Monday, August 28, 2017


Joe was really fired up yesterday (yes I went to worship, more on that in a minute).
I liked what he had to say about forgiveness, about how it's for the person doing the forgiving, not the person who has done the wrong, which is so true. I read a long time ago and have tried to take it to heart that, "Forgiveness is the best revenge", which it really is.

Brother Joey (Not Joe) was the only person I ever heard preach that if you've done all you can do for as long as you could have done it, if you've let it be known that you find certain behaviors objectionable and yet people continue them? If you've turned the cheek so many times for so many years? It's perfectly acceptable to just walk away from a bad situation or person. I can't find anywhere in the book where it says otherwise. I have, on the other hand, been able to find multiple verses stating that it's perfectly okay and one should seek, to stay away from mean, angry people.

Yes, so I went to worship :-). Someone told me, "You better be sitting there in the pew in front of me Sunday." So I thought it best I go :-). Glad I did, I always enjoy service at New Chapel :-). To me, It whats worship should be like.

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