went and got him from band practice, went to the dollar store in Hawesville (They had Decon, the Dollar Store in Lewisport was out0, we had a mouse problem last year so I am trying to be a lil more proactive this time around, went to the grocery store got stuff for dinner, came home cooked a full baked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and dinner rolls, cleaned up kitchen, organized the Tupperware Cabinet, got the check book caught up, spent some time with him. He was much more chill today btw, thank goodness, yesterday bout drove me nuts, hadn't seen him that bad in a while, he literally did  not want me out of his sight. It's all subconscious, he wants all he can have as he knows things are about to change for us. It's all okay, like I said, much better today, it's understandable, all part of the process.Only thing constant in life is change, get used to it my son. Good life lesson if you ask me.

My life lucy, I get to make the decisions that affect the rest of it. Nobody else. Well, not quite yet anyway. Christian will be home soon, he wants to watch Sons, I probably will even though Ive been dragin' ass all day. Didn't get to talk to mom or Al much this trip home. Sucks.

I love you. I'm serious about painting our bedroom in the manner I have described. I think that would be really really cool. I think about you all the time sweetheart. Even when you're not hearing from me, you are always on my mind.

"Time to be happy and make plans for the future."

Well, lets do it then, what on earth are we waiting for?

Always always always on my mind...

MWA lol...I'll believe it when I feel it, see it and taste it...


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